Counterattack Strategies

Chapter 46

Chapter 46 – Interstellar Medic (13)

Interstellar military doctor strategy (13)

Three hours later, the door of the emergency room opened again, and Lu Jingqian and Bernice walked out.

The dean walked over quickly and asked, “How is the situation?”

Lu Jingqian took off the mask and said to the dean, “The patient’s condition has all stabilized, and they are out of danger for the time being, but we still need to find out the reason for their sudden critical illness as soon as possible before we can continue to treat them. If it is treated as soon as possible, it may still be life-threatening.”

The dean relaxed, nodded and said, “Now transfer all these patients to the first medical department, and you will be responsible for the treatment. You must find a way to cure them and let them leave the hospital alive.”

“We will do our best.” Lu Jingqian said.

Kraut and Yarlin also breathed a sigh of relief. As long as those soldiers don’t die, at least they won’t have to go to court-martial, and they won’t have to face prison.

Lu Jingqian took a look at Ya’erlin, and then said to the dean, “I need to know the composition and ratio of the medicines used by those soldiers, as well as their entire treatment process, so that I can find out the cause of their sudden critical illness more quickly. cause, and rehabilitate them as soon as possible.”

“It should be so.” The dean turned his head to look at Yarlin and said, “Did you hear that? Give all the research materials and testing process of your drugs to Xi Lai, and he will come to help you solve the crisis. Don’t hesitate to thank them.”

Kraut was almost subconscious, and immediately stood up and objected, “No way, Dean, the research on limb regeneration is a stunt and confidential research, and it is also the result of Yarlin’s painstaking efforts. How can we let them see the detailed information so casually?” ?”

“What is a completed research?!” The dean looked at him and said angrily, “Did the completed research almost kill all the people who did the drug test? There must be a big problem in his research process, so it caused In the current situation, a research with serious problems, what else can you hide?!”

“We can make up for the mistakes. We will find out the problems in the research and treat those soldiers.” Kraut said hastily.

“You cured those soldiers yourself?” The dean looked at him and said, “Do you think that after such a thing happened, can you continue to be the deputy dean? Do you think you can continue this research project?!”

Kraut was stunned, because of this incident, could he not even keep his position as vice president?

“Dean, this incident was all caused by Yarlin, he should take full responsibility, and I can’t be implicated together!” Kraut immediately began to shirk responsibility.

“You don’t need to rush to shirk your responsibility. You can’t shirk the responsibility that should be borne by you!” The dean said, “I gave you a chance last time. It’s impossible for you to write a review this time. Just go back and go back.” Wait for the dismissal notice, and I will clearly list your responsibilities on your dismissal notice.”

“No, Dean!” Kraut begged, “I am willing to take all the responsibilities I should bear, but please don’t dismiss me, I…”

“The only way for you to take responsibility is to leave this hospital!” The dean interrupted him and said, “If you continue to pester me like this, I will let the guards come and take you away. You can go directly to the military area to intercede!”

Kraut immediately fell silent, but his face was quite ugly. He knew that not only the position of the vice president could not be kept, but it was also impossible to continue working in the military hospital. But even so, it is better than being taken to the military area by the escort.

Lu Jingqian and the medical team went to the ward to check the physical conditions of the soldiers and record the life values currently displayed. Yaerlin was ordered by the director to get all the information and test records of medication.

On the way from the office to the ward, Yarlin felt that his steps were unprecedentedly heavy. He knew that because of this incident, it would be difficult for him to turn over again. But he was very unwilling in his heart, and he felt that these research materials were not researched by him himself, and he should not bear all the responsibilities.

Yarlin stood at the door of the ward, tightly holding the computer in his hand, and he hoped that before he entered the ward, the time at this moment could be reversed, so that he would not have to face everything he was about to face.

The dean looked back at Yarlin standing at the door, frowned and said, “What are you still standing there for? Everyone is waiting for your information.”

Ya’erlin strode in with difficulty, stopped in front of the hospital bed, raised his stiff hand, and handed the computer to Lu Jingqian.

Lu Jingqian glanced at him, and after taking over the computer, he began to check the contents of the information in front of everyone.

“Silver Frost Stone Powder 0.5 mg?” Lu Jingqian looked at the information and said, “Are you crazy? If the amount of Silver Frost Stone Powder exceeds 0.1 mg, it will cause muscle corrosion. Don’t you know such basic common sense? Are you really Did you graduate from the medical department of the Imperial Military Academy?”

Ya’erlin’s face was ugly, and he kept his head down, not daring to look at other people’s eyes. After hearing Lu Jingqian’s words, he was angry and confused. This is obviously the information he has researched by himself, and he should be very clear about the content in it. Why is it being used by him to question and humiliate himself now?

In fact, Yarlin had some doubts about some of the content in the data after reading it, but he tested it on white mice according to the content of the data, and he had already succeeded. So he thought that there should be some reason for the dosage of ingredients that seemed a bit strange, so he didn’t further study the content of the information. And there are some places where he doesn’t understand or can’t understand at all, he just does it completely according to the content in the materials.

Lu Jingqian continued to look through the information, and then suddenly stopped after seeing something, looked at Yarlin and said, “Fluorine rubber and chalk alkali should never be mixed together, otherwise it will be highly toxic. It is a compulsory part of the medical department, haven’t you studied it? Is it really you who graduated from the medical department of the Imperial Military Academy?”

Bernice took the computer from Lu Jingqian’s hand, frowned after reading the information, then showed the computer to other military doctors, and discussed it.

Ya’erlin couldn’t bear those questioning eyes and sarcastic words, he suddenly looked up at Lu Jingqian and said, “These are obviously you…”

“It’s all mine?” Lu Jingqian said calmly, but looked at him provocatively in his eyes and said, “You said it.”

Ya’erlin suddenly realized that Lu Jingqian was probably trying to force him to admit that he had stolen the information on purpose. He must know that there was something wrong with the content of the information, and he must have prepared a way to treat those soldiers. So as soon as he admits that he stole the information, he will take more responsibility.

So Ya’erlin didn’t continue what he just said, he gritted his teeth angrily, looked at Lu Jingqian and said, “You did it on purpose!”

“What did I do on purpose, you should make it clear in front of everyone.” Lu Jingqian looked at him with an inexplicable expression and said, “Did I ask you to use these ingredients and ratios like this? I forced you Did you make a mistake on purpose?”

“When I tested on white mice, it was obviously successful.” Yaerlin couldn’t tell the truth, so he could only insist, “Either it was the amount of ingredients I used in the test, or it was the amount of ingredients I used in the human test.” There was an error in the dosage of the drug, but the research process and content should be fine.”

“Please forgive me.” Lu Jingqian said indifferently, “Based on the information I just read, no matter whether you are conducting experiments on rats or humans, anyone with common medical knowledge will know that absolutely Impossible to succeed. Either you have tampered with the white rats and constantly replaced new white rats during the recording process, but in fact you did not use the same white rats for the experiment. Or you are hiding the results of your failure, and the rats that failed the experiment Hidden.”

“I didn’t!” Yaerlin denied loudly, “Don’t slander me with blood. My experiment on white mice was really successful. You should be very clear about it!”

“What do I know?” Lu Jingqian frowned and said, “You keep saying that I am very clear, I am very clear, what do you think I know? You should make it clear.”

Listening to the conversation between the two, the dean’s face became more and more gloomy. He said to the assistant, “Use my privilege card to open his laboratory, and take someone to his laboratory to search for records of the collection and use of white mice.”

“Yes, Dean.” The assistant immediately walked away with a few nurses.

“You really want to be famous and crazy, and you dare to conceal and falsify even this kind of thing.” The dean looked at Yarlin sharply and said.

“I don’t, Dean, I really don’t!” Yaerlin shook his head emotionally in denial.

“If you have, I will definitely find out. You should be mentally prepared for the consequences you have to bear.” The dean said.

A strong sense of fear erupted in Yarlin’s heart. He already had a premonition that he was doomed this time, but he couldn’t just accept his fate like this. If he wanted to save himself, he would definitely find a way.

The dean’s assistant came back soon. He took a box covered with a cloth, walked up to the dean and took the cloth off for the dean to see, “Dean, look at this.”

Inside the transparent box were experimental white mice that were about to rot, and on the label outside the box, the words “Limb Experimental Research White Mouse” were clearly written.

“What else can you say?” The dean looked at Yarlin with anger in his eyes.

“I…” Yarlin looked at the **** white mice and was speechless, because he really had nothing to say and didn’t know how to justify himself.

“The completion of the false research and the failure of the research are two completely different concepts.” The dean looked at him and said, “No matter what you have to say, go to the court and say it.”

The dean turned to the assistant and said, “Let the guards come over and take him away.”

The assistant immediately took out his mobile phone and notified the hospital guards to come over.

Yarlin couldn’t bear and face what he was about to face, his legs went limp, and he slumped to the ground.

Lu Jingqian looked at him and thought, the retribution came so quickly, it’s entirely your fault.

Kraut also thought that Yarlin had reported false results. Although he didn’t understand why Yarlin did this, as soon as he thought that Yarlin had hurt him, he wanted to pounce on Yarlin and strangle him to death.

Yarlin was taken away by the guards, and the charges he will face will probably spend most of his life in prison. Using soldiers’ bodies for fake research tests is a pretty serious crime.

Kraut was not only dismissed, but also fired. The forces behind him chose to abandon him as an abandoned child, and he had no chance to stand up again. And last time he pointed at Lu Jingqian and scolded him, Reynolds hadn’t settled with him yet, so his life would definitely not be easy in the future.

After Yarlin was taken away by the guards, he was locked up and waited for his trial in the court. His parents sold all the family property before hiring a well-known lawyer for him to defend him.

Yarlin knew that the only person who could think of a way to save him was Aubrey, and Aubrey went to other planets for actual combat training to destroy space beasts, and he would not be able to return until half a month at the earliest. After half a month, everything Yarlin will face has become a foregone conclusion. No matter how powerful Aubrey is, it is unlikely that he will be rescued from prison.

Yarlin asked his parents to find a way to contact Aubrey, and then asked Aubrey to find a way to come back early to save him. Although he didn’t know if Aubrey could save him, Aubrey is his current The only hope left. If even Aubrey can’t help him, then he is really completely finished. Not only is his medical career hopeless, but his entire life has been ruined.

Although it was Yarlin who caused the soldiers to almost die, and the information was manipulated by Xi Lai, Lu Jingqian felt that he, as the only insider, should bear part of the responsibility. After all, only those soldiers were completely innocent. people. So after treating those soldiers with all his heart, he made better arrangements for them through Reynolds as compensation for them.

In fact, there are still many unresolved problems in the study of Xi Lai’s limb regeneration. In addition, he tampered with the data when he was recording, which led to such serious consequences.

Research on limb regeneration is not impossible, but as far as current technology is concerned, there are still many ingredients that cannot be extracted. It is not impossible for Lu Jingqian to manufacture more advanced equipment and machines by himself, but that would be too high-profile and high-powered, and it is likely to arouse suspicion from interested people. So he is going to wait for the most appropriate time to complete the real limb regeneration research, but that may be many years later.

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