Counterfeit Hero

Chapter 899 - Change!

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“The battle has begun.”

In the study, there was a long silence. Just a five-word sentence made the reporter feel the breath of the most magnificent and undulating war in the history of mankind decades ago. He seemed to see countless majestic warships, countless heroic soldiers fighting in the airspace beside the green planet.

“I heard that General Tian Xingjian’s tactics adopted in this battle were called by five generations of military scientists, and were they called the” five-shot chase, “right? The reporter asked.

Machia laughed: “At that time, the guy didn’t call his tactics that way. He called his tactics peeling shells and eating Mimi tactics!”

This sloppy appellation made the reporter a little dazed. How to listen, this name also reveals a wretched taste.

“This name is ugly, but it’s really appropriate.” Machia explained with a smile: “From the beginning of that battle, the goal of General Tian was to peel off the outer shell of the Allied Coalition Forces. At the same time, it is inevitable that you will have to take off several layers of skin. “

The reporter laughed. To describe the tactics of the fat man who is well known all over the world, without having to undress and streak, is actually quite elegant.

“The first level of tactics is to use Lelei Capital Star, trapping each other’s fighter clusters and the army, isn’t it?” The reporter asked.

“Yes.” Machia held a pipe in his hand and personally added coffee to the reporter’s cup. “At that time, our military was at an absolute disadvantage. General Tian used the capital star as a bait to make the other party have to use the fighter cluster for Fighting in the atmosphere! You know, although our fleet is not large, but the ground-based air force is still a lot. Since the army and land-based fighters cannot fight in space, the best way is to let the enemy down. In this case, the reverse It is equivalent to our increased strength. “

“This point, Sauber is probably very clear?” The reporter thanked the old man with a smile.

“A generation of super military genius, and also a famous general who has commanded the West Forces for decades. How could he not know this little abacus?” Machia sat back in her chair and said lightly: “It’s just that he was at the time It seems that it does n’t matter if we let us take advantage of it. What ’s important is that we must defend Le Lei Capital. This is what he cares about most. As long as we show up, he will be sure to beat us! “

“Peel off the other party’s fighter cluster, which is considered the first shell. So, what is the second shell of Sito?” The reporter changed the overlapping support legs.

“It’s their outer defense chains arranged along the capital star.” Machia smiled slightly and replied.

The reporter’s eyes fell on a picture behind the old man. He asked curiously: “Is this the battle situation picture of that battle?”

Machia glanced back at the paper hand-painted plan attached to the wooden wall and nodded: “Yes.”

“You drew it yourself? Can I see it?” The reporter stood up with interest.

“Of course.” The old man also stood up and walked to the wall with the reporter, staring up at the four-meter-long and two-meter-wide [Ludrit Defence] posture.

In the picture, the Red Army is the Fiji League and the Blue Army is the West Covenant. Numerous arrows are interlaced.

“It’s spectacular.” The reporter couldn’t help admiring. He pointed at several dotted arrows and asked, “This is the offensive route of our coalition when the battle is launched?”

“Yes.” Machia stared at the picture and nodded.

Sunlight penetrated through the window. It was divided into squares by the mullions and shone on the old man’s face and pictures.

The old man explained to the reporter the fighting situation at that time, his expression and voice, all showing a soldier’s awe of the war and an excitement as if he had returned to the past.

“At that time, the NATO’s defense chain was mainly arranged along the companion star [Blue Moon] star 600,000 kilometers from the capital star. Its main force was located on the left side of the blue moon, the formation expanded to the two wings, and the capital star was half surrounded The situation. This cluster constitutes the middle of the defense chain. In addition, there are more than eighty A-class fleets, here ……… here … ”

The old man’s finger went straight to several points around 800,000 kilometers around the capital star of Lelei: “Here, and here ……… These four points and the surrounding waterway constitute the outer defense chain This is a compound defensive chain. The two wings of the main array and the outer defensive chain overlap each other and depend on each other, and they can be combined into one if necessary. In front of the main array, there is a layer of defensive chain. The whole line of defense looks like It’s like a spiral DNA chain wrapped around the capital star. “

“How can we break through it?” The reporter asked.

“These four points are internally numbered as F theater, U theater, C theater and K theater. And from the outer periphery to its main array, it is divided into three levels. It is divided into the outermost Y layer and the O layer in the central blank area. And the code U specifically referring to its command cluster. “

“Two U?” The reporter widened his eyes and looked at Machia.

Machia also looked at the reporter seriously and nodded.

Then the two laughed in unison. The reporter who had connected all the code names in his mind shook his head and smiled: “It goes without saying that this must be something that General Tian Xingjian does! I can’t think of anyone else who would do such a thing except him.”

Machia gave him a thumbs up approvingly, indicating that his guess was completely correct.

After laughing, Machia said: “These four points are actually the key attack points we determined ourselves. Only by opening these four points can we break the chain of Sauber’s defense.”

The reporter looked at the numbers of the West York Fleet that were densely marked around these four coordinates, and the smile on his face faded away.

He knew that it was a battle that lasted for three days and was extremely tragic!

“At that time, when you knew General Tian’s battle plan, what did you think?” The reporter turned to look at the old man’s side, hesitantly saying, “Uh, I mean …”

“Adventure, unfairness, isn’t it?” The old man turned to look at the reporter and smiled lightly: “No, we haven’t thought about anything else since we knew this combat plan. Don’t say that in the later part of the combat meeting, General Tian The whole plan came out one by one and let us understand how this battle was fought. It was just when he told us that Salgar sent troops to Sujie and sent the fleet to cut off the enemy ’s food road and the actual situation of the capital star, we already decided to follow up He got the vote well! “

“I heard that after the pre-war meeting, General Tian let you go back to your own fleet at that time. Isn’t he worried, you will …” The reporter said with a smile: “Although It ’s impolite to guess like this, but I heard that after returning to the fleet, General Fujii once spoke with Li Fo, is this true? “

“Yes.” Machia nodded. “To be honest, we didn’t know why Marshal Hastings left us in the period, and that guy let us go back to lead our own fleet. However, in After listening to his battle plan, we know that if we miss the normal battle, we may regret it forever! “

“Life, there is no battle to win. Whether it is study, work or even the pursuit of girls, it will not be smooth sailing! So, we have already strengthened our confidence on the way back. However, I did not expect that this time Li Fu sent Of an electronic ship, we got in touch with us through the Feimen Skynet. To be honest, when I first saw Li Fo, Fujii was still very excited. In his mind, Li Fo has always been the most popular in the Feimeng. A qualified successor, whether in terms of his military qualities or prestige, is better than a fat man! “

“However, after the dialogue, Fujii Gang was very disappointed. Two days ago, Li Fo had just ended a tough defensive battle. During that battle, the coalition forces suffered heavy losses. Although the Siyos were not much better, but The arrival of the West Atlantic Army led by William III made the situation in Triflan once again grim. Liver had been sick because of Hastings, and the southeast coalition could not win the battle against Sauber as an excuse to request Fujii Gang Leading the Ryan fleet back to Trifran to join his group, he even asked Fujii to mobilize as many Allied fleets as possible with him! “

Although decades have passed, the reporter still couldn’t help being filled with indignation when he heard these words. He dare not imagine. If Fujii had just listened to Li Fo at that time, what would the world look like now!

“Fujii just refused!” There was a smile on the old man’s face: “He refused very simply. He made Li Fo’s face change!”

The old man said, patting the reporter ’s arm gently, leading him back to the sofa and sitting down, drinking coffee. “We learned later that just as we were fighting, William III also launched an attack on Terry Fran. . Two battles started almost simultaneously! “

“One win and one loss,” the reporter was very familiar with the history of that year, and said with emotion: “But it has determined the different destiny of the Fiji League!”

“Yeah,” said the old man: “Since then, Fujii has completely succumbed to Li Fo. Hanging up the communication, he turned and took the command seat. The goal of my Ryan fleet was point F. Me and Fujii just vowed that we must bite this hard bone anyway. Even if we are the only ones left at the end, we will never back away! “

The blood rushed to the reporter’s head.

The old man’s words fell in the quiet study, and there was a sound of iron horses and galloping gold.



From the screen of the battle hall, countless white lights outside the long west defense line are like white clouds rolling out of the void!

The steel warship that broke out of the clouds is like a hundred thousand **** soldiers!

The battle erupted in an instant!

The Feimeng Fleet and the Siege Fleet, like two packs of wolves with deep hatred, frantically pounced at each other. The warships on both sides are constantly accelerating and accelerating.

In the midst of the wind and electricity, the West Riot Army took the lead in launching a horrible main gun volley.

The huge white light reflected the entire screen, making people unable to open their eyes.

Thousands of white light cannons flew through the void, forming a thick light of death, and plunged into the Philippine fleet. After the white light hit the fiercely marching Filipino warships, the explosion exploded and the smoke disappeared. However, more Fei Meng battleships flew by the white light, by the destroyed friendly ships, and continued to accelerate the charge.

In the spectator hall, the bird was silent.

Everyone was dazzled by the spectacular scene in front of them.

This is war!

War full of blood, fire and light. So spectacular, so tragic, so cruel and beautiful!

Harriman clenched his fists. The palms are full of sweat.

In front of him, the Fei Meng battleship was madly advancing.

Attacking Point F is the eighteen A-class fleets of the Republic of Laine. It was Chakner ’s Twelfth Group Fleet and Lecht ’s Phantom First Group Fleet that attacked U. Attacking point C is the six Feiyan Group fleets led by McKinley, while attacking point K is the other allied fleets led by Rabinsky and Baras.

Harriman certainly didn’t know it was FUCK. He only saw that the five-way fleet, in addition to the central bandit dragging all the way back, the other four roads, like four spears, pierced fiercely into the snake-like defensive chain of the captain of the West Rio.

Finally, the two sides collided together!

Although the void of the universe could not transmit sound, at that moment, all people’s minds sounded a thunder at the same time.

“Oh, God!”

When countless explosions light up from the fleets of both sides; when the endless energy cannons cut through the void and crisscross; when the violent shock wave wrapped around the wreckage of the battleship and the flames expanded, sweeping across the screen, a neutral reporter , Could not help but exclaimed.

God does not exist in this time and space!

On the screen, a cruiser from the Republic of Lane suddenly opened fire.

The large energy main gun light group and six relatively small auxiliary gun light groups accurately hit a Monterey Empire cruiser in the front, smashing the opponent’s energy shield, tearing the battleship’s strong armor and crashing into the hull !

The battleship of the Monterey Empire was beaten in the void and turned half a circle. There was a 180-degree head shake, and the head of the ship rushed. Immediately, the hull broke from the middle section. The violent martyrdom covered the ship’s portholes and extended to both sides. The steel wreckage and the human limbs were like a balloon filled with water. The air was pierced and sprayed towards the universe.

Before waiting for everyone to turn around, another battleship of the Monterey Empire appeared on the flanks of the firing Line battleship. Swing the tail and fire. The movement of the Monterey Empire battleship was extremely rapid.

Although it has accelerated, the Line cruiser has not completely avoided the other party’s attack. Not only was the energy shield hit red, but the top of the bridge was cut off. The huge pressure will throw everything that has lost its **** to the universe. The top of the entire bridge looks like a slow motion when the bullet hits the watermelon!

After reluctantly dragging the remaining body forward for a certain distance, this battleship of the Republic of Lain, finally failed to escape the attack of the dense enemy ships in the combat airspace and was completely destroyed!

On the other side not far away, the formation of a six-ship Fiji alliance battleship and the formation of a five-ship Naval battleship were passing by.

In the moment of wrong body, both sides flicked their tails at the same time and opened fire.

One to one!

After losing one battleship each, the two battleship formations did not stop, but quickly turned back along the outer slewing line and approached each other again.

Fire, explode, catch fire, break!

The two fleets, like two **** bulls, tirelessly attacked each other.

The same scene appears in every segment of the defensive chain.

The Fiji alliance warships entering the fairway and the Naval fleet flying in the fairway strangled together. Both sides are desperately fighting for the attack position, desperately firing, and desperately avoiding the other’s attack.

High-speed roaming strangulation, dazzling people!

“Kill, kill!” The middle-aged reporter from West Rio yelled wildly. Every time he saw a Filipino warship destroyed, he made a scream. The woman reporter and other companions beside him were also in a hustle and bustle, desperately cheering for the fleet.

From the big screen, it seems that the Naval Fleet, which has an absolute number of advantages, is like a big mountain. It is not something that the Fei Meng Fleet, which is desperately charged, can be shaken.

Harriman gritted his teeth. He was not a strategist, and he had never attended a military school. But he knows that this kind of frontal attack by Fei Meng is very unlikely to defeat Siyo! A complete defensive line has been formed in the Western Covenant, which can completely allow the Fiji Allied forces to crash into their defense chains! They will be entangled like a rope, so that the Fiji Allied Forces will eventually consume all power.

However, he also knows that when the Simeons launched an attack on the federal capital of Lere, and when countless Lelei people cried and fled in the artillery fire, the Philippine Fleet launched an attack on the powerful Sauber!

The prestige and power of the enemy did not make them timid.

They are fighting heroically!

Harriman was trembling all over, not knowing whether it was angry because of the harsh voice of the surnamed Silos, or whether it was because of the moth like the moth of the Feimen fleet.

He turned sharply, his red eyes, like an angry bull, threw at the screaming middle-aged reporter, and punched his fist fiercely on his cheek.

The middle-aged man’s cheeks were deformed and sprayed with blood.


Berg, who has long been intolerable, and Ren Shang also pounced at the same time!



“These four points are very well chosen.” Sauber stood with his hand on the podium of the podium, staring at the giant skynet main screen that extended from the first floor hall to the fourth floor, facing the calendar next to him. Sandro said.

At this moment, Sauber did not direct the battle. It was Walter Carnegie who commanded him instead. This defensive star of the Binalt Empire has extremely profound commanding skills and considerable experience. Although the Fiji Allied Forces came very quickly, under his command, the chain of defensive powers remained unmoved. The fleets compete calmly, without chaos!

In addition to Carnegie, at the left end of the line of defense is the famous Griniss empire Eden Cardel. On the right, Bening, a famous Naga general, sits. In the center there is the night army commander Claudius Keynes. The entire line of defense can be said to be as stable as Mount Tai!

“Guess what,” Sauber looked back at Alessandro and asked solemnly, “Who is the current commander of the Allied Coalition Forces?”

Alessandro frowned, thinking frowning.

For a long time, he said: “There is not much unity within the Fiji Alliance. The Ryan and Feiyang people are proud and arrogant, and they have never looked up to the bandits. I think that even if Hastings designates, he is sick After the fall, these reluctant generals who would not go south with him would not obey the mechanics whose qualifications and qualifications were inferior to them. The most likely thing was that McKinley took over. “

“The analysis is reasonable, but McKinley has always been more stable and has insufficient access.” Sauber shook his head. “This is not his style.”

“So, will it be Rabinsky, or Russell?”

Alessandro selected all the Fiji League leaders one by one, and shook his head to rule out Russell: “It should not be Russell. With the arrogance of those Filipino people, Russell is not a famous player. It should be Rabinsky. “

“This kind of tactics does have Rabinsky’s lunatic style,” Sauber said with a smile: “However, I still think that the Fiji Allied forces may be commanded by Tian Xingjian.”

“Oh?” Alessandro asked in surprise: “General, why?”

On the huge screen, several warships are firing at each other. Sauber’s figure standing quietly on the podium seemed extremely small against the screen.

He looked up at the screen, silent for a long time.

Just as Alessandro frowned and his nervousness grew, Sober suddenly turned his head and looked at Alessandro strangely. Haha laughed: “You, you, why don’t you think about it. The bandit squadron dragged behind to do the main battle, and the central flagship rose to the [Hamilton], not Tian Xingjian as the commander, who else?”

Alessandro was stunned for a moment.

In addition to being annoyed at the fact that he saw such obvious clues, even because he had never dreamed that Sauber would actually make such a joke like a child!

Sauber’s hearty laughter echoed in the command hall.

The busy staff looked up, and the man with the **** in their mind stood on the podium, talking and laughing with Major General Alessandro.

As long as you see him, everyone believes that West Covenant will never fail!

“To be honest, Hastings has a good vision.” After Sauber laughed, he turned to the command post, took a coffee from a staff, motioned Alessandro to sit down next to him, and said: “If Tian Xingjian is given ten years, maybe he can really support the Fiji League. Look at his previous record and see that he dare to exchange the entire capital star for our fighter. This ruthless decisive determination is that this person is not simple. ! “

“But …” Sauber took a sip of coffee: “He is still younger after all. I have carefully analyzed every battle he commanded and found that he is gifted and lucky in command, but It did n’t take years of regular military education to lay the foundation. This is his fatal flaw. “

He raised his eyes and looked at the screen: “No matter what means he uses, he can bring the Fiji Allied forces to the present level, which is enough to make Hastings proud of him. Unfortunately, he has too little strength and too many internal worries. Personal military literacy is not enough in this kind of head-on battle. As long as the Fei Meng ca n’t be attacked for a long time, and then encounters several local defeats, this coalition will be scattered like a group of sand, blown by the wind, no trace!

Alessandro listened respectfully.

His eyes were full of awe.

When Sauber’s voice disappeared and the podium was quiet again, he suddenly remembered that the Moore who had come to Sauber by relying on the bandits had not seen the figure for a long time.



“Colonel, this is the information you want, it’s all here.”

Several sweaty three groups of staff stood at Moore’s desk, inserting copies of the electronic folders one by one into the work file slot.

“Well, I know you, go out first.” Moore, who was working hard, raised his head and waved to the staff. Although saying this, but in the round face, a pair of small eyes with flying characters, but full of thoughts.


The staff turned around and walked out of the office in relief. As soon as the automatic door closed, several people looked at each other and complained one after another.

“Shit, my waist is almost exhausted. So many files, why did he find it, can he really see something to invite credit?”

“What can you see? All the battles from the Battle of Double Star Corner to here are played under our eyes. We watch every day, and we can’t see anything, I think, this guy doesn’t care about his job Work, I was stopped when asked by the general, and now come to do evil homework! “

“I think he seems to have found something.”

“Found a fart! He can rise to this position, is he not afraid to infer the tactics of the bandits, and happened to be blindfolded twice? Now Hastings has collapsed, and the bandits can be turned upside down. Come? Look at Skynet, the Fiji Allied forces are already the end of the crossbow. Fighting us head-on, giving them another 10,000 chances is also a loss! “

“That’s true. Banning, Cardel and Keynes, this lineup is considered the first luxury. Plus General Carnegie. Hey, I don’t think this battle needs General Sauber’s own shot!”

“Now that the overall situation has been decided, the Fiji Allied Forces are just the last to do their best. I guess this is to give the Fiji Alliance people an explanation. After a few defeats, they will have to withdraw. Even if the commander does not want to withdraw, there will always be some people in the fleet below. It is inevitable to run the road first. “

“Mull doesn’t understand this? What else does he want to do?”

“No matter what he does. Everyone knows that this guy is no longer useful, but he is still eager to think about it. He looks forward to climbing up. Let him see for himself to see if he can see a flower!”

As the staff spoke, they went down the corridor and disappeared around the corner.

In the silent office, Moore still stared at the screen intently.

On the central screen, all battles from the Battle of Twin Stars to the capital of Lere are played. On the screens on both sides are text messages and data related to the battle.

Moore watched carefully, stopping the screen from time to time, and called up another battle for comparison.

Suddenly, he stopped and stared at the screen with a sigh of relief.

“Impossible! This cannot be directed by one person!” He stood up violently, pacing quickly, mumbling in his mouth.

“I must have been wrong …” He stood in front of the porthole, staring at the starry sky outside the window, and then quickly hurried to the office desk to sit down and check the previous fight again.

The more he looked, the more terrified Moore was.

He found that his judgment was not wrong. Since the Double Star Corner Corridor, all the battles of the Naval Pursuit Force and the Fiat Alliance’s off-forces, as well as a series of battles after the two sides entered the Lele Central Star Zone, were commanded by the same person!

Dozens of games, big and small, every one is!

“Tian Xingjian.” Moore looked at the screen and kept reading the name in his mouth.

He is very familiar with the details of the opponent’s command technique! Except for the mechanic of the Leray Federation, no commander has the same command habits.

He rarely confronts head-to-head, and when the fleet is fighting, he usually uses a large number of sports.

He also doesn’t like to use long range volleys. Instead, the high-speed roaming of the battleship and the coordination between the fleets are used to force the opponent to fail to take a volley, thus narrowing the distance and entering the strangulation battle.

In addition, in several battles in which West Atlantic suffered a loss, the other party sent out bandits. They have a very good grasp of the collision tactics of the bandits and the timing of the battleship split. More importantly, in many of his tactics, a lot of fighters are used!

This is Tian Xingjian’s strategy based on the eschatological-class space carrier-based fighters!

Moore also discovered that at the beginning, the Fiji alliance commander was not proficient when using basic tactics. In the chasing battle, there were several places where he could see signs of making up quickly after his command errors. It seemed as if someone was pointing next to him.

These signs are not obvious. Perhaps the timing is wrong, perhaps the tactics are not suitable, or the specific rules of the tactics are not mastered … All of them are corrected quickly. However, through repeated observations, Moore found strange things in it.

Basic tactics are mistakes that no graduate of a military school will make, let alone a veteran such as McKinley Rabinsky.

Therefore, the commander can only be General Lei Lei, who was born as a mechanic.

In the fleet, only this 27-year-old young man is likely to sit on the command post and make these mistakes. It was quickly corrected by someone else’s instructions.

What shocked Moore was that as time went on, this person’s basic tactical mastery became more and more adept!

In the end, make no mistakes at all!

Not only that, in several local battles in the central star field of Lere, the Fei Meng fleet under his command played quite beautifully, and various tactical actions were just like precision calculations in advance. …….. Like Sauber, or Hastings feels!

Moore suddenly thought of something, and quickly called up the Battle of Double Stars.


Huo Ran got up and directly knocked over the chair behind him!

On the screen in front of him, the battle between Hastings and Sauber is a textbook of basic tactics!

“It turns out that … it turns out that …” Moore murmured in amusement.

He finally understood it!

Why Hastings insisted to go south, bet on his life’s honor, and fight a battle like a double star horn with Sauber. This question vaguely disturbing him finally has an answer!

Hastings’ goal is not to compete with Sauber!

He is taking advantage of the double star angle of the most humane strategist showdown to teach Tian Xingjian!

Thinking of this, Moore couldn’t help but rushed out of the office and ran to the command hall!



“Oh, is there such a thing?” Sauber asked with interest, looking at the breathless Moore in front of him.

In the giant skynet screen directly in front of the podium, the Fei Meng Fleet is like a turbulent wave, time and again, with an atmosphere like the destruction of the earth, fiercely rushing on the shore reef, but in the collision with the hard reef , Crushed again and again.

“Yes, General!” Moore eagerly handed the folder in his hand to Sauber: “This is the analysis and comparison of the battles I just compiled.”

Sauber silenced and smiled slightly, and ended up with Moore’s folder.

He still liked the young staff member.

Moore is gifted. In the military, he has a keen sense of smell. He can open his mind and analyze it carefully. He makes bold assumptions and proves them carefully. Over time, it will become a big weapon.

However, his family background eventually made his structure narrower.

His childhood and work experience, the eyes of others, made his character a bit lonely. He is not good at communicating with people, his mind is not so open, and he has a taste of being proud.

In democracies, the nobles of West Rio are often described as devil-like, or arrogant idiots.

But Sauber, who was born in aristocratic family, knew that for thousands of years, the noble classes in all countries of the West Treaty have been able to control everything, not just relying on money to buy force.

In Sioux, nobles accounted for top scientists, politicians, strategists, artists, and outstanding figures in various industries such as architecture, machinery, and education. In terms of the education of their children, nobles are actually more strict than ordinary people.

Etiquette training is something that the nobles carved into their bones.

Sauber regretted that if Moore was born in a noble family, the pattern might be larger, and his personal temperament would be better. Maybe he will talk more with him, just like Alessandro ………….

Now, he seems too eager. Even the generals beside him had a lot of rhetoric to him.

This is not all the fault of others.

Sauber opened the folder. He is still somewhat interested in these things reported by Moore-can Tian Xingjian rise to such a level in just a few days of fighting?

Of course, only interested in this issue. After the Fiji Allied Forces automatically sent the door, there were no more variables in the Southeastern Battle. No matter how arrogant he is, he will not imagine that Tian Xingjian’s growth will make him lose the battle he is seeing.

The biggest wish to go south, the ideal of thirty years, has been completed in the battle of the double star corner.

After defeating Hastings, Sauber found that he had some subtle changes in his mentality and habits than before. I became a bit lazy. Became uninterested in anything. There is a loneliness and loneliness in my heart. There is a kind of loneliness and tiredness that is not very cold from the height, and there is also a kind of loneliness and fatigue that goes all out to achieve the goal without any joy of victory.

Before the battle with Hastings, he liked to talk to Moore about the bandit army and speculate about the various tactics of this army.

But now, even if the battle is in full swing, he is more willing to talk to Alessandro about irrelevant topics, make a joke, and talk about his collection of famous paintings ……

Sauber was starting the folder and was about to check it. Suddenly, the two intelligence liaison officers rushed to the podium in anxiety. Before the two of them breathed out in front of Sauber to speak, they heard a huge noise from the command hall.

Sauber’s eyes narrowed slightly, and he stood up to look at the hall.

“There was something wrong with General Banning’s right wing!”

“My God, why did all three A-class fleets jump into the encirclement of others? Are they blind?”

“It is the fleet of the Federation of Desik and Naga. They were cut open.”

“How could this be?”

In the hall, the staff members stood up and looked at the left end of the big screen of Skynet. Many people pointed with their fingers and exclaimed in silence.

Sauber stared at the Skynet screen and immediately connected the communication of the current commander, Admiral Carnegie.

“What happened?”

“The right-wing battle commanded by Admiral Banning, in a tactical change, was cut three A-class fleets by the Philippine Allied forces.” Carnegie said: “Banning is too fast.”

“Oh?” Sauber frowned.

Since Banning’s defeat of the Metis galaxy, this famous star from the only democratic country in the West Atlantic Treaty has not received much attention. Carnegie and they had no relationship with him.

However, Sauber knew that Banning was definitely not a lifeless person.

The opponent can cut off three A-class fleets from his defense line through tactical changes and swallow it into the encirclement circle, which requires far more than his command skills and computing power.

Is there such a person in the current Philippine Alliance?

Just as Sauber was going to call up the right-wing theater video to see what was happening, the two intelligence liaison officers had already hurriedly cried out: “General.”

“What’s the matter?” Sauber stared at the podium’s screen, his hands kept on.

“I just received intelligence that Sus and Jeppen empire suddenly encountered a large number of Salgar Federal Fleet attacks. At present, at least thirty Salgar fleets have already entered the North Sea galaxy, and the soldiers are attacking the capital of Jeppen. At the same time, there were seven Leray federal fleets and a Chakna fleet, a Catania fleet, and a Putitik fleet! “

“What?” Alessandro shouted in shock.

Sauber’s eyes squinted at the gap. He stopped and turned to look at the intelligence liaison officer.

“General, in addition, we also received news that the Tap Army has launched a new round of large-scale offensive against the Desik Empire. The situation in Desik is grim. At the same time, our logistics transport ship has also lost contact.”

The news, like thunder, exploded in the ears of Sauber and other three people. Not only did Moore and Alessandro change their complexions, but even Carnegie on the communication channel looked straight.

Only Sauber, the look is unchanged.

For a long time, he waved his hand and said to the two intelligence officers: “I know, let’s go down.”

“Yes!” The intelligence officer turned and left.

Sauber sat down quietly in his chair, looking at Moore calmly, and then looking at the electronic folder in his hand, thoughtfully.



. Ten thousand words, ten thousand words! There is wood! There is wood!

. (To be continued, if you want to know the future, please visit, more chapters, support the author, support genuine reading!)

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