Counterfeit Hero

Chapter 900 - Fleet on the Mars Fairway

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The sunlight that has penetrated into the study has begun to tilt.

The setting sun was blazing, and the study was glowing red.

“We learned afterwards that it was not Sauber who was in charge of the battle of the West Fleet at the beginning, but another famous general of the Binalt Empire, Carnegie known as the all-metal defense.”

The reporter looked at Machia, who was sitting opposite, and asked, “This is also regarded by many militarists as one of the main factors for the defeat of the West Force. In their view, if the battle was started by Sauber , Maybe the battle will lead to another result … “

“There is no war if …” The old man squeezed his pipe in his hand and smiled lightly: “Moreover, the front line of the West Rio was led by Banning, Cardell, and Keynes. With Carnegie sitting down, let’s not deal with that guy in such a super-luxury lineup, even if you have to deal with Marshal Hastings, there is nothing to blame. “

“But they still lost to General Tian Xingjian in the previous battle.” The reporter said, “Don’t Sauber personally shot it later?”

“Has Sauber won?” The old man asked with a smile on his face.

The reporter was stunned, arguing: “But at that time, he even forced General Tian to the point of being exhausted! If he commanded the battle from the beginning, he would have more time, maybe … “

“Then why didn’t he direct the battle from the beginning?” The old man asked leisurely.

“This …” The reporter gaped.

In fact, this issue has been debated by many people for a long time. It was suggested that none of Sauber had a result at that time. No one understood why Sauber gave Carnegie the command of the fleet. He did not command the battle in the first place.

“If you really want to talk about the selection factor, you should actually look at it in reverse.” The old man smiled.

The reporter was puzzled and said: “Look at it the other way round?”

“Yes!” The old man knocked his pipe and nodded. “Everyone only saw Carnegie. They lost in the hands of Tian Xingjian in the tactical command of breaking through the outer defense chain. In fact, they did not make any mistakes. On the contrary, they exerted a higher level of command than they did before, so that this stage became the most tragic and cruelest stage in the entire battle! “

The reporter listened quietly.

He knew that the Fiji League ’s battle to break through the defensive chain of the West Atlantic Treaty lasted a full 48 hours. The fighting was extremely fierce. The two sides fought along the defensive chain constructed by the Sioux. The total battles, large and small, that can be calculated accurately exceed 800 times. The long duration and the high combat density are simply incredible!

Until now, whenever people saw the semi-circular battleship cemetery outside the capital of Lere, they couldn’t help but shake their tongues.

“Carnegie’s defensive level is not weaker than Sauber. This person specializes in one, perseverance and extremely tenacious. Even Sauber himself admits that if he is a spear and Carnegie is a shield, he If you want to break through Carnegie’s defense, you need to pay a considerable price. “The old man said slowly:” So, the Simos at the time let Carnegie they fight this battle, in fact, is a very smart strategy. “

The old man’s thoughts seemed to return from the silent study to the age of war.

“That battle was really bitter! It’s so painful that Fujii and I just didn’t want to recall it right after the war. We are only in the front line commanding the battle, and are responsible for the specific command of the fleet. But the tactical changes in the entire battlefield, but concentrated On the fat man alone. For two days, he had been fighting with Carnegie on the podium, and Sauber, quietly on the side, rejuvenated ……. . “

The reporter couldn’t help but shudder.

Only from the old man’s narration, he could hear the tragic and dangerous war.

Think about it. When a person wants to command a full two days of duration, a total of more than 800 local battles, thousands of tactical changes, and after working hard, there is a person beside him who is rejuvenating and rejuvenating. The feeling of being silent and not busy shooting, just staring at the superstar you are watching, is actually more terrifying than the opponent’s shot at the beginning.

“Sauber did n’t make a mistake, and Carnegie also played super long. However, at that time they did n’t know that Tian Xingjian, who had mastered basic tactics, was no longer the previous Tian Xingjian. His body focused on Russell and The essence of Hastings ’military science has his own tactical imagination ……….”

“And more importantly …” The old man looked at the reporter and smiled slightly: “On computing power, Tian Xingjian, the world is unparalleled!”



Ryan’s flagship [Golden Tank] is a flat-shaped [Sun] class space carrier like a sunfish.

At this moment, surrounded by dozens of battleship regiments, she was releasing space fighters, while advancing along the iron current composed of surging enemy ships, leading the fleet to fight bravely.

A fighter jet fired out of the ejection channel. The rotating turrets all over the mothership pulled out a terrifying light of death around. The six wells on the upper deck of the ship’s head are launched in groups of one hundred missiles at a rate of thirty seconds.

The tail light of a long-range ultra-high-speed missile is like a firefly in the night. The tail smoke from the close-range solid fuel missile, shrouded in cloud-like smoke on the body of the battleship, and each one extended with the missile to the distance, like a thin tentacle before the thin solidified in the void.

As the battleship progressed, the explosion of fireball flashed continuously on both sides.

A dazzling flash lighted up from the porthole on the left side of the bridge command hall. When Fujii stared, he saw that the white light condensing on the bow of a Line battleship on the left suddenly exploded, and the energy light flare straight out, passing the void, and silently sank into the belly of a cruiser.

Everything, just like the slow motion picture, Fujii can even clearly see how the armor of the cruiser of the Rio de Janeiro explodes and sees how its shell melts and deforms in front of the oval light group, cracking a big hole.

As the light mass submerged, the entire battleship was like a snake that had swallowed an elephant, and its abdomen suddenly expanded. The flat deck swelled up sharply, and the entire bridge and metal shell were sharply twisted and deformed. In a flash, the Rio cruiser turned into a huge fireball and countless wreckage flying around in a violent explosion.

There was also a Xiyo fighter plane that had just passed by. It was affected by the shock wave of the explosion because the pilot failed to dodge and was destroyed by volley. It turned into a small red thorn in this fire ball like a red fairy ball!

Fujii just clenched his fists tightly.

In the universe, everything is silent. All beautiful, gorgeous, tragic, crazy scenes can only be captured by eyes!

This is a brutal war, this is also a visual feast!

The tactical computer on the command desk sounded the cue of the flagship command. Looking at the battle order from the [Hamilton] President, Fujii just smiled at the corner of his mouth. The instructions coincided with his ideas!

He raised his head, and on the main screen of Skynet, the three A-class fleets under Banning had been surrounded by his own fleet. Countless Ryan battleships, like a bee colony, are wrapped around the three squadrons of the circumnavigation. In the hall, the battle officer and the staff are staring at themselves, waiting for their final order!

With a single order, the Ryan fleet will bite the first piece of meat from the Sioux!

Looking at the eyes that the officers and soldiers expected, Fujii Shou narrowed his eyes and ordered without hesitation: “Command, the A2801 fleet cuts along the third anti-tangent line of the regiment, and the battleship main array moves forward … .. “

With that, his hand clenching his fists smashed hard, and he roared: “Fight me hard!”

“Yes!” His voice just landed, and there was already a roaring promise in the command hall and in the fleet communication channel!

“166th Fighter Squadron, follow me!”


The fighter pilot roared and drove the fighter to roll and flew towards the three West Fleet fleets surrounded by the bee-like Ryan fleet. The gunners sang rock music to the maximum, and played a high-pitched drumming accompaniment with a round of shells plunging into the enemy ship! The captains even commanded their warships to push up one after another.

The three West Rio fleets, already surrounded by regiments, ushered in their end.

When the A2801 fleet cut directly into the center of the regiment along the third anti-tangent line of the regiment, the three fleets were blocked and cut off. When the malignant muzzle of the battleship’s main battle array emerged from the group of ships traveling at high speed around it, a white light was condensed and aimed at the Naval battleship.

There is no suspense in the ending of the entire squadron of the three Nato fleets!

“Fire! Fire!”

With the roar of the Lions, fierce artillery fire from all directions quickly gathered in the center of the battle group! This horrible white light tears the body of the West York Warship, destroys their energy shields instantly, tears their armor, and sweeps out large holes in their hulls. Make them look like sheep surrounded by a group of machine gunners.

“Beautiful!” A Captain Ryan yelled on the communication channel.

“Banning on Dog Day, there is today!” Another captain danced on the podium!

The Republic of Laine and the Federation of Naga were originally feuds. And Nanning federal star Banning made the officers and soldiers of Ryan hate and hate to eat their flesh! Over the years, they have too many comrades in front of Banning. It can be said that every pore on Banning’s hands is covered with the blood of the Lane people!

In the past, the Ryan army may have repelled or even defeated Banning at one time, but they have never bitten a piece of meat from Banning through today’s tactical changes under the condition of inferior forces!

Seeing the outer West Fleet fleet rushing in desperation, they tried to break into the Filipino formation again and again to rescue their own fleet, but with the exquisite cooperation of their own warships, they failed again and again. Every Ryan officer and soldier laughed.

With the Skynet screen, one after another, the Nato battleships were reduced to ashes in the explosion, and the command hall was also full of joy.

The staff members either gave high-five to each other to celebrate this great victory, or gazed at the Skynet screen vigorously, and carefully realized the subtlety of this tactical cooperation.

The target of the Ryan fleet is point F.

Point F is the center of the waterway connecting No. 1-15 Airport of Lerei. It turned out that at this location, there was a space station for temporary mooring of ships, six floating navigation towers, and a towing vessel workstation of the Leray Fairway Authority.

In times of peace, this is one of the busiest airspaces in Lerei. But now, the space station and navigation tower have all been turned into broken copper and iron suspended in space. And the ships of the towing ship workstation have also been transformed into immigration ships among the Leray immigrants.

On the waterway at this location, SITO deployed more than twenty A-class fleets.

Because of the large number of shipping channels, these fleets are divided into five large groups, each stationed in an airspace. The overall shape looks like an irregular plum.

As far as Banning’s formation is concerned, it can be described as quite rigorous.

It should be known that after the spacecraft of the Rio de Janeiro entered the atmosphere of the Lere capital, the defensive fleet retained only a few fighters. Only ten A-class fleets have a space carrier. Therefore, the control of the surrounding airspace is relatively weak. This plum blossom formation can not only support each other, but also maximize the control area.

As a link in the outer defense chain, Banning’s task is to prevent the Fiji Allied forces from entering the inner circle.

The inner circle refers to the 400,000-kilometer airspace bounded by the [Blue Moon] star.

In this airspace, in addition to the command cluster of the West Atlantic Treaty Organization and the slow-moving giant transport ship full of the Army, more than 80% of the space carrier of the West Atlantic Treaty Force is concentrated near the atmosphere.

These motherships, which provide support for fighters attacking the atmosphere, have little protection because of the battleship main array far away from the fleet. Once they are rushed to the side by the Feimeng warships, they have no power to fight back.

Therefore, Banning’s strategy is to maintain stability. Don’t let the Fiji fleet destroy the landing battle.

In the eyes of all the Cynos including him, this battle is not difficult. The Fiji Allied Forces are nothing more than brave blood and courage. As long as their own defenses are firm, they will naturally rush up and down again and again to break their blood. After several times, the blood of the Fei Meng people will fade, and the body and spirit will be tired.

When the landing battle was successful and the Army launched its operations, the battle was finalized. By that time, defeating and even annihilating the Allied Coalition Southeastern Army was as easy as it was!

It is precisely because of this psychology that the Western Fleet, with its superior military strength, did not panic when it saw the 18 Ryan fleets rushing towards themselves in a trident formation. They calmly responded according to the established deployment. The cluster of five plum-like battleships suddenly moves back and forth, left and right, and firmly blocks the Fei Meng fleet.

Like U, C and K, the engagement speed of both sides is extremely fast.

This is because when the Fiji Allied forces appeared and launched an attack, they adopted a short-range jump followed by a high-speed attack. It is completely different from the approach of the two stars at the speed of the battleship itself, and the approach slowly. In just one or two minutes, the two fleets entered the range and exchanged fire, and quickly strangled together.

In the stage of the battle, Banning used the “serial” defense tactics.

This tactic, including the “Cobra” tactic and the “Claw Turn” tactic, is an advanced compound tactic with extremely strong defense and a certain amount of attack. During the battle, the five plum blossom-like fleets will maintain a high-speed swim.

This kind of walk is not in one direction, but like a horn, in two semicircles. In this way, the main battle array of the fleet can always stay in motion, change the formation at any time, seize the attack angle, and implement artillery suppression.

At the same time, its peripheral destroyer clusters were also guarding the main array while roaming, and found cover for several A-class fleets in the center to find opportunities for raids.

The Ryan Fleet, under the command of the fat man, adopted the simplest and most direct [wolf pack tactics] in the battle stage. Eighteen A-class fleets are like a huge trident, divided into three arrows. The left and right arrows are composed of four fleets to form a pack of wolves. In the middle, eight fleets form the main attack group of wolves.

At the beginning of the battle, the Fiji League encountered a hit attack by the main battleship of the Naval fleet. However, because the Fei Meng fleet is spread apart, the distance is close, the speed is fast, and the loss is not large.

Soon, the two sides met together. Eighteen Ryan A-class fleets, like eighteen hungry wolves, split their heads and rushed towards the Sioux fleet. The Naval Fleet relies on the dense formation and strength advantage to fight against the Ryan Fleet.

As far as tactical conditions are concerned, the two armies are half a catty.

West Yosemite is strong in strength, the battleship main array has great volley power, and occupies the key points of the channel, and the formation is complete and stable. The Feimeng wins at a high speed, with many attack points and flexibility.

The battle was fierce from the start. The Ryan fleet flew up and down again, trying to bite open the Banning fleet, and Banning calmly defended the counterattack and resolved the offensive. The fleets of the two sides come and go, and suddenly the Feimeng fleet is overwhelming, forcing the enemy to recover across the board. Suddenly, the Sioux pushed back through the counterattack, forcing the Feimeng fleet to temporarily avoid the edge.

In the 70th minute, the battle situation changed.

At the time, Fujii was preparing to order the left-wing fleets 191 and 192 to attack the two Desik fleets not far away. However, the instructions that appeared on the tactical computer rejected his plan.

The Fatty ordered the 191 Fleet and the 192 Fleet to immediately steer to the left for 1200 moments, bypassing the Ryan 061 Fleet who was shelling with the opposing fleet. At the same time, the sixteen brigade space fighters that had just completed the supply of the central cluster and were ready to be dispatched again changed their original combat plan and detoured along the outer lines of the central war group.

This instruction made Fujii hesitate. However, out of trust in the fat man, he still faithfully executed the order.

Under his command, the two A-class fleets quickly turned the bow to the left and moved to the left with two spindle formations.

At the same time, the fighter aircraft released by the mother ship did not immediately attack, but first flew backwards to the grand circle, and then divided into two clusters, flying from the left and right along an arc to the specified coordinates of the fat man.

Because of this action, the right wing of the Ryan fleet had already been pushed up, and was forced to retreat because the enemy’s offensive increased.

While everyone was still speculating about the role of this fatal tactical change, they suddenly discovered that the 191 and 192 fleets had just moved, and the four West A-class fleets at the center of the Snake Formation [Snake Head] position again Midway launched a raid.

The last raid was more than twenty minutes ago.

At that time, under the cover of the two-wing fleet, the mid-floor fleet of the Sioux suddenly rushed out along the passage made by the patrol group, directly seizing the central attack position, forcing the Lane fleet that had already overwhelmed the main line of the Sioux to turn to avoid . Not only did he pay the price of nearly twenty warships, but he also stopped the strong offensive that was finally formed.

Now, the old Sioux reappeared, and the four fleets, like the snake head of the cobra, quickly came out.

This time, their huge teeth were aimed at the four fleets on the left!

As soon as he saw this, he didn’t wait for the fat man to give further instructions, and Fujii immediately understood. Under his command, the two fleets, 191 and 192, were suddenly killed from behind the 061 fleet, ignoring the squadron that was shooting at the 061 fleet, and killed diagonally to the left. At the same time, the fighter cluster that has reached the predetermined coordinates also quickly outstriped.

The squadron of the Rio has already mentioned full speed, and the four A-class fleets have formed a huge herringbone in two fronts and two backs.

As the Naval warships rushed out of the evacuation patrol group and passed through the open frontal airspace to the side of the left-wing Ryan fleet, all Ryan officers and soldiers held their breath. They saw, and do not know when, more than 1,000 Ryan space fighters of their own were flying in a formation of five planes, silently passing by the porthole of their warship.

The stars in the distance shone on the hull of the battleship. In the shadow between battleships and battleships, high-speed flying fighters are like a group of vampires from hell.

When the four west fleets were less than 10,000 kilometers away from the left-wing theater, the fighter clusters on the left had swept out of the Ryan fleet in the left theater and entered the rear of these fleets.

The right-wing fighter clusters are ushering in the drove and patrol clusters of the West Coast formation!

This time, not only the officers and soldiers of Ryan understood it, but even the Sijos immediately understood it.

Although the attacking Naval Fleet quickly adopted the strategy of the forward shrinking guard to expand to meet the enemy on both wings, the main group’s patrol group also tried to rush out to cover. However, it was too late for them to understand. Before waiting for the launch of their warship steering thrusters, the Feimeng two-way fighters totaling more than a thousand fighters have roared into their formation. Fire at will.

This piece of air, like the oil on the fire, burned up.

The fighter aircraft rolled and dived in the sky, and the energy cannon of the nose and the missile under the wing were like lightning that was hit by dark clouds. The blasted missile hit the hull with a straight tail light, and turned into a ball of fire, so that people could not open their eyes. A series of ripples on the energy shield of the Naval warships were all fired by fighter aircraft guns!

The timing of the fat man is extremely accurate.

If there were a pair of eyes that could see the tactical computers on both sides at the time, then it could be found that while Banning’s Mid-Road Fleet ordered the assault, the Fatty ordered the Fleets 191 and 192 to move to the left. When the Banning Middle Road Fleet rushed out of the road where the patrol group gave way, the Ryan fighter had already left the mother ship and headed for the intended location.

Accurate calculations have completely restrained the Sioux fleet in a series of tactical changes after the raid. So that during the entire five minutes of being attacked by fighter planes, he was in extreme chaos. In the end, when the 191 and 192 fleets crossed to intercept their retreat, only a quarter of the West York warships fled back to the main formation!

This is the first battle of the allied commander Tian Xingjian!

“Pretty!” Fujii just stared at the Skynet screen and said silently in his heart.

He knew that no matter what the end of the battle, the fat man who personally commanded all the off-battle battles and swept the strategic simulation game leaderboards, just to learn the basic tactics that most commanders did not want to look at again, would use his Tactical command, shock the world!

Although the annihilation of the three West Fleet fleets is just the beginning. The following battle may be harder than expected, but it is also more exciting!

Peel off two more shells, perhaps, you can create a miracle!



A large fleet of ships drove along the Mars Freeway.

If a spaceship passes by here, people will find it very strange that every battleship in this fleet is brand new, and apparently it has just been built soon. Moreover, there is no known warship model in any country in the world, all of which are below the level of some heavy destroyers, and the appearance is more like a battleship without a porthole space submarine.

“General, you have arrived at the jumping point of the free galaxy!” The commander in the flagship command hall reported loudly.

Chekov, who had been promoted to major general, stood on the podium, staring at the familiar star field outside the window, and was filled with emotion for a while.

More than a year ago, he was the captain of a destroyer, and was ordered to **** then-Federal Vice President Flavio and Army General Bernadotte through this jump point to Chakner.

During the voyage, he was forced to deviate from the route and live in the free world due to the robbery of one cruiser and two destroyers in the NATO blockade fleet and several pirate armed merchant ships.

In just one year, he has transformed into a major general of the Leray Federation.

A “Berlan Rose” has also become the fleet in front of us-a full of 20 [end of the world] class space carriers fully loaded with space fighters, the most powerful space killer of this era!

These twenty [eschatological] -class space carriers are new ships that only left the dock when the bandits returned to Leray. Previously, he has been loading space fighters in the Chakna Republic and training them.

As the fighting in the Double Star Corner Corridor broke out, the fleet was ordered to go south urgently.

However, due to the need for secrecy, the fleet has been traveling south along the free channel with split warships. Only after arriving at the Blue Stone Star, he entered the main channel.

Originally, the fleet should participate in the defensive battle of the leap point in the central Lelei.

But just before the departure, Chekov suddenly received the order of the fat man, asking him to stay in Bluestone for three days, and led the fleet to enter the Mars Free Channel again through the northern public galaxy, and then follow the original [Bolan The old road traversed by the Rose, bypassed the Lelei Free Galaxy and went to the Lelei Central Galaxy.

No one in the fleet understood why such a big circle was necessary.

To understand this, only Chekov and the two others standing beside him at the moment.

Commander of the First Armored Division of the Bandit Army, Rashid.

The second armored division commander of the bandit army, Stuart.

“Prepare all, turn off the engine, set the jumping coordinates, and count down in five minutes …” Staring at the dark jumping point, Chekov suddenly felt his heart beating.

He looked away.

Beside him, Rashid and Stewart were chatting lightly.

Not far away, Wei Jianshan, Hargrove, Wagstaff and Monson are drinking tea leisurely. Kozmo, infantry, Buzz, Weatherl, Monson, Mountbatten, Longtai and other young mech warriors are playing poker with red ears in a transparent tactical room. . Every face was covered with notes.

Chekov laughed.

“Countdown to ten seconds …” he ordered.

“Ten, nine, eight …”

In the sound of the countdown of the master pilot, he looked at the dark void and thought that, through this darkness, Leray’s bright, bright and peaceful starry sky would be ushered in.




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