Counterfeit Hero

Chapter 901 - Forty eight hours

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The fat man washed his face with cold water, picked up the unsweetened black coffee, frowned and drank a big sip with his eyes closed.

He waited until the bitter liquid burrowed into his throat before he opened his eyes. The tactical computer screen in front of me became clear again because of his spirit.

Seen from the podium, the huge tactical computer light curtain seemed to levitate in mid-air to shrink the universe. The green and white capital star surrounded by clouds and fog quietly solidified on the dark curtain of the universe. Around the small companion star [Blue Moon], a five-centimeter-sized virtual warship cursor, like a small silver light fish, entangled and wandered, dazzling.

The fat man loosened his collar with his hand and lit a cigarette. In the eyes of others, it seems that the warships whose movement trajectories are messy and unpredictable are so orderly in his eyes. Every small change is under control.

Being able to do this, the fat man knows, all this is due to Hastings.

A battle in the double star corner, the command and instruction on the podium [Heidfield], more than 30 basic tactics, hundreds of tactical changes, has been with these days of continuous battles and more than two hundred battles in the “decisive victory” The battle was firmly carved into his mind and blended into it, truly becoming his own thing.

It is hard for ordinary people to understand why Hastings only teaches basic tactics for fat people. Even the fat man himself came to understand the battle after the double star horn and the more than two hundred battles in [December].

Speaking of which, the actual combat since the double star angle is completely different from the general combat in those games in [December Thousand Miles]. In reality, the opposite is the enemy of life and death. Every step is trembling with thin ice, it is absolutely impossible to have any whimsical thoughts. However, in the game, they acted wildly. Not only did the tactical change not follow the rules at all, but many people even fought around.

The two have no connection at first, but the fat man has found a common point in it-the battle between the space fleet has changed thousands of times, but the change is inseparable from its sect, all changes are born out of basic tactics .

Those so-called advanced compound tactics are actually a combination of basic tactics! The reason why they are combined together and become a tactical command is not so mysterious. The emergence of these advanced compound tactics in the original textbooks and classic battles is not because of how inscrutable and powerful this tactic is. But because the commander cannot complete a large number of deduction calculations, he can only fix some of its common changes, which is easy to master and use!

It’s like painting. With pen and ink on white paper, thousands of pictures can be drawn. Mountain rock insects, beautiful heroes, or majestic and magnificent, or gentle and tender, are different. However, without sufficient skills and artistic imagination, holding a brush in hand, and wanting to draw some complicated paintings, the only way to copy the picture is to use the pen in a relatively fixed procedure.

The children sang children’s songs to draw, and the things drawn based on the words in the children’s songs were like this. The same is true of ordinary craftsmen who paint on pottery furniture. When you look at the majestic sculptures and sculptures, in the eyes of many people who really know what to do, these things or beautiful things can’t help but bring an ingenious ingenuity.

From the moment he stepped out of the game cabin, the fat man understood why Hastings only taught himself basic tactics.

The reason is simple-he doesn’t need to learn those advanced compound tactics at all! With his deduction ability, as long as he masters basic tactics, he can change into more beautiful and subtle advanced tactics!

Hastings understands the fat man’s ability better than anyone else.

In the early days of the Great Patriotic War, this guy was scrambling like a mouse among Gacharin troops all over the world. The experience of escaping from birth to death 21 times in a row is, in the eyes of many people, greedy and afraid of death. But few people think about what kind of vision and talent a chess piece needs in order to be able to see the chess board, find a way out of the siege and jump out of the board!

Since then, this guy has become a disciple of Russell, remembering thousands of famous games in his mind. In the battle that led the bandits to struggle, these famous games were used by him for countless times and won many battles!

Such a big picture, such tactical imagination and almost instinctive use of tactics, and unparalleled deductive computing power, are hidden under the fat and fat face of the fat man. Shocked. He knew that, whether it be tactical imagination or deduced computing power, he is not a fat opponent, nor is Sauber!

Once the fat man masters the basic tactics, he will break through the last layer of obstacles, plug in his wings, and fly into the sky!

Therefore, Hastings did not hesitate to teach this lesson personally with a world war. The commanding skills and experience of decades have been concentrated in those hours of battle.

“Lecht, be careful of your left wing, and pay attention to intercepting enemy-drive patrol formations.” The fat man noticed that the battle at point U changed a little, and quickly picked up the communicator.

“Yes.” On the communication screen, Lecht quickly glanced at the left side of the tactical computer, and suddenly found a problem, anxiously said: “The 351 fleet, the left rudder is 400 engraved, seizes the airspace of No. 6, and the enemy frontal fleet must be controlled at The main volley is within range. Be careful of the four West Riot patrol formations on your right, they may want to assault my fleet. Stop them! “

“Understood!” The 351 Fleet Commander replied.

I saw on the screen that the Feiyang 351 fleet quickly left the rudder for 400 ticks, and used firepower to press back a Naval fleet that was close to the edge. At the same time, the outer drive patrol group drew a large arc to the right, and remotely inserted four of them from the back to the West York Drive patrol formation to force them to slow down and return to their own team.

A series of changes suddenly frustrated the positive NATO offensive. The battle returned to the stage of unwavering stalemate.

Putting down the communicator, the fat man looked at the data and intelligence on the tactical computer, and marked the strange deduction symbols on the battle situation map that he could not understand.

The central podium appeared exceptionally quiet against the noise of the command hall. Allied generals at work, from time to time, looked up to the main screen of Skynet.

The frontline situation changes with the fat man’s instructions.

In the F-point theater, after eating three A-class fleets in Banning, the Ryan fleet under the command of the fat man once again cast off the enemy’s entanglement with an exquisite tactical change, and slammed a gap between the two A-class fleets. Immediately, twenty drove formations entered the battleship cluster of the Naval Fleet under the cover of the main array’s fire cover and the fighter jet cluster.

Under the golden light of the stars, the Feimeng tour group is like a large river in the Yangtze River that is rushing into the sea, and a sparkling fan-shaped turbulent burst out of the estuary. The huge umbrella-shaped main array of the main battleship of the West Atlantic battleship was instantly bitten off by a quarter. If it were n’t for Benning ’s quick response, his patrol group would quickly turn around and desperately intercept, and the Allied forces almost washed the opponent ’s main line …

In the K-point theater, the Filipino Fleet, led by Rabinski, had just thwarted an elaborate offensive by the Western Covenant Cardell.

At that time, Cardel, who launched an attack on the Feimeng fleet with [Avalanche Tactics], had formed a semi-arc strangulation zone of nearly 3,000 kilometers in the frontier area. The two sides drove the group and fought in this area, killing them in dim light and darkness.

When Kader saw the fighters mature, and ordered the four A-class fleets that had already been prepared, they suddenly killed the deeper hinterland of the Feimeng fleet along the central axis and the outer circle of rotation of the regiment. The two Fiji alliance battleship main arrays, which attracted all the attention, struck the muzzle suddenly under the command of the fat man.

The gigantic white light of the volley, accurately penetrated into the cracks that drove in the clusters of the West Riot. The West York A-class fleet, which was advancing at high speed along the passage opened by the patrol group, was caught off guard and bumped into one.

For a time, I only saw the hulls of more than a dozen of the West Rio battleships before the outburst twisted and shattered, and the ray of explosion one after another shone on the huge hull, just like erupting volcanic lava. The violent martyrdom sprayed large and small debris and human limbs and broken arms into the void. The battleships in the rear were in a mess during the emergency evasion, and some unscrupulous people even collided with each other.

The chaos spread quickly. Before the Sioux had reacted, the frontal Fei Meng Fleet began to counterattack like a tide …

At the point C battlefield, the two West A-class fleets and the two Fiat A-class fleets were lined up while facing each other.

The Naval Fleet, which dominated the terrain, fired first. The commander is obviously an experienced veteran, and the timing and angle of firing is very old. While destroying four Fiji alliance warships in one shot, the fleet quickly turned around with horns, turning left and right, trying to escape from the firing angle of the Fiji alliance fleet.

On the surface, the entire tactical movement of the Nato fleet is clean and neat, and it has the upper hand.

You know, space combat has always been the first to win. A warship traveling at a high speed of hundreds of kilometers per second will make any attack position only a short period of more than ten seconds.

No matter what order the commander gives, he cannot start after the tactical actions of the enemy or his own are completely completed. Therefore, he must make a judgment in advance, give instructions, strive to launch the salvo first and evade first. Even if it is only a few seconds slower, the bombardment power of the trailing side will be greatly reduced due to chaos and losses.

This time, the first to complete the volley is the Naval Fleet!

It is a pity that the commander of Sioux did not know that the orders issued by his opponent were not aimed at his shelling, but at his evasion. The route after the bombing of the Nato fleet, the evasion tactics, speed, and angles used are all in the calculation of the fat man.

Therefore, the commander of the West Atlantic Treaty did not wait for the anti-artillery bombardment that he expected from the Philippine Fleet.

He was horrified to find that the Fei Meng Fleet did not fire at all, but turned directly, using an X-shaped double-knife cutting tactical change, directly biting the tail of its own fleet that turned separately.

Two minutes later, the Fiji Fleet opened fire.

White light devoured the tail formation of the Nato fleet, and more than twenty Nato battleships were hit hard …………..

This is March 28, 2064. The fifteenth hour of the fighting.

From the left side to the right side of the battlefield, the two sides of the battle are glued together, and the battleships are almost melee.

Frontline artillery was flying, and on the flagship of the Philippine Union President [President Hamilton], in the eyes of all Philippine officers and men, fat people who slept for less than ten hours in more than eighty hours, calmly sat on the podium and directed operations.




A Gacharin [Siren] land-based fighter, rolled in the air, suddenly burst out of the dense clouds, and bite an iron-grey CITO space fighter.

The huge NASA space fighter, despite its high defensive power, is not as flexible as the maneuverability in the atmosphere as it is designed for land-based fighters designed for combat in the atmosphere.

Once bitten by the Gacharin land-based fighter, the Space Force fighters began to shake left and right, constantly using fake moves to try to get rid of this Gacharin land-based fighter.

However, everything is useless.

A moment later, as two missiles hit the fuselage in succession, the spacecraft of the NATO turned into a dazzling fireball among countless little dots lingering and chasing in the sky.

“Brother, good job!” A Leray fighter following the Gazarin’s fuselage accelerated to the Gacharin. The Lere pilot gave a thumb to the enemy a few years ago.

“Thank you.” Gacharin’s pilot’s index finger was held together, and he flicked it one by one in front of his forehead.

He knew that if it weren’t for the Leray fighter plane that had been protecting it obliquely from the rear and forcing the spacecraft in front of it, if he wanted to kill his opponent, it would not be so easy.

“Another one! This is mine!” The beeping alarm of the radar sounded, and the black body of the Lelei fighter suddenly flew, like a short-line kite, flying into a cloud.

Gacharin fighters followed.

Clouds and mist in the sky flew backwards by the side of the warplane hatch.

Suddenly, the two missiles under the wing of the Leray fighter jet blasted out one after the other. Immediately, the fighter suddenly accelerated, rushing through the clouds like a falcon, rushing down to a missile that had just been discovered and was preparing to take evasive action Space fighter of the Rio.

“Brother, I heard that you have carried our admiral before?” Lere pilot asked in the communication channel while biting the fighter jet.

Gacharin pilot smiled and said: “Yes, a few years ago, in Mozic.”

“The time when it was airdropped to the wrong rear?” Lere pilot had locked the squadron’s fighter jets. The bead-like energy cannon chased the tail of the squadron’s tumbling and slamming.

“Yes!” Gacharin’s pilot followed the attack.

His eyes turned to the distance. Above the sky clouds, countless fighter jets with meteor flames formed a magnificent group of waterfalls, which fell overwhelmingly. The scene is spectacular and palpitating. On the ground, a Fiji alliance fighter took off from the airport, swayed from low altitude, and greeted the enemy heroically.

Between the sky and the land, thousands of fighters chase the struggle. At a glance, the whole sky is like an island where seabirds live, and thousands of seabirds cover the sun. Almost every second, the destroyed fighter plane exploded into a fireball flying in the air, or fell straight to the ground, turning into a mushroom cloud in the mountains and mountains of the vast earth or the tall buildings in the city.

The fighting has reached its extreme.

In order to open the landing channel, the Naval Fleet launched attacks simultaneously in seven regions of the planet.

On several occasions, the NATO warplane cluster relied on its superiority and the space carrier can move freely, almost opening the landing channel. However, every time, Le Lei pilots greeted each other with fate, fighting heroically. Even if there are only one or two squadrons, they will not fight back. Until dragged to more fighters to launch support.

This is a kingdom of heroes, and we will never be conquered! Looking back at the fiery text that Lere Land-based Air Force Base ran up to, and looking at the Lere fighter in front of him, Gacharin pilot felt only blood boiling.

“Boom!” The West Rio space fighter turned into a ball of fire. The Lelei fighter that had been biting it tightly pulled the nose, like an always proud eagle, skimming through the wreckage of debris and rushing towards the sky.

“Brother, you are really lucky.” Le Lei pilot laughed: “General Tian is my idol.”

“Idol? If you take the guy once in person, you will know.” Pilot Gacharin muttered in his heart, pulled the nose, and followed.

“Do you say we will win?”

“I don’t know. I only know that we will never lose until I die!”

This was the thirty-third hour of the fighting on March 29, 2016.

The streamlined fuselages of the two fighters shone under the blue sky and white clouds.

Ahead, at least three West Atlantic space fighters have already arrived.

“Come on, grandson!”

Ears, the roar of the pilot Le Lei came.



“Open the fire!” Loxani grabbed the armrest of the conductor’s seat, trying to stabilize her body under the violent shaking.

The harsh alarm sound of the warship being hit, the moaning of the wounded officers and soldiers, the hurried footsteps of the medical staff and the damage management team, and the roar of the battle officer flooded the entire warship.

The bruised battleship, after a sudden shock, the main gun of the bow suddenly fired. White light skimmed through the void and plunged fiercely into the bridge of a battleship.

“Hit!” A crazy cheer sounded in the command hall on the communication channel. Despite being exhausted in the continuous battle, the officers and soldiers were still waving their fists fiercely and cheering.

“The ninth ship! Hahahaha!”

“Our Feiyang army is not vegetarian! Let the gang of gangsters take a good look at the war, the old men are not worse than them!”

“Look at it. It’s the mothership of the coastline of the Monterey Empire. We were caught.”

“Don’t be stunned, the main gun is ready. Quickly!”

The roars of officers and soldiers, mixed in the sirens of the warship, echoed in the ears of Loksani.

She looked up at the tactical computer screen.

Formed in a semicircle around the defensive chain of the West Star above the capital star, the Feimeng fleet is still fighting desperately.

At point F, the Ryan army with only twelve A-class fleets has been completely strangled into the cluster of the Banning fleet. The battleships on both sides fired almost against the porthole. Many warships chose to drive the ship and hit the enemy at the last minute.

At point U, Chakner’s Twelfth Group Fleet and Lecht’s Phantom First Group Fleet have forced the enemy back more than 150,000 kilometers. Every battleship is already scarred.

In the airspace of point C where he is, there are wreckage of battleships everywhere. There are Western Covenants, there are Feiyang.

Forty Feiyang fleets, there are less than twenty-five now. More than a thousand warships, together with their owners, their fellow comrades-in-arms, stay in the vast sky forever.

At K, Rabinsky and Balas never stopped their offensive from start to finish. The airspace they have engaged in has deviated from the original battlefield by more than 80,000 kilometers.

At this moment, it was early morning on March 30, 2064. Forty-six hours of fighting broke out.



One minute and one second passed, and the battle that broke out in the airspace of the capital of Lelei Central Star Region continued in a tragic and silent atmosphere.

The course of the battle exceeded many people’s expectations.

Neither the soldiers on the front line fighting **** battles, the fleet commander, or even the observers next to him had expected that, in the face of the Sauber fleet, the Filipino Southeastern Coalition Fleet, with its weak forces, did not fall in the slightest. On the contrary, in many local battles, they also used subtle tactics to defeat the enemy many times.

What’s even more shocking is that the atmospheric battle, which originally seemed to many people to end in a few hours, lasted more than thirty hours. Waves of waves of NIO fighters burst into the atmosphere and returned without success.

According to the pilots of the West Atlantic Treaty, it seems that the Leray Federation has concentrated all the land-based fighters that can be concentrated on the Lele Capital Star. Not only are those ground-based pilots dead, but armored forces on the ground are frantically launching missiles into the sky.

The entire capital star is like a hedgehog with sharp spikes all over it.

In the confinement room of the parliamentary spaceship, quietly. Harriman, Berg and Ren Shang sat on the floor and looked at each other silently. As a result of the beating of the West Rio reporters, they were warned by the captain of the spacecraft and plugged into this confinement room for tightly closing the disciplinary crew.

The room was empty. No chairs, no beds, no windows. With the exception of one door, the three accompanying people have only white electronic lights on the ceiling above.

Harriman sat in the corner, leaning his back against the wall. Berg lowered his head, not knowing what to think in the corner. Ren Shang stared at the ceiling, his eyes narrowed.

“How long is it?” Harriman asked.

“Twenty minutes.” Ren Shang replied.

They had been confiscated all their belongings, they didn’t even know the time. Ren Shang started counting time as soon as he entered the confinement room. For them, every minute and every second is a difficult torture.

However, no one regrets it.

In Berg ’s words, if time goes back, he will beat the gang of journalists again without hesitation.

“You said, what’s going on outside now?” Harriman and Berg both got some energy when they heard that there were still twenty minutes to close. Berg looked up and asked, “Will we lose?”

Harriman and Ren Shang looked at each other and shook their heads bitterly.

They did not know whether this battle, which was almost doomed to failure, had already settled when they walked out of the confinement room. I do n’t know how many of those brave Filipino officers and soldiers will be sacrificed under this starry sky.

In silence, I don’t know how long it took before the door opened.

The three who jumped up from the ground were surprised to find that the captain opened the door.

“How is it?” Harriman stared closely at the captain. Although it was the middle-aged man in his forties who ordered himself and others to be confined, Harriman knew that this was a sympathetic neutral. Confining yourself to confinement is just a matter of public affairs. In this neutral ship, he must be responsible for every passenger, and cannot be partial to himself.

The burly captain stood quietly at the door, his eyes flicking from the faces of the three men, his eyes complex.

“I have to admit,” the captain said in a low voice: “Phimeng played very tenaciously.”

Tenacious ………. Hearing this word, all three people sink.

“The battle in the atmosphere of Lelei Capital Star lasted for more than forty hours. Now, the Naval transport ship has entered the atmosphere.” The captain’s eyebrows were tightly screwed together. The army will choose to retreat, but they did not expect that their offensive was more violent than before. I am afraid they did not plan to leave here alive … “

The captain’s words were like a thorn, stabbed in the hearts of Harriman and others.

“At least they haven’t lost!” Harriman hissed.

The captain looked at Harriman, nodded, and reached out and patted him on the shoulder.

“They played beautifully. From beginning to end, I didn’t see any advantage of the Sioux to occupy them. Not only that, the outer defense chain of Sioux was also ripped by them. This is probably before the war. No one thought of it. “The captain said sincerely,” I admire your commander of the Fiji League. I also admire each of your soldiers. Such a hard battle can fight to this point, even if it is finally lost. You can be proud of them in this war. “

“Also, tell you a message,” the captain said, and smiled slightly. “When I came over, Sauber’s flagship sent a clear signal to the Philippine fleet. Sauber was going to talk to the Philippine commander. Talk. It ’s a public code, and we can also receive it. ”He opened his body sideways and let the door open.“ Hurry up and watch the war room. ”

Sauber wants to talk to the Filipino Commander?

Hearing this shocking news, Harriman and the three of them could stand. Before the captain’s words landed, they rushed out of the confinement room and flew their legs to the battle hall.

Only one question remained in my mind.

“Sauber, what does he want to say ?!”



. Mother’s 60th birthday was delayed for two days. The final battle is about to erupt. Try your best to write it.


. (To be continued, if you want to know the future, please visit, more chapters, support the author, support genuine reading!)

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