Counterfeit Hero

Chapter 902 - meet

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In the flagship command hall of the West Atlantic Treaty, the atmosphere was dignified and depressed.

The busy West Covenant staff stopped and stared intently at the heroic figure on the podium.

Recalling the battles over the past 40-odd hours, it is difficult for everyone to describe their frustration and shock in words.

When the fighter clusters moved around the capital star and Yaowuyang tried to lead the Feimeng fleet, no one would think that this battle turned out to be what it is now.

Up to this moment, everyone still thought of dreaming. From time to time, he stretched his hands to pinch his thighs, pained his teeth and grinned. He could n’t believe that the West York Fleet, which had the advantage of military strength, actually led Carnegie. Banning, Keynes and Cardel sat all the way. The other party got a little benefit, but was pressed on the defense chain and beaten up!

Various rumors have long been circulating in the fleet.

Aside from some nonsense, there is a rumor that is most recognized by everyone.

Everyone heard that the reason why Fei Meng was defeated in the Double Star Corner Corridor was not that Hastings was not an opponent of General Sauber, but because the sly Hastings wanted to lure the enemy deeper.

Not to mention that the Feimeng fleet lost a lot of battleships during the retreat of the Twin Stars, fled all the way, and even lost the natural danger of the leap point of the central Lelei. But in fact, everything is under the old man’s control!

Now, no doubt, it must have been Hastings!

Through hundreds of large and small battles on the defense chain for more than forty hours, even fools can see that when it comes to calculations and playing tactical changes, Carnegie is simply not an opponent of the opposing commander.

No matter what tactics Carnegie uses, the opponent’s commander is always faster than them.

At the beginning, everyone thought it was too slow for the staff to provide analysis and plan suggestions. But later everyone discovered that it was not the same thing at all!

Many battles that are eaten by others are initiated by one’s own side. But as soon as he played, he couldn’t keep up with the rhythm. After calculating the combat plan, several tactics changed and became waste paper. The fleet was slapped by the opponent holding his nose and pumping his ass.

It’s as if two people are playing chess, and they haven’t thought about how to go next.

It’s okay if you really play chess. After all, no matter how powerful the opponent is, only one child at a time. Even if he counted a hundred steps away, he had to follow the rules.

However, this is war. There is no one-man game rule. When several colors here racked their brains to come up with an idea to think about the maturity and calculation, people already had a whole set of boxing to flesh combo.

After hitting the back, everyone obviously found that several famous generals such as Banning had no confidence at all. The conductor hesitated and shrank. Not to mention the courage to dare to engage in battles with equal conditions, even if one’s own side has the advantage, it is also a look of being cautious but not seeking meritorious achievements. There is no such thing as a famous general.

Banning, maybe everyone can be said to have been frightened by the bandit army in the Mertis galaxy, and was once bitten by a snake for ten years and was afraid of the well rope. excusable. But even Carnegie, Cardel, and Keynes, who led the elite night army of the Binalt Empire, did so.

Can Carnegie make them such a character, who else in this world besides Hastings?

It is rumored that it quickly spread among the Nato fleet as soon as it appeared.

There were still few people who believed at the beginning.

But as the battle progressed, this rumor became more and more convincing. Spread more and more. When the rumors of the Salgar fleet’s invasion of Jeppen and Sousse inevitably spread, no one had any doubts about Hastings’ deep guesses.

For a time, the entire fleet of the West Atlantic Fleet was panicked.

Everyone understood that by this time, Sauber would not be able to do anything.



Sauber stands up.

The command hall was silent, and the communication screen in front of him was still dark.

He frowned slightly, waiting quietly. Waiting for the Filipino Commander who fought a beautiful battle, appeared in front of him.

Unlike the officers and men below, Sauber never believed that this battle was commanded by Hastings.

No one knows Hastings’ command style better than him. Although this person has the shadow of Hastings in the details of many tactical changes, he can completely tell that they are not the same person.

Compared to Hastings, this man’s commanding style is a bit less old-fashioned, but it’s a little bit more empty; it’s a little less heavy, but it’s a bit more evil.

And more importantly, this person has powerful computing power that even Hastings does not have!

“Is it really you?” Sauber’s eyes narrowed slightly when he thought of Moore’s previous report.

If Moore’s judgment is correct, then Sauber must admit that, despite repeatedly raising the threat level of the fat man, in the end, he still underestimated him.

Unconsciously, the fat man who entered into his realization with artificial intelligence has grown into a commander who is fully qualified to deal with himself!

Recalling the battles over the past forty hours, Sauber felt mixed. Although he did not shoot, every change on the battlefield did not escape his eyes. The commanding ability displayed by his opponent made him stand up from the command board several times in shock, and his heart beats around the room!

Carnegie made no mistake.

The reason for this situation is all due to the ability of the opposing commander!

At this time, Sauber was alert, and after the battle of the double star horns, he seemed to relax too much.

Opponents divided their troops to cut off the logistical channel and attacked Desik, and even Salgar sent troops to the two countries of Sujie, step by step. The self, who had always been vigilant, but after defeating Hastings, swept the army straight into the central area of ​​Lelei.

I thought that by winning Le Lei Capital Star, victory would be at your fingertips!

Thinking of this, Sauber couldn’t help but wry a wry smile.

I don’t know why, while waiting for the unseen Filipino commander, he suddenly remembered Hastings. If the opponent is Hastings, if this is before the Battle of the Double Star Corner Corridor, he will not relax his vigilance. It will certainly not give opponents such opportunities.

However, Hastings lost.

After his failure, another person, step by step, now has no suspense endgame, seems to have the possibility of turning over!

Judging from the skynet situation map, the current defensive chain of the outer periphery of the West Atlantic Treaty Organization has already existed in name only. Although Banning, Kader and Keynes are still in front of the four attack arrows of the Fiji Allied forces, the battle situation is more entangled with each other than the West Atlantic interception. The four battleship clusters of the Fiji League could not rush into the inner circle, and the defensive fleet of the West Atlantic Treaty could not escape. Thus………..

Sauber raised his head and looked at the telescope on the main screen of Central Skynet.

Through the line of defense that was ripped open, he saw that the bandit fleet, which had always been in the rear, had been slowly pressed.

This is the commander of Sito, the last chance to be desperate?

He turned his head.

The little girl in a white dress and red leather boots stood beside her.

She looked up at the Skynet screen. A pair of big crystal-clear and charming eyes with long eyelashes raised high. Under the cute little Yao nose, her delicate pink lips squeezed tightly. It seems, with a little stubbornness.

“You said, will he accept the conversation?” Sauber asked.

The little girl thought, and didn’t speak.

It took a long time for her to frown slightly, and nodded somewhat uncertainly.

Sauber smiled slightly, “Perhaps, he will also appear.”

In Sauber’s mouth, he naturally refers to the mysterious artificial intelligence beside the fat man. Until now, the West Atlantic Intelligence Service has not figured out how that artificial intelligence appeared beside the fat man.

The little girl remained expressionless.

“It’s nervous, isn’t it?” Sauber looked at the little girl’s eyes with interest: “If I’m not wrong, he has a close relationship with you. Maybe you are from the same place.”

This sentence is like a thunder.

The little girl looked at Sauber, her clear eyes gradually becoming more serious.

Looking at the changes in the little girl’s eyes, Sauber knew that a hard shell had appeared a crack with his own guess.

He waved his hand. Moore and Alessandro, standing next to them, retreated far away.

“Now, only two of us are left here,” Sauber said slowly. “More than two decades ago, your presence made the Binalt Empire even more powerful. It was able to benefit from national power in just two decades. You are indispensable for catching up with the Republic of Feiyang! “

“However, I still don’t like dealing with someone who has a secret! Especially the secret with purpose.” Sauber looked at the little girl: “Over the years, I have traced all the clues about you. Although it has not yet been formed , But the information in hand is enough for me to make some simple judgments. “

The little girl was silent and looked quietly at Sauber.

For a long time, her crisp voice, like a wind chime in winter and snow, sounded lightly: “Is it?”

“Being stared at by an artificial intelligence is sometimes a very painful thing.” Sauber smiled with a smile: “No matter what you do, what you investigate, you must pass the most primitive means to convey information.”

The little girl was silent again.

“There is a place that you should be familiar with.” Sauber said leisurely.

The little girl looked at her toes, and after a long time, she finally looked up and asked, “Where?”

Sauber looked at the little girl’s eyes and slowly said, “Earth!”

As soon as these two words were exported, the atmosphere suddenly became depressed.

Even Moore and Alessandro, who did not hear any dialogue, felt a time-frozen silence, and were a little surprised.

“No matter what you know, that will be the future,” the expression on the little girl’s face seemed to become calm and relaxed when she heard the word earth. She lifted her face, revealing a smiley face that Sauber had never seen. “I think, now you need me to help control the other party’s electronic system?”

Sauber frowned slightly.

He did not expect that he dropped such bombshells one after another, and he did not get the final answer.

However, compared to the secret behind the little girl, he cares more about what the little girl just said.

“Can you?”

Sauber sat down on the podium.

He knows better than anyone else that without the little boy, it is absolutely impossible for the Fei Meng Fleet to hit the present situation.

It should be known that a fleet with artificial intelligence as the core of the king has an overwhelming advantage over the ordinary fleet in terms of command system, fire control, information transmission, intelligence collection and battleship control.

Prior to this, the two sides were evenly matched in electronic warfare. Sauber thought that this was because the other party also had artificial intelligence to sit in.

But at the moment, the little girl’s words made him think differently …

“Maybe …” The little girl turned away.

During the talk, the signal lights on the communication screen light up.

At this moment, everyone couldn’t help but hold their breath, whether it was in Sauber’s flagship command room, the parliamentary observation ship hundreds of thousands of kilometers away, or the battleship still fighting.

Carnegie, who was thin, looked dark, clenched his fists, and his nails almost fell into the flesh.

The exhausted Banning stood up from the command.

Keynes lit a cigarette, squinted halfway, and looked at the communication screen through the swirling smoke.

Kader straightened his body, took off his military cap, pushed his hair-drenched hair corner with his hand, and put the cap back on.

These four people are all Sobel’s right arm.

More than forty hours ago, when the Fei Meng fleet appeared as scheduled, each of them was full of ambition. Thought it would be an overwhelming victory without suspense.

In their view, once this battle is over, no one in the Fiji League can stop their own footsteps.

From here to Rescue, from Rescue running through Chuckner, straight into Trifran, and then two-way strikes sweeping the two great republics of Feiyan and Ryan, they will accompany Sauber and have achieved no one for thousands of years Dare to imagine the grand plan to dominate the industry!

However, more than forty hours of fighting, but let their fighting spirit, a little bit worn out.

No one expected that the Filipino Allied forces, which had internal conflicts, were desperately fighting to such a degree. No one thought that after the loss of Hastings, another person stood up to command the Fiji Allied forces with more powerful computing power than Hastings.

As people who directly deal with the opponent’s commander, they are full of curiosity about this guy who has exhausted his strength but can’t defeat.

The communication screen lighted up slowly.

When they saw the man who appeared on the screen, everyone fell silent.

A young general Le Lei appeared on the screen. Short hair, round face, ears with small strokes, honest eyes and expressions. Isn’t that the Lelei fat man who has turned countless circles in everyone’s mind, who can it be?

“It’s really him!” The staff couldn’t hide their surprise, and there was much discussion.

Carnegie and others stared at the fat man intently, his eyes surprised and confused, as if desperately trying to connect the commanding Filipino Commander with the unattractive fat man in front of him.

However, it can be seen from their half-open mouths, which is very difficult!

“Admiral Tian Xingjian,” Sauber said after a moment of silence. “We finally met.”

“According to the etiquette of the nobles of the West Covenant, I should say that I am honored, right?” On the podium of the flagship [President Hamilton], the fat man stood against the fence, staring at Sauber on the main screen of the Skynet.

Beside him, hundreds of base staff and officers stood still, staring at their commanders.

Although many of them were so tired that it was difficult to stand up, their hair was wet, and their clothes were soaked with sweat. However, everyone straightened their spine.

More than forty hours ago, not everyone thought that fat people were eligible to play against Sauber. After more than forty hours, the fat man has used his command to win the respect of every Fiji officer and soldier from the heart, and of course has won the qualification to talk to Sauber as an equal opponent!

“Kill!” At the moment, many of the staff’s headset communication channels still resounded through Yun Xiao’s roar.

The fighting did not stop with the meeting of the commanders of both sides. In the starry sky outside the porthole, the warships are still walking at high speed, and the energy and light are still interlaced. Countless Feimeng officers and soldiers pounced on the enemy.

Fighting is far more tragic than words can describe.

Feiyan, Lere, Lean, Chuckner, Catania, Puduk, Siliyak, Bema … These are dressed in different colors Soldiers of different uniforms are unprecedentedly united and fighting heroically.

This sound, this light, seems to have traveled through time and space, and came from the Lele Patriotic War four years ago.

Freedom, democracy, homeland, glory ……….

All in all, in this battle!

“I’m honored, it should be me.” Sauber carefully looked at the young man in front of him.

This is the first time he saw Tian Xingjian. Unlike the photos and video materials, the youth in front of them is more calm and more determined than a few years ago. The greenness on his face has long since disappeared as the war hardened. Although it is still chubby, but all over him, there is a faintly veiled military edge.

Even standing in front of himself, his eyes are not afraid!

While Sauber looked at the fat man, the fat man was also looking at his biggest enemy in his life.

“Two eyes, one nose, two ears, one mouth …” The fat man counted several times seriously, and was a little confused for a while. Fuck, it’s no big deal. His eyes slide down Sauber’s body … does he have two? Hiss!

Breaking Sauber’s head, he couldn’t guess what the fat-faced fat man in front of him was thinking.

Sauber said: “How is the body of Marshal Hastings?”

“Not good.” The fat man said bluntly.

“Unfortunately,” Sauber smiled faintly at the corner of his mouth. “I was looking forward to defeating him for the second time.”

As soon as Sauber’s words were spoken, the generals on both sides jumped at the same time.

Older gingers are more spicy!

Everyone knows that the most important purpose of Sauber’s army to go south is to defeat Hastings head-on and completely cut down the last spiritual pillar of the Filipino Alliance!

It was precisely because the Twin Stars Corridor defeated Hastings in the First World War that the coalition of the West Atlantic Treaty had swept away the fear and morale since the south. Afterwards, he chased the tail and swept the posture of the southeastern sword finger Resk.

But who can imagine that they were in the center of Lelei in the star field and encountered a stubborn resistance from the Fiji Allied forces!

At this moment, it is the most critical moment of the battle.

On the side of the West Treaty, it has landed on the capital star of Leray, and the Fiji Allied Forces have torn apart the defensive outer periphery of West Treaty after more than 40 hours of fighting. While the strength of the West Covenant still prevails, the Fiji League cut off the logistics of the West Covenant and launched a battle against Desik, Jeppen, and Sousse.

On the whole, the two sides are half a catty.

Therefore, when he is about to take over the battle that he cannot afford to lose, Sauber needs to improve his morale. Let the exhausted officers and soldiers forget everything in more than forty hours. Follow behind him.

Although only a short sentence. However, this sentence, while oppressing the fat, exerted an inestimable encouragement to the low morale officers and soldiers of West York.

There are two meanings in its words.

First, the commander of the Philippine Fleet is not Hastings. No need to worry at all.

Second, even Hastings is just a defeater. He can beat Hastings once and then beat him a second time!

Whether you are good at using any environment and conditions to create a situation that is beneficial to yourself is one of the basis for distinguishing the talents of a commander. The martial arts master picking flowers and folding leaves in the novel can hurt people. In reality, the commander is also good at using any subtleties to accumulate victory for himself!

This is not a small measure.

This is the road to victory!

In the silence, Russell, McKinley and other Filipino generals clenched their fists.

Sauber topped the list of top players and has been on the same level as Hastings for many years. Even if they faced Sauber, they felt endless pressure.

In the same words, other people said arrogant jokes, and Sauber said it, but it was forceful and could not be refuted.

As a commander, once the opponent is depressed, the back will be controlled everywhere. Whether it’s just experience, reputation, the gap between fat and Sauber is too big.

Even worse, at this time, no one can help him. Everything can only rely on the fat man himself. Others rebelled at the moment, the identity was originally lacking, and the momentum was weakened, and the fat man was relieved and weakened.

I’m afraid that the battle hasn’t started yet, and the psychological shadow has fallen.

Just when everyone was upset, the fat man laughed.

Few people know that this guy was studying the psychology books in the laboratory of the Gary Palan Military Academy, which could kill Sauber alive!




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