Cowardly Stepmother Dressed As the Hero

Chapter 33 - (one)

In fact, just over half a month ago, Liu Ge was still restless about the cement issue.

After he led people to build a cement workshop next to the lime mine, he once felt that he could quickly complete the matter explained by Cao Mi, just like he used to do stone mills or ploughs.

After all, Cao Mi has already given the formula, the ratio, and even the production process. All he had to do was follow the script and instruct everyone to burn the cement.

Liu Ge even felt that he didn’t need to come over for this trivial matter.

Soon, after they built the kiln, the first batch of cement was successfully fired.

Before Liu Ge had time to be proud, he found that this batch of cement couldn’t stick to the wall at all!

This is completely different from the finished product described by Cao Mi!

But apart from this, at least this batch of cement has already been modeled in other respects. Liu Ge reflected for a moment, re-optimized the formula, and improved the firing method.

The second batch of fired cement was viscous enough to hit the wall firmly!

Liu Ge arranged for someone to hurry back to announce the good news. The messenger had just left when a craftsman accidentally smashed the wall with his elbow.

Liu Ge crawled out the door and stopped the fast horse.

After that, after tossing back and forth several times, he finally came up with some cement that seemed to be up to standard in all aspects, and sent someone to present it to Cao Mi.

When Cao Mi saw it, he called back directly, saying that he was not qualified at all.

While replying to Liu Ge with his comments, Cao Mi euphemistically suggested that he can find some experienced porcelain-firing masters for help.

Liu Ge knew that he didn’t do anything good, and at the same time was a little frustrated, he hurriedly followed Cao Mi’s instructions and went to invite a few old masters to join the workshop.

Fortunately, Liaozhou has a history of firing porcelain, and such people are not difficult to find.

A turning point appeared among these old masters, a kiln master surnamed Zeng.

That day, Liu Ge and his men brought out a new batch of cement. Everyone stayed up late at night, waiting for the cement to dry, but the results showed that it was still unqualified.

Liu Ge sighed in disappointment and waved to the people around him: “Forget it, you all go back to rest first.”

Everyone looked at each other and went back to their houses with solemn expressions. Among them, the group of kiln masters that Master Zeng belonged to were the most worried.

I mentioned the history of ceramics in Liaozhou before. In that peaceful era, the rust-patterned porcelain produced in Liaozhou was also well-known throughout the prosperous dynasty. Exquisite porcelain is sold all over the country, and it also supports a large number of artisans who make porcelain.

Later, the Rong invaded south, and nearly one-third of the land in Liaozhou was occupied. Under the panic of the Sheng Dynasty, Liaozhou porcelain with special red embroidery was regarded as a symbol of blood and fire, and the Liaozhou porcelain industry has never recovered.

A large number of porcelain artisans were laid off, some had difficulty changing careers, while others gritted their teeth and set up small workshops to barely make ends meet.

This time, it was because of Cao Mi’s demand that they were able to be re-hired into the workshop and earn a high income guaranteed by drought and flood. Everyone cherished this job very much.

Liu Ge is anxious, Master Zeng is even more anxious!

They were afraid that the big steward would dismiss them again when he saw that he was useless.

It was this kind of pressure that forced Master Zeng to squeeze his brain power and experience, trying to do something practical.

This night was the fifth time the firing failed after they came over. After Liu Ge asked them to leave, Master Zeng did not return to the room. He quietly returned to the workshop and wanted to try again.

But what he didn’t expect was that Liu Ge actually came in as soon as he heated up the kiln.

As soon as Liu Ge entered the door, he was surprised when he saw Master Zeng, but he quickly reacted.

He shook his head and persuaded Master Zeng: “It’s been up for several nights, and it’s not bad for a while, it’s alright, go back and rest.”

Master Zeng smiled honestly: “It’s okay Liu Jiang, I’ll take a look.”

Liu Ge no longer reluctantly, nodded, and went to the side to check the lime mine.

It was probably a silent late night, and people’s emotions are always easy to get out of control. Liu Ge was busy for a while, and said with some sentimental: “You said this little thing, why can’t it be burned? We five kilns to burn together, three Heaven can produce nearly ten kinds of cement, so, after working for more than a month, there is nothing useful.”

Master Zeng knew that he was depressed and comforted: “Liu Jiang, don’t worry, maybe the next batch will be suitable.”

Liu Ge shook his head: “No, I always feel that something important has been missed by me! If this goes on, we won’t be able to figure it out for a long time!”

He looked at the ore on the ground and the kiln for a while, wondering what he was thinking.

During this time, they have improved in two directions.

One is to optimize the formula, and the other is to study the firing method.

The main ingredients and proportions of the formula were all provided by Cao Mi. Liu Ge tried to add some other things to it according to Cao Mi’s instructions, and he gradually found the way.

He admits that in a short period of time, it will be difficult for him to make an inch in the formula.

So, after wandering for a while, his eyes were fixed on the kiln.

The atmosphere in the workshop was a little heavy for a while. Master Zeng finished his work.

He saw Liu Ge staring at the kiln, so he tried to break the embarrassment, chatted with Liu Ge a few words, and then left logically.

He opened his mouth and said, “Our kilns in Liaozhou are big and deep, and they are very unusual. There are few kilns in other places that can compare with ours.”

Liu Ge was interrupted by him, rubbed his eyebrows, and asked casually, “Have you seen kilns elsewhere?”

“Yeah!” Speaking of his ability to eat, Master Zeng suddenly became interested in talking, “When I was an apprentice, I followed the master to the places in Linzhou and Minzhou. Linzhou’s porcelain is not famous, so there is nothing to say. Yes. Minzhou’s small celadon is good, but their kilns are stingy and high-quality, and they can’t compare with our Liaozhou.”

“Little Celadon is famous all over the world, how dare you dislike the kiln of Little Celadon?” Liu Ge smiled.

“Hey, it’s not.” Master Zeng scratched his head, “It’s really different. I looked at novelty, so I remembered it deeply, so I made a comparison.”

Liu Ge nodded.

He was about to open his mouth to persuade Master Zeng to go back to rest, when he suddenly thought of something and blurted out, “You said, you can’t use your Liaozhou kilns, but what about Minzhou’s?”

Master Zeng was stunned.

After a long while, he asked angrily: “Yes, do you want to rebuild the kiln? It will be troublesome.”

“Yeah, it’s too troublesome…” Liu Ge nodded worriedly, but he quickly reacted: “No? What trouble am I afraid of?”

After figuring this out, he limped along with his prosthesis and approached Master Zeng quickly, and asked, “Do you remember what that kiln looked like? Do you know how to build it?”

Master Zeng nodded: “Well, the master from Minzhou and my master have a very close personal relationship. Knowing that we are from Liaozhou, we can’t grab his business, so he didn’t stop us from entering the kiln to check, and even told me how to build it.”

“Okay!” Liu Ge made up his mind, “Tomorrow you will hand over the work to Lao Chen and the others, and you will preside over it and get a new kiln out.”

“Ah?” Master Zeng didn’t expect that the matter of building a new kiln would be settled in just a few words.

But he quickly reacted and nodded in response: “Oh, good steward Liu.”

The events of that night were nothing to remember for the two of them at that time.

Liu Ge had a lot of things to do, and he forgot about it later. It was not until the new kiln was completed that he remembered it again.

He didn’t know much about the Minzhou kiln, so he directly handed over the work there to Master Zeng.

Master Zeng recognized himself as rising and falling secretly, and was transferred away from Liu Ge’s side, feeling a little depressed.

He took people and fired a pot of cement without hope. Before it got dark in the evening, he hurriedly built a knee-high wall with the finished product, and went back to rest.

In summer, the temperature is high. The next day, when they returned to the new kiln, an apprentice kicked the low wall with his foot.

But what he didn’t expect was that after his legs came out this time, it was himself who fell.

“Ouch! Ouch!” He fell to the ground with his legs in his arms, and his screams attracted everyone’s attention.

Master Zeng was depressed because of the poor progress, and when he shouted this, his heart became even more angry, and he turned his head and wanted to teach him a few lessons.

But his reprimanding voice hadn’t come out yet, when he suddenly thought of something, the words stuck in his throat for a while.

Slowly, everyone in front of the new kiln reacted, and even the little apprentice stopped his wailing in surprise.

Everyone gathered in front of the low wall in silence, and invariably kicked the low wall lightly with their feet, and then began to smirk in the pain returned by their toes.

Master Zeng suppressed the joy in his heart, and with his remaining reason, he found a sledgehammer from the corner and smashed it hard against the low wall.

After a few “bang bang” sounds, he looked at the unscathed wall and muttered, “It’s become…it’s…”

Soon, these two words resounded inside and outside the workshop.

That afternoon, the fast horse ran out of the cement workshop with its head held high, like a soldier who had won a battle, and headed for the Bei’an Prince’s Mansion.

When Cao Mi arrived at the cement workshop, Liu Ge was leading people to build the third new kiln. He wanted to expand the firing space of the new kiln and increase the output of cement.

After receiving Cao Mi, he first took her to see the strategically important low wall, and then gave a live demonstration of the process of building a cement wall.

When Cao Mi confirmed that the cement was qualified, he nodded and praised him excitedly, but he pushed Master Zeng out ashamed.

“The villain is ashamed.” Liu Ge previously served in Qi Youjun, and he was upright and did not take credit.

He explained to Cao Mi: “This kind of cement was fired by the master surnamed Zeng. He built the high kiln in Minzhou, and then fired the cement that met the princess’s requirements.”

Cao Mi nodded and praised without hesitation: “Well done, reward!”

Afterwards, Liu Ge took her to see the newly built Gaoyao.

When Cao Mi saw that kind of kiln, he felt a little familiar, and after a while, he remembered that it was similar to the blast furnace mentioned in middle school textbooks.

Combined with the development experience told by Liu Ge, Cao Mi has a rough guess in his heart.

The temperature required for firing cement is higher than the temperature for firing porcelain in this era. Ordinary kilns simply cannot reach the temperature required for firing cement, so Liu Ge has been unsuccessful before.

The Minzhou Gaoyao built by Master Zeng meets the high temperature conditions by accident. The so-called Minzhou small celadon is essentially because of the special glaze and the firing temperature far higher than other porcelain, which forms a warm azure color on the surface of the ceramic.

After the high temperature conditions are met, the conditions for the last shackle development process are met, and the cement is naturally fired.

After roughly guessing what was going on, Cao Mi said to Liu Ge: “Master Zeng has the biggest credit for making cement this time. But you are willing to listen to the opinions of others and build a new kiln decisively, which is also a great credit.”

Hearing this, Liu Ge hurriedly bowed and saluted, “I’m ashamed, I really don’t dare to be praised by the princess like this.”

Cao Mi smiled, lifted him up, shook his head and said: “I mean, in the future, I will have many novel things for you to develop. You must remember this research and development experience, and don’t be afraid of difficulties. , and don’t be afraid of trouble. I have heard people say that failure is the mother of success, and failures are not terrible. You have to learn to learn from failures.”

Liu Ge heard the words, nodded his head, and said sincerely: “Yes, the villain understands.”

Seeing that he understood, Cao Mi smiled with satisfaction and continued to visit.

After walking around, she couldn’t help coughing.

“There is a lot of powder in the cement.” Cao Mi suddenly realized this problem, “Artisans are doing great damage to the body every day in this environment.”

Liu Ge was taken aback: “This…”

Cao Mi immediately gave corresponding preventive measures: “I will then ask Dongli to go to the embroidery workshop to customize a batch of ‘masks’, and then send them to the workshop. On weekdays, craftsmen in the cement workshop must wear masks.

“In addition, each person works in the cement workshop for at most half a year, so they must change their positions. Either to assist in the transportation of clay and lime, or to farm in Rongguang Mountain Villa. In short, craftsmen cannot stay in the workshop for more than half a year. .

“If anyone has a cough or chest pain, get out immediately.”

This is the solution that Cao Mi can imagine at present. She knows that the masks that can be produced now must have limited utility, but it is better than nothing. Constant rotation and inspection is the most effective way to avoid accidents.

Liu Ge nodded: “Yes, the villain has written it down.”

Cao Mi nodded and walked out again. Taking this opportunity, she roughly planned the scale of the future factory area.

The new cement factory is an extension of the original workshop. While the cement plant was being built, the production of cement continued, and the initial batch of cement could be produced and sold by itself.

After discussing matters related to the cement factory, Liu Ge suddenly said with some worry: “Princess, please forgive the villain. The villain has communicated with several masters in the workshop before and found a problem.”

Cao Mi raised his eyebrows: “Huh? What’s the problem?”

“That’s it…” Liu Ge thought about his words, “To build houses in Liaozhou, most of them use loess that can be seen everywhere to build the walls. Of course, that thing is not as good as cement, but the advantage is that it is readily available and does not cost at all. what money.

“As for the wealthier families, glutinous rice paste is used, or high-quality stone materials are used directly.”

Liu Ge was a little distressed: “This cement, will no one know the goods and not be able to sell it at all?”

Cao Mi actually thought about this problem, but she had figured out a way long before Liu Ge’s successful development.

So she said, “Don’t worry, I have already considered this issue.”

Liu Ge nodded and stopped talking.

But Cao Mi saw that he still had a bitter face, so he smiled and explained: “I just bought a piece of land in the city, I thought I would wait for your development progress, but I didn’t expect you to do more than I imagined. Come on, just in time.”

Liu Ge’s eyes lit up, and he quickly realized Cao Mi’s plan: “Is the princess planning to use cement to build a house in front of the people in the city?”

Cao Mi corrected: “It’s not as simple as a house.”

She smiled: “I will use steel and cement to build the tallest restaurant in Cannes!”

Cao Mi originally planned to stay at the cement workshop for one more day to settle some unsettled matters, but news came from the palace that the master invited by Qi You was here.

The Master Lin, who was originally expected to arrive in May, wrote again before saying that he had met a friend on the way, and the schedule for his arrival would be delayed.

Unexpectedly, his delay coincided with the days when Cao Mi was out.

Cao Mi had no choice but to let Liu Ge settle the matter here, then go back to the mansion to find her, and then take someone back to the palace.

After all, it is Qi You’s old friend, the future master of the three children in the family, and now that Qi You is away, she, the hostess, still has to come to entertain guests.

But when she returned to the palace, she unexpectedly found that Lin Master had already been entertained.

Qi You, who had been away from Cannes for two months, quietly returned from Fengping. At this time, he was having a small gathering with that Master Lin in the hall.

Cao Mi, who hurried back, listened to the housekeeper’s instructions, nodded, and did not rush out to meet the guests, and went straight back to the backyard to rest.

For dinner that day, Qi You specially held a family dinner. In addition to their family of five, they also invited Master Lin.

Master Lin’s name was Lin Yi, the style was Fan Zhi, and he was less than thirty years old. He was born in a famous family in Quanning. In this era when the imperial examination was not yet popularized, his knowledge was widely recognized as good.

Before he successfully entered the court and became an official, everyone thought that the Lin family was about to rise to prominence, but they did not expect that Lin Yi would lose his official position later because he offended the powerful. Although the emperor spared him the crime of exile under Qi You’s intercession, he also ruled out the possibility of him being elected again.

Lin Yi lost his power, and even when he returned to his hometown, his every move was still targeted by the hostility of the DPRK and China, and he felt uncomfortable doing anything. He stayed at home for a few years, until Qi You sent a letter asking him to be the master of several children, he regained his strength, packed his bags and went to Liaozhou.

The next day, Qi You asked the three children to give Lin Yi a teacher ceremony, and this was done.

After the children had formal masters, Cao Mi could finally relax.

Recently, she was dragging the restaurant business with the masons.

The difficulty of building high-rise buildings in ancient times was actually due to the foundation and load-bearing. The Stork Tower, which attracted the great poet Wang Zhihuan to write “If you want to be poor, go to the next level,” actually has six floors, which is not enough to see in modern times.

Now that Cao Mi has cement in her hands, according to her own ideas, she naturally wants to break this record in one fell swoop and create an eight-story high-rise building that attracts attention.

She talked to the craftsmen about the new method of pouring the foundation and bearing columns, and the craftsmen nodded. They have seen the properties of cement. During this period of time, under the guidance of Liu Ge, they also tried to develop various uses of cement. Cao Mi said the method of using iron bars as bones and concrete as meat, in their opinion It does work.

But when they heard that she was going to build eight stories, the craftsmen did not dare.

After they tried hard to persuade, Cao Mi reluctantly gave in.

After all, although there is cement, the quality of things like steel bars is far from keeping up. The height of the eighth floor is too risky.

Finally, they settled on a height that both Cao Mi and the craftsmen could accept—five floors.

Although five-story buildings are rare in this era, they are not non-existent. For the first time, the craftsmen chose this height they felt absolutely confident to reach.

Although this is somewhat inconsistent with Cao Mi’s own expectations, the five-storey high-rise building is also the only high-rise building in Cannes City.

Just when Cao Mi was still bemoaning the three floors that had been cut away, someone from the outside came to pass the news, saying that Mrs. Qin came to see him.

The Qin family is one of the largest families in Liaozhou. Since the last time she had a “very pleasant chat” with Cao Mi at the banquet, this lady Qin would often find some excuses to communicate with Cao Mi.

Cao Mi asked someone to invite her in, and went back to the house to tidy up.

When she came out, Mrs. Qin was already sitting in the hall. But Cao Mi’s attention was immediately attracted by the pot of strange plants she put on the case mountain.

Seeing that she was staring at the potted plants she brought, Mrs. Qin couldn’t wait to introduce her after salute: “I heard that the princess likes exotic flowers and plants, and my sister-in-law got two pots of red cage fruit earlier, so I thought about it. Be sure to ask for a pot for the princess. It seems that my intentions are not in vain, the princess really likes it!”

The red cage fruit in Mrs. Qin’s mouth is actually chili peppers!

Cao Mi looked at the peppers planted in an exquisite porcelain pot, nodded and smiled, “Mrs. Qin has a heart!”

She actually knew that peppers were originally used as ornamental plants in ancient China. But peppers were still rare at this time, and Cao Mi didn’t know its local name, so he never looked for it.

The pot that Mrs. Qin sent today really delivered to Cao Mi’s heart.

The more she looked, the more joyful she became, but she felt a little uneasy in her heart: “Such a novel thing, I’m afraid it will cost the lady a lot… After all, it is what I want, the lady can ask the value of such a pot of red cage fruit, I…”

“Hey, why did the wangfei say this!” Mrs. Qin interrupted her in a feigned anger. “It’s just a pot of red cage fruit, the wangfei will accept it. How can you meet me?”

She took Cao Mi’s hand: “The lord recently brought my master to the Zhou Mu. It is rare for my master to serve the lord, and now I eat a bowl of rice more than before. I was thinking that I should get closer to the princess. Those who are close, I am afraid that the princess will not look down on our Qin family.”

She had already said this, so how could Cao Mi shirk any more?

But anyway, she has also come out, she has received the favor from Qi You again, anyway, let’s remember it first.

The two chatted about Chili for a while, and Mrs. Qin mentioned one more thing.

“I heard that the princess is going to build a restaurant in the city, using something new made by the princess?” Madam Qin asked.

Cao Mi was not surprised that Mrs. Qin would know such a thing. After all, in order to promote cement, she did not deliberately hide it.

Hearing Madam Qin’s question at this time, Cao Mi nodded and replied, “Madam is well-informed, there is this matter.”

Mrs. Qin continued to compliment: “Oh, I was just wondering if I could buy some of those novelty things, and by the way, feel the joy of the princess.”

Today the cement plant is expanding, but production has not stopped. The restaurant is still demolishing the original building on it, and it will take some time until the construction.

At this time, when Mrs. Qin mentioned that she wanted to purchase cement, Cao Mi was naturally very happy: “That’s natural, the cement is good, Mrs. can buy some and build some ground dragons and heated kangs for the house!”

This is the second promotion plan that Cao Mi came up with besides restaurants.

Liaozhou is located in the northernmost part of the Sheng Dynasty. The winter here is not like the capital, and it can be resisted with a few pots of charcoal fire. Therefore, Cao Mi believes that there is absolutely huge market demand for warmer heated kangs and earth dragons in this place.

Speaking of which, in fact, the main material used for the heated kang floor dragons is not cement. Cement is not resistant to burning, and kang is usually built with mud mixed with loess and straw.

But cement can be used as a foundation or as a surface. In short, it can sell a little bit.

In addition, at this time, these two technologies were only in the hands of Cao Mi, so she could have someone bring the materials and directly come to the door to get a one-stop service, so that the income would be rounded off.

So she explained to Mrs. Qin: “Kang is a kang in the house that can burn a fire. In winter, people sit on it and the fire is burning below, not to mention how warm it is.

“My people are experimenting. After a period of success, they will come to the palace to build a kang. If Mrs. Qin needs it, I will let them also work in the Qin palace.”

Mrs. Qin laughed so hard that she could not see her teeth but her eyes: “That’s really great! The princess must remember, and let people pass by then!”

Cao Mi nodded and was also happy for the first cement transaction.

But she didn’t know that her first client, after leaving the palace, changed his face as soon as he got into the carriage.

“Qin Xi, what kind of cement, you need to remember about the heating kang, then you can do it, don’t bother me.” She instructed a close-fitting servant next to her.

Qin Xi nodded.

But he was a little embarrassed: “Madam, really want to have the main hall and your courtyard…”

Before he could finish speaking, Mrs. Qin glared at him fiercely: “What? I’m really going to build a kang in my house and bake me and my master on the fire.”

“Then… what does Madam mean?” Qin Xi asked carefully.

“Send them to the lower house to get it?” Mrs. Qin rubbed her forehead, “I’ve already sent the money anyway. By the way, I’ll get one for that **** too.”

She suddenly regained her spirits, motioned Qin Xi to approach, and whispered: “You can make arrangements when you go back, saying that the princess’s person will come to the mansion for construction, and I will hold on to the slut’s house and let her move out of the city during this time. go, understand?”

Qin Xi nodded: “The villain understands.”

Then Mrs. Qin sat back in peace: “Well. It’s a pleasant surprise to be able to take that **** away for a while.”

Thinking like this, she finally calmed down, closed her eyes, and stopped talking.

After Mrs. Qin left, Cao Mi returned to the room at night and began to check the recent ledger.

Liu Ge made cement faster than she thought, and the restaurant project will start ahead of schedule. In previous discussions with craftsmen, she found that the cost of building the restaurant was more expensive than she thought.

She went to build Cannes first. The location of the restaurant was on the most prosperous street in the city.

She originally had a sum of gold and silver, but her financial situation instantly became tense.

Even if Mrs. Qin and other aristocratic families who heard the news came one after another to purchase cement, this income would not be enough!

This means that Cao Mi will soon fall into a situation where he cannot make ends meet.

Realizing this, she sat in the candlelight and worried about the ledger, racking her brains to think of countermeasures, but she didn’t even notice that Qi You came in.

It wasn’t until Qi You sat down beside her that she realized that there were more people in the room.

Cao Mi was stunned, and subconsciously prepared to stand up and salute: “Your Highness.”

Qi You waved his hand and motioned her to sit back.

“Princess is busier than me.” Qi You looked at the ledger in front of her, “It’s so late, are you still dealing with the accounts?”

Cao Mi blushed and covered the ledger.

After all, it’s a bit embarrassing to be found out that I have financial problems because of my spending lavishly.

Qi You didn’t even bother to explore her private affairs. He just took the teapot on the case and poured a cup of tea to quench his thirst.

As soon as the tea came in, he frowned.

Putting down the teacup, he asked, “Can’t Liaozhou buy Bei’an Maojian?”

Qi You grew up in Bei’an, and loves Maojian tea, which is a specialty of Bei’an. Other teas do not suit his taste.

“Ah?” Cao Mi was stunned for a moment before realizing that he was talking about tea.

She subconsciously replied: “Uh… No, it’s because the money is not enough recently.”

“Not enough money?” Qi You seemed incomprehensible, “If you don’t have enough money, you can go to the housekeeper to withdraw it. The housekeeper has never mentioned to me that there is a shortage of money in the house, so there is still some money to buy some Maojian.”

When Cao Mi heard the words, he finally reacted.

All the expenses in the palace are all Qi You’s money!

And Cao Mi has been worrying about his finances every day recently. When Dongli came to ask the house for purchase, he subconsciously cut some of the expensive expenses in the house and changed it to a more common substitute.

Qi You woke her up with a single word, and she realized that she had done something wrong.

So Cao Mi lowered his head and admitted, “Your Highness, the concubine was negligent.”

She explained: “My concubine’s finances have been a little nervous recently. It is because of her subconsciousness that she reduced some expenses in the mansion, and only then replaced the tea that the prince likes to drink… and ask the prince to punish.”

Qi You ignored her words, and instead asked, “Are you short of money? Why are you short of money?”

Cao Mi puffed out his cheeks in depression.

This King of Bei’an is a full man who doesn’t know that a hungry man is hungry. Do you really think that everyone is as rich as him?

But Cao Mi still resignedly explained: “Because…because the concubine recently bought a piece of land and is going to build a restaurant, plus the expenses from Rongguang Villa, the finances are a little nervous.”

She has already exposed herself, but King Bei’an next to her is still confused and continues to ask, “And then?”

Cao Mi is really angry now.

“What then?” She replied: “There is no then, it’s just a lack of money.”

Qi You looked at her in disbelief: “So why don’t you go to the housekeeper to withdraw it?”

Cao Mi was stunned for a long time when he heard the words.

She couldn’t understand King Bei’an’s brain circuit. She usually looked smart, so why did she have to break it apart and talk about this kind of thing.

“What the concubine does is the private property of the concubine.” Cao Mi replied, “Isn’t the inner treasury in charge of the housekeeper used exclusively by the prince to supply the mansion?”

Qi You nodded: “Yes.”

Seeing that he finally understood, Cao Mi nodded and looked away uncomfortably.

At this time, Qi You, who was sitting opposite him, finally understood what she meant.

Confused, he said again, “Is there any difference between giving it to the palace and giving it to you?”

Cao Mi, who was fiddling with the teacup, suddenly stopped.

On the other side, Qi You continued: “I saw that you didn’t know how to manage money back then, so I didn’t directly hand over the internal treasury to you. But no matter why you lack money for whatever reason, as long as it’s not too much, you can go to the housekeeper. You can withdraw at will.”

“Is this…is that so?” Cao Mi couldn’t react.

In fact, she has never dared to enjoy everything in the Bei’an Prince’s Mansion with peace of mind.

She didn’t dare to directly take all the things she got from the Bei’an Palace, and even what she originally owned, she used it with a mentality of using it first and repaying it later. For example, the ruby ​​Bataan sent to Cao Mi in order to make good bet with the Bei’an palace. Cao Mi looked at it as a novelty, but she never felt that the gem belonged to her.

She was reborn in this era, occupied the body of her original body, and believed that she had obtained a priceless life. She wants to repay, repay the original body, repay the Bei’an palace, and even repay this era.

During the time she had traveled through, most of what she thought about was giving and repaying, not enjoying or taking.

At this time, Qi You’s words caused her some confusion.

With such a reasonable attitude, Cao Mi suddenly felt that she was really a part of this family – she could do whatever she wanted, she could draw the amount on the book as she wished, and she could enjoy the power and wealth of the original body.

She is not a wandering soul from a different time and space. In Qi You’s eyes, she is Cao Mi, his princess, and the mistress of the Bei’an palace. Although this God of War Lord may have discovered her strangeness recently, he still recognizes her and respects her.

Even though he knew that these might be his attitude towards the original body, at this moment, Cao Mi was still moved to the point where his nose was sore. It was as if she had been alone for a long time, but when she looked back, she found that there was actually a companion standing beside her who was always ready to shield her from the wind and rain.

And just when she was in a daze, Qi You had already stood up.

He took off his robe, turned and walked towards Cao Mi, unbuttoning her.

Cao Mi finally came back to his senses, was startled, covered his collar subconsciously, and then slowly put his hand down with a stiff smile under Qi You’s frowning eyes in disbelief.

Qi You was satisfied again, picked her up and walked towards the bed.

Cao Mi’s mind was in chaos. She had only just felt a little bit of closeness and gratitude to King Bei’an, and she had even decided to use his money to save the emergency, but that didn’t mean she could accept the idea of ​​”paying for yourself.” “what.

So, when Qi You put her on the bed, she suddenly said, “I saved that horse.”

Qi You’s thin lips were less than a palm away from Cao Mi’s, but when he heard these words, he stopped abruptly.

“What horse?”

“Red horse?”

“…” Qi You ignored the nonsense of the person in his arms and leaned over to continue what he had just done.

“Wait! Wait!” Cao Mi regained his senses and continued to explain in a hurry: “It’s the one sent by Bataan! Red horse! Sweaty BMW!”

Qi You’s movements stopped again.

He was a little confused, and asked again, “Didn’t he move his hands and feet on that horse?”

Cao Mi nodded his head like a chicken pecking at rice. After a while, he reacted and said, “Yes, but the injury is not serious and can be saved.”

“Can it be saved? How?” Qi You propped up his upper body with his hands and opened a little distance from Cao Mi.

“Just…” Before Cao Mi could think of an excuse, he could only say casually, “The veterinarian at Rongguang Villa saved it.”

“Nonsense!” Qi You frowned.

“Really! It’s doing well now. It’s alive and kicking. I named it Lien Yan, and it even let me touch its ears!” In fact, Cao Mi didn’t know whether Lie Yan was really healed, but he sent it to the North Temple. In her letter, she knew that those medicines were useful, and that the flames were getting more and more spirited day by day.

“Riyan? That’s a good name.” Qi You turned over and lay down beside Cao Mi.

“Yeah, it looks like a burning flame, but it’s mighty.”

“Can you run?”

“Yes! But I can’t ride a horse, and I don’t know how fast it can run.”

“Where is it? I can teach you next time.”

“It’s at Rongguang Villa.”



In the Hongluan tent, the voices of the King of Bei’an and the princess rang late into the night, until Qi You was a little sleepy, and Cao Mi still tried to pull him around to talk about some interesting things about the flames.

In the eighth month of being the princess of Bei’an, Cao Mi relied on the sweat and blood to “save” himself again.

The author has something to say: the prince you want is back.

Turn on the anti-theft, wait a minute for the little cutie you can’t see~

Thanks to the little angel who threw the mine: 3 pieces of wheat in a handful; 1 first-level expert of Qingkong Zai and Rainbow Fart;

Thanks to the little angel who irrigated the nutrient solution: Shen, Spicy Xiaolong

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