Cowardly Stepmother Dressed As the Hero

Chapter 34

The next day, when Qi You woke up, he always felt that he had forgotten something.

He looked at Cao Mi, who was still asleep in his arms, was silent for a while, then turned around and went to the martial arts field.

An hour later, he returned to the room covered in sweat, and Cao Mizheng was eating breakfast with his three children.

When Cao Mi saw Qi You, he was obviously stunned.

When she woke up early in the morning, she saw Qi You disappeared and thought he had left again.

When she ordered breakfast, she was a little drowsy. She remembered that she was scared to stay up half the night by the King of Bei’an last night, so she took the child to dinner. She didn’t even think about sending someone to confirm Qi You’s whereabouts, or Wait a minute.

Now that Qi You came back, they had already started dinner, which was obviously a bit rude.

After being surprised, Cao Mi looked at Qi You a little apologetically, tried to change the topic, and asked, “Uh… Wangye, do you want to shower and change first?”

Qi You gave her a fixed look, but he couldn’t see any emotion on his face. After a while, he let out a faint “hum” and turned around to clean up.

Seeing that he didn’t say anything, Cao Mi consciously rescued the scene successfully, he couldn’t help but let out a sigh of relief, and happily picked up his bowls and chopsticks.

But what she didn’t expect was that Qi You hadn’t left the dining hall yet, and the second child, Qi An, saw her relieved look, and suddenly shouted wickedly: “Mother, didn’t you say that daddy won’t come over today? ?”

Qi You was walking to the gate, and the movement of stepping over the door suddenly stopped after his question, and then stepped down again, making a “bang” sound.

The King of Bei’an, who had power over Liaozhou, didn’t turn his head, he only quickened his pace and left in a thunderous pace.

Cao Mi’s heart skipped a beat, watching Qi You really go far, and then he turned his head to look helplessly at Qi An who had succeeded in mischief.

She joked: “Mother made a mistake today, you give mother another chance.”

“Huh?” Qi An swallowed the sweet porridge in her mouth and looked at her strangely.

Cao Mi took the opportunity to grab his face and pretended to threaten: “I don’t know if your father will come tomorrow, but we Qi An probably won’t come.”

Qi An tilted her head and rescued her little fat from her hands. She rolled her eyes twice and understood what Cao Mi meant.

But he probably couldn’t judge the truth of what Cao Mi said. He opened his mouth and called out to Qi Rui for help: “Brother!”

Qi Rui raised his head and glanced at him while drinking porridge. After hesitating for a moment, he decided to protect his little brother, so he rarely said, “Mother, don’t tease him.”

Cao Mi finally felt a little relieved, smiled and comforted: “Have a good porridge.”

Qi An pouted, then he was honest, and continued to eat.

The maids around were very winking, and they didn’t need Cao Mi’s orders, they brought new bowls and chopsticks and food.

After taking a bath and changing clothes, King Bei’an returned to the dining room and looked at the exquisite meal. He seemed to be in a better mood, at least he didn’t give Cao Mi a look.

Cao Mi secretly rejoiced, while moving more and more carefully.

Although Qi You came late, he ate fast, and the family of five stopped chopsticks almost at the same time.

After the meal, Cao Mi was supervising the three children to wipe their mouths and wash their hands. Qi You stood behind her and suddenly asked, “When are you leaving today? Do you want to take them there?”

Cao Mi was stunned when he heard the words, then turned to look at him.

She didn’t understand Qi You’s words, but she felt that she should understand them, because the King of Bei’an who asked the question obviously also felt that she should understand them.

So, Cao Mi pretended to understand, and responded with a stiff smile, “But it’s up to the lord to arrange.”

Qi You nodded: “Well, then prepare yourself and leave in half an hour.”

Cao Mi was completely confused, and replied “Okay”.

Beside her, the third child, who had dried his hands, handed the handkerchief back to the maid, got close to Qi You, and asked, “Dad, where are we going?”

When Cao Mi was still at a loss, Xiao Qi Ran’s question could solve her problem directly! Cao Mi looked at him with a much gentler gaze, and felt that his sweet bean cakes, crystal cakes, and rice cakes were not for nothing!

Unexpectedly, Qi You stabbed her lightly and shattered her fantasy: “Ask your mother to go there.”

Little Fatty didn’t feel the undercurrent between the two adults at all. Hearing this, he turned to Cao Mi obediently and continued to ask, “Mother, where are we going?”

The smile on Cao Mi’s face almost collapsed.

She frantically recalled her interactions with Qi You in the past few days, trying to find a clue to solve the problem. After a while, she tentatively gave an answer: “Go to… Rongguang Villa?”

After all, this is the only place that the two of them talked about last night.

Her memory of last night was a little fuzzy. Of course, she remembered that she was going to take Qi You to see the flames, but they seemed… there was no agreement at all to go today!

But after her words were clearly spoken in a questioning tone, Qi You did not refute them, and Cao Mi knew that he was right.

Qi Ran got the location information and asked again, “What’s there to eat?”

Cao Mi’s heart was very complicated at this time. While questioning her memory from last night, she distracted and responded, “Well… sweet bean cake, crystal cake and rice cake…”

Qi You’s eyes became brighter and brighter, and Cao Mi continued, “None of them.”

Qi Ran’s mouth was flat.

On the other side, Qi You changed his riding boots and instructed Cao Mi, who was in a hurry to comfort Xiao Pangdun: “This king will go to the front hall to prepare the horse first, and the princess will bring three children and come over when she is ready.”

Cao Mi hurriedly interrupted his thoughts that he didn’t know where to go, nodded and said, “Yes.”

The corners of Qi You’s mouth were slightly raised, and he walked out of the hall with brisk steps.


No matter what, half an hour later, Cao Mi took a few children and got into the carriage of Rongguang Villa.

She never recalled when she made such an agreement with Qi You last night, but at this time, the summer was bright outside the car window, and there were three cute bear children around her, which dispelled a lot of her original depression.

She thought that she should take the child to an outing.

It took a whole morning, and when Cao Mi’s family arrived, it was noon.

With the help of Qi You, Cao Migang picked up the three children from the car and saw a fiery figure in the distance.

As soon as she realized what it was, the fiery red color suddenly appeared in front of everyone.

The flames flew to Cao Mi and pressed its long face against Cao Mi’s arm.

Cao Mi took two steps back to relieve his strength. He returned to his senses and touched Lie Yan’s ears and long neck affectionately: “Li Yan, you ran out by yourself again?”

Beisi mentioned several times in his letters to Cao Mi, saying that the flames would bite the rope and run out of the stable.

At the beginning, when the **** horse was found missing, everyone in the villa was so frightened that they didn’t even care about the fields, and the whole village searched for the horse together.

As a result, when it was time for dinner, the flames appeared again.

After a few times, the veterinarian who cared for him simply stopped tying him, and let him come and go as he pleased, and he would always come back at mealtime anyway.

As a result, a elusive horse with sweat and blood has gradually become a landscape of Rongguang Villa.

Lie Yan leaned against Cao Mi, and couldn’t stop looking for something in her palm. After rubbing for a while, he realized that she didn’t bring anything to eat at all, and then he took two steps back modestly and snorted at Cao Mi.

Cao Mi knew it was because he couldn’t find carrots, and was a little disappointed.

Cao Mi smiled a little embarrassedly, suddenly remembered something, turned his head and introduced to Qi You and the three children: “Uh… this, this is the flames.”

Qi You has been watching the flames since the moment it appeared.

From the way the flames ran just now, he knew that this was indeed a veritable horse.

The three children also raised their heads and stared intently at it.

Before, when Cao Mi kept Lie Yan in his yard, because he and Li Yan were not yet close, he was afraid that the three children would rush forward and be shocked by what would happen. There is only a big red horse in the house.

It was the first time for the three children to look at the flames at such a close distance.

After Cao Mi said hello to Rie Yan, he turned around and stopped Qi An, who was about to run forward with straight eyes, and took the three children to a safe enough place.

Qi You stepped forward alone and tried to get closer to the flames.

He has been on the battlefield for a long time, and he often deals with horses. His horse-training skills are unmatched by Cao Mi.

Rie Yan was still watching him warily, but thanks to the faint smell of Cao Mi remaining on Qi You, Rie Yan did not reject him very much. It was undecided whether to leave first, and under Qi You’s touch, it flicked its tail comfortably.

Qi You took a few pieces of candy specially used to feed horses from the guard next to him, and within a short while, he also touched Rie Yan’s ear.

On the other side, Qi Ran was afraid to guard against the big horse in front of him, so he muttered to Cao Mi, “Mother, I’m hungry…”

Cao Mi asked Qi You for instructions: “My lord, do you want to go to the villa for dinner first? Uh… It’s time for the flames to eat.”

Qi You turned around and nodded to her.

He said: “You take your child to eat first. I brought a veterinarian in the army to go to the stables to diagnose and treat it first.”

As soon as he said these words, Cao Mi knew that he was prepared.

It seemed that King Bei’an was skeptical of what she said last night. This time, I should have brought several veterinarians who had treated Rie Yan in Fuzhong last time.

Cao Mi had no position to refute him, so he nodded, saluted and left with the children.

Beisi was left by Qi You’s side, guiding him to the stable where Lie Yan lives now.

Along the way, Qi You could not help but nod his head in his heart when he saw the people passing by and the fields in the distance.

He inquired with great interest about the arrangements in the villa, and Beisi answered them one by one.

Soon, the crowd came to the stable.

Taking advantage of the flames grazing, several veterinarians went straight to work.

While they checked themselves, they found the veterinarian who used to take care of Raging Flame in the stable, and communicated with him about the various symptoms of sweaty horses recently.

After half an hour, the veterinarians who had been confirmed repeatedly returned to Qi You and reported the condition of Maxima.

“My lord, according to the villain, although the sweaty horse still has some minor injuries now, it is no longer a serious problem. It is quite different from the diagnosis made by the villain a few months ago.” The leading veterinarian said a little uneasily.

Now that he sees the appearance of the flames, he is actually a little uneasy. After all, it was after he was diagnosed that he came to the conclusion that the medicine stone was ineffective.

He had to admit that when he first saw Rie Yan’s injury, he had some preconceived impressions because of his understanding of the Rong race horse merchants. Therefore, at that time, he only made judgments from the external injuries, and did not conduct in-depth investigations. But the housekeeper and Qi Liu were both at the side at the time. They were people who knew horses. As soon as they saw the appearance of the wound, they knew about it, and they agreed with the veterinarian.

So the veterinarian was a little confused at this time.

Did he really look away at that time? In fact, the wound was not as serious as he imagined, and the sweaty horse was not an ordinary foal. Relying on its tenacious self-healing ability and delicious food, it really made the horse heal?

Qi You guessed the general situation from the expression on the veterinarian’s face.

But he had no intention of exploring the past, and only asked: “That is to say, the flames will not die in a short time, right?”

The veterinarian nodded and said seriously, “Yes. Those small wounds that haven’t healed are not enough to damage the life of the foal.”

Qi You nodded and asked again, “Then… what about fertility?”

“This…” The veterinarian was a little ashamed. “What can be confirmed at the moment is that due to the special location of the wound, Baoju’s fertility has definitely been affected. However, the magnitude of the impact cannot be determined for the villain.”

Raging flames are very human. It had been eating grass quietly, and when it heard this, it raised its front hooves and chirped twice, which shocked the veterinarian.

“It’s still in good spirits.” Qi You approached it amusingly, rubbing its ears to soothe it.

Rie Yan lowered his head again to find the sweet taste in his palm, and after smelling it to no avail, he ignored Qi You and pulled a handful of fodder into the food stall.

Such a BMW, even if it cannot leave offspring, as long as it can survive, it is a great wealth.

After confirming the situation of the sweaty horse, Qi You took the people back to eat first.

While they were tossing around in the stables, Cao Mi had already finished eating with the children and went back to rest.

When Qi You returned to the courtyard after finishing his meal, the three children had just fallen asleep when Cao Mi stood in the hall and whispered to Nanxi.

Qi You came in, and Cao Mi bowed to him.

Seeing this, Nanxi hurriedly finished the last few words with Cao Mi, and went straight down.

Cao Mi followed Qi You back to the house and inevitably asked about the flames.

“Veterined? Is Flame okay?”

In fact, Cao Mi was a veterinarian in his previous life. But she now has no professional equipment, and second, she rarely has the opportunity to examine the flames by herself.

This time, Qi You was obviously prepared to bring people over, and they should know best about the situation of Raging Flames.

Qi You glanced at her and relayed to her what the veterinarian had said before.

After Cao Mi heard this, he couldn’t help but nodded happily.

It is already a big happy event that Rie Yan can survive well. As for fertility and so on… it’s all up to God’s will.

After she was overjoyed, she remembered something again and asked, “Then… is the lord going to take him away?”

She didn’t forget that the flames were Danba’s gift to King Bei’an from the beginning. At the beginning, Qi Liu and the others concluded that the flames were dying soon, so she could take them away.

Now that the flames have recovered, she has no reason to leave it in the villa.

But to her surprise, Qi You shook his head.

He said: “The veterinarian said that some of its injuries have not healed. I think your villa is very good, so let’s leave it here for now.”

Cao Mi nodded happily.

Qi You spoke again: “I heard from the veterinarian in the villa that he only takes care of Lie Yan, and Li Yan’s usual feed and food have been arranged by you long ago?”

“Yeah.” Cao Mi had already thought of a way to deal with it: “I also forgot which book I read about a prescription. At that time, the flames were seriously injured, so I thought of giving it a try, but I didn’t think it would really work. .”

Qi You smiled, but what he said surprised Cao Mi: “The princess has read a lot of books.”

Cao Mi smiled awkwardly: “Grandfather has a large collection of books. I used to look through it when I was young. I read a variety of books, but not in depth.”

“Grandfather’s official position is not high, but the reputation of loving books is widely spread all over the world.” Qi You recalled Cao Mi’s life experience and sighed: “It’s a pity that the Cao family was framed back then, otherwise the book collectors of that year would not know what they should look like today. .”

Cao Mi nodded, followed by a sigh.

After that, the two stopped talking, just lay down together in tacit understanding, and slept for a while.

After waking up from the lunch break, the three children were making noises and making noises about going to the villa to play.

Cao Mi originally came here in the mood for an outing, so when he heard the words, he naturally did not refuse.

Recently, Qi Rui started to study with Master Lin. She was a little curious about what the school in the villa looked like. So it was rare to speak, and I took the initiative to ask to go there to have a look.

Cao Mi agreed and asked the twins for their opinions.

The second child, Qi An, naturally followed Qi Rui closely, but Qi Ran pouted and shook his head with a big opinion.

He has seen the horror of the school recently, and he has completely lost interest in this kind of place. Not to mention that he went, even if others mentioned this place in front of him, he was not very happy.

The opinions of the three children were divided, and Cao Mi glanced at Qi You with a headache.

In the end, King Beian solved the problem. He said, “I’m still going to the stables. If you don’t want to go to the school, just follow me.”

Cao Mi did not like this method. She was a little worried and said: “There are many people in the stables, and the flames are still wild and untamed. Qi Ran is still young… If you are accidentally touched…”

But Qi You waved his hand indifferently.

He promised: “This king will take good care of him.”

Cao Mi knew that he couldn’t persuade him anymore, so he could only agree.

So the last five members of the family were divided into two groups. Cao Mi took Qi Rui and Qi An to the school, while Qi You took the youngest Qi Ran to the stable.

The last time I came to this school, Cao Mi didn’t go in at all, just took a look outside and went back.

When she came over again, she found that after this period of time, the appearance of the school had changed again.

All students no longer stay indoors and bury their heads in their studies, but are more like a modern campus, with some people going outdoors.

The group of students that Cao Mi saw outside formed a large circle, and a Miao Miao flute was heard from the center.

She knew that this was the arrangement of the art class that she mentioned last time.

Qi Rui and Qi An grew up in the palace, and they were used to listening to Sizhu, so they were not interested in that.

They rolled their eyes and saw a sand table in an empty classroom.

Cao Mi didn’t watch it, and Qi An had already run in.

He touched the sand on the plate curiously, turned his head and asked Cao Mi who was following: “Mother, what is this?”

Cao Mi explained: “Sand table.”

Qi An poked the fine sand a little and asked, “What is this for?”

In this empty classroom, there is a sand table on each mat. The strange thing is that there are very few sand grains on the ground.

Cao Mi could see that the owners of the sand table loved them, so he held Qi An’s little hand to prevent him from continuing to fool around: “This is what the students use to learn Chinese characters.”

“Study?” As soon as she said this, Qi Rui, who was behind her, also widened her eyes.

“Yeah.” Cao Mi pointed to a small branch next to it and said, “You can use a branch to make marks on the sand table. The children here use this kind of thing instead of pen and ink to learn characters and read books.”

After her explanation, the two children finally understood the usage of this thing.

Qi An used a branch to draw two strokes on a sand table, and then put it down eagerly: “It’s not fun.”

He looked around and couldn’t see anything that interested him, so he asked again, “Why not just use pen and ink, but also use these troublesome things.”

Cao Mi sighed and rubbed the top of his hair: “Do you think that everyone in this world can afford a pen, ink, paper and inkstone just like you?”

Qi Rui and Qi An looked at him at the same time.

Cao Mi thought of the allusion “Why not eat minced meat”, and smiled: “Remember the story I once told you?

“Children of the rich go to live in the poor family, but feel that the poor family is better off than them, and can live on the plains, draw water from the river, and illuminate it with stars.

“But in reality, how can such a life be as beautiful as it sounds? Many children here, like you, learn to read and write, but most of them have exhausted their lives and may not be able to buy a piece of inkstone in Ruier’s room. “

Qi Rui and Qi An looked at each other, and did not speak.

Cao Mi suddenly felt that this might be a good opportunity.

These two children are very high-spirited, they know their identities, and their cognition of the world is limited to the sky of the Bei’an Prince’s Mansion.

Maybe take this opportunity to let them know something completely new.

On the other hand, Qi You thought so too.

He spent a lot of effort, and finally sat firmly on the back of the flames.

At this time, Rie Yan didn’t have any harness on his body, so he was not suitable for sitting alone on his back, and tried to lift Qi You off several times.

Qi You touched its ears soothingly and made it quiet.

He turned to look at Qi Ran, who was held in his arms by the guard: “Come here, Daddy will take you for a run.”

Little Fatty shook his head like a rattle and said in horror, “I don’t want it.”

He was held by the guards just now, and he witnessed the heroic appearance of Qiyou and taming horses with his own eyes.

Seeing that Qi You was almost thrown down by the flames several times, Qi Ran was terrified.

Qi You frowned, having a headache at his timid child.

He said, “Don’t be afraid. Of course, Dad let you come up together because he can ensure your safety.”

Qi Ran pursed his lips.

In fact, it was useless for him to disagree. The guard holding him had already carried him to the side of the horse according to Qi You’s instructions.

Rie Yan suddenly snorted at him, as if threatening, Qi Ran originally stretched out his hand and waited for Qi You to hug him, but was startled by the horse at this time, then retracted, and tightly grabbed the guard’s collar.

Qi Ran sighed and stretched out his hand to “pick” him down.

After struggling for a while, when he was put on the horse, he finally calmed down and pretended to be a quail.

“So timid, what should I do when I grow up?” Qi You muttered above his head.

Qi Ran looked at the hanging feet and said with a weeping voice, “Mother, mother said, I’m still young…”

Qi You ignored his defense, and drove the flames to trot.

He was also brought on the horse by his father when he was a child. From fear to excitement, he fell in love with the feeling of galloping.

He felt that although Qi Ran looked timid and soft, he must be the same as him.

So after running around for a while, when he hugged Qi Ran with a stunned face, he proudly asked, “How do you feel?”

From Qi You’s point of view, Qi Ran’s first time to experience horseback riding, riding a rare treasure horse like the flame, will definitely remember this precious experience.

But the bridge he imagined didn’t happen, and the shocking body in his arms seemed to finally react, and he cried on the spot with a “wow”.

It could be seen that he was indeed quite frightened, and after a while, the whole chubby face was wet with tears.

Qi You looked at the little chubby dun who was crying out of breath in his arms, and rubbed his forehead with a headache.

He tried to comfort him: “Don’t cry, it’s already down.”

“Wow…” Qi Ran ignored him at all and continued to cry hard.

Qi You could only compromise: “Don’t cry. What do you want? I’ll take you to find your mother?”

Qi Ran stopped crying, and after a while, she stretched out her round finger and pointed to the sparkling river in front of her, and said, “I…I want to eat fish.”

“If you want to eat food, you need a year of farming.” Cao Mi handed the two small buckets to Qi Rui and Qi An.

The vegetable field in the school is taken care of by the children, and all the utensils are the size of the children’s version. At this time, the two brothers used it just right.

Qi An looked at the green vegetables in the field for a while, and Cao Mi for a while, hesitatingly reluctant to go to the ground.

On the other hand, Qi Rui didn’t think much about it.

He regarded this as a special experience, and immediately started to do it, following the instructions of a servant next to him, pouring it in a good manner.

Seeing this, Qi An finally followed suit.

Soon, even if someone was guarding them, the two children were so tired that they gasped for breath, and the beautiful clothes were still stained with mud marks.

That is to say, the two of them are a little more mature. If Qi Ran was here, they might have been crying and acting like a spoiled child with Cao Mi.

But Qi Rui and Qi An gritted their teeth and finished watering the small field that Cao Mi had drawn.

Cao Mi saw their actions in his eyes, and felt a little distressed, but he still seized the opportunity to ask, “Is it very hard?”

She pointed to the children who practiced handwriting with twigs as pens in the classroom, and said, “This is their daily life. They are different from you. After reading every day, they have to take time to take care of these vegetable fields. It takes several months for a vegetable to grow, and if there is any accident during this period, the harvest may be lost in a few months.”

“No more?” Qi An’s eyes widened.

Cao Mi motioned him to turn around, “Have you seen the three fallen vegetables over there? That’s what you accidentally stepped on when you were boiling water just now.”

Qi An’s mouth was flat, looking at the three vegetables, his mood was obviously lower.

Cao Mi thought that in just a few words, he already understood the difficulty of farming.

Unexpectedly, after Qi An was depressed, what he said was: “I did it for the first time, of course there will be negligence.”

He emphasized: “It’s not that I can’t do better than them!”

Cao Mi looked at him with a bit of a headache, not knowing how he was compared.

Beside him, Qi Rui looked at him and taught a lesson: “You don’t need to compare with them.”

“No.” Qi An rarely refuted Qi Rui: “What others can do, so can I. I can also write on branches and water the grass every day.”

He stared at Cao Mi, as if to say that he was not convinced.

Cao Mi sorted out his brain circuit, and said with some headache: “It’s not necessary to use branches and sand trays… My mother recently raised a pot of lantern fruit. If you want, I will give you a pot after returning to the house, and you can help me. I keep it?”

Qi An nodded and said, “Okay!”

Cao Mi breathed a sigh of relief, and dared not let them stay here again, so he took the two brothers and hurried away.

On the way, he met Qi You who came back with Qi Ran in his arms.

The three children’s clothes were all dirty. The difference is that Qi Rui and Qi An were covered in mud, while Qi Ran’s clothes had black stains that could not be seen, but there was a faint smell of grilled fish.

Cao Mi and Qi You looked at each other, tacitly hurried on their way quietly, sent the three children to the courtyard, and handed them over to the maids to wash and change.

After sending off the three children, the King of Bei’an and the princess were in the courtyard, and Qi Qi breathed a sigh of relief.

Qi You just opened his mouth to say something, but was suddenly attracted by the movement next to him.

He moved towards the place where the sound came from, Cao Mi thought about it and followed.

It turned out that in a small wing of the courtyard, several masons were building walls.

The courtyard where Cao Mi and the others live now was newly built by Beisi with people. As the foothold of the Beian Wang family in the villa, it is natural not to be shabby.

This afternoon, seeing that they had gone out temporarily, the masons were preparing to build the last courtyard wall in the wing.

Unexpectedly, Qi You and Cao Mi came back early, just in time for their work.

A few craftsmen who were building walls saw Qi You and Cao Mi, and put down their buddies one after another and bowed to them.

They don’t know Qi You’s identity, they just call them “the main family”.

Knowing the situation here, Cao Mi thought that Qi You would go back. But what she didn’t expect was that Qi You seemed to be interested, and he continued to walk in the direction of the craftsman.

When the craftsmen saw him coming, they were a little uncomfortable, and Qi You waved his hands, signaling them to continue their business.

He observed their work, and asked Cao Mi who was following: “This is what you made… What kind of cement is that?”

Although he was not often in the mansion, he knew most of what Cao Mi did.

Cao Mi nodded.

Qi You then knocked on a dry wall next to it, and asked, “After they are dry, is this what they look like?”

Cao Mi replied, “Yes.”

Seeing that he was interested, Cao Mi simply pointed to a mud worker who was familiar with him, and introduced some properties of cement and how to use it with Qi You.

“It’s almost the same as the glutinous rice paste.” Qi You stared at the wall after hearing this, thinking thoughtfully.

Suddenly, he asked again, “How much does this cement cost per kilogram?”

Cao Mi blinked in surprise, not believing that Qi You would be interested in the value of this kind of thing.

But she still did a quick mental calculation, and replied truthfully: “A bag of cement weighs nearly 80 jin, a jin…about 12 copper plates.”

Qi You nodded.

He thought for a while, and said directly: “You prepare a weight of one kilogram, and then find a few craftsmen who can use cement. My sixteenth person will come over, pick them up, and make a trip to Fengping.”

Feng Ping was the pass that Qi You had just visited last time.

Cao Mi nodded and took down this order. She asked: “What are you going to send to Fengping? These craftsmen have their own strengths, some can build heated kangs, and some specialize in building houses. What kind of craftsmen does the lord need?”

Qi You gave her a deep look, and said after a while, “The city walls will be repaired.”

Cao Mi was stunned for a moment, and finally reacted: “Repair the city wall of Fengpingguan?”

Qi You nodded.

Cao Mi was suddenly a little excited.

She didn’t expect to meet a big list from the military as soon as her cement workshop opened. This is a cooperation with the imperial court, and he has become a half royal businessman!

So she hurriedly agreed: “That’s the craftsmen who need to build walls and repair. I will tell Liu Ge to choose some of the best craftsmanship for the prince.”

Qi You nodded in satisfaction.

But his next sentence made Cao Mi a little confused.

“After you have ordered the cement and the craftsman’s money, pay the bill directly to the housekeeper.” Qi You said lightly.

Cao Mi was stunned for a moment, then reacted, and confirmed to Qi You with some confusion: “Is the work of repairing the city wall…is the prince’s investment?”

Qi You raised his eyebrows and asked, “Why not?”

“Well…” Cao Mi replied according to his own understanding and the common sense left to her by the original body: “Shouldn’t the court be responsible for this kind of thing? Why is it the prince…”

The corner of Qi You’s mouth raised a slightly mocking arc. He sneered and said, “It’s already summer now, and after the fall, the Rong people are about to enter officials and disturb the people, and there is still no movement from the court.

“Even if I can submit the funds for Feng Ping to repair the city wall, when the money comes, not to mention it will take half a year, it will be deducted on the road, and when it comes to me, it may only be enough to repair an arrow tower.

“It’s better to count on yourself than to count on the capital.”

He said, his eyes looked deep in the direction of the capital.

Although he knew that corrupt officials had existed since ancient times, Cao Mi couldn’t help feeling a little sad.

The people of Liaozhou were persecuted by the Rong tribe’s iron cavalry year after year, resisting the blade of the grassland for the Sheng Dynasty, but the people they guarded did not care about their life or death.

Her original joy of receiving the big list from the imperial court has completely disappeared.

“These cement and craftsmen, if the lord wants it, I don’t want half a cent.” Cao Mi took a deep breath and made a generous decision: “How much cement the lord wants, send someone to fight with the people in the cement factory. The greeting is. The output of the cement factory will be given priority to the prince.”

Qi You shook his head: “No need, how much money, just calculate it as usual.”

“Your Highness doesn’t know something.” Cao Mi smiled.

She is not really a Virgin, nor did she decide not to accept money because she wanted to do her best for the country.

“Actually, the raw materials for cement are all lime, clay and other materials from the lord’s fief. Even the factories are built on the lord’s fief.” Speaking of this, Cao Mi blushed.

It is said that when a person starts a business, the most important funds in the early stage mostly flow to higher-level materials and land. But she dragged Qi You’s blessing, and she didn’t bother about this kind of thing at all.

Cao Mi occupied the side of Rongguang Villa and the cement factory, and actually always remembered Qi You’s love in his heart.

She always thought that when she recovered and had money, she would use her own money to buy these sites.

Now that Qi You just needs some cement, she will never be cheeky to ask Qi You for money.

But in fact, if this batch of cement is given out for free, Cao Mi’s financial situation will be driven to a dead end.

At that time, she actually still has to ask Qi You for some money as she thought about it last night. But those can be counted as what she borrowed, and she will write it down in black and white, and there will always be a day to pay it back.

King Bei’an seems to be very slow when it comes to money. Cao Mi has already mentioned this. He is still confused and asked, “So what? Didn’t your people make it up?”

Cao Mi had a headache, and simply said: “Yes… Anyway, I don’t want money!”

Qi You also frowned and looked back at her: “You sold my things to me, why don’t you ask for money?”

Cao Mi choked for a while.

She found that she didn’t actually know Qi You.

Last night, Qi You indicated that she could use the gold and silver in the house at will. She felt that the other party’s logic was a bit like a warm man – “What’s mine is yours, and what’s yours is also mine.”

But today, after hearing his argument about cement, Cao Mi found out that the logic of King Beian is this: “What’s mine is yours, what’s yours is still yours.”

What the **** is this peerless wife and old cadre?

The author has something to say: Thanks to the little angel who irrigated the nutrient solution: I have to drink 13 bottles of tea; 10 bottles of BEYOU; 2 bottles of mango lollipops;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

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