Cowardly Stepmother Dressed As the Hero

v2 Chapter 108

Because Qi Jiu intends to speed up the trip, the group returned to Jurong after half a month.

Qi Jiu brought people forward, and wanted to rush directly to the city in excitement, but found that the dry moat had been dug up again, and water waves appeared.

He stopped in front of the moat and summoned his men to blow the horn, and then Qi San ordered someone to open the city gate and let him in.

Before the two could chat, Rong Guan, who had been waiting on the side, came over.

The city got the news early, and knew in advance that a group of people were coming, so they made preparations in advance.

Fortunately, at this time, because some of the two-story buildings in the city have been completed, some people who have contributed more have moved in, and a number of houses have been vacated.

Cloud seekers do not meet reminded that “The Cowardly Stepmother Dressed as a Male Protagonist” will be updated in the old time literature as soon as possible, remember the domain name

Considering that before Xueluo, new buildings that could accommodate so many people could not be built in the city, Rongguan took people a few days ago to simply pack out those temporary residences and set up a heated kang to ensure that everyone could survive this winter this year. .

“Master Qi Jiu, the villain is here to take them to wash.” Rong Guan glanced at the survivors behind Qi Jiu and said.

“Mmm, okay, thank you for your hard work.” Knowing that Rong Guan was Cao Mi’s person, Qi Jiu didn’t dare to neglect and responded quickly.

He still had something to do with Qi San, so he summoned his deputy and asked him to follow the instructions of Calgary Guan and put this group of people in place.

Soon, Qi Jiu and Qi San left, and Rong Guan also led Han Jia’s group inside.

Today’s Jirong City is still relatively “desolate”. After the rubble was cleared out, most of the place was empty.

A few months have passed, and tough weeds have grown in some corners. At first glance, it does not look like a city at all, but more like a wasteland.

But the roads in the city are well-maintained concrete pavements, spacious and clean.

When Han Jia walked on such a road, he shrank his toes for fear of getting dirty.

Soon, they were taken to a clearing.

Someone had been waiting over there with boiled hot water, and after seeing Rong Guan come over and greeted him, he became “busy”.

They took a brush, grabbed a survivor and wiped it with soap horns, and then used the brush to brush the next layer of dirt.

Qi You didn’t clean it up for them before, because he was afraid that these people would catch a cold after taking a bath–Kangrong City had just been shot down, but there wasn’t much space and materials to take care of these people.

However, there are obviously no such concerns in Jirong City.

The weather has cooled down, so the kang in the house is set on fire, and the sweaters are made in batches to ensure that these remnants of the Sheng Dynasty will not be attacked by the cool wind.

The five Han Jia walked in the lead and were the first to be caught and cleaned.

The fifth had never seen this kind of battle at all, and worried that there were strong soldiers under Qi Jiu’s command next to him, he didn’t dare to resist, but he shrank his neck and started screaming.

But Han Jia and Han Yi had already received this kind of treatment on Geer’s side.

Han Jia tightened the skin on his back, letting these aunties who were older than his mother scrub for him, and reminded him aloud: “The fifth… don’t move.

“The big ladies just help us take a bath, and it will be fine soon.”

“Oops! It hurts to death!” The fifth’s eyes were full of tears, purely from pain.

He lowered his voice and discussed with the person next to him: “Auntie, you, take it easy!”

The aunt who helped him clean smiled at him and pointed to the dirty water on the ground: “Young man, you’re not very energetic! Don’t look at how dirty you are!”

The old fifth wailed: “Yes, if it were those little ladies who came here, wouldn’t I be skinned by you?”

The aunt smiled again: “Oh, you still miss the little lady? The little lady won’t stay here.”

After her reminder, the fifth child discovered that the only dozens of women in the team had already been arranged by Rongguan as a maid and taken to another place to wash.

He didn’t care anymore and shouted loudly.

Rao is so, he didn’t dare to resist at all.

After washing, several people were taken into the house and put on thin underwear.

Rong Guan pointed to the woolen sweater on the kang and said to them, “Come here, after you have registered, you can get a woolen sweater.”

Han Jia and his younger brother looked at each other and walked over first.

After reporting his name, Rong Guan nodded thoughtfully, and gave him a piece of clothing and a room card.

After that, Han Yi, the fifth and the others went up one after another. The clothes they received were the same, but the room cards were completely different.

They couldn’t read the characters on the cards, but they could understand Rongguan’s words.

“This, this steward… can’t we live in one place?” Han Jia asked.

Rong Guan smiled and responded: “This is also for convenience. Although we don’t live in one place, we will eat and work in the city. It’s the same.”

Several people looked at each other.

Han Yi said a little aggrieved: “I want to live with my brother…”

Rong Guan seems to have been used to dealing with this kind of thing, and there is no wavering on the face of hearing this.

He said: “When you have contributed enough points, you can change to a big house in a residential area, and then you can decide who you want to live with.

“Now you live in a temporary residence, but there is no way to arrange it for you little brother.”

Han Jia pulled the corner of Han Yi’s shirt, and Han Yi knowingly stopped talking.

Rong Guan did this on purpose. Han Jia and several people always hold together in a group, which is not conducive to integrating into the new group. Rong Guan, who has been with Beisi for a long time and has learned a lot of management experience, naturally knows how to deal with these matters.

The fifth brother didn’t care about this at all. He put on the wool sweater and immediately asked with his eyes glowing, “Steward, what is this? Is it wool felt? Why doesn’t it sting at all?”

“It’s really made of wool.” Rong Guan responded while registering for the people below: “Because the production method is different from wool felt, it can be worn close to the body.”

“Oh!” The fifth man nodded: “Are these for us?”

“Well, let’s wear it for now.” Rong Guan raised his head and looked at Han Jia and his group, suddenly having a headache.

Afraid that leaving them here would interfere with his work, he simply said, “Aren’t you going to go back to your room? Why don’t you? I think the five of you are in good shape, not as thin and thin as the others. Strength, just go outside to find Uncle Rong and help him move things?”

“Okay!” Han Jia was the first to respond when he heard something to do.

He directly took his four companions out, and quickly found Uncle Rong.

Uncle Rong looked at the helpers and happily supported them.

Han Jia and the others worked for a while, and at the end of the day, they followed him to the kitchen in the city, ready to move back to the food they were going to eat tonight.

Unexpectedly, after arriving, the cook said apologetically: “Today there are a lot of things, and I am not ready yet, please wait for two quarters of an hour.”

Uncle Rong responded cheerfully: “It’s okay, don’t worry, Wan Niang, take your time.”

The elderly cook gave him an angry look, turned and went into the house with a basket of dried chili peppers.

A group of people waited outside the kitchen door.

The place where the remnants were placed was on the edge of the city wall, but the kitchen had already come to the center of the city. Standing here, they crossed the streets and open spaces of Yimapingchuan, and they could see the craftsmen who were working hard to build houses not far away.

Rows of houses rose from the original ruins, as if torn open a corner of the barren and barren, allowing people to glimpse the appearance of prosperity.

The buildings are all of a unified standard. In terms of appearance, they are actually not as good-looking as those traditional buildings decorated with cloud eaves and tile roofs.

But when they appear in a row, they show an astonishingly neat geometric beauty, with red walls and green tiles, shoulder-to-shoulder, leaving anyone speechless at first sight.

“It’s amazing.” Uncle Rong sounded with a smile.

He loves to laugh very much, and he always smiles when he does everything: “Every time I see it, I feel incredible.”

Han Jia swallowed and tried to make himself look calm: “Then…what is that place? Should it be the residence of the nobles?”

“Noble? Hehe!” He straightened his clothes and asked, “Do you think I look like a noble?”

As soon as he said these words, Han Jia and the others were finally willing to turn their heads and look at him.

“You… where do you live?” the fifth confirmed.

Uncle Rong nodded: “I live in the innermost row, the fifth building, hehe.”

Without waiting for Han Jia and the others to ask again, he proudly added: “The princess said that people like us who have contributed a lot can live in first.

“Wait until the housing is abundant in the future, and we are the group of people who will enjoy the housing allocation first!”

The fifth and Han Jia and the others looked at each other.

He came back to his senses and complimented: “You, you must be a person of extraordinary status, right?”

After saying this, the fifth even thought about it, wanting to confirm whether he had anything disrespectful to Uncle Rong just now.

Uncle Rong shook his head: “Hey, you can’t talk nonsense. Three years ago, my situation was not much better than yours.”

He sighed: “Hey, at that time, I didn’t know where to go after I ate the last meal. I secretly left the house, thinking that I had enough to live, and if I died, I would die, but I couldn’t. Waste food again…”

The fifth one’s mouth widened.

“And then?” Han Jia asked.

“Later…” Rong Guan recalled that day, “Later, the Royal Palace’s motorcade happened to pass that section and brought us all to Rongguang Villa.”

He looked at Han Jia: “Don’t think I’m old, I used to take care of the shop when I was young.

“When I got to the villa, I gradually became a steward. If it wasn’t for leaving, I would have been allocated a few fields at this time, haha.”

The amount of information in his words was a bit large, and Han Jia and the others didn’t understand it for a while.

“Uncle Rong has a field, and you come with us?” Another person next to Uncle Rong said.

He also came from Rongguang Villa, but because he was not the first batch of refugees, he was far from being able to divide the land.

“You don’t understand…” Uncle Rong turned his gaze to the direction of the inner city, where Cao Mi and several children lived: “Man, you have to remember to be grateful!

“Don’t say it’s rejecting Rongcheng, the princess is killing me now, and I won’t even blink.”

After saying that, he laughed again “hehe”: “But the princess won’t do this, she’s waiting for us to get better before it’s too late!”

He turned around, patted Han Jia on the shoulder, and said to everyone, “You guys work hard. There may be that one in the building under construction. It will be yours in the future.”

Han Jia opened his mouth and was about to speak, but suddenly there was a call in the kitchen: “Old Rong, things are ready, come and get them.”

Uncle Rong responded, and Le Diandian ran in again.

Han Jia swallowed the unspoken words, and when his nose moved, he smelled a special sweetness.

“It smells so good!” The fifth man had already shouted.

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