Cowardly Stepmother Dressed As the Hero

v2 Chapter 109

Carrying a basket full of steamed sweet potatoes and walking forward, the fifth old man fixed his eyes on these foods he had never seen before.

They haven’t been treated like that since that time when they ate broth in Anti-Rong City. After all, on the road, Qi Jiu just wanted to give them something to eat, but he couldn’t.

So on the way, they ate ordinary bean dregs cakes, and they were lucky to get some wheat cakes occasionally.

However, the bean dregs cake and the wheat cake are very dry and need to be eaten with water, and the taste is also poor. How can it compare to the sweet potato that emits bursts of sweetness before it is put into the mouth?

Uncle Rong noticed the abnormality of the fifth child, and reminded him with a smile: “lady, focus on watching the road, don’t get distracted.”

The old fifth made a big red face, but then nodded, not daring to be halfhearted.

Back at the resettlement point, Uncle Rong instructed them to divide the sweet potatoes.

Han Jia and several people helped, and Uncle Rong deliberately gave them the last remaining things.

The old five can’t wait, and can’t wait to start tasting.

After eating for a while, he suddenly remembered something, looked at Uncle Rong who was still smiling next to him, and asked, “Uncle Rong, don’t you eat?”

He took out a medium-sized sweet potato from the portion in front of him and handed it to Uncle Rong: “It’s delicious! It’s fragrant and sweet, please try it!◤◤”

Uncle Rong waved his hand.

He said, “Eat it yourself. I’ll go back later and have wheat rice to eat. I won’t grab it from you.”

“Where is wheat so delicious?”

The old fifth put the sweet potato back and asked suspiciously.

Uncle Rong “hehe”

He smiled and said, “The princess said, this thing is delicious, but you can’t eat it all the time, otherwise people will lose weight.

“Before you came, we ate for a while, and recently we changed back to rice noodles.”

“If you have something to eat, will you still lose weight?”

The old fifth stared at the sweet potato that had eaten more than half of it in his hands in disbelief.

“Well, it’s like grass roots and bark.”

Uncle Rong explained: “It is true that you can survive by eating, but you can’t eat it often, and you can’t just eat this.

“Of course, sweet potatoes are much better than drafting root bark.”

The fifth heard it now.

He knew the taste of grass roots and bark, and at this time he took a big bite of a sweet potato and said, “Anyway, this thing is much better than grass roots and bark!”

Uncle Rong nodded happily.

He waited until everyone had almost finished eating, and then instructed someone to pack up the wooden baskets and barrels and send them back to the stove.

After Han Jia and the others filled their stomachs, they also returned to their rooms according to their room number and according to the instructions of the steward present.

Lying on the bed, Han Jia thought it would be difficult for him to fall asleep.

After all, because of Rong Guan’s arrangement, he was separated from his four familiar companions and came to a room full of strangers.

But I don’t know if the sleeping kang in the room is too warm, or the moonlight outside the window is just right. He lay down for a while, then drowsiness gradually rose, and he gradually fell into sleep.

The days that followed were busy.

Jirong City was still being rebuilt, and it was a waste of time. Suddenly such a group of people came. Although there was an increase in consumption, it was actually good news for Cao Mi.

Even though most of this group of people, except for Han Jia, were originally slaves of the Rong tribe, and their physical condition was a little worrying, they could still do some simple tasks within their power.

In the beginning, the five Han Jia were assigned to rub wool just like the others.

After a few people got together, the fifth brother discussed with Han Jia: “Brother Han, we have also seen this city, it’s really a good place, should we go back first and pick up my father and the others? ?”

It has been less than twelve hours since he came to the city, and the fifth child has already been fascinated by this place.

I live in a windproof house, I have warm clothes to wear, and I still eat soft and sweet sweet potatoes.

After waking up from a good dream last night, the fifth man could not wait to grow wings and fly home to pick up the villagers who were still waiting for their news.

Han Jia thought for a while, but shook his head and said, “Watch for a few more days.”

He is not as inattentive as the fifth, and is ready to observe carefully for a while.

But the next day, the group of five was separated.

Although Han Jia and others were also somewhat malnourished and looked skinny and thin, their physical fitness was actually quite good.

After all, being able to survive freely in the depths of the prairie, and killing the wolf and digging out the voles den from time to time, cannot be so weak.

Rong Guan was busy all day sorting out everyone’s information, and suddenly remembered the five people who were still rubbing wool. Even if someone brought them up, they were scattered and assigned to various production teams.

Confidential places, such as the cement workshop, the green brick workshop, and even the iron smelting workshop just moved from Huaitong, cannot let a few people go, but it is not difficult to ask them to help out in the city.

So Han Jia and others have become a brick in the city. Today, they will open a composting pond in the suburbs to help dig pits. Tomorrow, the team from Changling will come to help them unload the goods.

A few days later, Han Jia’s affairs stabilized slightly.

He was very strong, and was favored by Wang Shu. He traveled to and from workshops and residential areas in the suburbs every day, using a specially made cart to help transport building materials.

On this day, during the lunch break, Wang Shu approached him.

After taking a mouthful of hot and sour soup, Wang Shu asked Han Jia, “How is it? Are you still used to it these few days?”

Of course Han Jia knew Wang Shu. After all, Wang Shu was the leader of the team.

He quickly put down the bowl and said, “I’m still used to it.”

“Don’t be afraid, don’t be afraid, I’ll come over to say hello to you.” Wang Shu patted him on the shoulder: “You are sincere and willing to work hard, I have been paying attention to you for a long time.

“However, these cements are so heavy that you can withstand four bags per person at a time, but how can you bear it?

“Just take it easy in the future, don’t hurt the root.”

Han Jia smiled.

He did have the idea of ​​desperately trying, but these behaviors also made him feel at ease, which calmed down a lot of the fear that he had received various rescues in the city for no reason.

Wang Shu chatted again: “How about the hot and sour noodles today? Is it delicious?”

Han Jia nodded again and again: “Of course, I’ve never eaten anything like this before!

“I ate noodles a few days ago, but it’s different from this one.”

“It’s made of sweet potatoes.” Wang Shu explained to him, “However, sweet potato flour is just starting to be made, and I’m not yet skilled, so you haven’t tried it before.

“I heard that it’s good now. The sweet potato workshop has already figured out a set of procedures, and there should be more and more sweet potato flour in the future.”

Han Jia nodded.

He was afraid that the atmosphere would get cold, so he could only change his disposition that he usually didn’t like to talk, and said again: “This… hot and sour noodles are also different from ordinary noodles, spicy and sour, so delicious. .”

Wang Shu’s eyes lit up and he hugged him directly: “Tsk tsk, boy, you are good.”

When Han Jia was a little puzzled, Wang Shu pointed to the Bai Shi who was helping people in the distance and said to him: “I saw that the lady in the kitchen room is not there, this hot and sour powder, after she accidentally heard what the princess said. , let us figure it out.”

Han Jia didn’t dare to put his eyes on those women, so he lowered his head a little embarrassedly: “Yes, yes…”

“Mmmm.” Wang Shu took another sip of powder and asked, “Do you know who she is?”

Han Jia shook his head honestly.

“It’s my daughter-in-law!” Wang Shu showed off with a grin, “We just got married at the beginning of the year.”

Han Jia stiffened, and then smiled in agreement: “Congratulations!”

Wang Shu gave him a look of “I will cover you in the future”: “Next time you go to get food, just say you are familiar with me, and Qi Niang will definitely give you more fans.”

Han Jia stunned and said “Okay”.

Wang Shu nodded, then said goodbye to him, and went directly to the side of Bai who had rested.

Han Jia exhaled lightly, and silently ate the hot and sour noodles in the bowl.

He stared blankly at the mutual concern between Wang Shu and Bai, and suddenly a warm feeling rose in his heart.

A few days later, Han Jia discussed with the fifth and the others, and felt that there was no need to wait any longer.

Jirong City is definitely a good place, they want to take over the whole village.

So on this day, Han Jia went to Beicheng to find Qi Jiu who brought them while he was resting.

After waiting outside the courtyard for a while, he was led in as he wished.

Qi Jiuzheng said this to Qi San, and when he saw him coming in, he asked in a good mood: “Han Jia, right? What’s the matter?”

Han Jiachao bowed to the two of them with a hand salute that he had learned recently, and then explained the things in his village one by one.

After speaking, he pleaded, “…that’s how it is.

“Please also let me leave for a few days, so that I can bring the rest of the village to Jurong City.”

Qi Jiu and Qi San looked at each other and suddenly couldn’t hold back their laughter.

When Han Jia was confused, Qi Jiu said, “Don’t you think that we just randomly brought you to the village?”

He simply did not hide it, and said directly: “The night I caught the five of you, I passed a letter with Geer and learned about the situation in your village.

“Not long after we left, the people in your village were taken to the Anti-Rong City by Geer, and the other people who couldn’t come back with us waited for arrangements before being brought back.

“Well… so the situation in your village, you don’t need to worry for the time being.”

After Han Jia heard this, he was stunned, and after reacting, he felt a little ashamed.

For them, Rejection City was indeed a place that could give them redemption, but they had the intention of temptation from the very beginning and came here just to investigate.

The original “voluntary surrender” that could make Han Jia feel comforted was actually useless – Qi Jiu and others had already seen through their plans, and even arranged things in the village.

The more careful Qi San found his embarrassment, thought for a while, and comforted him: “You don’t have to do this. Your approach is actually very good. You can’t be too careful outside the Great Wall.

“Heh, if you mentioned the village back then, Qi Jiu might be suspicious.”

The Han family buried their heads in their chests, and nodded with a blushing face.

He said: “Let the two adults see the joke.”

“No, no.” Qi Jiu smiled.

He waved his hand: “If you have nothing else to do, just go down. The people from your village will definitely be sent back after a while, so don’t worry.”

The Han family nodded, and then trotted out.

One day after half a month, the first snowflake fell tremblingly.

Cao Mi frowned slightly, stretched out his hand outside the eaves of the window, and caught a few pieces of white.

“Princess, be careful of the cold!” Dong Li added a cloak behind her.

Cao Mi cooperated with withdrawing his hand, and closed the cloak to wrap himself up.

She said with some anxiety: “This year’s snow… it’s too late.”

Jirong City is located in the north. According to previous years, the snow should have fallen more than a month ago after the sweet potatoes were harvested.

But the strange thing is that the snow season has been delayed again and again, and it has only snowed today.

This was a great event for the masons in Wangshu, because the snow fell late, and they built more than 30 more houses than expected.

Since the houses are not divided by households at this time, a two-story building that was originally intended to accommodate four families can squeeze more than 50 people, and dozens of houses will be built, which means that hundreds of people can live in the cold-resistant in advance. Frostproof new house.

But for those peasants who watch the sky to eat, this is not a bad news-

Ruixue is a good year, and the snow falls late and falls little, which is likely to affect next year’s harvest.

Dong Li sighed and persuaded: “The time of day is inherently impermanent, and it will not be changed by manpower. The princess does not need to worry about it.”

Cao Mi nodded thoughtfully.

She couldn’t say what she felt in her heart. After all, she knew that in the past few years, Sheng Chao would encounter a natural disaster that was enough to change the dynasty.

Now that she suddenly smelled some faint signals before the disaster, she couldn’t stop her thoughts.

She took Dongli back to the room, thinking about ordering some things and making some preparations, when she saw a maid running in from outside the house.

“Princess, princess!” The maid was overjoyed, “The lord is back with the army!

“The three masters of Qi sent people to send a message, saying that they will arrive at the gate of the city in two hours, please hurry up and prepare!”

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