Craftsman System In My Hero Academia

Finally Acquired A Quirk!!


Two boys could be seen together at the school's playground. One extremely cute and the other not so much. The cute boy could be seen chatting with the other boy who was hanging off the monkey bars and doing sit-ups.

"Could you really build something that will let me use my quirk without my tummy hurting?" Aoyama asked with sparkles radiating off his body.

"Gah!" Antoine was forced to shield his eyes from the bright chibi bishounen and promptly fell from the monkey bars onto the soft sand.

"Yeah. I could figure something out if I study your belt, but not now though. I don't have the necessary material to build something that works similarly to your belt, but! The idea I have to let you use your quirk better will need you to have a strong body." Antoine explained while shaking the sand off of him.

"A strong body..?" Aoyama asked confused.

"Yep! That means when I can finally make something to for your quirk, you can use it no problem!"

"How do I do that?"

"Hehe.. I can't tell you. You have to ask your parents on how to become stronger." Antoine grinned.

"Oh okay.."

"Hey Neil-kun! Stop bullying Aoyama-kun! I heard from my friends that you force him to hang around you just because no one will want to play with you."

Antoine looked at the invisible child with a face filled with mockery. Aoyama was unnerved about the accusation and wanted to speak up but Hagakure didn't let him.

"Don't worry Aoyama-kun! I'm your friend. Friends need to stick up for each other and help whenever they can. I'll protect you from this bully." She declared while grabbing Aoyama's hand and standing defiantly towards Antoine.

'This is pretty interesting. I'm a bully apparently. Okay then let's see exactly what Aoyama will do about this misunderstanding.'

Antoine began laughing evilly.

"How will you stop me you icky girl?" Antoine said while taking a step forward and looking towards where Hagakure's face should be.

"I'll… I'll tell the teacher!" She threatened.

"Is this all that your bravery can come to? Why not solve the issue yourself coward!?" Antoine yelled in an evil voice.

"Grr…." Hagakure gritted her teeth and was about to step forward to face Antoine but felt a strong tug on her hand.

She confusedly looked back to see an angry Aoyama looking at her.

"Don't be mean to my friend!" He softly shouted as his belt started activating.


'Yo-yo.. Don't fail me now!'

Antoine managed to cross the distance between him and the toddler versions of the future Pro Heroes in training in time and appeared in front of the shocked invisible girl. He used his yo-yo and deflected Aoyama's navel laser quirk towards the sky. His yo-yo cracked all over and seemed to be on the verge of breaking with the slightest impact.

'Fuck Sparkle, that quirk really is powerful…' Aoyama fell over backwards and slowly started crawling away while his face was turning into a mess. Hagakure wasn't free from any harm either because she started crying as well.

So, Antoine was now stuck between two crying children and the teachers were now on their way after seeing Aoyama's laser beam in the sky. He sighed and knew that there was no way to possibly fix this situation in time. His acting skills weren't nearly good enough to produce actual tears and cry just like these two here.


"So, you're telling me that you're innocent in all of this Neil-kun?" His teacher questioned him while being highly suspicious.

"Just ask them what happened if you don't want to believe me!" Antoine yelled as Hagakure and Aoyama were sitting in the chairs next to him with red puffy eyes.

"Is what he said true you two?"

Aoyama nodded while seemingly ready to burst into tears again after realizing he nearly hurt his friend. Antoine seemed overall visually annoyed with this entire situation and Hagakure was feeling sad because Aoyama nearly hurt her and that she was in the wrong in the first place. His teacher eventually got the whole story and forced everyone to apologize except Antoine refused to apologize.

"I did nothing wrong, I refuse to apologize."

"Antoine.. Can you just say your sorry and let it end?" His teacher slightly begged.

"No way." He stuck his tongue out.

"Apologizes are only when you feel sorry about doing something. I don't feel sorry for anything I did and I won't apologize. No matter what." Antoine stubbornly refused.

"Antoine if you don't apologize I'll have to call your mother…."

Antoine slid across the floor and bowed to his teacher.

"I am eternally apologetic for all my misdemeanors and transactions against you my Just Lordship Teacher-sama."

He heard two giggling children behind him and ignored it for their safety.

'If you knew the tyrant known as my mother, you would be doing the same thing.'

"Good. Now apologize to Hagakure."

'Alright bitch… you're pushing it now. You're lucky she's part of the main cast or I'd definitely ruin your life as my teacher…'

Antoine got up and walked over to Hagakure and was about to apologize.

"Wait! I'm sorry Neil-kun! I'm sorry that I thought you were bullying Aoyama-kun.."

She then turned around to face Aoyama.

"I'm sorry for saying mean things about your friend Aoyama-kun.."

'Wow how mature. When I was a kid I would definitely only fake an apology. I don't think I ever heard anyone say such a heartfelt apology.' Antoine thought.

"I'm sorry for using my quirk on you…." Aoyama said.

"That's right Aoyama-kun.. I'm very surprised at this behavior." Risako said before eyeing Antoine.

Antoine snorted at her gaze.

"Just make sure next time you want to help someone, you get the correct information first." Antoine told her before walking outside the classroom door.

"I didn't dismiss you yet Neil!" Risako yelled and soon sighed.

'Am I really that bad as a teacher…? Is it me or is it that child..?' She thought as she rose her head and saw Aoyama nervously looking back and forth at her and the door.

"May I be excused…?" Aoyama asked, clearly wanting to go after his friend but at the same time not wanting to be rude and actively going against his teacher.

She showed a faint smile.

"Sure Aoyama-kun.. Remember to not use your quirk on your friends young man or you're going to get in even bigger trouble."

"Okay I won't." He clumsily hurried to open the door and ran out to look for Antoine, only to bump into someone on his way out and fall to the floor.

He looked up to see who he ran into and a relieved smile appeared on his face.

"Thank you Aoyama. I'm impressed that you had the courage to stand up for me. That was pretty cool of you."

Antoine didn't realize the sheer weight that his words held to the younger Aoyama and how they would affect him in the future. The weak and shy boy who always thought of himself different from others. How he could never be the same as his fellow peers thanks to the problems with his quirk. But Antoine didn't see him the same way others saw him. He saw him as a friend… Someone who he could share what he likes and dislikes without treating him strangely. He even planned on helping him fix his quirk when they grow up.

Antoine saw that Aoyama was about to cry again.

'Seriously… Does this kid's tear ducts ever dry out?'

"Stop crying and come on. A future hero can't be seen crying in public." Antoine said while holding his hand out.

Aoyama wiped his eyes and accepted Antoine's help up, promising in his heart to ask his parents how he could get stronger.

The two left the school building together and their parents were waiting on them. Antoine's mom had a furious look on her face, while Aoyama's mom had a very worried look on her's.

[Host should prepare himself to dodge.]


Antoine's mom dive kicked towards Antoine, who just barely managed to dodge in time only thanks to the system's warning.

"Antoine! Why are you leaving class so late!?"


Antoine pulled out his yo-yo and prepared himself for any further attacks. His mom slowly ran towards him and suddenly vanished and reappeared behind him. Antoine hopped away while flicking his yo-yo towards his mom's forehead. She ducked and pounced towards the now defenseless young boy who smirked before unrolling a second golden yo-yo and surprising his mom.

She was forced to catch the incoming children's toy and land on top of Antoine with a victorious smile.

"Tch. I could've had you if i- bmamabama" Antoine's teeth suddenly started falling out of his mouth but strangely there was no blood coming out nor did it hurt as much as teeth falling out should.

His mother quickly got off him and put him in her car. She immediately started driving towards somewhere while Antoine was freaking out about what fucking dickhead used their teeth falling quirk on an innocent child. He was cursing up a storm but without his teeth, no one could understand him.

"Don't worry baby, mama is on her way to the hospital. Just calm down.."

Antoine started yelling at his mom about how the fuck could he calm down when all of his teeth just randomly started falling out.

[Host. Do not panic.]

'Why the fuck shouldn't I panic!? Teeth don't just all of a sudden fall out like this! What the hell is happening to me!?'

[Host, you are simply awakening your quirk.]

"Mo Pucking Hay…"

[New Skill Gained. Shark Quirk]

'Shark Quirk…'

[Shark Quirk Lv1– This quirk is given to you by your mother! At initial stages, few shark traits are gained. As this skill gains proficiency more and more shark traits are available along with increased shark abilities.]

[5% Increase in Str, Agl, and Vit.]

[Shark Teeth gained! Teeth are now able to chew through most things human teeth aren't capable of! They are also capable of being grown back within 24 hours! As this skill increases in proficiency, the strength of your teeth will improve, the rate at which they grow back will increase, and the number of rows will increase.]

As his mother plowed her way through the streets to get him to the hospital, his new quirk was already growing in. Tiny little serrated sharp teeth started growing in his mouth rapidly and quickly filled up his mouth while similarly sized saw-shaped ones grew behind the first row of teeth. Antoine took out his golden yo-yo and used it's shiny polish, to see his new teeth. He grinned a cute terrifying smile but then noticed that his teeth were different from his mothers. His mom's teeth were pointy and sharp, meant for gripping and holding on while his back row of teeth were meant for tearing through and shredding.

He guessed that it was just genetics at play and desperately wanted to bite into something right now.

"Mom! I just got my quirk! Look!" Antoine shouted excitedly while using his finger to open his mouth.

"Sweetie I would love to see but right now Mommy is driving. We'll be at the hospital in a minute and mommy will see it then."

Antoine began making chomping sounds while biting around in the backseat. The amount of willpower he was using to not bit everything in the backseat would scare even the strongest members of the green lan*e*ns.

A few minutes later they arrived at the hospital and his mom picked him up and carried him inside. He refused to be treated like a baby and tried to escape her grasps but trying to go against a shark mom who wishes to protect her young is like trying to kill baby dragon in front of its parents. He unwillingly stayed in her arms and after a long ass time of waiting, Antoine was seen by a quirk doctor. After a few tests, Antoine was returned back to his mom after the doctors made sure that there was no problems with his quirk that affected his body in a negative way.


Antoine was loudly chomping his teeth as he waited for his dad to place dinner on the table. His dad decided to celebrate his awakening by having a big feast much to the excitement on Antoine himself. Once his dad set the food down, Antoine quickly went at it. He shoved as much food in his mouth as he could and immediately chopped down, chewed, and tore through his food, causing a big mess at the kitchen table.

Alisha immediately wanted yell at the boy to eat like he has some sense but Markus put his arms around her shoulder.

"I'll clean it up later dear.. just let him have his fun for now." Markus smiled along with his wife who slowly opened herself up to a smile as well.

"You know how it is when kids get their quirks.."

"Yeah I know.. I just wish that knucklehead acted like he has some manners sometimes. He acts completely different whenever he's on that computer or building something in his room."

"Our little bundle of joy." Markus chuckled.

Antoine got done with the family-sized dinner by himself and burped loud enough for their neighbors to hear. He chucked in embarrassment and excused himself from the table.

"GO BRUSH YOUR TEETH!" His mother yelled as he was already on his way to his room.

He groaned before realizing that he could go brush his new awesome teeth. He excitedly ran to the bathroom and spent way longer than he should have in the bathroom admiring his new teeth and then returned back to his room afterwards.

'So simply using my teeth for any type of action will give me experience towards leveling my quirk skill. I should carry around various things to chew on regularly to increase my skill faster.. But I'm not sure if my stomach has been affected by my quirk as well. I can't go around chewing and eating things not meant for human consumption if my quirk isn't meant for that. System! I need your help!'

[Yes Host?]

'If I chew a piece of scrap metal and swallow it will my quirk be able to handle it? Or will I fucking tear my throat and stomach apart by eating sharp metals?'

[Host's Shark Quirk will allow the digestion of nearly anything once it hits Intermediate rank.]

'So no, I can't go around eating things not meant to be eaten for now. Alright. Thank you system.'

Antoine then began his various exercises before heading off to bed.


"Heheh my quirk is pretty cool isn't it? I bet that when I get older it gets even better! I'll make sure of it!" Antoine said to the equally excited Aoyama.

"Mine too..! Yesterday my mom even signed me up boxing classes to get stronger. I will start going tomorrow."

"That's good. Keep at it and you'll definitely become strong enough to overcome your quirk. I might not even need to build something to help you if you try hard enough."

"You really think so Neil-kun..?" Aoyama asked not quite willing to believe that his problem could be overcome so simply.

"I know so. You're my friend who was willing to use his dangerous quirk just for my sake. You can definitely do it." Antoine buttered the low self-esteem boy up.

It seemed to have worked because the boy seemed to gain a small flame in his eyes, in the form of a sparkle, and as this was happening a certain classmate walked over.


"Hey guys! I wanted to ask if you wanted to play with me?" The young invisible girl asked while her feet showed an embarrassed motion.

Aoyama looked over at Antoine, unsure of what to say.

"Sure, why not? What did you have in mine?" Antoine asked, secretly pleased at gaining two members of the main cast as friends.

"Well… Why don't we play tag?" She asked.

Aoyama shook his head rapidly at Hagakure while Antoine smiled.

"While I would love to play tag, it would be more like me chasing two snails. How about something else?"

"What do you mean? I'm pretty fast!" Hagakure claimed with pride.

"The only person that could probably keep up with me is the boy that can transform his legs into tires and even then it'll still be close."

"No way… you can't be as fast as Eiji-kun."

"I think we got off topic Hagakure-chan. What other games do you have in mind?"

"How about….."

Antoine waited till the cheerful happy-go-lucky made up her mind while doing advanced tricks with his yo-yo leisurely. But it seems the girl wouldn't make up her mind anytime soon as she and Aoyama got distracted by his toy and decided to spend recess watching him perform cool tricks.

'Kids will be kids I guess. It isn't bad though, spending my time with some cute little kids. I guess I'll just have to spend my time making them better than their original manga counterparts and improving my skills and level till it's time to hijack Midoriya's training location during middle school. I'm going to deconstruct the fuck out of that junkyard and take all that juicy scrap metal for himself and ready myself and these two for the entrance exam. But this won't be for a while.' He sighed.

"What's wrong Neil-kun?" Aoyama asked.

"Accomplishing goals take determination. And a future Pro Hero like me can't ever lack the thing called determination or there would be no point at all.."

Aoyama and Hagakure didn't understand what Antione was getting at, but they understood that he was worried about something.

"I won't give up Neil-kun. I'll become strong enough to handle my quirk for sure..!" Aoyama swore.

"I'm going to be a Pro Hero too! It sounds like fun!" Hagakure said happily.

'Uh oh… I think I may have changed her initial goal for being a hero…' He looked worriedly at the girl. 'I hope this doesn't come back to bite my ass. That'd be really annoying.'

Timeskip to middle school coming up next chapter and a huge jump in stats, skills, and more! It's gonna be a pain to think of all of it but i'm excited!

Comment/Review on the story readers and give me ideas on possible things you want to see! No guarantees that I will add what you want. But it helps to have ideas out there. Please point out any mistakes you notice or anything you're not clear about. I'll try to answer them and fix them to the best of my abilities.

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