Craftsman System In My Hero Academia

Meeting A Person From Class 1-A!

"Nooooo! I'm not finished with my research!" A now 3 years old Antoine screamed as he held onto his door for dear life.

"Antoine it's time for school! You will get your butt in that car or I swear I will take that computer away from you!" Alisha threatened.

Antoine let go of his door and dropped to the floor. He hugged his mother's knees in pure desperation.

"Please… I'll do anything.. just not my computer…." He begged while tears swam around his eyes.

His mom pointed out the door. Antoine sadly walked with his shark themed backpack towards his mom's car and sat in the front seat. His mom got in the driver side and looked at him. But since Antoine was still sad about having to leave his project unfinished he didn't notice her stare.

"Why aren't we moving?" He asked.

"Get your butt in the backseat. You're not old enough to sit in the front."

He groaned loudly and crawled in the back seat and put on his seat belt. His mom smiled despite his groaning and started the car to drive him to his very first day of school. As he listened to the radio on his way to school, he pulled out a fist-sized Rubik's cube and began solving it to past the time.

Antoine found out that certain tasks could improve his stats or give him skills. Doing exercises that challenge or tires his brain will increase the Intelligence stat and if doing things that test his brain increases his Int stat, why wouldn't doing other exercises that focus on his strength, vitality, or agility increase as well? So, ever since Antoine managed to find out that he could increase his stats, he has been finding out various ways to train them while on the move or around adults.

[Gained Int +2]

The stat boosts used to be more generous when he first found out that he could increase his stats but as he trained more and more they steadily slowed down, but it wouldn't be a problem as long as he managed to find more ways of pushing himself more and more. Like with this Rubik's cube, if he simply made it bigger and added more colors it increased the challenge. By this time his stats looked a little something like this.

[Name: Antoine Neil]

[Lv3 0/300]

[Stamina: 125/125]

[Health: Abnormally Healthy 3-Year-Old.]

[Title: None]

[Money: $0]

[Str: E+]

[Agl: D-]

[Vit: E+]

[Int: B-]

[Cha: E+]

[Luc: C]

[SP: 2]

Antoine grinned. Being taken to a universe with actual working internet is the best. He's able to research so many topics without having to go through any hardships at all! He's been studying all types of subjects that would help him become a better craftsman or increase his field of talents.

[Gained Int +2]

"We're here sweetie. But before we go in here, I need you to promise me a few things." Alisha said turning around in her seat to look directly at Antoine.

"Promises are for the weak! Real men make deals! They make actions!" Antoine yelled.

"Ahuh.. Listen to me Antoine. If I get a call from the school about you acting up in school, I'm taking away your computer until you get your act together."

"What!? I'm not a bad kid! How could my own mother threaten me like this!? I thought we were family!" Antoine shouted.

"If you act good for a whole week, I'll buy you that bike you wanted at the store. BUT! If I get any news that you're acting up, consider yourself punished mister with no more computer."

Antoine wanted to rapidly kick the back of his mother's seat but knew that giving in to his anger would be his downfall.

"Yes mom…" He reluctantly agreed and got out the car with his mom.

She held his hand as they walked inside the building and Antoine looked around to see if he could recognize any future characters and to scope out any potential materials to take with his deconstruct skill or inventory. He also didn't see any camera posted around the school like in his old high school.

'Heheh… You messed up this time Japan letting this former American into your perfectly safe school filled with all of your innocent Japanese students!' Antoine giggled as his mother brought him into his classroom and met with his teacher.

His teacher looked like an average Japanese woman. A little cute but could use some more thiccness on her ass.

"Hello Mrs. Neil. I can assume this is little Antoine right?" She smiled at Antoine.

"Hey Risako-chan. Yeah this is him, make sure to watch him carefully. He's a troublemaker."

"No I'm not!" Antoine yelled.

"Oh yeah.. Why don't you tell your sensei about the time you decided to break the tv in the living room."

"I was trying to figure out how to make a better tv."

"See what I mean?" Alisha said while shaking her head.

"So little Antoine has an active mind and body.. Do you know what you wanna be when you grow up?"

"I'm gonna be a Pro Hero!" Antoine enthusiastically responded.

"A Pro Hero?" His teacher questioned.

"Yep! I'm gonna be the smartest and best hero there is."

"I see. Okay then. How about you go introduce yourself to your classmates while I talk to your mommy?"

"Bye fishy!" Antoine teased while putting out his tongue at his mom while running towards the other kids.

"You little! Don't forget I'm your ride home!" She reminded him who long since left her side.

Antoine finally got a good look at all his classmates and none of them looked familiar. He sighed. Maybe he would have to wait till the entrance exams to U.A to finally meet a familiar face. He was hoping that there was someone part of Class 1-A here and make friends with them. He figured that he would be in the same class as Deku and Bakugou. But it's fine if it's just him, it just would've been more fun with one of the characters he knew.

So, Antoine was forced through pre-school all over again and returned home without acting out in class. He quickly ran into his room and closed the door behind him before turning on his computer and returning back to sucking up subject to subjects about anything he thought would prove useful to his future as a builder-type hero.

"DON'T FORGET TO CLEAN UP THAT ROOM OR ELSE!" He heard his mom yell from the living room.

He looked around his room filled with numerous toy pieces, clothing, and other such material before smiling. He used his skill to deconstruct them into numerous smaller pieces. So that one T-shirt would turn into a certain # of cotton or a toy would usually turn into certain pieces of plastic. He began humming as he saw the bar for the skill gaining more and more before finally reaching Lv2!

Antoine's lips began stretching upwards as he began crafting a new object. A new shirt. During the first year and a half, Antoine wasn't exactly sure what the limits of his system were exactly. He didn't know what exactly he could craft and what he couldn't. But then he took a second look at the description of the skill one night and smacked his forehead in his idiocy. 'Build whatever you imagine with this skill as long as you have the required materials and stamina necessary!' and this line doesn't cross out any possible creations! Antoine believed that he could even create his own Android 18 and Android 17 with enough research and materials!

Antoine got lost in his plans for the future while absentmindedly also creating a modified T-shirt with his craft skill.

[Crappy T-Shirt – A clothing item made by a rubbish craftsman.]

[+1 Vit, +1 Agl, +1 Cha added to stats.]

[Makes the user feel a little bit more confident.]

"Whoa whoa system. What's with the harsh judgement? I'm just starting out you know!"


"I know you can hear me! But fine you want to see a true piece of clothing watch this!" Antoine declared as he deconstructed his baby clothes that couldn't fit him and ran to his computer and typed in 'How are pants made?'

About an hour later, this piece was made by Antoine's "hard work."

[ Barely Decent Pants – A clothing item made by a cheating loser craftsman.]

[+3 Agl, +2 Cha added to stats.]

[Can make the user feel like the wind while running.]

"Hehehehehe. That'll teach you to underestimate me system! But I'll forgive you though buddy. We're in this for life you know."

[Host is correct. We are in this FOR LIFE….]

"Uh.. yeah.." Antoine shivered at the strangely enunciated ending but promptly ignored it for the safety of his mind and start researching till it was time for dinner and to go to bed.


"Daddddddddddd." Antoine dragged out.

"Yes Munchkins…" His father answered in a tired voice.

"Let's practice today too! When I get off from school!" Antoine excited requested.

"Uh… Not today champ.. Daddy still has to recover from his bruises from the week before.. Maybe ask your mom over the weekend can she help you." He denied.

"Noooooooooooo! Mom is too strong! She always breaks my stuff when I play with her!" Antoine whined as his dad made breakfast for him.

"Isn't that a good thing? A Pro Hero can't be scared to stand against the strong."

"I'm not scared! I just don't want her breaking my stuff!"

"But if she doesn't break your stuff, how will you get better as a future hero? If your toys can break against your mom who's just playing around with you, they definitely will break when facing against a villain."

Antoine was forced to stop his whining at that irrefutable logic. He ate his breakfast while being mentally tormented at the thought that only with loss and suffering can progress can be made. After finishing up, his dad took him to school and Antoine absentmindedly solved his star shaped Rubik's cube.

[Gained +1 Int]

Antoine made it to his class and nearly had his eyes bulge out in surprise. Some of his classmates awakened their quirks! He hasn't awakened his quirk! Will he even have a quirk!? When will his quirk awaken!? His advanced but still child-like mind hurriedly and excitedly went over to his classmates to look at their quirks. One girl grew tiny white angel wings, but it seems she wasn't able to fly with them yet. One boy had two small steam generators on his palms and could shoot steam from his palms. Another boy could transform into a sort of spectral figure and go completely intangible. Another girl had turned completely invisible!

'Wait? Invisible?! Isn't that the one girl from U.A!?' Antoine suddenly realized.

'Well shit no wonder I couldn't recognize her! No one knew what she fucking looked like. But still even realizing this, I can't just suddenly gain interest in her and try and befriend her. Oh wait yes I can! I'm a stupid fucking child with a bunch of other stupid fucking children.'

The teacher clapped her hands to gather everyone's attention.

"Listen up everyone! We have a new friend joining us today." She said to the excitement of all the kids.

"What's their quirk!?" A child asked.

The teacher's face turned strange before reverting back to her usual positive face.

"Try not to bring up his quirk children. It can make your new friend sad."

"But why teach?" Antoine asked innocently while inwardly deviously smiling.

"His quirk… doesn't work entirely right.. due to some problems.." She strained to explain before hushing the children and bringing in the new student.

The boy was extremely handsome and cute despite only being four years old. He was definitely the main protagonist in an old school romance manga in his past life. Antoine was furiously envious of the pretty boy before taking a closer look at him.

'Hey wait a second… He isn't fucking smiling but isn't that the sparkle guy!? Haha holy shit that's awesome. I always loved his ability because it was similar to Cyclops from X-men but hated that he couldn't use it as well as Cyclops because of the fact that if he uses it for too long his stomach could collapse. But this younger version of Sparkle doesn't seem anything like his future version. He looks timid, insecure, and weak..'

Antoine suddenly starting lowly laughing in a manner that does not fit a future hero but more of the opposite occupation.

'I'll take him! I'll change him for the better! I can ally myself with the boy easily and strengthen him for the future to have a handy ally to stand myself with. Maybe I'll try and recruit the invisible girl too just because she's here, but I'm definitely working with the easier one first.' Antoine smiled as Yuga Aoyama softly introduced himself to the class and sat in the back.

'The manga never focused all that much on Aoyama but I'm gonna have him become a top-class hero alongside me just because I think his power is super cool. If I somehow manage to befriend Toru Hagakure, whose name I just learned through whispering classmates, she could be apart of it as well.'

Antoine waited till it was lunch time to introduce himself to Aoyama and plopped down next to him with his shark themed book bag. He could see the unease and nervousness in the young child eyes but paid no mind to it and smiled.

"Hey Aoyama-kun!"

"Hi…. Uhm…"

"My names Antoine Neil! And I don't want you to eat alone on your first day! We can even play together at recess after lunch."

It seems that Antoine realized he was coming off a little strong but it seems Aoyama wasn't completely against it. He had a hidden smile after hearing that Antoine wanted to play with him. So, Antoine and Aoyama ate their lunch while Antoine from time to time talked about things that interested him or his hobbies.

"I even made this super cool yo-yo! I'll show you at recess! Come on." Antoine motioned for Aoyama to follow him.

"Okay." Aoyama smiled softly, gradually opening up to Antoine.

The two walked outside with numerous screaming children running around them playing with a lot of the faculty watching over them due to the large amount of them awakening their quirks. Antoine and Aoyama walked over to a random spot outside and with a dramatic pose asked Aoyama a question.

"Are you ready to witness the skills of a future Pro Hero?"

Antoine could tell Aoyama was eagerly waiting to see his performance despite his face being so reserved, his body couldn't hide his excitement.

"Here I go!"

Antoine summoned his somewhat recently crafted item.

[Agile Yo-Yo – A yoyo crafted with the intentions of being able to combat against combat-focused quirks. +5 Str & Agl added to stats.]

[Takes a strong amount of force to break.]

[Successive attacks increase the users Agl by 2% every hit, if the user takes damage the buff is lost.]

And began his performance. Despite being only four years old, the amount of coordination Antoine had was far higher than it should be. The skill, the finesse, the beauty in his movements with the children's toy made it seem as if a talented dancer was showcasing all of her training and soul to a live audience. Aoyama was blown away at his classmate's performance and couldn't believe he was the same age as himself. He could only stand and watch in awe as Antoine finished showcasing his skill.

'Hehehe. Training with mom really helped boost my agility stat. I bet when its around the time to take the U.A exams, I'll be capable of avoiding anything that comes my way!' Antoine smiled and bowed as his performance finished and he suddenly noticed he had quite the crowd watching him.

'No way children are interesting in dancing…' He thought before realizing the true target of their eyes.

'My yo-yo! You dirty conniving selfish little mongrels! I'll never let you have it!'

"Hey Neil-kun!

"Neil-kun where did you get that yo-yo from?"

"Can I borrow your yo-yo Neil?!"

As the little greedy monsters were about to swarm him, he flicked his yoyo and wrapped Aoyama in its strengthened string and ran away with Aoyama flying behind him. The other children apparently thought this was a game because they soon came chasing after him all around the playground.

"Don't chase me!" Antoine yelled.

The children with quirks immediately thought this was their time to shine. The girl with the angel wings realized that she could use them slightly while running and managed to gain some extra speed when fluttering them. She managed to latch onto Aoyama and hung on for dear life while eyeing his yo-yo with the eyes of a starved beast.

"Don't latch onto him you little freak!" Antoine shouted as he whipped his yo-yo and managed to shake the angelic vermin off of Aoyama who was close to passing out.

Antoine hopped on top of the slide and immediately jumped on top of the swings, far above any of the 4 year old's heads and sat up there with Aoyama barely conscious. He grinned evily as the kids watched him from below.

"You have to share Neil!"

"No I don't."

"Teacher said we have to learn how to share with each other or we wouldn't get a star!"

"I don't care about no stinkin star." Antoine mocked as he stuck his tongue out at the angry kids.

One child who awakened his quirk transformed his arm into a tiny cannon and fired a small metal ball at Antoine. Antoine's eyes sharpened as he pulled out his lego sword from long ago in his inventory and sliced against the incoming projectile. The lego sword managed to redirect the ball into the sand while nearly breaking apart from the amount of force sent by the child's quirk. He threw his lego sword at the kid's head and he barely managed to escape harm by quickly holding up his cannon arm as the lego sword shattered into tiny pieces.

"We won't play with you anymore if you don't share!"

"Like I need to play with a couple of greedy thieving snot sucking loserssss."

The children realized that they couldn't force or threaten the sharp-tongued villain holding the object of their desires to submit to their demands even if they were the majority. They soon gave up and dispersed as Aoyama finally managed to recover.

"Wasn't that fun Aoyama-kun?" Antoine smiled.

"I still feel a little sick…" He murmured as the bell rung, telling them it was time to return to glass.

Antoine hopped off the swing set easily before remembering that Aoyama didn't have the same physical skills as him. He saw Aoyama looking down from the swing set shivering. Antoine smiled.

"You can do it Aoyama-kun!" Antoine said putting his thumbs up.

Hearing his new cool friend encourage him added some confidence to him. Aoyama could never do anything what Neil-kun did.. but maybe if he becomes friends with him maybe he'll become a bit cool too. Aoyama closed his eyes and jumped down.

'WHAT ARE YOU DOING CLOSING YOUR EYES!? YOU NEED TO SEE WHERE YOU'RE LANDING SPARKLES! FUCK!' Antoine mentally yelled as he dove towards the falling boy.


"I.. did it.." Aoyama muttered as he opened his eyes and saw that he landed on the playground's sand.

"Yeah… great job…" A sand covered Antoine said.

Antoine missed his heroic rescue dive and returned to class with sand all over him. The rest of the school day was spent learning and Antoine felt as if he made a good first impression on the younger Aoyama. He's very excited in thinking of ways of improving the boy and his quirk to higher levels. Hell, he would also have to improve to make equipment and inventions that could even rival against All Might and All For One in the future. He already had a couple ideas but nothing he could really explore without the necessary material or testing equipment. His father picked him up at the front of the school building and he returned home while writing down notes in his notebook.

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