Craftsman System In My Hero Academia

The End Of The Camping Trip!!

Infinite took the full brunt of Muscular’s blows as his suit was shredded from the punches. He torso slightly caved in but Infinite could tell that his opponent was running out of steam. He was running out of air from G-Smoke’s gas. Infinite grabbed both of Muscular’s fists and threw them into the ground, forcing their current foothold to be smashed apart. G-Smoke casually smoked as he jumped from rock to rock until he reached a safe place to smoke while Infinite watched the villain fall down into the forest below from the crumbling cliff side. He could still hear the villain laughing as he pushed the rocks off himself and leapt towards Infinite. Muscular’s attack was dodged as Infinite got behind him and grabbed him around the waist, lifting him into the air he slammed the muscle quirk user on his head before flipping over and noticing that he managed to create a shield in time and defend himself. Muscular managed to elbow the Professor and release him from his hold. Infinite was sent sliding away as blue blood slowly flowed down his forehead.

Muscular’s head tilted in confusion as a cigarette was suddenly flicked at his head. He turned around to look at the suspect responsible for it before suddenly being engulfed in a large fiery explosion.


“Heh… All muscle no brain type of guy huh? That just makes this job so much easier..” G-Smoke said as he blew out a gas that slowly ignited into a fiery thumbs up.

Muscular was taken off guard by the sudden explosion and couldn’t use his quirk to defend himself. He was knocked into a tree and currently unconscious. Professor Infinite walked over and placed the body over his shoulder. G-Smoke hopped over and held his finger underneath Muscular’s nose. His finger opened up to reveal a metal hole that started releasing an invisible gas straight to Muscular’s system.

“That’ll keep him knocked out for a while. Let’s return already… Our job is done.”

“Well done G-Smoke! The Big Man will be quite pleased to know that our objective has been completed successfully!” Infinite stated as the two androids took off into the night with a sleeping company.


“EVERYONE ON ALERT!!!” Mandalay announced telepathically. “We’re under attack!! There are two villains, with a possibility of multiple more! Everyone who can, retreat as swiftly as possible back to the facility! If you encounter a villain on the way, do not engage under any circumstances!” She ordered.

“Villains!?” A remedial student shouted in confusion.

“Vlad, I’m leaving here to you! I’m going to safeguard the students!” Aizawa said before rushing outside the door.

“It seems an unwanted visitor has arrived….” Medic announced before hopping outside the window.

Aizawa ran outside the door and stopped to witness the forest being engulfed in a huge blue fire.

“This isn’t good….” He stated.

“I see you let your concern come first. Eraserhead.” Dabi, the blue flame quirk user, said aiming his palm at Aizawa’s head. His palms went ablaze in a blue flurry before suddenly being snuffed out as a mysterious figure hacked off Dabi’s arm. Dabi hopped back.

“Who…. Are you?” He asked as a brown-liquid expelled from his arm.

“Just a mere butler.” Medic replied as he adjusted his gloves with a loud smacking sound.

Dabi used his other hand and pointed at the two before they were suddenly snuffed out and Medic appeared in front of him.

“Clearly a fake. How dreary…” Medic muttered sadly as he beheaded the fake with his surgical saw.

Aizawa looked at the “Butler” with a conflicted gaze before eventually saying screw it.

“Follow me!” He said before taking off.

Medic looked at the man with disdain in his eyes.

“Hmph… Ordering me around? Be glad the Creator has ordered me to not to harm any “allies.”” Medic muttered as he followed behind Aizawa.



“Good… It seems one of them managed to reach her.” Antoine said as he wandered through the forest completely lost.


The two were planning on ambushing the originator of this noxious gas that is surrounding the forest but were suddenly stopped by a huge hand. An obese figure was chewing on a large turkey leg looked down at them, basically towering over them. He was wearing a police uniform and was smacking loudly with his lips.

“You kids go on back. Leave this to the… Adults…” He said while chewing on the meat.

“Who…? Who are you!?” The iron quirk kid asked.

“How are you completely fine..?” Kendou asked.

“Save the questions for later. For now, please get away.”

The two seemed hesitant to just leave after getting all worked up about taking down this villain but then the mysterious man reassured them.

“I may look like this, but I’m pretty reliable kids. Now go on so I can do my duty.” He patted his belly as he finished off his turkey leg.

“What’s your name!?” Tetsutetsu asked while fleeing with Kendou, the giant hands quirk girl.

“Officer Guts. Blubber Guts.” He said before walking into the mist and disappearing from the children’s sight.

As he walked closer and closer to the source of the gas quirk, suddenly 2 bullets fired out towards him. The bullets deflected off of his huge belly.

“A gun huh.. Do you have a license for that carry sonny?” He asked.

“Where did you pop out from?” Mustard, the gas quirk villain, asked irritated.

“I got a call about suspicious activity in the forest. I came to investigate and seemed to have found a missing child.” He answered as he continued to slowly walk towards Mustard.

“You…! You..! Why aren’t you affected by my gas!?” He rapidly fired at Officer Guts before reloading and emptying another clip into him, all to no avail. He slowly started backing up while reloading his gun once more but it was at this time Guts finally took action. Guts jumped into the air and curled into a ball before landing and bouncing rapidly between the trees, breaking each one after bouncing from it. Mustard tried keeping his eye on the large figure but Guts was moving way too fast, even if he could sense the large man with his gas quirk. Eventually he found himself crushed into the ground from above and knocked unconscious. The gas soon cleared after the quirk’s user was taken out.

“And another one bites the dust.” Blubber Guts chuckled as he slapped on some handcuffs to the kid and took him away into the night.


Toru was caught up in some strange gas with Jiro. Toru quickly covered her mouth with her uniform and Jiro quickly fell unconscious. Toru heaved Jiro over her shoulder and started to walk out of the gas area before meeting up with Shoji and a struggling Tokoyami with a rampaging Dark Shadow.

“What’s wrong!?” Toru asked before suddenly getting attacked by Dark Shadow’s claw.

She hopped out of the way and hid behind a tree just like Shoji was doing. He extending one of his tentacles over and explained the situation to her.

“Okay… I can solve this… Tokoyami-kun’s weakness is light right?” Toru asked.

Shoji nodded before suddenly realizing what she was planning. He agreed with her plan and she got to work. She laid Jiro against the tree as she threw a nearby branch far away. Dark Shadow went after it like a dog does when fetching a bone and Toru jumped on its back before suddenly erupting into a large light show that immediately caused Dark Shadow to screech and shrink and size. Tokoyami was panting heavily as he fell on the ground.

“Thank you… Hagakure-san.. You saved me…” He told her.

“That’s what heroes do! Now we have to go! We can’t stay here for long. We also have to find Baku-chan.” Toru said as Tokoyami soon also apologized to Shoji and the four began traveling through the forest together.


The two all stars of Class A were currently under attack by the villain, Moonfish. They weren’t able to land any hits on him and could only defend with Todoroki’s ice or by avoiding his dangerous teeth. Eventually the numerous teeth blades managed to break through Todoroki’s ice and Bakugou was about to blast it but the blades seemed to have shattered as a blur passed by.

“Neep! Neep!” The strange blue bird honked as the sound of relaxing beats came from behind the two boys.

“Heyyyy. What’s up bros? You look like you could use a little help.” The teenaged boy said.

The boy looked as if he just came from a rave party. He was dressed in a neon green and black outfit while wearing neon green headphones. He held two drumsticks in his hands as a drum hung around his neck.

The two looked at each other, both completely confused.

“Ah don’t worry dudes. We’re from Apex. We’re the good guys. Just sit back and watch as we do our thing you know. By the way you can call me BeatB. She’s RR or Runner Road.” He said in a laid back manner as Moonfish unleashed more teeth attacks.

The teeth lengthened and sharpened as they aimed straight for the newcomers to the situation. Runner Road lifted one leg and let off a flurry of kicks that destroyed and shattered any of the teeth blades that came near or around her. BeatB hit his drums twice and any teeth in the direction that he hit his drum were broken into pieces. The two boys looked at their “saviors” in shock. They were having so much trouble with that guy and these two are making it look so simple.

Runner Road vanished before appearing in the air, kicking towards Moonfish’s face. He was about to regrow his teeth into weapons again but BeatB pulled out a clarinet and played it in the toothy villain’s direction. The villain suddenly started screaming in pain as Runner Road kicked the villain down towards the ground. Moonfish harshly crashed down on the ground with nearly all of his teeth destroyed, but Runner Road wasn’t finished quite yet. She stomped on his back with both of her legs as he spat out blood and fainted.

“WHO THE HELL ARE YOU TWO!?” Bakugou shouted in confusion.

“Chill man…. We’re from Apex.” BeatB answered as Runner Road kicked the villain on her back and the two disappeared into the forest.

“Those two couldn’t have possibly been Pro Heroes….. could they?” Todoroki asked.

“How in the hell should I know?!” Bakugou responded.

Then a group of students came bursting from the forest.

“Kacchan!” Midoriya shouted in relief.

Bakugou’s face became irritated.


“We found Baku-chan! Now let’s get back to the cabin! I’m sure that’s where sensei and Vlad-sensei would want us to go.” Toru said.

“Don’t call me that!” Bakugou yelled at Toru.

She giggled. “Sorry Bakugou. Slip of the tongue.”

“The Pussycats are still engaging the villains at the square. If we take the path back, we’ll get noticed by villains and lose valuable time. The best way is to cut a line straight through.” Midoriya analyzed.

“We don’t know how many villains there are! Not to mention those strange guys that just helped us.” Todoroki said.

Midoriya looked at him seriously. “Strange guys?” He asked.

“Yeah a girl whose quirk turned her into a strange bird and some guy around our age. They said they were part of a group called Apex.” Todoroki explained.

“More heroes…..? But I never seen or even heard about a group or agency called Apex…” Midoriya muttered while rubbing his chin.

“Maybe they’re a new organization?” Shoji suggested.

“But how did they know about this place? Even the school has no idea about the trouble we’re in!” Tokoyami asked.

“Someone must have leaked our location to them.” Toru said seriously before reverting back to her normal upbeat voice.

“I’ll kill them!” Bakugou promised.

“Let’s save that for later Bakugou. For now, let’s escort you to safety!” Toru said determinedly.

“With Shoji’s detection ability, your ice, Tokoyami’s dark shadow, and Toru’s light to keep it under control… With a line up like this I wonder if we can even bring down someone similar to All Might….” Midoriya said.


“Stand in the middle Baku-chan. It’ll be easier to protect you.” Toru said.

“DON’T FREAKING GUARD, ME CRAP BRIGADE!!” He yelled in protest as they began walking before encountering another student.

“I knew I recognized that shouting from somewhere. Is little firecracker upset that he’s being targeted by the villains?” Antoine mocked as he came from the forest.

“Screw off Afro! We don’t need anymore trash part of the Crap Brigade!” Bakugou responded.



“It’s me! Your hero has arrived. Now let’s get this little shit back home so the Pros can deal with this villain crap.” Antoine laughed as he joined the group.

“I’ll freaking kill you!” He threatened.

“Let’s save it for another time princess.” A light bulb suddenly went off in Antoine’s head. “I guess that is something you and Cabbage Head have in common! You both are little princesses who need to be saved by the big strong heroes!” He laughed out loud.

Bakugou’s palms began sparking as he seriously thought of attacking Antoine. Antoine’s eyes suddenly turned sharp and serious.

“Are you serious? If you light off one explosion and possibly alert the enemy to our location I’ll kill you myself before the villains kill us. Always keep a cool head in times of emergencies, no matter the situation. If you are so fucking stupid, you will let your rage take control maybe you were never meant to be a hero.” Antoine reprimanded.

The sparks died out as Bakugou crossed his arms.

“Fuck off Shitrag….” He muttered as the group slowly walked through the dark forest in silence.

It wouldn’t be until a little bit later until the group met Uraraka and Asui being attacked by Toga.

“Uraraka!” Shoji yelled, distracting Uraraka and allowing the villain to escape.

“You got reinforcements, and I don’t like the idea of getting killed so it’s bye bye for….” She suddenly stopped talking as her face blushed for a second. She then ran away soon after.

“Who was that girl?”

“A villain! And a freaking crazy one at that.”

“Uraraka you’re hurt!”

“I’m fine. I can still walk just fine.”

“Well for the time being I’m happy you’re all right. You two should come with us! Right now, we’re headed back to the cabin while escorting Kacchan!”

The two girls looked at him in confusion.

“You’re escorting Lil’Baku?” Asui asked.

“What are you talking about Kacchan is right… behind….” Midoriya’s words got caught in his throat as two members of their squad was suddenly missing!

“Oh him?” A masked man standing in a tree questioned while playing with two blue tiny beads. “I used my magic and palmed him. He ain’t the kinda talent that should be on the hero side! So we’re gonna take him to a stage where he can really shine!” He announced.

“Antoine..!?” Toru shouted after realizing that not just Bakugou was missing.

“GIVE THEM BACK!!” Midoriya shouted enraged.

“Give them back…?” The villain questioned. “What a strange thing to request… Bakugou and Neil aren’t objects that anyone owns. They are their own people.”

“GIVE THEM BACK!” Midoriya yelled surging his body into 5%.

“You filthy egotist! They own themselves.”

Todoroki used his ice wall attack to try and capture the villain but he jumped out of the way as he retreated. “It may have only been a small while, but with this we must close the curtains! Head towards the recovery point within the next 5 minutes, as we agreed on!”


The Bakugou escorting squad chased after the fleeing magician.



“I apologize… Awase….” Yaoyorozu said as she was being carried by Awase and fleeing away from a Nomu chasing them with four chainsaws coming out of its back, one drill, and one claw hammer.

Awase suddenly tripped and the two crashed to the ground as the Nomu seemingly prepared to kill the two. But before it could slash down and rip them apart with its chainsaws, A large bright blue sparkly beam blasted into it, knocking it away and through some trees. A handsome buff young man appeared from the forest as he ran over to the two injured students.

“Are you two okay?! Get up! My attack won’t be able to defeat that thing!” Yuga said while helping them up.

He placed Yaoyorozu over his shoulder as they started retreating. The Nomu got up to chase after them but before it could get up a strange hissing sound was coming from behind it. It swung its chainsaw arms towards the sound.


The sound of metal clashing against metal rang out as the hissing sound increased in volume. The Nomu turned around to see a large snake looking down on it. The snake was seemingly camouflaged into its surroundings and basically invisible! The snake pounced and swallowed the Nomu whole before slithering off into the dark forest and with a Golden A on top of its head shining in the moonlight.


“He’s too fast…!”

“We can’t give up…! We have to take them back..!” Midoriya softly but determinedly said. “But at this rate, he’s only gaining distance! Uraraka quick! Make us float! And then while we’re weightless, fling us using your tongue Asui! Shoji you can lug us while using your arms to correct our trajectory! It’ll be fine as long as you can see all of us, Uraraka then you can judge how close we are to catching him and skill release!” Midoriya suggested.

The group then put Midoriya’s plan into motion and took off towards Mr. Compress. They roughly captured the villain by landing harshly on top of him right in front of the rest of the villain crew. The villain crew attacked the kids to save Mr. Compress and the students were forced to get a safe distance away. Compress went over to Dabi and chatted while Shoji suddenly yelled to run. The three started running away until suddenly purple portals appeared for the villains and they started saying their goodbyes.

“Wait, the target is still…” Dabi muttered.

“Ah… It seems as though they’re so happy they’re about to pull a runner, but hey, they can keep them as a little parting gift. I’ll admit it’s a bad habit of mine. See, one of the basic rules of magic is that when you flaunt something…” He slowly removed his mask to reveal two blue beads rolling around on his tongue. “It means you have something to hide.”

The two beads that that Shoji took transformed into ice and the villains vanished through the portal. The sound of a boy anguished shout was the last thing the villains heard. U.A has completely lost. 15 minutes after the villains left, the ambulances and firefighters arrived. Of the 41 students who were present, 15 were rendered unconscious by the villains’ gas attack. They’re still in critical condition. 11 sustained injuries, both minor and grave. 13 were unscathed. And…. Two students’ locations were unknown. Of the Pro Heroes, 1 is in critical condition from head trauma and the whereabouts of another are unknown, though she left a large pool of blood at the scene. Of the villains, 0 were captured and their location was completely unknown. Although a few of the students said that a certain group called The Apex were seen dealing with the villains who attacked. The police started their investigation over this mysterious group who seemed to have saved the students but also suspected of taking the bodies of the villains. Not a single piece of evidence or anything that could give them a clue about these mysterious people was left. All the police could gain is that they are a group claiming to be heroes, their goals are unknown, they have at least 5 known members, and they are incredibly strong.


The U.A. staff was currently in a meeting discussing about the attack on the summer camp and the hounding media dogs outside.

“Those villains didn’t just take Bakugou away.. They took society’s trust in heroes away at the same time.”

“Actually, the media is already ablaze with criticism of the academy. The reason they targeted Bakugou is most likely due to how violent and wild he acted during the Sports Festival. Neil was targeted for his boisterous claims as well. They most likely want to use him to build things for them.” Nezu, the principal, analyzed.

Soon All Might received a call by his friend the detective police officer and told him that they may have snuffed out the villain’s hideout.


“Antoine Neil, the brilliant genius being limited by his heroic duties and Katsuki Bakugou, the wannabe hero! I know this is taking things a bit too fast but… what say you become one of us?” Shigaraki asked inside the villain’s den with all the other villains present.

“What say you choke and die instead!?” Bakugou cursed.

“I don’t know Shigaraki… These aren’t exactly the best terms to try and talk deals now is it?” Antoine said signaling his lockings and bindings. Shigaraki turned on the television to the apology statement of U.A.

“Why are the heroes getting so much blame!?” Shigaraki asked. “They just make a little mistake! You gonna say it’s because it’s their job to protect?! C’mon everybody makes a mistake a two! They might as well tell them to be perfect! Things have gotten so strict and so rigid with heroes nowadays. Bakugou!” Shigaraki talked.

“The moment the simple act of providing protection started meriting compensation was the moment heroes stopped being heroes. That’s what Stain taught us!” Spinner, the lizard quirk guy, said.

“The grotesqueness of converting people’s lives into money and personal fame. A society that would enforce that with suffocating rules upon rules. And the citizens who, far from cheering on the defeated, would heap scorn on them! Ours is a battle of questions. What is a hero? What is justice? Is this society truly just? We’ll make everybody question those things, one by one! And we plan to win.” Shigaraki added. “You two like winning too right? Dabi remove their bindings.”

“Huh? That kid’ll go apeshit you already know that right?” Dabi said pointing at Bakugou.

“It’s fine. We’ve gotta treat them like equals you know. We wanna recruit them.” He explained.

“Bout time. Not to mention you could’ve picked some stronger material to bind us with.” Antoine said as he bit his metal gauntlet apart and easily freed himself. He then sat in a more comfortably position as he looked at all the faces in the room.

“I wouldn’t recommend freeing this one though. Dabi’s right he’ll go ape.” Antoine chuckled as Bakugou cursed him out.


“See. I told you. He hasn’t even been freed yet and he’s trying to bite my head off! His own ally! Can you believe it? We’re in this situation together and he wants to kill me instead of the villains. I think you guys made a great choice in picking your next ally.” Antoine said casually.

“I’LL KILL YOU AFRO BASTARD!!!!” Bakugou raged desperately trying to free himself from his bindings and attack Antoine.

Antoine sighed.

“Bakugou. Bakugou. Bakugou. You’re really embarrassing me here. What kind of hero do you take me for? I think I’ve said it a million times already but I’m going to become the future #1 Pro Hero. How could I possibly accomplish that by becoming a villain?” Antoine kicked over Bakugou’s chair as he wiggled on the floor even more pissed than ever.

“Sorry Shigaraki. I’ll have to decline our partnership for the time being. Your reputation is a bit too negative for my company to partner with. Although, if you run into a large sum of money then maybe we can discuss something. But my skills doesn’t come cheap you know.. Have you heard about Mr. Handy? You see how fast he’s been rising in the ranks thanks to one of my works?” Antoine explained as he sniffed the air and suddenly smiled.

“I see.. I’m a reasonable person Neil and I believe I understand what you’re getting at. But you do realize that with the situation you’re currently in… our deal may come a bit earlier than you’re thinking. Blackmist. Compress. Put them back to sleep.” Shigaraki replied.

“Do you guys smell pizza?” Antoine smirked as a knock came at the door.


“Hello? This is Pizza-La, the Kamino Branch? Your pizza’s here.”


The front door was completely destroyed as All Might punched through it.

“There’s nowhere to run for you, Villain Alliance… Why, you ask!? FOR WE ARE HERE!” All Might announced.

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