Craftsman System In My Hero Academia

Losing Some And Gaining More.

All Might and the other heroes captured the villains just as soon as they broke in.

“You two must have been scared… You did a great job enduring.” All Might told the boys as he freed Bakugou from his restraints and helped him up.

“I think if you guys took any longer, Bakugou would’ve pissed his pants.”

“I wasn’t scared! I could’ve handled this all my own!” Bakugou shouted unconvincingly.

“WARP IN AS MANY AS YOU CAN!” Shigaraki ordered.

After a few seconds, nothing happened.

“I must apologize Shigaraki Tomura… I’m afraid the Nomus that should be stored at the designated location aren’t!” Kurogiri, the warping villain, stated.

“You’re just as immature as I always imagined Shigaraki. You underestimated us far too much, oh Villain Alliance. Whether it was this young man’s soul, this young man’s mind, or the tireless investigations of our fine police officers and even the OUR TERRIBLE WRATH!” All Might shouted, making the villains shiver.

The warping villain was soon knocked out and had his quirk rendered useless. The villains’ backs were to the wall and seemingly had no foreseeable way of possible escaping the heroes but just as all good things don’t last, neither did this situation. Nomus began materializing through black liquid portals while the villains along with Bakugou and Antoine were teleported away.

“Oh this stuff smells like shit….” Antoine said forcing himself not to puke.


“Have we gotten them all? The heroes are on their way and we don’t have all day. Move move move!” A man that looked like a carbon copy of a certain hero whose name rhymed with Baptain Gamerica.

“You got it C-man but I think we’re a little too late…” A six-armed teenager dressed in a black spider costume noted after seeing a gigantic lady break through the building and swarm inside with cops and other Pro Heroes.

“Damn..” The person called C-man muttered before barking out more orders. “Guts! Take these creatures out of here. I’ll provide cover.”

“No problem Commander! See you in a bit.” Guts yelled as he took off in the truck loaded with inactive Nomu.


“Whoa. Hey there! Can’t let you guys pass.” The multi-armed teen said as he hopped in the way of heroes. The heroes attempted to beat him and capture him but the mysterious guy was too agile. He easily maneuvered through their attacks and was able to contend with them even though he was only one man.

“You guys sure are pretty violent for heroes. No questions or anything just straight to full on violence.” He said while shooting out a web and wrapping up Best Jeanist. The fiber controlling Pro Hero tried to unwrap himself but soon realized that the weird webbing he was wrapped up in wasn’t made of any ordinary fiber!

“What will children think when they see their beloved heroes beating down on poor innocent young men like me!?” He chatted before being knocked into a wall by Gang Orca’s hypersonic waves.

“LOOK OUT ORCA!” One of the police officers shouted as a black shadow dropped from the ceiling and landed on Gang Orca. He was soon wrapped up and squeezed as a double headed figure wrapped around him.

Gang Orca struggled and tried to use his hypersonic waves, but the double headed assailant covered his mouth shut with his rubber-like body and continued to squeeze.

“We think you might want to fall back….” He said creepily as a knife appeared from underneath the cuff of his sweater. One of the cops managed to shoot the knife out of his hand as Mount Lady reached for the truck filled with the captured Nomu.

“Not on my watch..” Commander said as he looked at his round shield and threw it at the truck.

Once it reached the truck, the shield attached itself to the back of it and suddenly generated an electrified forcefield around the truck. Mount Lady was electrocuted and unable to grab the truck as it sped off into the distance. Commander's shield soon flew back towards him.

“Alright men! Our job here is finished. Let’s get back to….” The Commander’s words got stuck in his throat as he scanned the newest enemy. “GET BEHIND ME!!!” He shouted as he ran in front of everyone and stood strong with his shield raised up. Multiple forcefields rose in front of the Commander in preparation for the new threat he’s scanned.

“What is he talking about?”


The six-armed jokester and the creepy multi headed guy listened to his orders and immediately got behind him and as far away as they could.

“Ever since my body fell into this state, my stock diminished a good deal as well…”


All For One unleashed a huge blast that destroyed the entire building and directly hit Commander who was standing in front of everyone with his military-colored shield raised. The forcefields shattered instantly as the Commander took the full brunt of the blast for everyone. The warehouse was destroyed as Commander, the police officers, and the pro heroes were launched away by the force of the attack. The six-armed stranger who took the Commander’s advice twiped out some webs and caught everyone he could from falling to their deaths. The Commander’s shield slowly started crumbling into dust as his military-styled superhero costume was torn and almost destroyed. He stared into All For One’s eyes and pointed at him.

“You…. Can’t…. Beat…. Me… So… Easily….” He slowly started walking towards All For One with his fist balled up. All For One began clapping as Commander trudged his way towards him.

“Honestly. I’m impressed. I intended on killing everyone here and you managed to save nearly everyone!” He congratulated. “Although I have no idea how you knew what I was going to do or was capable of, you still managed to respond with quick timing and appropriate judgement!” He continued to talk as the Commander got closer and closer to him.

“Now.. Let’s see exactly what quirk you have before I kill you.” He stated as black drill-like bones manifested on his hands and stretched out towards Commander before piercing into his chest.

Blue blood split as a sudden realization came to All For One. The Commander grinned the widest grin he could pull off as he grabbed the tendril’s cord.

“It turns out…. I never had a quirk in the first place…..!” Commander told him as he leapt at All For One and then…….

“You aren’t even human….” He muttered.


A large explosion detonated from where Commander and All For One were standing. The force of the explosion caused a fierce gale to blow outwards.

“You will be remembered Commander…. This Arachnid swears it.” The six-armed teen said looking at his ally’s sacrifice. “Let’s go Shizu. Shizo.” Arachnid said as he webbed the multi-headed figure and webbed away from the area.

But he may have left a little too soon, as All For One looked seemingly completely fine afterwards. He was seen dusting off his outfit.

“How peculiar…. Who could have the ability to produce such a thing..?” He questioned as the League of Villains were warped to him along with Bakugou and Antoine.

Antoine began puking as soon as he landed.

“Aw that shit was fucking awful. Having super smell for a power fucking sucks ass.” He said wiping his mouth and looking around. “Who the fuck are you? The mastermind behind these clowns?” Antoine asked as All For One ignored him.

“You’ve failed again, haven’t you, Tomura. Well, that may be so but you mustn’t be discouraged. You should simply start over. Look, I’ve even returned your comrades to you. As well as these two young men, you deemed fit to add to your team. You can try as many times as you like. That’s why your sensei is here! This is all for your sake.” He told the kneeling man. “Ah there he is…” All For One stated before clashing with a suddenly arriving All Might from the skies.

“This is the worst business deal in the history of business deals. I don’t think my company can associate with your little group anymore Shigaraki. This is goodbye.” Antoine said as he pulled out a small metal box that slowly transformed into a jetpack. Antoine grabbed Bakugou by the shirt before jetting off into the sky.

“Don’t let them get away!”

Magne, the transgender magnetism quirk user, used her quirk to pull the boys back but it seems Antoine prepared for this scenario. He pulled out a golden revolver from his other pocket (inventory) and shot at the immobile Magne. Magne was forced to stop using her quirk unless she wanted to be hit by the boy’s bullets and the two took off far away from the battlefield. Antoine took the shouting Bakugou into the city and were soon met by Midoriya, Iida, Kirishima, and Yaoyorozu.

“What the fuck are you idiots doing here?” Antoine asked as he put away his gun and jetpack.

“Neil! Bakugou! We came to save you!” Kirishima revealed.

“Like you fucking shits can save anyone. Leave the rescuing to the real heroes retards. I’m going home, this whole experience has been shit. Thanks a lot, Bakugou. You weak princess ass bitch.” He said walking off into the crowd and disappearing from their sights.

Bakugou clutched his fists thinking back on this entire situation and how maybe it wouldn’t have happened if he was stronger… The rescue crew just thought that maybe Neil needed some time alone after this stressful experience. But little did they all know that Antoine was currently rubbing his hands giggling in excitement.



“Creator. I believe you will be quite pleased to know that we have progressed immensely after acquiring the test subjects.” Medic said in a jovial tone as he led Antoine past a bunch of plotted plants and plants growing out of some dirt inside a special room.

The two walked until they reached a box with Muscular inside. He was sitting at a table eating a well-done steak before making eye contact with Antoine.

“Anything essential that has been gained yet?” Antoine asked.

“We managed to locate exactly what the quirk gene is and looks like while also the gene that supplements it or allows a person to use the quirk freely.”

“I see.. So just like if someone was born with a quirk that gave them wings, the gene that supplements the quirk would allow that person to use those wings freely huh?”

“Correct Creator.”

“So we managed to find the quirk and the quirk factor… Good..” Antoine muttered as he walked past all the other see through boxes filled with the other villains along with the inactive Nomus. All the box rooms were composed of a single bed, a toilet and sink, and a wooden table and chair.

“Let’s see if my new creation will be able to make my dreams into a reality.” Antoine said as he went towards the Animal Division inside his secret lab filled with all sorts of animals divided into groups. There were dogs pens, cat pens, mice cages filled with liters of mice, and many more.

And so, Antoine spent most of his summer inside his lab researching, testing, and crafting alongside his robots. He wouldn’t see the light of day until his phone’s alarm went off, reminding him the home visit that U.A would be doing today. He sighed due to having to stop his testing and research but then grinned wildly as his body suddenly beefed up and increased in size before his muscle fibers began coming out of his skin and wrapping around him like armor.

“HAHAHAHA THIS EARLY IN THE STORY AND I’M THIS STRONG ALREADY! CRAFTSMAN SYSTEM YOU ARE THE GREATEST!!!” Antoine crazily shouted as he stopped using his “quirk” and returned his body back to normal.

‘Who knew nanomachines were capable of recreating quirks? It was just a dumb idea I threw around but who knew it would actually work!? The nanites just had to scan the quirk gene along with the quirk factor and once I injected them into myself, they would change my genes around while slowly allowing me to use the same quirk that they’ve copied! Effectively letting me have multiple quirks! Although I can’t use multiple quirks that I’ve copied at once yet. It’s just a matter of time before I’m exactly like All For One!

Antoine returned home and sat with his parents as Aizawa and All Might came into their house.

“Although I’m sad that my baby will have to leave me…. I’m sure this is for the best… Even though I was worried sick after hearing that he was kidnapped under U.A.’s watch, I noticed that he seemed to happier than ever lately. I guess being a hero isn’t just a dream for him anymore..” Antoine’s mom said while crushing the boy in her arms via a hug. He pushed her away as he fixed his hair.

“I’ve always said I was going to be a hero mom. No matter what happens, that will never change. But anyway, ALL MIGHT! LOOK AT YOU!” He busted out laughing, making All Might a little bit uncomfortable. “Why exactly can’t you fight as a hero anymore? What was your quirk that allowed you to fight for so many years but then suddenly unable to anymore? Was it a transformation quirk that turned you buff and gave you super everything? Was it just a superpower quirk with a time limit that you overextended so much that you can’t access it anymore? Or was it a quirk… that was never yours in the first place….?” He smiled as Aizawa interrupted this line of questioning and started talking to his parents again.

“That reminds me about something I’d said to you before I was kidnapped by dangerous homicidal villains sensei. Do you remember our conversation when you were questioning my Butler?” Antoine asked with a mischievous grin on his face as Aizawa’s face turned guiltier by the second.

“Yes Neil. I remember every word and have discussed about it with the faculty members. Your advice has not been ignore and future events have been planned with them in mind.” He said seriously.

Antoine shrugged his shoulders.

“Ah you’re no fun sensei. Too serious.” He chuckled before being zapped by his father and yelling.

“Don’t tease your teachers. Apologize and we will be allowing our son to be admitted.” Markus said.

“Sorry….” Neil grumbled while crossing his arms and looking away.


“Pretty nice…” Antoine complimented as he saw the boarding house.

“It’s gonna be just like when we had sleepovers as kids!” Toru said happily.

“I don’t think it’ll be exactly like that… but I’m sure it’ll be just as fun.” Yuga added.

“First thing’s first, Class 1-A. We couldn’t be more glad that you’re all safe and sound, back together again. I’m going to give you all a brief explanation of how the dorms will work, now follow me inside.” Aizawa said.

“It’s a class to each building. The right side is for the girls and the left is for the boys. The first floor is a co-ed space. The mess hall, baths, laundry stuff, and the like are here. The dorms are located on the second floor up. Each of those floors have four rooms, for a total of 5 floors. Each individual room, meanwhile is outfitted with air conditioning, a toilet, a fridge, and a closet. All of the luggage we had you send us beforehand should be in your respective rooms. For the time being, go get all your stuff set in your rooms. I’ll explain what we’ll be doing tomorrow. You are dismissed.” He explained while giving them all the tour.

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