Craftsman System In My Hero Academia

Preparing To Get His Hero License!

               After Aizawa dismissed everyone, Antoine went straight to his room and began dealing with matters regarding his company. The construction for the store was finally complete thanks to his construction bots, he created to save money. Now he just had to spend time crafting the shit to sell. He would start things off small. Like a charger with a 10% increase in charging efficiency. Televisions that caused the watchers to have their luck increased by 2% along with a slight mood booster. Earbuds that could make the wearer nimbler on their feet or the wires never tangle together.

               Antoine almost planned to use U. A’s Development Studio for materials to craft his store merchandise but almost forgot that Power Loader oversees nearly every invention built inside the studio. So to pass the time, he opened his email account and took a look at all the companies wanting him to build or create something for them.

‘I definitely can’t sell weapons or armor at this stage of my career. The fucking world would be engulfed in world war 3 or something if I allowed people other than me to have my shit. I’ll maybe start selling harmful gadgets and dangerous stuff once my company starts taking over Japan and other countries are looking to steal my crafts.’

               As Antoine continued to look and respond to whichever company paid the most and had the least shackles, the rest of his classmates started judging the best room between them all. Antoine’s already seen most of their rooms from reading the manga so, he wasn’t interested in seeing them again. But since he’s claimed himself as #1 in Class A, he just had to make his room at least something good.

               If someone were to enter from the door they would see that Antoine designed his room into a mini workshop basically. He had his tools and workbench on the left side of the room along with a refrigerator, a microwave, and large black chest. On the right side of the room, was the work side. Incomplete or completed inventions were laid about haphazardly while 3 small robots wheeled around the room cleaning it. One had a broom, one had a dustpan, and the last one had a tiny vacuum. Antoine was using his laptop on his workbench currently and soon his door was forcible kicked opened.

“INTRUDER ALERT!!!!!” The tiny cleaning bots screamed as they drove in circle repeating the same line.

               Antoine’s phone vibrated and a notification was given to him that someone was intruding in his room. He smiled as Toru and crew popped into his room.

“Antoine!!! We have come to judge your room as part of the competition!” Toru exclaimed happily as they took a look.

“Register as friendlies.” Antoine ordered as the three mini bots began circling the group.

“They’re so cute!” Uraraka said as she picked one up.

“Scanning! Please put CB-2 down!” It said in a high-pitched robotic voice.

“Where’s your bed Neil?” Mineta asked.

“I don’t sleep.” Antoine replied as he turned around in his chair and faced the group. His bed was actually outside on the veranda.

“I guess you really don’t mess around with this building stuff Neil.” Kirishima said grabbing one of the metallic balls hanging up. The ball transformed into a spider and caused Kirishima to scream while the other students laughed.

“Why didn’t you just join the support class if you like inventing things so much?” Yaoyorozu asked.

“Joining the hero course would make me famous faster. And it did. That’s all.” Antoine answered.

“I’d have to give your room a big fat no Neil. How could you and your girlfriend do anything romantic in this room!?” Ashido rated.

“Well if you’re really curious, you can come back later on tonight and I’ll show you all sorts of romantic things.” Antoine chuckled as Ashido put her thumbs down and stuck her tongue out at him.

“You wish!”

               The gang left after that and Antoine resumed his work on his laptop. He deleted all the emails asking him to build something similar to his gym uniform or any weapons in general and started accepting some requests that were relatively simple. One company asked for him if he could design a security system that would only allow their employees to certain areas and log in to specific information on their company network. He spent all night doing this until it was time for class in the morning.

“As I told you all yesterday, our first priority is to acquire provisional licenses. Hero licenses are a serious responsibility. They are directly concerned with matters of life and death. As such, the exam to receive qualification is very hard. Even the average yearly passing rate for just the provisional license is only about 50%.” Aizawa explained.

“Sounds easy enough.” Antoine stated.

“Is it really that hard!?” Mineta asked.

“So, starting today, each one of you will be devising at least two super moves.” Aizawa announced.

“That reminds me… I need to build some androids from fighting games as well. Like an Akuma bot or a Shao Kahn bot. That’d be cool as shit.” Antoine muttered to himself as Midnight, Cementoss, and Ectoplasm walked into the classroom.

               The class cheered at the upcoming activity of making their own super moves.

“That’s right, super moves! In other words, killer techniques sure to win the day!” Ectoplasm explained.

“And any such technique that’s truly one with you admits no imitation. The meaning of battle lies in how far you can push your unique skills!” Cementoss informed.

“And your moves are your symbols! In this day and age, if you’re a pro hero without any super moves, you’re an endangered species!” Midnight told them.

“We’ll tell you all the details alongside some demonstrations proceeding in a logical manner. Go change into your costumes and come together at the Gamma Gym.” Aizawa said.

               The class got changed into their hero costumes and all assembled at the gym and walked inside. Sounds of awe and amazement murmured out as they looked inside the insanely huge gym.

“This is my personal facility; I can fashion whatever terrain or objects I believe best suit each individual student.” Cementoss informed.

“So why do we need super moves for provisional licenses? Are they absolutely needed?” Yuga asked.

“Let me explain. Whether they encounter incidents criminal or accidental, disasters natural or manmade… It’s a hero’s job to recuse people from all kinds of peril. And the exam for the license will of course be judging your aptitude.” Aizawa answered.

“Insight, agility, judgement, and fighting prowess along with other criteria such as communication skills, charm, and leadership ability. The exam will test your aptitude at many of these skills, as its contents change every year. But within that paradigm the item that will receive far and away the most emphasis for upcoming heroes is fighting prowess. So if you prepare for that, you won’t have any cause for concern! Just keep in mind that having moves for battle greatly influences how likely it is you pass.” Midnight told them.

‘Fighting prowess again.. Seriously.. having a support power or anything not meant for combat has to be hell in getting your hero license. There can be heroes who don’t need to fight to be useful. But I guess in this world where 80% of the population have superpowers, combat ones would be the most famous and popular.’ Antoine thought as Cementoss and Ectoplasm began prepping the gym for their training.

“So, in the ten days of summer break we have left between now and the start of the next semester you’re in for some two-in-one training. As you’ll be whipping up new super moves and extending your quirks at the same time! Furthermore, you’ll also be thinking of how best to upgrade your costume to go along with quirk extension training and new super moves.”

[Host has been issued a mission!]

[Mission - Develop two Super Moves by the time of the exam!]

             [  Reward: 5 gear effects, 200 exp]

“Finally! You’ve come back to me my sweet princess!! I’ve missed you….” Antoine blurted out to the silent system. “Fine you can act all shy you want, but I’m still gonna compliment the shit out of you you sexy system you. Never leave me again.”

[Tch… Quiet host…]

               Class then began and Antoine was face to face with one of Ectoplasm’s clones.

“I’m going to be honest Ecto-sensei. I’m going to be using your clones to practice something. I hope you don’t mind.” Antoine said as strengthened all the muscles in his body while looking no different outwardly.

“Go ahead Neil-kun. This is training after all.” He replied.

“Lackey. Street Fighting variant.”

Understood Neil-sama.”

               Antoine took off and kicked towards Ectoplasm’s head. Ectoplasm blocked with his arm barely but almost didn’t catch Antoine’s tentacles attempting to trip him. But the veteran pro hero saw it and jumped over it.

“Got cha..” Antoine chuckled as he overhead punched Ectoplasm into the ground. Ectoplasm’s clone dissolved after Antoine’s follow up stomp to the face.

‘That clone died way too fast for me to gain anything with this muscle augmentation quirk.’

“I need another clone! Mine died in like 2 seconds.” Antoine shouted as Ectoplasm created another clone for him.

“How about we work on a special move instead of combat skill?” Ectoplasm suggested.

“I can think of something I guess.” Antoine complained before thinking for a few seconds.

“Alright how about this?” Antoine grinned as he opened his mouth and starting pulling out his teeth and then held them in his hand before pulling out his revolver.

               He loaded the sharp pointy teeth into the chamber and then aimed at Ectoplasm. Ectoplasm ran towards him while moving from side to side, making it harder for Antoine to hit him.

“Sensei! Are you underestimating me? You’ll need to be as fast as the class president if you want a chance of avoiding my shots.” Antoine grinned while thinking about his sharpshooting skill.

[Intermediate Sharpshooter Lv7– Bang! Bang! Howdy pardner. It seems like you wanna become the greatest gunslinger there is. Practice long enough and shooting bugs in the dark will be as simple as breathing.]

[40% increase to Agility.]

[38% increase damage by gun-like weapons.]

[40% Increased Accuracy.]

“I’ll call this super move. Unyielding Jaws!” Antoine said as he fired two teeth into Ectoplasm’s shoulders, two in his hands, and two into his prosthetic legs. The two into his math teacher’s legs, stopped him from moving as Antoine reloaded a fired a final tooth into Ectoplasm’s head, dispelling the clone.

“ANOTHER ONE SENSEI!” Antoine yelled.

“Ectoplasm! You died! Gimme nother clone!” Bakugou shouted while looking at Antoine before focusing back on his training.

“I need another clone as well sensei.” Yuga stated.

“Me too!” Toru added.

               Ectoplasm made clones for all those that requested for them with a proud look on his face.

“I call this one the Jaws Of Death.” Antoine said while dodging Ectoplasm’s attacks and also pulling out more teeth and holding them in his hand. Ectoplasm continued to kick and kick at the young boy who was seemingly dodging without even looking anymore.

               Antoine’s sense of smell was heightened quite a bit after leveling up his quirk skill.

[Shark Quirk Lv2 (Advanced) – This Quirk is given to you by your mother! At initial stages, few shark traits are gained. As this skill gains proficiency more and more shark traits are available along with increased shark abilities.]

[21% Increase in Str, Agl, and Vit.]

[Shark Teeth gained! Teeth are now able to chew through most things human teeth aren’t capable of! They are also capable of being grown back within 24 hours!]

[As this skill increases in proficiency, the strength of your teeth will improve, the rate at which they grow back will increase, and the number of rows will increase.]

[Enhanced Smell Lv9 – This skill is a byproduct of your quirk. This skill allows you to have the amazing nose of a shark! If you develop this skill far enough, you could even smell an odorless poison brewed by a master assassin.]

[Can smell 18x better than regular humans.]

[Shark Stomach Lv9– This skill is a byproduct of your quirk. This skill allows you to have the stomach of a shark! They are commonly known as the garbage cans of the sea for a reason!]

[Increases the strength of digestive system by x18.]

[Can now freely spew any material that is unable to be digested.]

[Enhanced Hearing Lv1 – This skill is a byproduct of your quirk. This skill allows you to have the amazing hearing of a shark! If you develop this skill far enough, you could even hear from distances as far 800 feet!]

[Can hear 2x better than regular humans.]

[Enhanced Vision Lv1 – This skill is a byproduct of your quirk. This skill allows you to have the amazing eyesight of a shark! If you develop this skill far enough, you could even see a baby mouse 100 feet away!]

[Can see 2x better than regular humans.]

               Just by sniffing the air, Antoine could tell the distance between himself and his opponents. Along with his other senses being enhanced, his sensei’s clone by itself just wasn’t a challenge. Antoine hopped away backwards as he threw his teeth in the air like confetti, the clone dashed after him and soon was dispelled as Antoine’s tentacles slammed all the teeth towards it. The teeth were impaled into the clone and forced it to dissolve. Antoine chuckled.

[Mission Completed!]

               [Gained 5 gear effects, 200 exp]

‘Now let’s see what the fuck gear effects are.’ Antoine said to himself as he looked at the new stack inside his inventory.

[ Infinite Gear Effect – Whatever this effect is attached to will have an infinite amount of something. It is recommended to attach this to an item that has a limited supply.]

[Fire Gear Effect – Whatever this effect is attached to will gain the ability to manifest fire. It is recommended to attach this to a crafted equipment that can harm.]

[Unbreakable – Whatever this effect is attached to will be unable to be destroyed. It is recommended to attach this to a piece of equipment that will protect the wearer’s life.]

[Fortune – Whatever this effect is attached to will gain great luck! It is recommended to attach this to an accessory the wearer will always wear.]

[Growing – Whatever this effect is attached to will grow along with the wielder! It is recommended to attach this to an item that the wielder will always use or have a sentimental value with.]


[System needed to undergo an update. Also, I must mention. The mix feature has been unlocked now that you’ve reach level 30. The mix feature will allow you to combine two materials into one new material at the cost of experience. Skill experience or experience from your level. ]

‘What if I dropped below level 30 using the mix function? Would I still be allowed to use it or will it be disabled?’

[Once the system senses that you don’t have the necessary experience for mixing, the host will not be allowed to mix whatever he is trying to mix.]

‘Damn… I was thinking I could cheat the system by going into negative levels and mixing forever and ever but I guess you’re smarter than that aren’t you beautiful bastard…’ Antoine said to the system.


“Sorry to say this sensei but I’m sure my training bots are way better suited for this compared to your quirk. A real villain doesn’t just vanish after being defeated. They could still pull off sneak attacks after being knocked down or out, and my training bots can simulate that perfectly. Not to mention they are as durable as shit.” Antoine said. “If U.A. is willing to put up a small fee, I can definitely send over a few for testing purposes and if you’re really enjoying them we can sign a contract where I’d be willing to send some over to you regularly for a monthly or even yearly fee. Any training bots that have somehow been destroyed or maimed in some way will be replaced free of charge due to our close relationship..” Antoine said trying to earn any money he could.

“Uh… Neil… I think we should…”

“YOU’RE ABSOLUTELY RIGHT! How could I have been so foolish to talk all this great shit about my training bots without even backing it up!? Good thing I have one right here.” Antoine said reaching inside his lab coat (inventory) and pulling out a suitcase.

“Where’d you pull that out from….?” He questioned before being interrupted again.

“Todoroki! My dear friend.” Antoine smiled like a greasy card salesman as his tentacle stretched and kidnapped Todoroki from his training.


“Don’t worry you Icy Hot handsome bastard. This’ll be many times more fruitful than training with sensei’s little clones. Use this dumb looking fellow for your training and you’ll definitely see an improvement in your training!” Antoine said as the suitcase transformed into a silver humanoid robot without any facial features. It had balls on his hands for fists and was around the height of an average man.

“Come now my creation! We have to make sure your partner understands what he’s about to get into.” Antoine said as the training bot walked over to him and Todoroki.

“Push this button on its back and a holographic menu will pop up asking you what difficulty do you want the training bot on. Easy, medium, hard, and super! Easy is if you want to fight against a blockhead or a wild animal that knows nothing but how to attack and come at you. Medium is fighting against someone who knows a little about fighting and can strategize a small bit, like a small time criminal. Hard is fighting against someone who has experience in fighting, like fighting against Aizawa sensei without his cloth. Super is not recommended in the slightest. Only choose this option if you wish to be beaten with an inch of your life left and want to see what it is like to fight against someone you have no chance against.” Antoine explained as the whole class eventually started paying attention to him.

“Which difficulty would you like Todoroki-san?”

“Hard.” He said as Antoine clicked on the hard difficulty.

 “If you swipe to the right, you’ll get to add in customized difficult parameters. If you only want the training bot to block, only to throw punches, only to throw kicks, to only fight dirty, or to only fight fair. But we won’t use these for now.” Antoine said as he swiped to the left twice. “If you swipe to the left from the starting screen, you can add different customizations to the training bot. Do you want him to use guns, swords, fists, a bat, a frying pan, needles, or even an umbrella! Most weapons are available for the training bot to use but once again we won’t be using these since it’s just a demonstration of its capabilities. It is also capable of transforming into a huge brute, the size of an ant, or even an octopus!”

“You might wanna step a few steps back before we start but it’s up to you.” Antoine told him.

               Todoroki stood a few feet away and nodded. Antoine pressed start on the training bot.  The training bot immediately dashed towards Todoroki. Todoroki used his giant ice glacier move and the robot barely managed to dodge. Its foot got covered in ice. It bashed its ball-shaped fist on its foot and freed itself before heading towards Todoroki once more at the same speed. Todoroki sent waves of ice at the robot and the robot managed to agilely avoid them while kicking and punching any pieces of ice towards Todoroki. Todoroki chose to use his left side to melt the incoming ice shards before aiming it towards the training bot who was getting closer and closer to him. The training bot ran straight through the fire and Todoroki and the rest assumed the fight was over. He dropped his hand and stopped his flames, assuming it was over and to his surprise a red-hot training bot came bursting straight towards him and punched forward.

               Todoroki in his surprised, hastily put up an ice wall that only managed to get smashed through. The training bot clocked Todoroki in the face and knocked him away before charging towards him once more. Todoroki used his ice to control himself as he flew through the air and sent another ice glacier towards the training bot who quickly jumped to the side and continued towards the slightly panicked Todoroki who wasn’t expecting much from this simple looking robot. Todoroki created an ice wall to catch his breath but it didn’t take long for the robot to show up once more.

               The training bot smashed through the ice wall and kicked a large piece of ice back at Todoroki. Todoroki paused slightly as he looked at the ice pallet coming straight towards him. If he used his fire like before, then the robot would be on him just as fast. And he doubted he could take the thing in close combat. Todoroki dodged and began using his ice to slide around. The training bot was unable to catch him by simply chasing after him now and transformed its sphere hands into regular human hands. The robot started tearing apart the ice glacier Todoroki used early on and started flinging pieces of ice at him at very dangerous speeds.

“You can’t run forever Todoroki! Although the ice sliding move is sick, you’ll need to think of a different move to beat this villain!” Antoine told him as the class was surprised that one of their all stars were struggling to defeat a simple robot.

               Todoroki continued to slide around, dodging the projectiles he made, while also getting closer and closer to the training bot. The training bot continued to throw and throw as Todoroki’s body was getting covered in frost. Eventually Todoroki rode overhead the training bot and dropped down on top of it as it was reaching for another piece of ice. Todoroki landed on the robot’s head and froze it as he dropped to the floor and started breathing heavily.

“Well done! What a very close battle that could’ve gone either way!” Antoine clapped as he helped the boy up. “Your quirk and quick thinking gave you the victory! I wonder what you would’ve done if he was immune to both your fire and ice? Well you could find out just by going into the difficulty parameters and adding temperature control! Now would anyone else like to test the training bot out!?” Antoine asked with a smile on his face as the training bot heated itself up and melted the ice trapping it.

               Antoine saw Todoroki with a difficult look on his face. Probably wondering what would he have done if his ice or fire didn’t work.

“Ooh let me try!” Kirishima said walking over.

“Go ahead my manly friend! Which difficulty would you like?”

“Hard!” He said balling his fist in excitement.

“And here…. We….. go!”

               Kirishima hardened his entire body as he charged towards the training bot who did the same. Kirishima threw a straight right and the training bot deflected his fist with its ball-shaped fist and took out the boy’s legs from below with a low kick. After tripping the boy, the training bot appeared over him ready to stomp his head into the ground, but Kirishima rolled over and tried to get up. But before he could get up, the training bot stomped him on the back and forced him back on the ground before dropping down and holding his hands behind his back and placing its knee down. Effectively capturing the boy despite his hardening quirk.

“Hahaahaha what the heck was that Kirishima!?” Kaminari laughed.

“I guess you should’ve taken easy mode!! Hahahaah!!!” Sero also laughed.

               The training bot released Kirishima and Kirishima got up slightly upset.

“Why don’t you two give it a try?!”

“That was pretty pathetic man. You need to learn some sort of fighting style or go through some quirk training hell. Since I think most of you guys basically fucking suck, I’ll keep this training bot in the gym till it’s time for the exam.” Antoine said just as class was over. Toru and Yuga came over to him with as he would describe it the most disgusting smiles.

“Helping out your classmates hmmmmm?!” Toru said annoyingly chipper.

“Without even asking for anything in return hmmmm?!” Yuga said just as annoying.

“Fuck off! I ain’t helping shit. This is all so that U.A can get into a partnership with me and I can get paid fat bucks. Nothing to do with those weak bastards inside…” Antoine said as Yuga and Toru continued to bother him as they walked back to the dorms together.

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