Craftsman System In My Hero Academia

The Start Of The Provisional License Exam!


Antoine was watching as his classmates were training with his training bots as the teachers looked on with satisfied looks on their faces. Antoine’s face was glowing in joy. The principal decided to make a deal with Antoine for U.A. to use his training bots. They signed a 10-month contract where Antoine would be paid 200,000 each month for allowing U.A. to use his training bots. He’s sent 30 training bots over so far but will continue to send more if U.A. requests for more. He grinned as he saw some of his classmates enjoying themselves while others were getting the shit beat out of them.

“Hehe! Time to show off my Super Move! Bright Crushing!” Toru exclaimed as she gathered light above her raised hand. The hard difficulty robot she was facing against started rapidly darting from side to side to avoid whatever attack she had planned but it was pointless. The light she gathered above her palm disappeared and reappeared above the training bot before smiting the robot with a bright colorful light. The robot was crushed into a small midget robot and Toru cheered.

“It’s not over yet! Here’s my second super awesome move! Smiling Smash! She gathered light around the squished robot who was wobbling towards her with a determined waddle. The light turned into rainbow lights and they captured the training bot before crushing it into a pile of scrap.

She did a victory pose by throwing up a peace sign while looking at Aizawa-sensei. Aizawa was shocked at the way Hagakure’s quirk has evolved. A couple of months ago she was just a student who was invisible and was great at fighting, but now she’s capable of controlling light itself! Her attitude is perfectly suited for hero duty and she isn’t that bad at thinking on her feet either. Soon she’ll be one of the strongest kids in the class if she keeps this up.

“Shining KO!” Yuga yelled as he uppercutted the hard difficulty robot in the chin with his boxing gloves. A sparking blue laser shot out along with his uppercut, knocking the robot far into the air and nearly touching the gym’s roof. Yuga shot out a laser from the shoes of his hero costume and blasted off towards the falling robot, appearing right in front of it as it was falling back down to the ground.

“Mousseux Straight!” He finished as he threw another laser added punch towards the stomach of the training bot and launching it at high speeds straight to the ground. It crashed and wasn’t able to continue fighting. Yuga wiped off his sweat as he softly smiled in satisfaction.

“Not very creative, but what works works. Am I right?” Antoine teased.

“Shut up Antoine… Those aren’t my only special moves. Just the ones I wanted to practice with.” Yuga responded back.

“I see. Hiding your real special moves so that no one knows huh? That’s smart. Why do you think I’m just walking around and doing nothing? So these idiots don’t try to be sneaky and catch me slipping somehow.” Antoine whispered before chuckling off to see more of his classmates training.


“Like this piece of crap scrap metal can challenge me!!!!” He roared while blasting himself towards the super difficulty training bot.

The training bot threw a punch towards the incoming explosion boy and had his attack dodged. Bakugou blasted himself around the robot and prepared to blast it in the back. He double palm exploded the back of the training bot and smirked in satisfaction. But then suddenly, through the smoke, the training bot grabbed Bakugou’s wrists and slammed him face first into the ground. The robot then picked up the disorientated boy by the wrist and started swinging him around in a tornado motion. Bakugou tried to blast himself free, but the iron grip of the robot was too strong to break free from as it lifted him upwards and the slammed him into the ground. He was forced to cough up blood from the impact.

“I told you, you weren’t ready for super yet, princess…” Antoine said to the fallen Bakugou whose rage seemed to have blocked out the pain he was feeling. The training bot raised its foot to stomp and finish Bakugou off but before it could land, a figure was sent flying towards it and stopped it.


“Cabbage head? Well I guess he might increase your chances of victory but only slightly.” Antoine said as the super bot registered Midoriya as an additional fighter.

“Wait?! I was in the middle of fighting mine and got knocked over here! I’ll get out of your way Kaachan…” Midoriya said before suddenly being assaulted by the super bot. Midoriya activated his quirk and barely managed to dodge the super bot’s attacks as Bakugou came blasting over and blasting the bot.

“Stay out of my way Deku! This piece of scrap metal is mine and mine alone!” Bakugou was punched in the stomach as the super bot shook off Bakugou’s explosion with barely any damage and shoulder bashed the airborne boy towards Midoriya.

Midoriya hastily and clumsily caught Bakugou as the two were sent flying into another student!

“Midoriya?! Bakugou!?” Iida yelled surprised. Bakugou and Midoriya groaned in response as the super bot was coming right towards the three. Bakugou clicked his tongue.

“Just don’t get in my way!” He yelled. Midoriya softly smiled after realizing that Bakugou was allowing them to work together and realized that he couldn’t defeat the super bot all on his own.

“Iida, do you think you can distract it? If me and Kaachan attack together with our strongest move we should be able to defeat it..” Midoriya said.

“I got it. Leave it to me. Recipro Burst! Iida shouted as he sped off towards the super bot while Midoriya and Bakugou began preparing to use their special moves.

Iida sped behind the super bot and attempted to kick it in the back to knock it over, but the super bot wouldn’t fall that easily. It swayed its body out of the way and nearly punched Iida into the ground. Iida managed to get out of the way in time before coming back for a round two by kicking towards the face of the super bot. The super bot caught Iida’s leg just as his special move ran out and his engines stalled, but it seems this was part of the plan as both Midoriya and Bakugou were about to attack with their special moves.

“Howitzer Impact!!”

“St. Louis Smash!!!!”

The two boys impacted against the super bot in a massive explosion. A large smoke cloud rose at the time of the impact and no figures were seen flying out of the smoke.

“No way….” Midoriya muttered.

“Are you freaking kidding me..!?” Bakugou asked in complete disbelief.

The super bot was seen holding Bakugou’s wrist and Midoriya’s leg while an unconscious Iida was lying on the floor. The super bot tilted its head as if it was confused that these boys thought that was enough to defeat it before lifting them both up and slamming them into each other. Antoine was laughing his ass off at the trio before finally stopping his creation.

“Alright alright that’s enough. Deactivate you glorious bully.” Antoine ordered to the super bot. The training bot shut down and stopped moving entirely.

“That’s why you don’t do super difficulty at your level kids. I’d suggest trying super when you all graduate. You’ll probably stand a better chance.” Antoine said as 3 robots came wheeling towards the unconscious trio and taking them to Recovery Girl.

“Hey Neil! How do I change the toughness?!” Mineta asked.

“Swipe left from the main screen and choosing average durability. It be as tough as a regular human.”

“THERE WAS A WAY TO MAKE THIS THING NOT AS HARD AS STEEL!?” Ashido yelled as she agilely dodged her medium training bot while spraying sticky acid on the floor to try and trap the metal bucket.

“Yep! There was a help function on the main menu you know.”

“YOU MEAN THOSE 50 PAGES OF WORDS!?” Jiro shouted while attempted to inject her jacks into the medium training bot who was slapping them away or dodging them. Eventually she realized that just whipping her jacks around wasn’t going to work and plugged her jacks into her wrist amplifiers and knocked the training bot away with a sonic wave. The training bot was about to get straight back up but Jiro appeared over it and stabbed her jacks into the training bot and caused it to burst open from the inside with her jacks.

“Yea.” Antoine responded.

The two girls groaned in annoyance as they continued fighting against their robots.

“TIMES UP CLASS A!!” Vlad, Class B’s homeroom teacher yelled. “Today we arranged for Class B to use the Gamma Gym this afternoon!”

“We still have a few minutes left.” Aizawa responded.

“Nah nadda nope. Get on out of here Eraser.” Vlad said.

“Hey did you hear!? They say half the people who take the test for provisional fail!? SO WHY DON’T YOU SAVE US THE TROUBLE AND FAIL FOR US CLASS A!?” Monoma, the copying quirk kid, harassed.

“Glad to see you’re doing well Monoma-kun.” Antoine greeted with a smile.

“Of course I’m doing well! Why wouldn’t I be? Class B is always doing great!” He said defensively.

“Good to hear. You know I always liked your personality Monoma. We should hang out some more.” Antoine smiled politely, causing Monoma to be uncomfortable and unnerved.

“He is right though Neil. We will have to fight each other at the exam and not all of us could pass together.” Yaoyorozu said.

“Actually.. We applied to have the two classes take the exam at separate arenas.” Aizawa corrected.

“The Hero Qualification Exam occurs with the same challenges at three locations twice every year in June and September. To prevent students of the same school crushing their own, the standard practice has been to make students from every school take the test at different times and places.” Vlad explained.

“Every school huh.. wow, I’d overlooked it before but each school is going to be eating into each other’s pass rates.” Sero said with a completely wrapped up medium bot wiggling behind him.

“And we’re skipping over the normal course for obtaining licenses, too…” Tsuyu added.

“Yes, only a minority of schools has their freshman get provisional. To put it another way, it’ll be a gathering of kids who have had more time to train and whose quirks you know nothing about. We can’t know what’s going to be on the exam but there’s no doubt it’ll be rough.”

“It’ll be a piece of cake sensei. You’re definitely exaggerating this exam way more than it needs to be.” Antoine said casually.

“Even you’ll need to be careful Neil. Who knows what they will test you all on?” Aizawa told him.

“Regardless of what it is, I’ll pass it. I’m the future #1 Pro Hero. What can’t I do?” Antoine asked with an amused look on his face.

“Get a girlfriend.” Toru said as Class A and Class B oooooooh’d.

“You…! I can get a girlfriend whenever I want! I’m already swimming in money! It’ll be no problem to have women eating out of my palms!” Antoine said in embarrassed anger before walking off and leaving the gymnasium.


“Are you guys nervous too?” Mineta asked.

“Nope.” Antoine responded.

“Of course, you’re not nervous Neil. I’ve never seen you nervous about anything.” Mineta said.

“One of the perks of being the greatest, I guess.”

“I’m nervous.. Who knows what they’ll test us on? Yuga said.

“We got this!” Toru said excitedly determined.

“You three are totally abnormal…” Jiro commented as everyone got off the bus.

“If you can just pass this exam and obtain your temp license, then you will cease to be mere eggs and hatch into chicks… Into semi-pros. So give it your all.” Aizawa motivated.

“Awesome, C’mon everybody, let’s go hatch into chicks!!” Kirishima said. “Plus….. ULTRA!!!!!” Most of the class shouted.

A strange guy appeared behind Class A and suddenly smashed his head into the ground while apologizing. Antoine started laughing.

“What a fucking egg head.. I guess this is Shiketsu Academy huh? Doesn’t look like much.” Antoine antagonized.

“So says the vulgar U.A. student badmouthing others without even knowing them.” The purple haired boy with the meatball quirk replied back.

“Like I’d need to know a bunch of fucking losers. Stay on the sidelines you small eyed fuck and don’t try and talk to the big boys.” Antoine said towering over the boy who had his arms behind his back standing rigidly.

“You obviously know nothing about acting with dignity and treating others with respect. I guess I’ll have to beat that lesson into you during the exam. And my eyes are big and handsome!” He corrected.

“Like a fucking gnat has the balls to mess with a dragon. I’ll be looking forward to smashing all those from Shiketsu in the exam because of you.” Antoine smirked as he stared all four of the Shinketsu students down.

“That fiery passion! I’ll respond to it in kind!!” The hyperactive optimist boy with the whirlwind quirk shouted.

The Shinketsu group walked away.

“That kid… he’s no pushover. His name is Yoarashi. At the end of the last school year… or in other words when you all were applying for the entrance exam, he was selected as one of the recommended students, but for some reason, despite his top of the line grades. He declined to enter U.A..” Aizawa informed.

“Stronger than Icy Hot huh? You better look out Roki. I think he was giving you some stank eyes earlier.” Antoine nudged Todoroki’s shoulder.

“I think he was warning you Neil.” Sero whispered and caused Antoine to bust out laughing.

“Like I need to be worried about anyone in this exam. That’s a good joke sensei! You really got me with that one.” Antoine said wiping a tear away as a different school came walking their way. He took off to put on his hero costume and then headed towards where they were supposed to be headed and got himself up front near the stage. The room started to get filled with seas of students in their hero costumes and one of the people who were part of making the exam, stepped on stage.

He started explaining exactly how the exam will be conducted.

“Gathered in attendance are precisely 1,541 examinees. You’ll be vying for victory all at once. In the present age, in our so-named heroic saturated society there has been no shortage of voices raising doubt over the state of heroics since Stain’s apprehension.”

The state of heroics in where heroes shouldn’t want to be compensated and that the title of hero should be granted following acts of self-sacrifice.

“The time that elapses between a case materializing and its resolution, has become very swift indeed. When you obtain your provisional licenses, you throw yourselves into that raging torrent. To be blunt, it will be very harsh on those who can’t keep pace. As such, it’s your speed that will be tested! Only the first 100 to clear the terms of the exam will make the cut.” He announced as the room filled with thousands of hero candidates shouted in outrage and surprise.

“So this is how the exam will go.” He held up a ball and a ring. “Each examinee will receive three targets. You may place them on any part of your body, so long as they’re always open and visible. So no soles of the feet or armpits. In addition, you’ll carry six balls on your person. The targets are built to respond only to contact with the balls. If you’re hit in all three places, you’re out. If you hit somebody’s third target, you have defeated them. Victory is attained upon defeating two other contestants.” He finished.

‘Free for all dodgeball basically..’ Antoine thought.

‘This’ll be pretty tough…’

‘I can do this..! All I have to do is hit people with two targets lit up…’

“All right. We’ll distribute the targets and balls. After that happens, the exam will commence one minute after everyone spreads out.” He explained as the building they were in suddenly started breaking apart and flattening itself out. Soon the 1000s of students were in the middle of a large practice field.

“I believe you all have types of terrain you like and dislike. So, please do your best and capitalize on your skills.”

Everyone started getting their targets and balls.

“This is going to be pretty fun… I’m actually a little excited to test a couple things out.” Antoine admitted.

“Me too! But I’m starting to get butterflies in my stomach to be honest… This is a lot more people than I’m used to being around.” Toru smiled.

Yuga was taking deep breaths.

“See ya guys in the next part!” Antoine said as he flew off towards one of the cities with rocket boots.

“Bye!!!” Toru said as she ran towards a different terrain as well.

“Wait for me!” Yuga yelled as he shot off using his laser.

“Wait! Stay together guys! We can win if we stay as a group!” Midoriya shouted.


“You losers can stick together if you want! But I’m out of here!” Bakugou said running off.


“I don’t like the idea of them going off alone…” Tsuyu said worried.


“Why?” Mineta asked.

“Because everybody knows what we can do!” Midoriya informed.

“1…. STARTTTTTTT!!!!!”

[Host has been issued a mission!]

[Mission – Gain a provisional hero license!]

[Reward: 10 gear effects, 20 blocks of Adamantium or 20 blocks of Vibranium, 2000 exp]

“No way…..” Antoine muttered as an excited grin plastered itself on his face.

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