Create the Age of Magic

Chapter 14 Anne Walker

Enoch's face-changing Fahorn had seen it before, and he couldn't even recognize it, let alone those ordinary people.

Everything was ready, and after confirming that there was nothing missing, the two started to set off.

Enoch first cast an illusion to cover the figures of the two. They must first ensure their own safety and secondly find this mysterious newcomer.

The back door of Douglas Carpenter's Shop is very hidden, and no one has noticed Horn's going in and out every night, but Enoch is by his side, and it is good to use illusion to cover it for safety.

The monsters first appeared in the North District, and most of the monsters were also found in the North District, so it is not surprising that this mysterious caster is also in the North District.

When I visited Locke to inquire about the news before, Locke told Horn that the monster first appeared in the rich area of ​​the North District, where most of the businessmen lived.

And according to where the monster appeared, a range can be roughly delineated, which is not very large for Horn and Enoch.

The perception of ordinary witches alone is stronger than that of ordinary first-order priests, let alone first-order witches like Enoch, and Horn's perception is even higher than that of Enoch.

In the dead of night, it was a good time to do things that were inconvenient for others to know, and the two quickly reached the pre-determined range.

Usually at this time, the streets are already empty, and the high-ranking clergy will no longer walk around at night, but today's northern district of Len City is heavily guarded.

Monsters have appeared more frequently recently, and every household has their doors and windows tightly closed, for fear that blood-devouring monsters will break into the house and kill them wantonly.

The Northern Wind Knights from the entire Northern Wind God Church were dispatched, and they formed a team of five to patrol the North District. Thanks to them, although monsters still appeared as usual, the law and order in the North District was much better.

The North Wind Knights who often pass by are a great deterrent to those weak monsters and petty thieves, but for the two of Horn, they can walk freely in the net of these North Wind Knights with just an illusion.

As long as there is no strange accident like Enoch's last time, they will never be discovered by these tin cans.

The two wandered around the North District as if they were in no man's land. They came here to find the caster confidently, and firmly believed that the two of them would be able to catch them immediately.

But reality gave them a stick.

For two hours, for a full two hours, the two of them walked five times in the pre-determined area, but no suspicious person was found.

Enoch, who was tired from walking, sat down on a fairly clean stone by the side of the street. He was tired from walking.

He is a noble Faye, not a muscular man who will get tired after walking for a long time.

What should I do? This guy is hiding very deeply. It seems that it won't help if he turns around tonight.

If it's not hidden deeply, how can there be so many incidents that have not been discovered by the Temple of the North Wind?

Horn suddenly had a flash of inspiration, Enoch, the monster at noon also had its magic power fluctuation when it disappeared.

That's right, what's the problem? Enoch asked Horn suspiciously.

Wild witches generally only leave magic fluctuations when they cast spells, or when they deliberately leave traces. Could this be the case with the person we are looking for? Only when he casts spells can we track it down he?

If it's the situation you said, shall we just wait like this? Enoch asked Horn with his head tilted.

Wait, we don't have much to do anyway. Wait here for a few hours every night. After three or five days, there should be results. After all, monsters are appearing more and more frequently!

Horn climbed onto the roof of the central building within the designated range and waited quietly.


The Walker family is a small family of merchants in the northern district of Lane City, mainly engaged in the clothing and fabric business. They own the largest clothing store in Lane City, and donate a lot of money to the church every year to maintain themselves in Lane City. status of the city.

The status of nobles in Ceylon is not as lofty as that of the middle ages on earth. Although nobles are still nobler than ordinary people and have more rights, they will be punished if they violate the laws of the church, and nobles and witches will be burned to death. !

The only one who is truly superior is the church that controls the power!

The nobles are just the stewards who take care of the territory for the church!

The Walker family has no interest in becoming nobles. As long as they have money and the care of the church, they will be more nourished and dignified than nobles.

However, in recent days, Al Walker, the patriarch of the Walker family, has been a little worried. One is because the serious monster incident in the North District has greatly affected his business.

Moreover, some of his workers were injured by monsters. I don't know if it was an illusion that Al always felt that the number of monsters near his house seemed to be slightly higher than other places.

The second is that his precious daughter, Anne Walker, has been depressed for some reason recently, and her eyes are always bloodshot. He still feels a little distressed that he only has this one daughter.

This evening, he invited a black-clothed deacon from the church to show his daughter if she was bewitched or something, and by the way, see if it is possible to sell his daughter to the deacon.

What he invited was Joseph, the deacon in black. Joseph had a high status in the church in Lane City. At the forefront!

It's enough for him to face such a big man coming to treat his daughter, so he should treat him well.

Deacon Joseph is in charge of investigating monsters in the North District during the day and has no time to come, so he made an appointment to come around 7:00 tonight.


Annie has been feeling terrible recently. She has always been the apple of her father's eye, and she is also a well-known beautiful girl in the North District of Len City.

If she followed her usual routine, she should be playing secretly outside now, or pretend to be her father's good baby and be a business lady with peace of mind.

However, she has lost interest in all of these these days. The reason is that a few days ago she went out to play without telling her father, and was accidentally blocked by a hooligan in a corner.

Just when she was about to use the Walker family's family-inherited self-defense technique and yelled loudly, for some reason, she uttered a very awkward sentence by accident!

Annie hadn't read that passage, and she didn't want to read that passage herself, but she couldn't control herself!

The moment she finished reading that passage, the void opened a gap!

Two ferocious monsters crawled out of the gap!

These two monsters have a worm head and a human body, and the other has a bull head but a centipede tail!

Annie almost screamed!

The two monsters looked vicious and ugly, but their fighting power was unexpectedly low. The gangster stabbed one to death with a dagger, while the other bit the gangster to death!

After the monster killed the hooligan, he turned around and stared at her fiercely for a while, his eyes seemed to tear her apart, but for some reason, the monster didn't attack her, but ran away.

As the daughter of a businessman who is not so peaceful, she is not a daughter who can do nothing without a man. You can see this from the fact that she often goes out to play without telling her family.

Although she didn't experience any setbacks, the experience of often coming out to play made her calm down quickly, and she didn't tell others about the monster.

Because she knew that this monster was brought by her, if she was found out by the church, she would be burned as a witch!

The church never shows mercy to wild witches!

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