Create the Age of Magic

Chapter 15 Finding the Goal

After that day, Annie never went out of the house again. She naively thought that this kind of thing would not happen again if she stayed at home.

She secretly went home as if nothing had happened and continued to live as usual, but the nightmare did not end!

She lived peacefully for a few days, and after she let go of her hanging heart, she recited that spell again by a ghost! Similarly, monsters appeared this time!

After that, every few days, she would involuntarily say that spell!

Even if she doesn't want to!

What made her even more desperate was that the frequency of her chanting spells became more and more frequent!

Every time she watched those monsters look at her with eyes like looking at food, she was reluctant to leave at last, and then she would hear rumors of monsters appearing somewhere.

She knew that she was the chief culprit of the monsters in the North District, but she would not foolishly surrender to the church and be burned to death, she was not willing to die like this!

In the morning, her father told her that the black-clothed deacon of the church would be invited to see her. She must be prepared to prevent the black-clothed deacon from finding out!

Come on Annie, you can do it. Annie said to herself, patting her face.

Annie, come and meet the deacon! Al Walker's voice came from the living room.

Okay, here we come. Annie plucked up the courage to walk to the living room. Her face was haggard and her eyes were bloodshot, but she still dressed up deliberately so that the deacon would not notice anything unusual.

Miss Anne is so beautiful. Joseph looked at the haggard Anne and his eyes lit up. This kind of girl was just right for him.

Master Deacon, you have won the award. Al said that he has won the award, but his face is full of pride. It would be great if the deacon can take a fancy to Annie. This deacon has a bright future and will one day become a deacon in white. The rise of the world is just around the corner!

Annie had a shy expression on her face, but she was cursing in her heart. Deacon Joseph's eyes were really disgusting, and it seemed that her father wanted to match her with this guy who had just met for the first time. How could that be possible!

Deacon Joseph smiled and observed Annie for a long time, then pretended to pray, and threw a small blue whirlwind at Annie,

Annie almost jumped up in fright, and her small face turned pale instantly. Fortunately, her face was already haggard, otherwise Joseph would definitely notice something strange.

This magical technique is practiced by all major divine religions in the mainland. The effect is to detect the magic energy in the body of the person being detected. If there is a small amount of magic energy, it is affected by the wizard. Big words are wizards!

As for non-church personnel, they can only buy holy water from the Holy Light Church at a very high price.

After confirming that Anne was not a wizard and there was no trace of magic energy on her body, Joseph decided that it was not a big deal. Miss Anne's problem might just be something sad recently.

Joseph smiled wretchedly at Al and said:

Mr. Al, Ling Ai's body has not been affected by supernatural power, so you can rest assured, but Miss Anne's condition may have something to do with her room, can I go and see with Miss Anne?

Al shouted that there is no problem, priests, doing things is rigorous.

After arriving at Annie's room, Joseph said to Al: It's fine for me to go in here with Miss Anne, and you don't have to go in with me.

Al was taken aback for a moment, is Deacon Joseph so impatient?

But it's okay, anyway, Al also has the same meaning. Al winked at Annie for a while, then left with a smile.

Annie showed her father a look of begging for help, but unfortunately, her father turned a blind eye and even left directly. The appearance of her father made Annie feel a little chilled. She always thought that her father loved her the most, but did she sell herself to this guy now?

Joseph closed the door, showed an obscene smile, and rushed towards Annie. He had already discovered through observation that this girl might not think highly of him, but his father definitely supported his behavior. , so he didn't care about it.

Seeing the ferocious Joseph Anne rushing towards him, her heart broke, she must not be defiled by him, she began to resist, drew out a dagger and laid it across her neck!

I would rather die than surrender!

But her resistance was not worth mentioning in front of the second-level priest. Joseph waved Anne's dagger casually and flew out. In front of Joseph, she was like a lamb under a lion, without any resistance.

The weak resistance actually strengthened Joseph's desire. After some actions, Joseph restrained Annie so that she could not move. He started to take off Annie's clothes. In desperation, Annie chanted a spell under control. A ferocious monster appeared in front of Joseph from the void, biting Joseph fiercely.

It's a pity that Joseph is a second-level priest. It is difficult for these two little monsters to defeat ordinary people, let alone deal with Joseph. Joseph clasped his hands together and separated again, and his hands were already wrapped around a pillar of strong wind.

The second-order divine art, the sword of the north wind.

Joseph swiped two swords down, and the two strange-looking mobs were cut into pieces by Joseph's sword of the north wind, so fast that there was no time to describe their appearance!

The two mobs were killed in a short while, but Annie didn't stop. Under Joseph's stimulation, she entered the final stage of confusion, casting spells continuously until her magic power was exhausted!

Annie summoned the mobs, Joseph killed the mobs, and the two stalemate for a long time.

Finally, after summoning seventeen or eighteen little monsters, Annie's magic power was exhausted, and she sat there slumped without any strength, waiting for the cruel end that could be imagined.

Hey, the monster commotion that kept us busy for so many days was actually caused by you, a bitch? It's really lucky. If it wasn't for the master, I would suddenly want to fuck you, and it wouldn't have taken me long.

Joseph laughed wildly and said that he felt that he had really picked up a big fish, and that the culprit who had kept the church busy for a long time was discovered by himself.

Annie sat there silently, she didn't even have the strength to speak.

The confusion period after each witch's awakening is to release a large number of small tricks until the mana is exhausted, but most of the witches' confusion period can cause too little damage to be rarely discovered.

Anyway, you are destined to die, let the master relax before you die, haha.

Joseph rubbed his hands at Anne with a lewd smile on the corner of his mouth.

It's better for you to die before you have fun.

A crisp male voice suddenly rang in Joseph's ear.

Joseph jumped up on the spot in fright, who is talking!

He hurriedly turned his head and saw a figure in a black robe, and under the hood were densely packed curse instruments!

It's a villain!

Me, me, you, you, ah ah.

Joseph's mouth was tied. He was there when the Evil Face fought Deacon Reeves before, and he knew that he was like a little chicken in front of this man.

He quickly regained his composure and ran away. Joseph, the deacon of the North Wind God, was confident that his speed would be faster than this evil-faced man. He concentrated all his divine power on his feet, and his speed was as fast as a gust of wind.

Joseph ran farther and farther away, but when he looked back, the terrifying man with the evil face did not come after him!

But when he turned around, he saw an incredible scene!

There is an evil face in front of him!


There is no curse instrument on this villain's face!


Get out of the way, you bastard, don't block the way of this deacon!

Seeing that it was a fake evil-faced man, Joseph became emboldened, and yelled at Horn who was standing in front of him in a vicious manner.

But he didn't know, standing in front of him was Horn, a real villain!

And the person who stood behind him and spoke before was an illusion constructed by Enoch with illusion!

Horn won't get out of the way, and he won't let the deacon get out of here alive!

Pull out the staff, chant the spell, the fireball condenses,

waving arms,

big fireball,


Joseph didn't have time to think, he was not Reeves, Reeves could avoid Horn's spell, but he had to be beaten!

He couldn't even defend with the power of the North Wind!

The big fireball carrying astonishing heat hit Joseph's waist directly, and exploded with a bang. The flames splashed and set off a burst of hot high-temperature wind pressure!

And Joseph in the center of the flame has turned into a scorched black corpse!

Horn stepped over the corpse on the ground and came to Enoch's side, watching Annie who had fainted, said to Enoch:

Take her away behind her back, you can't stay here any longer.

Why is it me? Enoch stared at Horn with staring eyes.

Which of us is stronger? Horn turned to look at Enoch.

Hahaha, of course it's me! Enoch said with a big laugh.

Of course you are strong because you are here to carry it! Horn said with a wicked smile.

There is no reason for a strong person... Enuo wanted to make a final struggle.

Horn ended the debate with a wave of his hand: Okay, don't waste time, my big fireball is not small, and the people from the North Wind God Sect will come soon.

The helpless Enoch could only carry the immobile Annie and left here with Horn, and returned to Douglas carpenter's shop in the moonlight.

But the members of the Beifeng Church who rushed over found nothing except a charred corpse.

Neither Horn nor Enoch knew that there was a person following them all the way!

A person who they have never discovered because of their keen perception!

He is Ilya the Dragon Slayer!

Watching the three of Horn enter the Douglas carpenter's shop, Elijah threw away the core in his hand and said to himself:

You can't be wrong, the clothes are the clothes of the magician, that kid really has something to do with the magician!

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