Create the Age of Magic

Chapter 698 Three Hundred Years of Travel

The blue-black sky outside the black-clothed forest slowly disappeared, turning into energy fragments like butterflies, cruising in the forest.

After the dreamlike beauty, these energy fragments infiltrated into the land of the black forest, providing nourishment for this magical land.

The world tree has entered dormancy.

Originally, the dormancy of the World Tree should be a catastrophic event for the elves.

But now, the elves are celebrating instead, because after the dormancy, the world tree will become healthier and stronger, and the elves will become more brilliant.

And now, the elves are guarded by three legendary powerhouses, and they have concluded an alliance with the most powerful force on the mainland, the Magic Council. The elves are no longer afraid, and now they have entered a stage of friendly communication with humans.

After the Kuin Kingdom unified the entire human world, the slave system was completely abolished, and any behavior of keeping slaves in captivity would be severely punished, so the elves did not need to just hide in the forest.

They can also walk freely in every corner of the continent and enjoy a long life freely without worrying about being captured by humans, kept in cages, and become slaves as playthings.

In addition, except for some dark races full of destructive desires, most of the alien races have obtained legal status in the current continent. Like those dark elf girls, they no longer have to buy goods in the alchemy house , they can legally appear in human cities.

However, the alchemy house remained as a place that the aliens liked very much.

Races such as blood races that need to drink human blood to survive can also integrate into human society as long as they are willing to accept control. After all, the Magic Council has developed food that blood races can eat normally, and it is feasible to completely replace blood.

Under the leadership of the council, the entire Continent of the Gods has been separated from the influence of the God Slaughter War in an orderly manner, and life is getting better and better.

The world tree has entered dormancy, which means that the will of the world has also entered a period of transformation.

At this moment, the will of the world sent a message to Horn. He will wake up in three hundred years. At that time, he will need Horn's help to help him open the door. As long as the door is opened, the will of the world It will help Horn solve the troubles in the Western Holy Light Continent.

Horn did not refute this, as long as he was not controlled by the will of the world and helped the will of the world, Horn did not resist.

Okay... there are still three hundred years left, what should I do during this time? Horn and Anne sighed while watching the sunrise on the top of the mage tower.

In the next period of time, Horn united with the legends on the mainland to strangle the four monsters lurking in Ceylon.

The Ice Demon God, the deep sea monster, the thousand-eyed cursed dragon, and the indescribable monsters buried deep in the ground.

It is easy to deal with the first three, but it is a little troublesome when dealing with the last one.

It's not that this monster is stronger than the other three monsters, and it's limited. However, the wailing of this monster when it died drove all the legendary creatures within a radius of tens of miles into madness.

Even supernatural beings will be affected. Although supernatural beings above level five have undergone some changes, there are still some people who can be rescued after all, while superhumans below level five cannot be rescued at all.

This caused some troubles for Horn and others, but it was finally resolved satisfactorily.

Next, Horn took Anne on a number of plane trips. Now Colin can observe many planes, and every time, a new plane can be explored.

And Horn and Anne are experiencing the customs in those new planes.

Horn's strength is top among all the gods, so he will not be in danger. What's more, Horn can do it now, without relying on any equipment, to open up a space channel by himself!

The Magic Council where Horn is not present is still the strongest in Ceylon, so there will be no accidents due to Horn's departure.

In fact, Horn has been traveling between planes, and there are other purposes, that is, to find the world that disappeared. The story Douglas told him is called the earth world, but it is a pity that Horn has not found that world after traveling for three hundred years. .

Even Horn suspected that that world didn't exist at all.

Because of all the worlds in the world vortex, none of them are spherical, and they are all worlds with a round sky and a round place.


Three hundred years later, Horne returned to the Magic Council with Anne, and a little boy with brown hair returned with him.

This little boy is their child, and his name is Douglas Memherin, which was named by Horn in memory of old Douglas.

As soon as he returned to the parliament, Horn received a mysterious message that the will of the world had awakened, and now he needed Horn's help!

Horn found an open space and accepted the guidance of the will of the world.

Compared with the very mysterious feeling before, this time Horn's feeling is very clear this time, he can find out the whole process of the introduction, and next time, even without these introductions, Horn can also Come to that white space.

Horn's strength was more than the same as before, and the white villain did not engage in those mysterious things, and directly made Horn appear in front of the Blackstone Gate.

Seeing the stick figure again, Horn froze for a moment, and at the same time looked at himself, wondering if he had become smaller.

Because the villain has become as tall as several floors, and the black lines outside the body are gone, leaving only pure light. Compared with the previous appearance with only lines, is there more than a change?

How did you become like this? Horn said with a little doubt.

In the past, you were just an ordinary human being, and you couldn't look directly at my real body like that, but now, you have the qualification to look directly at me. The little white man said proudly.

Horn was skeptical of his words. Even if he was not strong enough before, Horn knew that he definitely shouldn't be like this before, but he didn't expose it. Horn had his own ideas about helping him this time.

Quickly, open this door. You were cultivated by me. Only you are qualified to open this door. As long as you open this door, you can transcend the legendary realm and become a true god-level powerhouse! Hastily urged Horn to say.

Horn nodded. He came here this time to push the door. He put his hand on the door, and the huge and strong black stone door seemed very light in his hand.

Open it, open it, five thousand years, I finally succeeded! The little white man rushed towards the gate in a hurry, no longer the indifferent appearance before.

But when he got to the door, he was embarrassed to find that his current body was too huge, and Horn only opened a small gap, obviously he couldn't squeeze in.

Under the angry eyes of the little white man, Horn walked in and closed the door...


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