Create the Age of Magic

Chapter 699 Inside the door

Horn knew that there was something wrong with the white villain. This idea first appeared when he got the Douglas relic.

Douglas said that the things that have been staring at him may be different outside the God's Abandoned Land and in the God's Abandoned Land. With this reminder, Horn's thinking diverged.

The first is the help of the will of the world. Some of the help is carried out secretly. Horn can only know through some hints that this is the help of the will of the world.

It can be inferred from this that the will of the world may not be able to communicate with the creatures of Ceylon at all, otherwise there is no need for many things to be so convoluted, especially in the god-forsaken land with the strongest will in the world, there is no communication with Horn direct communication.

And this created a contradiction. Horn thought that the witch's smiling face, who was the incarnation of the will of the world, was fully capable of communicating with Horn, but he had always been mysterious and refused to communicate with Horn.

In addition, when Horn is upgrading, there are two kinds of threads wrapped around Horn's body, one is very controlling, and the other is just to establish a connection.

It turned out that Horn thought it was random, but now it seems that there are two different wills of the world, and they put threads on Horn!

There are many similar contradictions, which made Horn doubt the existence of the little white man as the will of the world.

But he has no way to prove it, because no one knows what the will of the world should be like. The answer to this puzzle was discovered when Horn and Annie were traveling together.

Horn trained the impression left in his memory, and found Geniol, the God of Justice, who had a world-sized true god in his body.

There was a peaceful exchange between them, during which Horn received a tip.

The will of the world can appear in any form, and the door in the core of the world can be freely manipulated by the will of the world, so if the little white man is really the will of the world, he doesn't need Horn to open the door for him!

Therefore, this little white man is definitely a fake!

No matter what his purpose is, a guy who pretends to be the will of the world is definitely not a kind person, so Horn doesn't intend to let him succeed!


You are finally here. After closing the door, a voice exactly the same as that of Horn came, and Horn saw the scene clearly this time.

This place is astonishingly the same as Horn's mage tower, and in front of Horn, stands a figure exactly like Horn!

Who are you? Horn said in astonishment.

As you can see, you are me. Fake Horn said with a smile.

Don't hit these fighters, you are in this door, you are obviously the will of the world. Horn mercilessly exposed the identity of the other party.

False Horn shook his head and said, I am the will of the world, but why can't you be me?

What do you mean? Horn frowned.

I mean, you're me, but I'm not you, continued False Horn.

The magic in Horn's hands gathered together, he didn't want to listen to this guy's nonsense anymore, maybe it's better to let the guy outside succeed.

Don't get excited, just listen to me and I'll understand. With a wave of the fake Horn's hand, the magic power in Horn's hand dissipated, but Horn didn't even notice.

The condition to be promoted to a legend is to have the seed of the world, so do you know what is the condition to be promoted to a true god? False Horn asked, Horn shook his head, even if he became a legendary mage, Horn didn't know Gurney Why is a true god like Orna so powerful.

The main material plane is the most advanced plane, and there are not many in the entire vortex of the plane. Only with the full support of a complete main material plane, or the collection of beliefs from most worlds in the entire world vortex, is it possible The true god was born.

Of course, if the will of the plane does not cooperate and devours the entire main material plane, a similar effect can also be achieved.

That's that guy outside wants to devour you? Horn seemed to understand a little bit.

Yes, and no. Fake Horn shook his head.

Horn gritted his teeth, this guy was too strenuous to speak.

Outside is the God of Holy Light, a soul avatar of the true god, somewhat similar to the avatar of the symbiotic beast, and has part of the power of the true god.

Horn nodded. He remembered what Geniol had said when he first met him.

‘Holy light, why are you here. '

So the Holy Light he was talking about should be the current God of Holy Light.

In the entire world vortex, among the countless planes, there are only dozens of true gods, and each true god will be greatly restricted in the world vortex.

It is because of this limitation that Shengguang seems to have been injured by some unknown existence. In order to repair the damage, he focused on me who has not yet started to expand.

Haven't started to expand? Horn asked doubtfully.

A complete main material plane is more than a hundred times larger than it is now, but I was targeted by him before it started to expand.

He planned to open the gate to the plane of the abyss, plunge Ceylon into war, and then trick me into inviting him into Ceylon under the pretense of helping me repel the invasion.


This is also a limitation of the true god. The avatar of the true god can freely travel through the world, but it contains a certain energy level avatar. Unless invited by the will of the world, it cannot enter any world.

If there is no such restriction, no matter how many worlds there are in the world vortex, they will inevitably be swallowed up by the true gods. ' explained False Horn.

You continue. Horn expressed his understanding.

After dispelling the demon, he revealed his true colors and wanted to devour the weak me, but I spent most of my energy temporarily creating two hundred gods to fight him.

But he didn't know what method to use to make all the gods I made betray, fight with the strong people in Ceylon, and finally kill all the strong people in Ceylon.

Seeing something bad, I entered the door to prevent him from succeeding.

After that, he clashed with the remaining gods, relying on the arrangements prepared when the gods rebelled, trapping them all in the Kingdom of God, and this fell into a long stalemate.

Horn nodded, which also solved some of his doubts. If the will of the world has the ability to restrict those gods, why not restrict them when they are fighting with the powerful natives of Ceylon?

It turns out that this restriction is not the hand of the world's will at all, but a third party.

Later, an unexpected traveler came to Ceylon, and I realized the opportunity had come, and wanted him to rise up to deal with the Holy Light.

But the holy light also noticed it, and made all the plans of the time traveler fail, so I allocated part of my power, created an unconscious me, entered Ceylon, and became the apprentice of the time traveler, that is, you.

Although I have no memory, no strength, or even a little bit of authority, I am me. After reaching a certain strength, I can easily open this door.

So I know the Holy Light won't stop you from getting stronger because he needs you to open the door, and it turns out I was right.

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