Creati Hero: All-Father[Completed]

Ch1- Reborn (Lewdest Act)

Hello dear readers, this is I, TheFanficGOD. Please do read the auxiliary chapter and understand what this novel is about. I don't want anyone to feel uncomfortable later realizing that there are sensitive subjects. I will still add some of the tags here so before proceeding further know that you had been warned. Harem, Incest, Strong Romance, Good MC to people around him Evil MC to the rest of the world, child abuse (Never by MC), Dark Truths about the World, Strong and Smart MC (Not Overpowered)

I hope you enjoy reading my novel and support me. Thanks in advance. Please comment and tell me what you think. Peace!

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A tall teenage girl with a mature physique and long black hair tied into a spiky ponytail with a large strand hanging on the right side of her face stood in front of the classroom with a wide smile.  Her eyes were thin and sharp, dark in color, and paired with short eyebrows set in a determined expression.  She was wearing the standard female uniform which consisted of a gray blazer with blue-green stripes, a formal white shirt, a red tie, a blue-green pleated skirt, black knee-length socks, and brown loafers.

In her hand, she was holding a board and on it was her hero's name. She gazed to her right and smiled at the teen that looked just like her. The teen was holding a board as well. His spiky hair falling in front of his face, and much like the girl, his eyes were sharp and onyx black. His face was fair and many would admit that he was handsome. His build was muscular, but due to his young age, he wasn't buffed, instead, he was shaped like a greek god.

"My hero name is, Creation Hero: Creati. " The girl said with all the determination she could muster. Then, she turned to the far end of the classroom. The sensei of the class was seated there. Her dark blue eyes were scrutinizing the duo with a faint smile and nodded.

"Beautiful name. Pass. " She yelled as he turned to the boy, "What about you?

"Ceati Hero: All-Father. " The boy said with a smile, didn't see the reason to explain, but the Sensei was thinking differently.

"All-Father, All-Father. Homage to All Might, that I can see, and it is indeed a good hero name. Not really fits you that well, but not bad, but what about the first part? Why don't you use Creation Hero like your sister, but instead, Creati Hero? " She asked as she brought her finger to her lips.

"That is because…" The girl smiled brightly and brightened the classroom for a second, "He is my hero."


"This is the end for you, from this point on, your legend will cease to exist. Everything you worked for, every drop of blood you shed, and every person you saved, will be for nothing. " A person with a gun spoke from where he was sitting. His bald head was reflecting the dim light barely illuminating the louche room. His face was shaven but he had a stubble, giving his white face a contrast.

The gun in his hand was pointing at the teen lying on the cold ground in the fetal position. The teen's nose was bleeding, and his lips were split. There were bruises, cuts, and burns all over his face. His eyes were looking in defiance. Although he knew for certain that this was the end of the road. From this point onward, he was no more, yet, he couldn't stomach the idea of begging for his life. Maybe because he knew it was futile.  No matter how hard he begged, and kowtowed, he would die, as he caused too much damage to the person that was looking down on him.

"Haa, it was a long run, really. " The person sighed as he reclined. The chair cried in protest as he did so, but the man didn't mind.  "When I first heard your name, I thought you were nothing but a bug I could squish easily, but when you acted a second time and killed all my men and saved all those slaves we were trying to ship to that famous island where rich people went to have fun, I finally realized that you were a bigger problem than that I anticipated. But it was too late, wasn't it?

By stealing from my men, you upgraded your equipment. You got weapons, computers, mobiles, and other stuff that were exclusive to us.  Man, I was dumbstruck when I realized in your first two runs, you were using regular stuff that you bought from the market. So, when I reached that conclusion, a shiver went down my spine.  I thought to myself if that person could do all these with that inferior equipment, what can he do with the tools he stole from us?

Your answer was immediate as if you knew no sleep or hunger. Even while we were inspecting the scene of the incident, you struck again. This time, you attacked one of the headquarters. You not only killed all the personnel, you even assassinated two of our VIPs. That move cost us billions. Not only we had to reimburse for their death, we had to build up our reputation from the ground, but what did you do?

You exposed us. You fucking exposed everything we did. Not that we care, I mind you. People are stupid. Normal folk, ignore everything you say about us.  Those a level above them suspect if the information is real or not, and those above them, deny even seeing anything related to us. And a level above them is our customers. So, in a sense, all you did was an advertisement. I should thank you for that. Many reached us and used our services. After all, we supply fresh products that cannot be found anywhere else. It is a big taboo after all. But the island we own is isolated, so all those sick moguls come and indulge in that taboo.

Well, all you caused was a little bit of annoyance really. All the people you killed can be hired again. All the things you stole from us were nothing compared to what we own. And the people you saved? Hah, you just delayed their misery. In this world, we control everything.  I admit, once in a while, there comes a foolish dreamer like you, who thinks that they can change the system, but they don't even know that system is programmed into people's genes generation after generation.

Schools you go to, shows you watch, books you read, stories you hear, the sky you look and the water you drink, we control everything. The slave mentality is ingrained in your being and there is nothing you can do to escape it. Well, no need to explain all these to you. Sorry for boring you with my soliloquy. I just wanted to blow off some steam. It has been a long time since I encountered someone like you. After all, Earth has been our slave for far too long, and those that can escape from the system are very few.

To honor your effort, I will now end you. After that, I will recapture all the people you saved and bring them back to Taboo Island. There, they will serve our customers willingly. We do not force, we shape the minds, so fools think they are free.

So long, well, whatever your worthless name is…


"Where is this place? " A faint voice reverberated in nothingness.  It was endless darkness as far as he could see… Well, seeing wouldn't be the best definition, as he couldn't sense his body. He was pretty sure he didn't have eyes, and if he did, they weren't functioning. Maybe they were disconnected from his optic nerve, or maybe they were scooped out from his skull.

'Who am I? ' should have been my first question. Now that I think, I have no idea who I am. I know that I am a human, I know that I lived on a planet called Earth before I died. Wait, I died. How do I know that? I have no recollection of my identity or my life before I died, but I do know that I did have a life and it ended. It is a strange feeling. Then again, there are other memories, fiction? I know lots of books, movies, games, and anime. I know none of them were real, but I strangely know all the details about them. So, that also gives me lots of ideas about lots of things. For example, how do I talk to myself?

Can a person, who has never learned a single language, talk to themselves?  There was this famous quote that said 'Language shapes the way we think and determines what we can think about. ' If you don't have a vocabulary for scientific terms, can you think about science? I think yes. I am not completely trivializing the quote, but I don't think it is true. After all, humans add new words to the dictionary as they progress. The person who named gravity had to understand the concept.  Even though the name didn't exist before him, he through understanding named this scientific occurrence and thus thought about it.

Why do I even bother about these right now? Where am I and who am I?  And why does the importance of my surroundings override my mysterious identity in my mind? This is the second time I prioritized that.

As he was lost in his thoughts, something very unexpected happened to the mysterious person. Before that, he wasn't feeling anything.  Nothing except that cozy feeling, as if he was lying in a hot bathtub, but when he felt that small hand holding his own, all his worries and troubles melted away and disappeared.

"Who is this brazen person committing the lewdest act to me in my most vulnerable moment? " He thought, without realizing it was his twin sister, holding his hand, in their mother's womb upon feeling the restlessness of her brother.

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