Creati Hero: All-Father[Completed]

Marvel Fanfiction Teasers

---Chapter 1- Nero Principe

Nero Principe had never been much of a partygoer, but tonight was different. He had just graduated from college with honors, and his friends had convinced him to celebrate with them in style. They had rented a swanky Italian restaurant in a corner of the city to have a quiet dinner by themselves.

Nero was dressed to impress in a tailored black suit, with a crisp white shirt and a black tie. He looked sharp, that was something Old Butler, Nigel, would not let him neglect. He had always preferred quiet nights at home with a good book, but he didn't want to dampen his friends' spirits on this special night.

Nero's girlfriend since high school was Maria, a woman of unwavering loyalty, independence, and strength. She had always been at his side, joining him on outings, having fun, and conversing with his friends. Maria was a brilliant mind, having majored in art with an insatiable curiosity for innovation and discovery. She had the most boundless imagination, and paintings she created were representative of her free soul.

Anthony, on the other hand, had grown up in the harsh streets, surrounded by criminals and violence. Despite his tumultuous past, fate smiled upon him when Nero's Old Butler, Nigel, discovered him and brought him into their home to be Nero's friend and bodyguard when they were both just 14 years old. Even at such a young age, Anthony stood head and shoulders above his peers, wielding incredible strength and a powerful physique. Yet, despite his imposing appearance, Anthony had a love for literature and an affinity for poetry, ultimately leading him to major in the subject during his time at college.

Sofia was a petite and bubbly girl, who had always lacked warmth and protection. Her encounter with Anthony in high school was life-changing, as he had saved her from a group of bullies, and they had been inseparable ever since. Despite her bubbly persona, Sofia was a tech-savvy geek at heart, and had majored in computer science and coding.

Donald, a blonde victim of bullying for most of his life, was on the verge of giving up due to the constant torment. Despite his young age, he was a cripple and had to rely on a cane, which made him an easy target for cruel high school thugs. When Nero first met Donald, he felt pity and immediately offered to help. As they continued to talk, Nero realized that Donald was at a critical stage in his life, and he knew that he had to help him emerge from the darkness, or else he would be plagued with guilt if something were to happen.

Their friendship blossomed, and they eventually attended the same college, although Donald chose to major in medicine. His brilliance, even from a young age, propelled him to become the honor student he is today. His passion for medicine served as his driving force, and he persevered through every obstacle.

Finally, there was Diego, the epitome of suave charm. Despite his ability to woo and charm women with ease, Diego had always been searching for true love, and his luck in that regard had always been elusive. It wasn't until his first year of college that Diego came to realize that his unhappiness stemmed from his suppressed attraction to men. Despite still dating women from time to time, Diego came to terms with his true desires, realizing that the love he had been seeking was with a man.

The night had been enjoyable for Nero and his friends. They had dined and talked for hours, discussing everything and nothing until it was time to part ways. Taking Maria's hand in his, Nero bid his friends goodbye and made his way towards his car, a black 1964 Aston Martin DB5 - the only thing left behind by his father, aside from the little villa he and Nigel had been living in until Anthony joined them years later.

Nero Principe was born into a powerful family in the criminal underworld of New York. His father, a high-ranking member of the Maggia, refused to submit to William Fisk, also known as Kingpin, which ultimately led to the downfall of his family. Nero's parents and siblings were all killed, but a loyal butler named Nigel managed to save him as a baby and took him away to Cambridge, where he was raised in secret.

Growing up, Nigel taught Nero the ways of the Maggia, instilling in him a strong sense of discipline, honor, and loyalty. Despite his traumatic past, Nero grew up to be a capable and intelligent young man, with a deep desire for revenge against Kingpin and those who had wronged his family.

Nigel had taught him manners, discipline, and a dress code that mostly consisted of suits. Nero's family history had always been a source of pride and pain for him, and he was determined to reclaim their place of power in the criminal underworld.

Tonight was special in more ways than one. It marked a significant milestone in their relationship. Tonight, they would finally take the next step of their love and consummate their relationship. In high school, Nigel had instilled in Nero a sense of chivalry and respect for women, which had guided him to wait until he found the right person to share such an intimate moment with.

To them, love was something that went beyond physical attraction. It was a metaphysical connection that bound them together, something that was meant to last. They had observed their peers around them indulging in momentary pleasures, but Nero and Maria knew they were different. They shared a deep bond of trust and mutual understanding that was founded upon their shared values and beliefs.

Though they had lusted after each other for years, their willpower and trust in one another had kept them from crossing that threshold. But tonight, the time had come for them to take that step forward, to express their love in a physical way.

As Nero and Maria stood before each other, bathed in the soft light of candles, they could feel the air around them thickening with the weight of their anticipation. Nero took Maria's hand in his, his eyes meeting hers in a silent understanding.

"I've waited for this moment for so long," Nero whispered, his voice thick with emotion. "But before we proceed, I want you to know how much I love you."

Maria smiled, her eyes sparkling with unshed tears. "I love you too, Nero," she replied, her voice barely above a whisper.

With a gentle touch, Nero leaned in and pressed his lips against Maria's, his heart swelling with joy and passion. And in that moment, they knew that they had made the right decision to wait, for their love was something far more profound than any fleeting physical pleasure.

As they kissed and their hands explored each other's bodies, Nero's mind suddenly went blank for a single second. In the next, his focus returned, and he pulled back to look into Maria's eyes with love and confusion. Memories flooded his mind, images of their time together, of the love they had shared. As he gazed upon the beautiful woman before him, tears welled up in his eyes.

Nero Prince was a young man who lived a tragic life on Earth. Born into a family that was plagued by problems and strife, he was never truly loved or cared for by his parents. Growing up, Nero was always insecure and awkward, never really knowing where he fit in. He tried to escape from reality by indulging in fiction worlds, trying to forget his real world.

As he got older, Nero began to seek love and acknowledgement from those around him. He thought he had found it in his so-called friends, but they too were only using him for their own gain. They would take advantage of Nero's good nature and naivete, leaving him feeling even more alone and vulnerable.

Then, just when Nero thought he had found true love and happiness, his girlfriend betrayed him. The pain and heartbreak were more than he could bear. He felt like he had been betrayed by everyone he had ever known and loved. In his despair, Nero turned to drugs and alcohol, hoping to find some sort of solace.

But it was all in vain. The pain was too much, and Nero eventually succumbed to his grief. He died alone and unloved, a tragic figure in a world that never truly understood him.

"Baby, what's wrong?" Maria asked, kissing away his tears.

"I love you," Nero murmured, his heart heavy with the weight of his realization. He realized how lucky he was, as memories of another life filled his mind. In that brief moment, he had come to understand everything - that another soul who had died in another world had been reborn in his body, but since he was still alive, the memories of that soul merged with his It was a strange and disorienting feeling, made him love the woman staring at him with love even more. As he felt the pain of the soul, desperation and anguish of betrayal he felt…

But then, a sense of reassurance filled his heart. Nero focused on this feeling, letting it wash over him, and he knew then that he had to do whatever he could to make Maria happy. This woman was loving him deeply, and he would honor that love by giving her the life she deserved. And maybe, if he lived a happy life, the lost soul would feel happy too.

With a newfound determination, Nero pulled Maria close once more, their bodies entwined in a passionate embrace. As they continued to kiss, he began to pour all of his love and his soul into their connection, hoping that she could feel the intensity of his desire.

And as the night wore on, Nero found himself lost in the depths of their passion, caught up in a whirlwind of sensation and emotion that left him feeling alive and reborn. It was as if this love had given him a new lease on life, a reason to keep going, to keep fighting, no matter what challenges lay ahead.

----Chapter 2- Family System

Nero woke up, his heart heavy with both love and heartache as he gazed at the naked form beside him. He focused on his memories, attempting to make sense of the events that had occurred the night prior. As he thought, he soon reeled back in shock.

A night before, when he felt lost for a second, a soul merged with his. It was a soul from another world, that was to take his body. But for some reason, it didn’t happen.

The soul that had merged with his was that of a lonely man named Nero Prince, who had lived a life of great hardship and sorrow.

"This world is nothing but a work of fiction," he thought to himself, still reeling from the shock of discovering the true nature of his existence. When Prince was a child, he had always escaped from reality by immersing himself in various fantasy worlds, including the Marvel Universe. As Nero delved deeper into his new memories, more and more details filled his mind.

"It's the year 2002, and there are still a couple of years before Tony Stark becomes Iron Man," Nero realized, "From that point on, the world will be thrown into turmoil. But is this the Marvel Cinematic Universe or the comic book world? If it is the latter, which version is it? The Maggia was mentioned mostly in Earth-616, but there were other versions as well. What if this is an alternate universe?"

Nero's mind was racing, and as if sensing his panic, Maria stirred beside him and offered him a gentle smile, calming his nerves slightly. "I cannot be sure if these memories are true or not," Nero admitted, "I must confirm their veracity before I can act upon them."

As Nero lay there deep in thought, he couldn't help but feel a sense of gratitude towards Maria for being there with him. Despite all the uncertainty in his life, he knew that he loved her deeply, and that she loved him just as much in return. He gently stroked her hair and whispered a soft "I love you" before leaning in for a tender kiss.

For a few moments, the world around them faded away as they lost themselves in each other's embrace, wrapped up in the warmth and comfort of their love. But eventually, the reality of Nero's situation came crashing back, and he knew that he had much work to do if he was to ever find peace and redemption for his family's tragic past.

As Nero was lost in deep thoughts, a voice suddenly echoed in his mind. "Welcome to the Family System!" A holographic screen appeared in front of him, interrupting his thoughts. Maria, who was lying beside him, looked at him with concern as he frowned.

"Baby, what's wrong?" she asked.

"There are some things I need to tell you," Nero replied, taking a deep breath before explaining everything to her. Maria listened attentively, her blue eyes widening in disbelief as he spoke. Maria was the love of his life, and there was no way he would keep anything from her. He thought to keep it secret to protect her, but that would only cause more strife in their lives. They had been together for years, and he was trusting her more than anything. He trusted her more than anyone, and he knew she deserved to know the truth.

"It's..." Maria said, still trying to come to terms with everything Nero had just told her.

“Unbelievable?” Nero chuckled.

Maria couldn't help but giggle at his reaction. "Yeah, that's one way to put it."

Suddenly, Maria yelped as she tried to touch where the holographic screen should have been. "Nero, I can see it too!" she exclaimed.

Nero's eyes widened in surprise as he watched the screen change in response to Maria's touch. "Since Master decided to trust his companion, the system has appeared in front of her to avoid any misunderstanding," the screen read.

"What are you?" Maria asked, her eyes fixed on the screen.

"The system is a cheat system designed to assist the master. Normally, it is awakened by the soul of a person who died on Earth, but since he was unwilling to take Master's place and ruin his happiness, this opportunity was passed onto the current master," the system replied.

"You mean Prince didn't fail, but gave up?" Nero asked, his voice filled with shock.

"Yes, Master. Prince felt your happiness and love for Maria, and decided not to ruin it for both of you. Even if he replaced you and had all your memories, he could never truly be you. It would be cruel to put you both through that. Thus, he chose to die instead," the system explained.

Nero felt a pang of sadness in his heart as he thought about Prince's sacrifice. He had been given the opportunity to take everything Nero cherished away from him, but instead, he had chosen to give up his own life to protect Nero's happiness. "I promise I will make the most of this life, Nero Prince. I will never betray your sacrifice," Nero said, silently praying for Prince's soul.

Maria placed a hand on his shoulder, offering him comfort and support. "We'll get through this together," she said, her voice filled with love and determination.

In the next few minutes, the system started to explain its functions to Nero and Maria. There were many things it could do but for now, the thing it gave to Nero, was still gobsmacking.

Nero couldn't believe his ears as the Family System explained its abilities to him. He was the head of the family and the carrier of the Flame of Sky, granting him all the powers and abilities of Vongola Giotto. This was all so overwhelming and confusing, but he knew he had to make the most of it.

"Character Cards?" Nero repeated, trying to wrap his head around the concept. "I gain loyalty from characters from other universes?"

"Yes, Master," the Family System confirmed. "Upon completing achievements, you can earn character cards that can be used to summon or integrate them. These characters will be completely loyal to you."

Nero's mind was racing with possibilities. He could have the Avengers, the Justice League, or even the X-Men on his side. The thought was both exciting and daunting.

"And what about Item Cards?" Nero asked, eager to learn more about the system's abilities.

"Item Cards are rewards for completing quests or achievements," the Family System explained. "They allow you to materialize items from other universes in this plane of existence. This includes weapons, gadgets, and even vehicles."

Nero was beginning to understand the scope of his powers. With the ability to summon characters and materialize items from other universes, he could truly become unstoppable. However, he knew that with great power came great danger. He would have to choose his family wisely and bestow them with rings and equipment.

"I have a lot to learn," Nero admitted to the Family System. "But I promise to use this power for my and my family’s happiness and never betray the sacrifice that Nero Prince made."

The holographic screen disappeared as the Family System withdrew from Nero's consciousness. Maria looked at him with concern in her eyes, and Nero knew he had to explain everything to her. He took a deep breath and began to tell her about the Family System and the incredible powers that he now possessed.

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