Creatures Lurking in the Dark

Chapter 47

*Drip* *Drip* *Drip*


Under the capital of Lutenburg lay the underground sewage system. It was one of the greatest inventions of the King two generations ago.


Back then, people would excrete their waste into a bucket and dump it in the back alley. This caused a lot of diseases and unsanitary problems in the country.


But after this sewage system and sanitary laws were enforced, the problems were completely resolved. Now, each house in the country had a central cesspool installed, and the waste would be purified by a magical device. Of course, this was funded entirely by the government; the people only needed to pay for the installment, which didn't amount to much.


That was why, even though this place was called the city's sewage system, it wasn't actually smelly or dirty, as all the water in here had been purified and on its way to the nearby river.


Still, it was a place that one wouldn't want to enter since it was in the underground, meaning this place had limited access to light.


The country installed some magical lamps to help with the maintenance. Still, this place was huge, as it covered the entire country underground, so not everywhere was installed with light. There was a three-meter-wide waterway running in the middle of two ramps on each side. As this place also acted as the floodgate, the waterway was quite deep, about five meters in depth, and the current water level was nearly three meters in height.


*Huff* *Huff* *Huff*


*Splash* *Splash* *Splash*


A group consisting of young girls and women were running in the underground sewage system. It made one question why they would tread into this dark and damp place.


None of them had any proper clothing on them, and on closer inspection, they all wore a collar around their necks with barely a piece of cloth to cover themselves.


They were clearly slaves; however, owning slaves was illegal in Lutenburg, so the person their collar was contracted to was a criminal. It didn't take a genius to guess that they were escaping from their captive.


" *huff* *huff* I think it should be far enough. Let's take a short break. Everyone seems to be out of breath." The girl taking the lead said.


Out of everyone, she was the least out of breath. Her pointed ears indicated that she was an Elf. Her name was Corina. She had long blond hair that ran down to the middle of her back. She insisted that she had a regular face compared to her fellow elves, but that was just her low self-esteemed talking. Her well-shaped face and body were the reason she was stuck in this place. 


The elves were one of the prettiest races that exist. They were also called the people of the forest. They are very good at hunting and harvesting, so it was no surprise that they have better stamina than most races.


After her coming of age, she set off to travel to learn about the outside wall, but she was too naive and was tricked into becoming a slave just the other day. She was confident in her fighting ability, but the moment the collar was put on her sealed her fate. 


She thought she would end up becoming a sexual slave forever and had given up. She wanted to at least give her first time to someone she loved.


However, Lady Luck did not abandon her, as she was rescued before her captors could do anything to her. 


This led to her current situation.


She wanted to escape out of here as soon as possible, but considering the other girls' stamina, it was best to take a short rest now since they had covered quite a long distance. Not all of them had the same physical strength as her, and they looked like they could pass out at any moment.


A girl walked toward Corina.


"Thanks. We could really use a rest. Everyone, including me, is really out of breath."


"I'm really worried about Yuri and the person who saved us. Will they really be fine?" Another girl said.


"It can't be helped. We would just be a hindrance had we stayed behind and helped. The opponent is that man, after all..." Corina shook her head.


"I hope they are fine..."


The atmosphere became solemn. The girls all looked down and said nothing. They wished that the two girls could escape from there.


When everyone had caught their breaths, Corina told them to be on the move again, but before they moved, a girl ran up to them and asked.


"Please wait. I don't see Melda. She told me she went to pick flowers, but she hasn't come back yet."


"This is troubling... We need to be on the move fast. Can you tell me which way did she go?" Corina asked.


"She went into that fork road over there, the tunnel on the left side." The girl pointed in the direction her friend went into.


"Okay, I'll go take a look. Everyone, please keep moving if I don't return in five minutes." Corina said to them and went to check the area.


Corina was soon surrounded by darkness. There was little lightning in the main tunnel, but in this branch part, there was no light. It was a canvas of pitch black. Still, Corina's eyes were starting to get to the darkness as she could make out the outline of the wall.


"Melda, are you here? We are leaving now." Corina called out, but all she heard was the echoes of her voice.


Walking deeper inside, she called out once again.


"Melda. We really need to move."


Once again, only her echoes rang back.


"Where are you, Melda? Answer me." Corina called out again. "That's weird... She shouldn't be that far away from everyone..."


Suddenly, there was a faint sound.


"Hm?" Corina looked around.


It was very faint, but she was sure that she had heard something.




She heard it again. It sounded like clothes were rubbing against each other. It was too dark for Corina to see what it was, but at least she knew the direction, and she walked toward it.


At the end of the tunnel, she saw a short silhouette moving on the ground. Thinking that she had found Melda, Corina walked over to her.


"Melda?" Corina called out, but there was no answer.




"Urg! It's slippery..." Corina slipped on a puddle of some liquid and almost fell. "Melda, are you alright? Let's move. We're almost out of here." Corina said again, yet she received no reply.


She hunched forward and touched the silhouette.




Her fingers felt something wet and slippery. Her instinct screamed out to her that something was wrong. She reflexively took a step back and accidentally stepped into the puddle again, but this time, she couldn't stop her fall.




"Kyah!" Corina fell flat on her butt.




Her scream caused a reaction from the silhouette. The figure turned around and slowly moved toward her.


Corina moved backward while she was still on the ground when the unknown thing took a step closer.


Until a small beam of light from the main tunnel shone upon the silhouette.


"*Gasp*" Corina let out a gasp in disbelief.


How couldn't she?


In front of her was a slime so big that it could easily envelop her. In fact, it had already devoured something, no, it was someone.


Inside the transparent liquid of the slime body was the body of a girl.


It was the person she was looking for, Melda.


She thought the slime had killed her, but that was not the case. The girl was kicking and screaming, yet no sound was produced because her mouth was blocked by the tendril coming out of the slime's body. 


Her head was not inside the slime, so luckily, her air supply was not cut off. Her tears fell in big droplets down to the slime and were absorbed.


When she saw Corina, her eyes opened wide as she tried to reach out with her restrained arms to ask for help. But the slime clearly overwhelmed her strength.


She was naked from head to toe without a single shed of clothes on her. The slime had melted them off as some bits and pieces floated around inside its liquid body.


"Mel...da." Corina could barely mutter her name.


Slimes were weak against magic; that was a fundamental knowledge. Corina could have saved the girl if not for the collar that sealed her magic. Right now, she was just like any other girl with slightly more stamina.


She could do nothing against the slime in front of her to save the girl. She only watched in horror. She knew that, soon, the slime would melt Melda's body and absorb her, and her life would end then and there.


But to her surprise, the slime didn't kill the girl. It did something that both Corina and Melda did not expect, and it was in the worst way possible.


The core of the slime moved around as if it were inspecting Melda's body. Finally, it settled down on one spot–– Melda's crotch.


Inside its body, Melda was restrained and forced to open her legs.


The girl squirmed around in embarrassment and tried to close her legs. Even if they were both girls, showing her private parts to Corina was embarrassing.


However, embarrassment was the least she would worry about. Slowly, the core moved slower toward Melda's crotch. Its aim was her womanhood.


Corina could see clearly what it was trying to do. Her lips opened and closed as she covered her mouth in fear.


But Melda couldn't see it in her position and tried to break free from her restraints. She looked back at Corina and saw the elf's reaction.


She didn't see it. She couldn't.


But the answer soon came in the form of a sharp pain that penetrated all the way through her core.




Even with her mouth blocked, Corina could hear her beastly scream.


As for Melda, the shock of pain cut off her consciousness shortly afterward.


The slime shuddered as its outer layer vibrated, but it returned to normal and proceeded to crawl toward Corina. Its movement was slow yet menacingly.


But it was slow enough for Corina's instinct to survive to kick in. She stood up and broke out in a dash. She didn't dare to look back because she knew once she was caught, she would share a similar fate as the girl.


She ran and ran and ran.


They were not alone here. Something was coming for them. Something inhumane was after them. Something way more dangerous than Oris's gang.


She had to let the other girls know and get out of this place as soon as possible. 


But she was a step too slow.


She was supposed to meet the girls at the spot where they waited. However, she was greeted by a scene straight out of hell if that place ever existed.


Some of the girls were caught by slimes, just like Melda.


Some of the girls were entangled by some kind of green vines.


Some of the girls were suspended in mid-air by some wriggling tentacles.


Some of the girls were attacked and pushed down by wolf monsters.


Some of the girls were grabbed only by the head and lifted off the ground by orcs.


Some of the girls were halfway rolled up in spider webs.


Corina lost all the strength in her legs and fell down on the ground. Her mouth was wide open, but she couldn't make any sound.


Just what was happening in front of her. Never in her life had she seen a scene where monsters worked together and attacked intelligence races like this.


*Slither* *Slither*


Due to the shock, Corina didn't notice the two tentacles slithering to her legs. She only realized when they had already tightly wrapped around her legs and pulled her toward the edge of the waterway.


Corina quickly hooked her arms around the handrail. Whatever was trying to drag her down the water, it would spell her doom if she let go of the support. She also kicked hard on the tentacles that were wrapping around her legs, but it proved futile, as the tentacles were slippery and springy.


"Damn it! Let go of me! Let! Go!" Corina screamed as she swung her legs wildly. Finally, she successfully kicked the tentacles off her legs.


She breathed out in relief, but it was short-lived.




A giant shadow covered what little light she had access to.


Emerging from the water was a giant worm. It was towering in front of her.




A wet and warm liquid spread around her crotch. Corina lost control of her bladder as she cowered in fear.


From inside the mouth of the giant worm, tentacles slithered out and came fast at Corina's legs. It wasn't just two this time; it was five.


Two of which wrapped themselves around her legs.


Two of which wrapped themselves around her arms.


The last one wrapped itself around her waist.


Corina still gripped hard on the handrail, but the worm easily smashed it to pieces. She soon found herself off the ground and carried straight into the worm's mouth.


"No!!! Please don't eat me!!! Nonononono!!!!!!" Corina cried and begged, but how could a monster understand her plead?


Soon enough, her legs entered its mouth first.


The worm unwrapped its tentacles but still kept the two around her legs as it slowly pulled her deeper and deeper.


"No!!! I don't want to die! Someone please help me!!!!" Corina desperately asked for help, but who would help her in this place?


Soon enough, her chest was swallowed into its mouth.


"No! Please no! Idon'twanttodieIdon'twanttodieIdon'twanttodie..." Like a broken doll, it was all she could scream. But how could a mere scream save her from this ordeal?


Soon enough, only her head was poking outside of the worm's mouth.


Finally, only her hair was visible from the corner of the worm's mouth, but that soon disappeared into the monster's belly.


"Mother... Father... Save...m...e..." That was the last thing Corina muttered as she was surrounded by true darkness.




Inside Lily's infirmary


(Kyaahh~! What is the deal with this girl!? She's super cute! And her personality is super super! She also has a tendency to be a sadist. It's really worth training her!)


Lily was screaming in delight inside her head.


"Miss Lily. Please teach me how to be a top-class prostitute!"


That question Yuri asked shot an arrow straight through Lily's heart.


At first, she wanted to test Yuri's skill on how to pleasure a woman and let her do anything she wanted to her body. She kind of lost herself in the lust, but after taking in Lily's breast milk, she calmed down a bit and managed to make her cum. Sadly, cumming once was far from enough for someone like Lily. And it didn't look like Yuri could continue with how tired she had become.


But then, without giving up, she asked Yuri to continue giving her training lessons.


How could Lily resist such a question when asked by a hard-working girl like Yuri?


"Are you really sure you can take on my training without quitting halfway? I will not tolerate quitter." Lily put on a stern face, almost imposing, and asked Yuri.


"Yes, Miss Lily!" Yuri replied in kind.


"Good answer. Then, let's continue. Make sure you pay attention to what I'm about to do to you." (Lily)


Lily pushed herself up. This time, she fell forward and pushed Yuri down on the bed.


Their position was reversed, with Lily now on top. She leaned forward and kissed Yuri's lips.


"Shlp... nnh...!" (Lily)


"Nnngh... mhaa..." (Yuri)


It's not the kind of kiss that they had just now. It was the same kind of peck that Yuri did to her husband.


Yes, it was just a simple peck with no tongue play, and it was enough to set Yuri on fire. It was as if they were two lovers sending each others' feelings across with their kiss.


Lily was the first to break away and stared at Yuri's face. Yuri could feel her heart was about to leap out of her chest. How could a simple kiss make Yuri feel like this? It was like they were melting into each other.


Yuri leaned upward to demand more kisses, but Lily chuckled and put her finger on top of her lips.


"Shhh~ We can kiss more later. We still have many places to explore." Lily whispered, her breath tickling Yuri's face.


Lily slid her hands across her soft body, gently teasing her breasts, but she made sure to keep eye contact with Yuri as if studying her expressions.


Yuri also looked back at her with lustful eyes, her lips parted ever so slightly, longing for more of what Lily had in store for her.


In response, Lily nibbled on her earlobe and ran her tongue along her neck. The collar was no longer there, yet, for some reason, she wanted Lily to shackle her with a new collar.


"Aah! Mmnghn...!" Yuri writhed under Lily's caress.


"You're so sensitive, Yuri. I was just playing with your breasts. Look, your nipples are so hard they look painful. What would happen if I touched your secret spot down there, heheh~" Lily whispered into her ear and nibbled on her earlobe.


"Ngguh...!" Yuri bit her lips tightly, trying to resist the sensual touch.


"Fufu~ Seems like you are holding it back. Let's give you more." Lily pushed her body up and slid down to Yuri's crotch. "Look at this. It's way more soaking wet than before. What a lewd girl, getting turned on so easily."


Yuri was so embarrassed that her face turned bright red. Her secret spot was seen completely. She gripped the bedsheet tightly to prevent herself from covering it up.


Lily flicked at her clitoris and ran down along the lips of her vagina. There was a wet sound that echoed through the room when her vagina lips were parted. Then she planted a kiss on her vagina.


"Nngh...!" (Yuri)


"Mmha, nnhanh, mmgh..." (Lily)


Yuri couldn't hold back anymore and started to play with her own chest. It felt so good with her pussy being licked, but she wanted more than that. She still had her free right hand, and she didn't know what to do with it, so she put it on top of Lily's head and pushed her face closer to her crotch. She could feel the tip of Lily's nose poked at her erect clitoris. Yuri felt so hot, and her heartbeat was running wild.


"Nnhaa... Slrrp... shlp...!" Lily didn't show any reaction and continued to suck on her vagina. 


She also mixed with the up and down movement of her head. At the same time, she stuck her tongue out and ran it along Yuri's pussy, and even licked her anus from time to time; the tip of her nose also rubbed against her clitoris and urethra in a similar way.


"Haah! Aahh! Nnmh!" (Yuri)


Yuri felt her breath on her. She no longer felt averse to having her unclean hold touched. She had gone through far worse than this. Moreover, Lily's tongue was gently carrying her to climax, unlike the forceful manners those men did to her. She actually started to enjoy Lily's tongue poking at her anus.


"Oh~ Look at this hole puckering like it wants more. Are you, perhaps, enjoy having your butthole play with?" Lily asked.


"T-That... um... I..." Yuri stammered.


True, she liked the way Lily teased it but actually admitted it was still too embarrassing for her.


"Don't worry, it's completely. There are many women who also liked having this place teased." (Lily)


"R-Really? I-It's not strange to enjoy having that place played with? Ah..." Yuri slipped up and admitted it.


"Fufu~ There's nothing strange about it. So let's explore all about your body." Lily resumed licking her vagina. But this time, she also used her finger to prod at Yuri's anus, ever so slightly going past the sphincter but never deeper.


Pleasure overwhelmed Yuri. Despite Lily's assurance, it was still weird when her butthole was played with, and she really felt it from that place. She had never felt this way before. Even back then, pain was the only thing she felt when the men forced themselves on her. This made Yuri feel like she was loved and treasured, especially since there was no pain.


Yuri couldn't resist the incoming waves of climax because Lily didn't allow her to. She persisted in attacking all of Yuri's sweet spots.


"Hhaan, nn, mmha... N-No! This is too much...! Mmmngh!!" Yuri bit her finger to hold back her moans.


"Sllrp...! It's fine. Don't resist it. Mmlph, shlp...! Ride on it and let yourself go." Lily sucked down hard on her vagina and twisted the finger that was prodding at her anus deep to the base. Her finger changed from circling around the entrance of her anus to thrusting into the hole.


"Aah! Haa! Mmh! Miss Lily, I'm cumming... I'm cumming...!!!" Yuri arched backward, and her hips rose up.


"Sllrp~~~" Yuri's squirt shot out with pressure and splashed at Lily's face. Some of it landed into her mouth, some into her nose, and some across her face.


"Mm, nn... haah... haa... haa... aah..." Yuri was in a daze as she slowly recovered from her intense climax.


"It's your first time being with another woman, right? How was it?" Lily pushed herself up and asked.


"That felt so great..." Yuri replied absentmindedly.


"Good to hear that. That's how a woman should feel when they have sex. I call it the joy of being a woman. I expect you to do the same thing to the customer and let them taste the sweetness of pleasure." (Lily)


"Yes. I will do my best." (Yuri)


"Good girl. Now then, let's proceed to the next phase." Lily got off the bed and walked toward her work desk.


"Huh? Eh? We're not done yet?" Finally broke out from her daze, Yuri asked.


At this point, Yuri didn't know how fearsome it was to be trained by Lily. She only learned that when they had finished the deed, and she herself obtained a prize that she could never ask for more.








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