Creatures Lurking in the Dark

Chapter 48

*Drip* *Drip*




Corina's eyelids twitched as she groaned.




Another droplet of water hit her cheek. Corina slowly opened her eyes. She was woken up by a drop of water from the ceiling hitting her cheek. Her eyes didn't take in anything as she was assaulted by an intense headache. Some more time passed, and the headache finally subsided.


"Where am I?" Corina couldn't remember how she got here. She wanted to stand up and look around for some clues, but she felt like her limbs were restrained.


"If I remember correctly... we were rescued from Oris's gang and escaped to the sewage... and then... *GASP*" Corina gasped as she finally remembered what had happened to her and the other girls.


But the fact that she could still open her eyes meant that she was still alive, even though she was eaten alive by that giant worm.


"I'm... still alive?"  


The rocky ceiling she saw meant she was in some kind of cave or underground. There was enough light coming from various magical crystal, but she didn't remember where could this place possibly be.


"I need to get out of here."


That was the conclusion Corina reached. She tried to move her hands to push her body up, but there was something wrong.


Her hands were stuck in something. She also tried to move her legs, but they were the same. All she could do was move her head.


Corina looked to the side and saw both of her hands were stuck up to the elbow in some kind of fleshy wall. She cranked her neck and looked down at her legs to see that they were trapped in a similar fleshy wall up to her knee.


"Huh? What is this?!" She wasn't alone; more than ten other girls were here with her, and she recognized all of their faces. They were the runaway girls. "Everyone! Wake up! Damn it! What is this? I can't pull my hands out."


Corina put more force into her limbs and thrashed around, but it was no use.


This room was big enough to keep more than ten people inside. Including Corina, all of them were set and restrained in a way that their hands were stuck to the fleshy wall in the corner of the room, and their legs were stuck partly to the ground. Moreover, all of them were naked.


The thing that was keeping them restrained was a strange fleshy wall. It was as if the wall was a living being. Blood vessels like veins ran across the wall, and it was warm and sticky. Every time Corina tried to pull her hands out, the wall would contract and hold down until she lost her strength. She felt repulsive, like her skin was being licked by it.


*Thud* *Thud* *Thud*


"Huh?" Corina stopped. The ground was shaking, and she could hear sounds like heavy footsteps.


The footsteps got closer, and Corina soon learned their identity.


Entering the room were three Orcs. But there were more. Two Slimes, two Alraunes, and one Gazer followed after.


She felt as if her heart stopped beating. There was no way she could fight all of them, even if she wasn't restrained and had a weapon.


The three Orcs approached Corina. There was nothing she could do. She squeezed her eyes shut, waiting for the worst.


A second passed, and another one...


Yet it never came.


Corina opened her eyes slightly and peeked through her eyelids and saw that they had actually stopped at the corner opposite where she was.


Each of the Orcs picked up one girl. Strangely, the fleshy wall reacted to the Orc and easily opened up so they could pick the girl up.


The Orcs then walked out of the room, carrying three unconscious girls like they were potato sacks on their shoulders. All the monsters left, leaving behind one Alraune and one slime.


The Alraune and the Slime then approached the next girl together. Their action was bizarre. It was the first time she'd seen two monsters of different species work together like this. It was as if they were intelligent monsters.


The Alraune was the first to reach out to the unconscious girl. Its eyes looked up and down like it was checking something. But it didn't do anything and moved to the next girl. And then the next one, and the next one, until two people away from Corina.


It reached out with its numerous vine-like tentacles and wrapped around the girl's body before lifting her up.


"Kyyaahh!!! No!!! Let me go! Let me go!!!" The girl screamed.


The Alraune lifted one of its tentacles toward her face and tried to force its way into her mouth, but the girl was fast enough to close her mouth shut and shook her head from side to side.


Annoyed by her resistance, it wrapped its tentacles around her legs and spread them apart. With two new tentacles, it forced its way into her two defenseless holes.


"Aaargh––uughunngh!!!" She couldn't even scream in pain as the tentacle that was aiming for her mouth instantly blocked her throat.


Corina could see from the corner of her eyes that something was being bumped into the girl's body. Her throat moved up and down, and then a few droplets of some green fluid dripped out from the corner of her mouth. The same thing happened to the girl's two holes down there; the green fluid dripped from her crotch all the way down to her feet and onto the ground.


The girl shook violently, trying to escape, but she soon lost her strength, as her hands fell limply to the sides and her eyelids started to drop.


It didn't take long, as only about five minutes later, the girl completely stopped moving. Corina knew she was still alive because her chest was still moving.


The Alraune then pulled out all of its tentacles. With the plugs removed, the excess fluid dripped out from all three of the girl's holes. Then, it set her down on top of the slime as gently as possible, betraying how rough it was treating her just a moment ago.


On top of the slime, the girl's body slowly submerged into its gel-like body until only her head was outside. Then, the slime carried her outside.


Now, with only the alraune alone, it resumed checking on the other girls.


(Maybe it was checking to see if anyone was awake? If that's the case, then I can pretend to be asleep and wait for a chance to escape.) Corina thought. 


In her childhood, she often pretended to be asleep when her parents checked on her at night and waited for them to sleep before she snuck out to explore the night town since she had always been a curious girl.


Thanks to that, she believed she could somehow trick the monster into thinking that she was still unconscious.


Corina acted fast; she calmed her breathing down to as slow as possible and relaxed her muscles.


Finally, the alraune arrived right in front of her. It cast a shadow on her as it scrutinized her up and down. It reached out with one of the tentacles to check her arms, then her legs.


Then, it moved on to the next girl.


Relief washed over Corina, but she couldn't let her guard down yet, not until she could escape from this place.


After Corina, the alraune checked the last two other girls. Corina thought it would leave after that, but she was wrong.


After checking on the last girl, the alraune took out a round transparent tube and aimed at the girl's crotch.




It pushed the tube into the girl's crotch. From the part where it connected with the alraune, small, around beans ran up to the tube and moved to the other end, where it was connected to the girl's crotch.


(What is it doing? Is it planting a seed inside a woman? How is that even possible? I haven't heard anything about alraune using a human's body to procreate.)


Corina wasn't wrong. Alraune monsters were procreated by using a method called pollinate. Yet, right now, right in front of her, the alraune was dispensing its seed inside a woman's body.


Corina didn't understand what prompted their strange behaviors. First, they worked together, and now this.


But she had no time to worry about those matters because when the alraune were done with that girl, it moved straight back to her.


(Shit! It's back again. Does it want to do the same thing to me? I have to calm down my breath!) Corina closed her eyes once again and calmed her breathing down.


Just as she expected, the alraune pushed the tube into her body. What she didn't expect was that instead of her vagina, the tube was inserted into her anus.


(Urrgh! Why that place!? Ah, but it's better there than my vagina. At least my virginity is not lost. It's okay; I can just take the seed out when I escape. I have to focus and keep track of how many of them)


As Corina lay still, the seeds started to enter her anus one by one. They were covered in slippery mucus, so they easily slipped past her sphincters and settled deep inside her colon.


(One... two... three... four... five... six... seven... eight... nine... ten... eleven... twe– wait, it's done. Eleven, I have to remember it.)


The alraune took the tube out and moved to the next girl.


(Still... What is it trying to do? And how come it skipped the other girl and came straight to me... Ah, it just skipped another girl. Also, not that I want to complain, but why did it choose the anus instead of the vagina...)


After it had released its seeds into 2 more girls, the alraune finally left. Corina was finally able to breathe out in relief. She cranked her neck up and looked around to check the other girls, but as expected, she was the only one conscious. Then she looked down to check her body.


And sure enough, she could see a small bulge on her belly.


Despite the small size of the beans, around the size of a pebble, having eleven seeds stuffed inside her stomach would surely cause it to bloat like this.


"Huh? It feels like my mana is being drained. Don't tell me it was those seeds' fault?! Then, at this rate, they will grow up inside my body, and worst case, they will escape by eating me from inside out!?" Corina muttered, sweat profusely formed on her forehead. "Ah! That's why it put the seeds inside my anus instead of my vagina... It can also put more into the rectum than the womb..."


"It's fine, calm down, Corina. It's not like they will grow up anytime soon, and the amount of mana they are draining from me is neglectable. Let's think about what I should do next. I shouldn't push these seeds out of me. That monster might come back again to check, so that's risky. But first thing first, I need to break free of these restraints. Wait...! It's gotten loose!)


Corina didn't know why, but for some reason, the holes where her limbs were stuck loosened up enough for her to yank her hands and legs out.


Finally got her freedom, she stood up to take a better look around the room. 


"Currently, there were nine people, including me. Three other girls also have these seeds in them. I'm really sorry, I cannot help everyone right now. This situation is just beyond my ability. But I promise I will escape and ask for help from the knight. Please hang in there." Corina said to the girl solemnly and moved to the entrance.


Taking a deep breath, she peeked outside from the entrance.


What she saw forced her to block her mouth with both of her hands to stop a scream from escaping.


"W...hat is this...?"




Inside Lily's infirmary


"What do you mean done? Only knowing how to pleasure a woman won't make you a top-class prostitute, you know? In my place, only people who can make both male and female customers pleased with their service are allowed to call themselves top-class. Now I'm gonna teach you how to squeeze cum out of a dick." (Lily)


For some reason unknown to Yuri, Lily made her tail reappear as she explained to Yuri. Her tail once again made its presence known as it lively moved around each time Lily talked.


"Um. But how can we do it? Aren't we both girls?" (Yuri)


"Don't worry about it. There's nothing you can't fix with magic and alchemy. Just wait for me a bit. Consider it a short break." Lily rummaged through her desk's drawer and took out a glass bottle.


Yuri could see it contained some type of tablet medicine in pink color. Lily uncapped the bottle and popped the pill into her mouth, and put the bottle back. Then she walked back to the bed and climbed on it.


"Hnngh~ Can you help me a bit? Touch my clitoris." Lily said and plopped down on the bed, beads of sweat forming on her forehead.


"A-Are you alright, Miss Lily?" Yuri asked worriedly.


"It's fine, just a little side effect. More importantly, let's have you practice what you've learned. Touch my clitoris." (Lily)


"Yes. I'll do it." Yuri said as she crawled on all fours toward Lily.


Lily also spread her legs wide open and bare her naked womanhood to Yuri.


Her clitoris was bloodshot. It looked as if it had become larger by a size.


"Urrgh!" Lily grunted.


Her clitoris actually increased in size with Yuri's touch.


"M-Miss Lily, t-this!?" Yuri flinched and took her hand back.


It had become a towering mass of rod as it was twitching in her hand. It was as if her clitoris turned into a penis.


"Phew~ Amazing, right? It's a special medicine that can change a female into a male, though it is temporary. This penis will disappear after three ejaculations or three hours have passed." Lily wiped her sweaty forehead with the back of her hand as she explained.


"Amazing..." Yuri was enchanted by the magical penis in front of her. Anything Lily said went in one ear and out the other ear.


Chuckled at Yuri's enraptured face, Lily lightly slapped her cheek with her tail.


"At a start, let's see how you service it. Can you do it?" (Lily)


"Yes..." (Yuri)


Still enraptured, Yuri reflexively did as she was told and wrapped her hands around the penis. Its radiating heat roused her up from her daze, but it also roused something else from inside her. What if she brings Lily to the edge and then denies her release? How agony would that be for Lily?


With such thought swirling inside her, Yuri began to move her hands along the shaft. It was veiny, and the girth was nothing like what she had ever seen. Yuri couldn't help but imagine how it would feel to have her womanhood filled with such a meat rod. That thought alone was enough to make her vagina drool in anticipation.


Lily's penis twitched wildly in her hands. There was already precum leaking out from the tip, so she rolled the tip of the penis in her palm before smearing them along the shaft. It didn't take long until the meat rod glistened with its precum, and at this point, Yuri's lungs were filled with its naughty smell.


It wasn't the stinky smell like rotten fish she knew of. It had the same distinctive sweet scent as Lily's love juice. And thanks to this, she didn't hesitate to lick the tip, where precum still continued to drip out.


It was really just as sweet as Lily's love juice, and it started to numb her mind once again. And before she knew it, she went from licking the tip to gobbling half of the length inside her mouth. With this length and size, it was hard for Yuri to swallowed up to the base. She had to slowly get used to it.


"Slrrp, mmlp... shlpp." (Yuri)


"That's good, and even you can't take everything at once. Just slowly get used to it, slowly." Lily patted her head.


Irritate– that was what Yuri felt after hearing Lily. It was like Lily just made fun of her, and it hit her ego hard. As much as she hated to admit it, she at least knew how to suck a cock. Being told that by Lily didn't sit well with her. She wanted to prove that she had at least learned something from the time she was being held captive.


"Hoomuffgh! Fuhhghf...!" (Yuri)


Yuri jerked her head and swallowed the whole length into her oral orifice. She underestimated the girth of Lily's penis. It was painful when the tip poked at her throat. And so choked on it and coughed but still refused to let it out of her mouth.


It was thanks to Lily, who pulled her hips back and extracted the penis out of Yuri's mouth.


"*Cough* *Cough* *Cough* *Gag*" (Yuri)


"See... I told you. There's no need to rush. We have all the time we need in our hands. Haste makes waste." Lily stroked her back.


"I'm sorry, Miss Lily... *Cough*... It's just that I failed to make you feel good with your woman part. So I thought I could surprise you and make you feel good with your male part..." Yuri cast her eyes down and mumbled.


(Kyyahh~ What is this creature!? She's so cute I just want to put her in a case and put her in my room to admire.) (Lily)


"Ehem. Thank you for your feelings. But you don't have to think about me for now. After all, this training is all about training you to be the best prostitute." (Lily)


Lily lifted her face up and looked at her in the eyes. Then she closed the distance between them and suck on her lips. The two stood like that until Yuri stopped coughing. Lily was the first to move away; she held Yuri's hands and guided them to wrap around her twitching cock.


Without needing to ask, Yuri formed a ring with her fingers and stroked her penis. After calming down, she realized how stupid she was. Forcing herself to do something she wasn't good at was never a good thing. Her meager knowledge was nothing compared to the vast knowledge Lily possessed.


In Lily's eyes, she was nothing but a chick who had just learned how to walk.


Unbeknownst to the raging conflict inside Yuri's mind, Lily shuddered under the touch of her soft fingers.


Being good or not, one would feel good when a girl was stroking their penis. She was also turned on by Yuri's mentality. Even a one-of-a-kind succubus like her would be aroused when Yuri was trying her best to make her climax.


The stimulation increased when Yuri kissed the gland of her penis. Unlike her forceful fellatio just now, this time, her lips only went past the girth as her tongue licked up the precum. In fact, Yuri's skill in handling a cock was better than anyone she had taught. She didn't tell her that because it might make the girl become overconfident.


"You're doing great, Yuri. Now slowly put my penis in and move your head. Make sure you also use your tongue to lick the underside." (Lily)


"Yes... haaumph... shlp. Like this? Mmlhp..." (Yuri)


"Yes, yes. Just like that. Once you are used to it. Increase your speed. And don't swallow all the precum and your saliva. Let some of them drip out and smear the shaft thoroughly; it will help lubricate and make you take the whole penis in easier." (Lily)


Listening to Lily's instructions, Yuri gobbled half of the length of her cock and rotated her tongue around the meat rod. She also let out the accumulating saliva and precum in her mouth, dripping out from the small gaps between her lips and the cock. She also formed a ring with one hand and wrapped them around the bottom half of Lily's cock and lubricated it with the overflowing mixture of precum and saliva.


As for her other free hand, she moved slightly below the base of Lily's cock, where instead of the male counterpart's ballsacks, laid a slutty wet slit oozing with love juice. She didn't hesitate and inserted two fingers in and thrust it shallowly.


"Nngh~ H-Hey! That's cheating. I'm supposed to be the male role... aah, nnh... It's not fair... mmh... to touch my female part... haanh..." Lily complained in between her moans.


"Shlp... But Miss Lily... mmlp, you said that... slrrp... sex is an act where... nnlph... two people lead each other to orgasm..." (Yuri)


"Yes, I did say that... nnngha... But... but... mmmngh! Arrgh! Fine! Just this time, alright? Haangh... Why is this girl so good with her mouth..." (Lily)


"Hehe... shlp... That means my mouth is making you feel good, right?" (Yuri)


"I didn't mean it like that... Nnh... But yes, that too." (Lily)


Lily bit her finger to hold back her voice, but as Yuri got all of her cock inside her mouth and started deepthroating, Lily started to drool and relish the sensation of her oral orifice. She couldn't remember when was the last time someone could take all of her magical dick inside their mouth.


Yuri also started to get the hang of it as she learned all the sensitive spots on Lily's body. 


The underside of her cock was more sensitive. Whenever she pushed her tongue against it, her vagina would squeeze her fingers like it wanted more.


The G-spot in Lily's vagina was closer to the entrance. Whenever she scratched it with her fingernails, her cock would throb and send more precum into her mouth.


With all of Lily's weak spots in her grasp, Yuri focused solely on attacking those places.


"Angh~ W-Wait. Oh, my goodness. This girl is making me cum hard... Hiigihhh!!!" Lily screamed as her eyes rolled to the back of her head.


Like a broken damp, Lily squirted from her urethra, and semen erupted from the tip of her cock. Her body collapsed on top of the bed. Various fluids had stained the bedsheet, so it should feel cold on her naked back, yet Lily didn't react to the coldness. Her eyes were shut tight as she immersed in every second of her orgasm.


Without missing a drop, Yuri gulped down all the hot seeds coming out from the tip of Lily's cock. She also orgasmed lightly from the sensation of the hot cum washing along her esophagus down to her stomach.


The two lay still with Yuri deep into Lily's crotch until both of their climaxes subsided. Yuri finally let go of the penis only to see that it still retained the same erection.


Feeling Yuri's hot gaze on her penis, Lily grabbed her penis with her hand and waved it in front of Yuri.


"Amazing, right? And I can still shoot two more loads before it disappears. Do you want to continue?" (Lily)


"Yes, please..." Yuri answered without missing a beat.


"Hehehe, what an energetic girl. Sure, let's go for another round. But first..." Lily stopped talking. Her tail skillfully grabbed the curtain separating the bed they were on with the one next to it and pulled it wide open. "Only looking isn't fun, right? Let's have our peeking cat join in the fun. The more the merrier."



There was a short moment of quietness before one of them spoke.


"N-Nyah!? U-Um, I'm good. P-Please continue." Rika, whose face was bright red, was stuttering as she tried to hide her face with her hands.








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