Crossing the Son of the Villain

Chapter 88 - 2 battle wonder woman

After Eric confirmed that the torrent was defeated, he put it down completely, turned around and walked towards the deepest part of the submarine, a look in his eyes, this time he had the determination to make a benevolence if he failed, and he must make a break with Xiao.

Although the Red Devils and the X-Men fought fiercely, they were a little more childish than Ivan and Wonder Woman.

The battle between Ai Wen and Wonder Woman is completely on another level. With a punch, the ground is shattered, the ground is smashed, and the waves are terrifying. It is a scene of destruction.

In order to test his current strength, Ai Wen did not use his energy absorption ability from beginning to end, and wanted to see what extent his body had reached.

Ai Wen is very satisfied with the test results. Although it is a little worse than Wonder Woman, Ai Wen is confident that it will not take long to surpass the energy level that Ai Wen uses to strengthen his body. Imagine, not only the body, but also the ability, the progress is a thousand miles, although the strength of Wonder Woman has also increased compared to the last time we met, but compared with Ai Wen’s progress is much worse.

After confirming his physical condition, Ai Wen no longer fought with Wonder Woman, and started to use the skills in Chinese martial arts to fight with Wonder Woman. When Wonder Woman kicked over, Ai Wen blocked with both hands and took the initiative to borrow. With this force, he jumped into the air, the sky, and then flipped, and when he fell, one right foot slammed down at Wonder Woman.

Wonder Woman hurriedly raised her hands above her head and crossed to meet Ai Wen’s foot.

Boom! Most of Wonder Woman’s legs fell directly into the beach, but she managed to hold Ai Wen’s foot, but at this moment, Ai Wen’s other foot turned into a sharp sword, and her toes pointed straight to Wonder Woman’s chest .

At this time, Wonder Woman raised her hands high, her legs were stuck on the beach, she couldn’t move easily, she couldn’t dodge for a while, and was kicked by Ai Wen and flew upside down.

Wonder Woman rolled a few times on the beach before stopping, then bounced her body and stood up. At this time, Ai Wen’s follow-up attack had arrived, horizontal punch, straight punch, side kick, and the violent attack went straight to the point. Wonder Woman lost her first hand and was struggling to deal with it.

However, even in such a critical situation, Wonder Woman still did not use the shield and sword behind her, because Wonder Woman is also a proud and arrogant person. She suffered a loss in the hands of Ai Wen last time, but she did not think that It is because of his lack of strength, but because Aiwen has the ability to absorb energy.

Wonder Woman has always wanted to fight Aiwen upright, to study the weakness of Aiwen’s energy-absorbing ability, and later thought that Aiwen must have physical contact when using his ability, so he specially created a pair of fists In this way, direct contact is avoided as much as possible when fighting.

This time, Wonder Woman can be said to be full of confidence, seeing that Ai Wen’s bare hands are useless. She didn’t have any weapons either, so she didn’t want to make a profit, and she always greeted her empty-handed, otherwise she would be unhappy even if she won.

However, the more she fought, the more depressed Wonder Woman became. She was obviously slightly stronger than the opponent in terms of strength, speed, and spirituality, but when she actually fought, she fell behind. But when it comes to the disadvantage of falling directly behind, because the other party always uses all kinds of strange moves, either he fails, or when he comes into contact with the other party, he always leads his own strength to other places. .

Ai Wen pressed and beat Wonder Woman for more than ten minutes. Even with Wonder Woman’s powerful body, it was inevitable that she would be injured, and Ai Wen specifically attacked those parts that made people feel the most pain. Sore and numb, very uncomfortable.

Finally, Wonder Woman’s anger finally reached its limit. When Ai Wen’s fist attacked again, Wonder Woman did not evade, but chose to use her body to carry Ai Wen’s attack, and then endured the pain and reached out to grab it. Grabbing Ai Wen’s two wrists, relying on his stronger strength, he separated Ai Wen’s hands with force, then pulled it, and slammed his head into Ai Wen’s face with a fierce headbutt.

When his hands were restrained, Ai Wen realized that something was wrong. Seeing a grim smile on Wonder Woman’s beautiful face, she was about to say something when she was slapped on the nose by Wonder Woman?

With Ai Wen’s scream, sour, spicy, numb, salty, all kinds of feelings erupted at the same time, the severe pain made Ai Wen lose the strength to resist, but instinctively leaned back, wanting to Avoiding Wonder Woman’s headbutt, she swung her arms vigorously, trying to get rid of the restraint, but unfortunately she was caught by Wonder Woman, she just wouldn’t let go.

The first wave of pain has not yet passed, and Wonder Woman’s second head has hit her head. This time is more ruthless than the previous one. Ai Wen was so painful that tears flowed down, no matter who listened to the scream. Now, they are all smelling tears, and the listeners are sad.

Wonder Woman looked at Ai Wen’s desolate appearance, and she felt a burst of pleasure in her heart. The depression for more than ten years was finally vented, but she had to make him pay some interest, and the third headbutt hit him again.

It’s not over yet, I’ll fight with you. Ai Wen was in severe pain, but he was also ruthless in his heart. When Wonder Woman came over again, Ai Wen suddenly opened his mouth and bit the opponent’s nose.

“Ah!” This time it was Wonder Woman’s turn to scream. Although she broke free in time, although there was some pain, the injury was not serious, but this was the first time she had experienced such a situation, the severe pain from her nose. , mixed with embarrassment in my heart, I don’t know how to describe this feeling for a while.

Ai Wen didn’t care so much, taking advantage of Wonder Woman’s distraction, her arms shook, suddenly thickened, and then she shook her hand and pulled out her hand, freeing herself from Wonder Woman’s restraint.

“I’m going to kill you! Kill you…” Wonder Woman was about to be mad, the old hatred was not over, and the new hatred was reborn. How to smash Ai Wen’s corpse into ten thousand pieces to relieve the hatred in his heart, take off the sword and aegis behind him and kill Ai Wen.

Wonder Woman is full of hatred, and Ai Wen is also full of fire. He was beaten too hard before, and now his nose seems to have lost consciousness. Ai Wen has grown so big and has never suffered such a big loss, even if it is Wonder Woman. Xia does not look for Ai Wen, and Ai Wen will not let Wonder Woman go.

Seeing that Wonder Woman used a weapon, Ai Wen no longer responded empty-handed, he swung his hands, only to hear two crisp sounds, Ai Wen grabbed a long knife in each hand.

Although Ai Wen rarely uses weapons, it does not mean that he really does not have them. Two small pockets are sewn into the sleeves of Ai Wen’s clothes. Ai Wen specially casts a traceless extension spell, which hides two vibrators. The long sword made by Jin finally came in handy this time.

Wonder Woman saw that Ai Wen suddenly took out a weapon. Although she was a little surprised, Li didn’t pay too much attention to it.

Ai Wen had been prepared for a long time. He held the knife in his left hand, and used his own power to absorb the powerful power carried by the sword. The other golden long knife in his right hand slashed back, but it was blocked by Wonder Woman’s shield.

The two exerted force at the same time and wanted to push the other side out. Originally, Aiwen was slightly inferior in terms of strength, but Aiwen had the ability to absorb energy. After absorbing the power of Wonder Woman, he combined his original power and burst out. Knock Wonder Woman into the air.

Wonder Woman also seemed to understand her own problems. In the end, she was the one who suffered the loss against the enemy in this way, so she didn’t insist on competing for strength. She took a few steps back, then regrouped, jumped high, and used all her strength to concentrate on the enemy. The point of the sword pierced.

Wonder Woman guessed that Aiwen’s energy absorption ability will always have a limit, and the absorption process always takes time. If the power is concentrated at one point, and then suddenly burst out, Aiwen cannot absorb it immediately. Should be able to hurt Ai Wen.

If Ai Wen knew about Wonder Woman’s thoughts, she would definitely praise it. Wonder Woman’s guesses are generally not available, but she underestimated Ai Wen’s ability. Although Ai Wen’s energy absorption does take time, breakthrough The limit of energy absorption can indeed hurt Ai Wen, but this is definitely not what Wonder Woman can do.

Even Ai Wen himself doesn’t know what level of Ai Wen’s power has reached now, but it is certain that Ai Wen has far surpassed Xiao. This is because Ai Wen has been continuously strengthening himself with special energy for many years. The reason is that Xiao can absorb the energy of the entire nuclear reactor in the submarine. Although I don’t know how much energy Aiwen can absorb, it is definitely more than ten times that of Xiao, and the absorption speed is faster. How can this limit be Wonder Woman? able to break.

As before, Ai Wen easily held Wonder Woman’s sword with a knife in hand. Taking advantage of the opponent’s open door, the other sword stabbed at Wonder Woman’s chest.

Wonder Woman didn’t have time to hold the shield to block, and forcibly twisted her body to avoid the extremely dangerous knife, but the strength of the sword-wielding hand relaxed, and Ai Wen’s treasured knife turned, and directly picked up the shield held in the other hand and flew out, and then continued to the Wonder Woman. The man chased after him.

Wonder Woman, as an Amazonian female warrior, has experienced hundreds of battles. Although she lost her weapon and was pursued by Ai Wen, she was not disturbed at all. She kicked her feet hard, and her body retreated. Yanling roped in and slammed it towards Ai Wen.

Ai Wen used two knives and two forks to stop the noose of Yanling, but the noose was very flexible and wrapped around the intersection of the two knives for a few times. Wonder Woman pulled back hard, and Ai Wen reacted in time and grabbed the two knives. Not dragged past.

There was a rivalry between the two again on the scene. Ai Wenlai wanted to use the sharpness of the golden knife in his hand to cut the golden rope in front of him, but the Yanling sling was indeed an artifact, and he didn’t know what material it was made of. , you can’t hurt the sharpness of Jin Jin in the slightest.

Wonder Woman seems to have an idea again, grabbing the sling of Yanling in one hand, constantly wrapping it around her arm, and slowly approaching Ai Wen. When the distance is only a few steps away, she stabs Ai Wen with a sword in the other hand. s eyes.

Not to mention, this really frightened Ai Wen. Although Ai Wen’s energy absorption speed is fast enough, a slight injury to a weak spot like his eyes may cause blindness. Ai Wen doesn’t want to become blind.

In this case, Ai Wen’s best way is to let go immediately, give up the two golden swords and retreat. However, Ai Wenyi was bold and did not let go. Instead, he cut the two crossed golden knives as large scissors and sandwiched Wonder Woman’s sword in the middle. The previous situation reappeared. The two became each other. Compete, no one can do anything.

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