Crossing the Son of the Villain

Chapter 89 - Xiao\\\'s death

The rivalry between Wonder Woman and Ai Wen did not last long. The two reacted almost at the same time, gave up the weapons in their hands, and smashed their fists at each other’s face. Well, this time Ai Wen was already prepared, he absorbed some of his power with his supernatural powers and was injured, but Wonder Woman was directly punched in the eyes by Ai Wen and flew out screaming.

Wonder Woman is worthy of being an Amazonian female warrior, a super female man. For a warrior who has spent most of his life in battle, he has an incomparably powerful willpower. He quickly stopped his retreat and stabilized his body.

Ai Wen looked at Wonder Woman with admiration in his heart. Thinking of the fact that he was headbutted by the other party before, and the situation where he couldn’t hold back tears in pain, Ai Wen felt a little shy.

Wonder Woman stared at each other, and the fire was burning. This is the second time that she has suffered a loss in the hands of Ai Wen. She remembered that she had fought countless battles in her life and could make herself suffer twice in a row. Ai Wen is the first, And this time, after more than ten years of hard work, he has completely controlled the power in his body, and his strength has greatly increased.

If Wonder Woman had the current strength when she fought against Ares, the **** of war, she would definitely be able to blow her up in minutes, but she was a little powerless against Ai Wen with such strength, which made Wonder Woman a little hard to accept.

Ai Wen and Wonder Woman confronted each other. The atmosphere was extremely solemn, and there seemed to be an invisible collision. At this time, both of them were breathing heavily. Obviously, the previous fierce battle had put a heavy burden on their bodies.

After more than ten seconds, the two moved at the same time, ran quickly a few steps, jumped high, and collided in mid-air. Wonder Woman grabbed a hand knife that Ai Wen had slashed over, and Ai Wen also grabbed it. Holds the fist that Wonder Woman hammered.

The two competed with each other and fell from the air. At this time, Ai Wen suddenly twisted hard in the air, driving Wonder Woman, and the two spun at the same time.

Ai Wen’s brain was running at a high speed, calculating the angle, and when he was about to land, Ai Wen shook his arm vigorously and threw Wonder Woman out.

“Boom!” “Boom!” Wonder Woman and Ai Wen landed at the same time, but the difference is that Wonder Woman fell on a huge reef and just smashed it, the rocks flew, and Wonder Woman felt The whole body seemed to be scattered, lying among the rubble, unable to move for a while.

The place where Ai Wen fell was a relatively soft beach. Although he was slightly injured, he was innocuous and quickly stood up.

Ai Wen strode over to where Wonder Woman was. Seeing her struggling to stand up, Ai Wen had a smile on her face. Although she played a small trick, she was the one who won in the end.

Wonder Woman also saw Ai Wen, showing a stubborn look, regardless of the pain in her body, she stood up staggeringly, but her body seemed a little unruly.

Wonder Woman is very clear about her current state. A head-on conflict is definitely not Ai Wen’s opponent, but it is absolutely impossible for her to admit defeat. Gritting his silver teeth, he used his last strength, crossed his hands, and slammed the two bracers violently. A strong lightning shot straight at Ai Wen.

“Do you think this trick is still useful to me?” Ai Wen embraced his hands, and the violent lightning suddenly became docile, and was slowly compressed into an electric ball by Ai Wen and inhaled into the body.

“Last time, I was injured by your lightning once. At that time, I found that your lightning has a power that ordinary lightning does not have. Even with my ability, it is difficult to absorb it. It should be divine power, but right now For me, it doesn’t have the slightest impact, not only because my ability is stronger, but more importantly, the nature of your divine power lightning has been parsed out by me, and I can even transform it easily. How could it hurt me…”

Even with the nature of Wonder Woman, she was a little desperate at this time, but she would never give up hope until the last moment, but at this time, her body was still in unbearable pain, and she punched Ai Wen in the face.

In the face of Wonder Woman, who can’t even control her body and is full of flaws, how could Aiwen take it to heart, easily avoid a punch, and then kick Wonder Woman’s stomach.

“Ouch!” Even if the magical body is powerful, some instincts cannot be avoided. Ai Wen used a tricky force very insidiously, and caused visceral damage directly through the body through the vibration of the feet. Wonder Woman couldn’t help but hug I squatted down on my stomach, vomited, and all the strength in my body dissipated.

“How about it? It doesn’t feel good, right? Don’t you admit defeat?” Ai Wen deliberately looked at Wonder Woman with a mocking look. After all, he was also a stingy person. He was beaten so hard before, so he had to let out his breath.

Wonder Woman was still retching, unable to speak, but the eyes in her eyes were still extremely stubborn, and she had no intention of admitting defeat, but at the same time, there was a sense of shame in her heart, which stimulated Wonder Woman’s heart and let her He was so angry that he forced her to suppress her physical instincts, stood up again and attacked Ai Wen.

“Huh, I really don’t have a long memory!” Ai Wen grabbed Wonder Woman’s wrist and slammed it on the ground several times before letting go and throwing it aside. Wonder Woman fell on the beach like a rag. He fell there and couldn’t stand up again, but fortunately there was no danger to his life.

How powerful is Ai Wen, this is Wonder Woman, if it were another person, she would have died long ago and couldn’t die again, “Is it so difficult to hear from you that you admit defeat? Isn’t it normal to win or lose? , everyone always fails…will…”

When Ai’s father was talking about the rise, his face suddenly changed, and he turned his head to look in the direction of the submarine. Under the induction of his powerful mental power, his cheap dad Xiao’s vitality was rapidly declining, and his consciousness was also dissipating. This is clearly on the verge of Signs of death.

How could this be? Ai Wen was extremely surprised, obviously there was no sign before, and now Xiao’s strength has surpassed the original book by a lot, plus practicing the secret method created by Ai Wen, he can resist the invasion of the power of the mind, and he is still wearing a mutant suit. , can be said to have been armed to the teeth, how can it be defeated in this situation?

Ai Wen didn’t want to continue to grind with Wonder Woman, and a shapeshifting phantom disappeared in place.

The surrounding scene changed, Ai Wen had already appeared in the submarine, and it was a bit unbelievable to see the situation in front of him. At this time, Xiao was lying on the ground, his mouth slightly opened for blood, and the blood continued to flow out of his mouth, mixed with white brains. There was still a trace of unwillingness in his open eyes, and Eric was standing not far from him.

Ai Wen’s mental power swept away, and soon found that there was a metal strip in Xiao’s mouth, which penetrated the brain from the upper jaw upward. This kind of injury could not be cured even by Ai Wen’s great ability.

Ai Wen couldn’t help but turn his head to look at Eric, his eyes emitting a cold light, overflowing with murderous aura.


Pushing forward a little in time, he said that after Eric defeated the rapids, he went into the depths of the submarine, shut down the nuclear reactor under the guidance of Charles, and then began to search for Xiao’s whereabouts, but after searching and searching, he never found any trace of Xiao. When Eric wondered if he was looking in the wrong place, Xiao took the initiative to appear.

“Eric, what a surprise, can I ask you a question? Why are you on their side? Why are you fighting for a race that is about to become extinct, once human beings find that their vigor is running out, they will definitely try to exterminate us… “

Xiao had already planned to take this opportunity to tell Aiduan that his mother was still alive, and to resolve their hatred, but before that, he had to test Aiduan’s temperament, so he didn’t rush to say it.

It’s a pity that the current Eric, full of thoughts of revenge for his mother, didn’t pay attention to Xiao’s speech at all, and he just punched him directly.

“The mentality is still not stable enough, and it seems that I still lack training! As my heir, I’m still a little short, and I have to leave a deep impression on him.” Xiao thought so, grabbed Aiduanke, threw it out, and smashed it on the wall , began violent training.

“I apologize to you for what happened in the concentration But it’s all for you, for you to unlock your abilities…”

Xiao said so, but his hands didn’t stop at all, grabbed Eric and beat him again and again.

Eric can be said to be in dire straits. He was hanged and beaten by Xiao with one hand, rubbed against the ground, and hit the wall again and again. If it weren’t for the mutant’s strong physique, and Xiao had always been merciful and controlled, I didn’t really want to kill him, he would be lying dead long ago.

Of course, Eric is not a person who only gets beaten and does not fight back. He uses his own abilities to condense the surrounding metal and smash Xiao Yitong, but unfortunately it is useless. No matter how much power, it is easily absorbed by Xiao without causing the slightest damage. .

In the end, Eric was pressed against the wall by Xiao, and he had no power to fight back. “You still have a long way to go. From the beginning, you can only twist the iron gate, and now, you are powerful. I feel very relieved…”

Charles, who has been observing the situation with Eric’s eyes, discovered the helmet on Xiao’s head and guessed that the reason why he couldn’t see Xiao’s thoughts was because of it, so he secretly communicated with Eric and asked him to find a way Taking off the helmet, he secretly controlled a metal bar from behind Xiao to grab the helmet.

Xiao Zheng was talking, suddenly felt a chill on his head, the helmet he was wearing was taken away, he instinctively turned around and reached out to grab it, but at this time a strange force invaded his mind, Xiao Zheng planned to use his brain When the black hole imagined in the middle view shattered this power, but at this moment, a sudden movement in his heart gave birth to an idea, pretending to be controlled by the other party, standing there motionless.

Eric thought the overall situation was settled, and then revealed his true purpose, ignoring Charles’ crazy shouting, put the helmet on his head, and cut off the connection.

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