Crown Prince Sells Medicine

Chapter 31

“This is insane.”

The message displayed in front of Raciel’s eyes. He meticulously read its contents.

[Kozumi User Manual]

[Kozumi is an adorable hedgehog. Please take care of it with love.]

[Kozumi offers unwavering loyalty to you, the summoner. A Phantom Beast is not just a pet but also a lifelong companion. Please don’t abandon it carelessly.]

[Kozumi can change its size by consuming a combination of two sunflower seeds.]

[Red Sunflower Seed: Enlarges Kozumi. Maximum duration of enlargement = 12 hours]

[Blue Sunflower Seed: Shrinks Kozumi. Please feed it before the maximum duration of enlargement is exceeded. If Kozumi doesn’t consume the blue sunflower seed and remains enlarged for over 12 hours, it will automatically revert to its smaller form. However, it will become fatigued and unable to enlarge again for the next 24 hours.]

[A set of two colored sunflower seeds costs 1 HP.]

[Kozumi possesses various skills in both its small and enlarged forms.]

<Kozumi’s Skills List>

[Infinite Spines (Lv. 1)]

[Night Mushroom Assault (Lv. 1)]

[Tricolor Spines Launch (Lv. 1)]

“Exactly what I expected from a hedgehog. It specializes in using spines.”

Raciel had been searching for round needles for acupuncture, not just one or two, but a substantial quantity. And now, looking at Kozumi’s skill list…

“Infinite spines. I’m already loving it.”

A satisfying smile formed on his face naturally.

Clearly, the spines were infinite.

Kozumi could use them limitlessly.

Raciel committed the contents of the manual to memory. Meanwhile, the manual gradually vanished, replaced by a small pouch that fell into his palm.

Peering inside the pouch, he found the red and blue sunflower seeds mentioned in the manual.

“Just as the manual says. If I feed it the red one, it transforms into a giant?”

Raciel gazed down at Kozumi, the hedgehog in his possession. This creature had the ability to become enormous. However, he had no idea just how large it would grow.



“Shh. Keep your response quiet. It’s the middle of the night.”


“Good, that’s good. Anyway, I have a question. Do you become bigger when you eat this?”


“Really? How much?”

The plump hedgehog stood on its hind legs within Raciel’s palm.

It stretched its tiny, seemingly insignificant arms to their fullest extent.


“That much?”


“So, you’re saying you become tremendously large?”

“Kooo, kooo.”


Raciel truly had no idea how big Kozumi would become.

But that wasn’t important at the moment.

“Let’s feed you the red sunflower seed and see what happens next time,” Raciel thought, organizing his thoughts.

‘If it truly grows to several meters tall, like an elephant, it could wreak havoc in this place.’

Raciel didn’t want his familiar bedroom to be destroyed due to carelessness. Instead, he needed to test something more important and urgent.

“Then I have another question. You know, your spines. Is it okay if I pluck them out to use?”


“It’s okay?”


“Really? Doesn’t it hurt? Not at all?”


“Wow. So, when a spine is plucked, a new one immediately sprouts in its place?”


“That’s good. That’s your Infinite Spines skill?”


Kozumi nodded its head in an incredibly cute manner.

Raciel continued his questioning.

“Then, what is the Tricolor Spines Launch skill?”

“Kooo? Kkooo, Koooo. Kokooo, Kooo, Kkooo!”

“Your spines come in three different colors, and depending on the color, the intensity of the sensation when pricked is different?”

“Kooo! Kkooo, Koooo.”

“The white spine is mild?”


“And the brown one is spicy?”


“And what about the black spine?”




“What does that mean?”

“Kkooo, kooo.”

“You don’t know either?”


Kozumi cheerfully responded, indicating that it didn’t know the meaning of the ‘K-flavor’ of the black spine.

“Well, I’ll find out when I test it.”

He was planning to test it anyway. It wouldn’t be wise to poke the gladiators, who were already suffering from withdrawal symptoms and experiencing severe pain, with unidentified spines.

“Alright then-“

Raciel placed Kozumi on the table. He rolled up the sleeve of his left arm and asked Kozumi in an affectionate manner.

“Can you give me one each of your white, brown, and black spines?”


Kozumi energetically leaped onto all four legs on the table. It raised its round bottom high and began shaking its entire body.


And then…

Pop! Poot! Pop!

Three spines were launched.

However, the firing range(?) was only about 10 centimeters.

Tock, tock.

Raciel chuckled as he saw the white, brown, and black spines that had fallen onto the table.

“So, this is the spine-launching skill.”

A launch range of 10 centimeters.

He examined Kozumi’s back, where he could see new spines already starting to grow in the spots where the previous ones had been launched.

“Truly, it’s infinite spine generation.”

That’s a relief.

In that case, it seemed there would be no problem for Kozumi even if he used dozens, even hundreds of spines. Feeling reassured, Raciel looked at the spines lying on the table.

“First, the white one, the mild flavor.”

He picked it up.

He aimed at his left forearm, whose sleeve was rolled up. The spot he targeted was the middle of the outer forearm, a space between the ulna and radius, corresponding to the boundary of the two muscle shafts in the lower forearm.

The Sidu (四瀆穴) was located there.

Indeed, it was a pressure point on the Triple Burner Meridian (手少陽三焦經) that encompassed the nerves of the face, shoulder, and the outside of the arm.

“Should I try?”

What if the stimulation was too strong?

Immediate nerve stimulation would be felt around the eyes, cheeks, behind the ears, molars, and nape of the neck. Raciel took a deep breath and brought the white spine to the Sidu pressure point.

He pricked it.


He inserted it a little deeper than usual, at 0.8 chi, in time with the breath he took.

‘…I pricked it, but I don’t feel anything?’

It was true.

There was no sensation, no stimulation at all. Despite the spine being considerably thicker than a needle, that was the case. He tried twisting the spine gently just in case. Again, there was no stimulation. He even tapped the tip of the spine that remained in him.

Still, no pain!


This is it.

The sensation that the gladiators would experience would be incredibly minimal. Raciel was overcome with joy and almost shed tears.

‘Now, what about the brown spine? It’s supposed to be spicy, so it might cause some prickling sensations?’

He removed the white spine and picked up the brown one. He aimed for the Sidu point in the same manner. However, since it might cause discomfort, he pricked a little shallower, at 0.5 chi.

He pricked it.



Indeed, it was quite sharp.

He quickly withdrew the spine.


His gaze now fell upon the black spine.

What on earth could this ‘K-flavor’ be?

He was curious, but also a bit anxious.

“Let’s test it on someone else later.”

He rejected the idea of embarking on an adventure that could cause trouble due to unnecessary anxiety.

He pledged to test it on a despicable individual when he encountered one in the future. Then, he looked at Kozumi with a satisfied expression. The white spine, which had proven to be almost non-stimulating, was now being supplied to him infinitely.

That was enough.

“So, Kozumi?”


“Shall we embark on a grand journey?”


Kozumi blinked its black eyes and tilted its head, resembling more of a good luck charm. At the same time, Raciel felt assured. He could proceed with his plans.

Now, he could do it.

♣ ♣ ♣ ♣ ♣ ♣

Morning arrived.

“Excuse me, Your Highness? What on earth… is that?”

Gardin asked, feeling nervous, after finishing breakfast and changing clothes, observing the scene before him.

“That… thing you’ve been carrying around since earlier… a hedgehog.”

“Oh, Kozumi?”


“Kozumi, say hello. This is Gardin.”


Raciel proudly showed off Kozumi.

Kozumi happily raised its paw.

Gardin was stunned.

“But, just last night there was no such hedgehog…”

“That’s right. But now there is.”


“I was about to go to sleep when I heard rustling from the window. I was curious, so I checked. And there he was, hanging outside the window.”

“In the bedroom… outside the window?”

“Yes. I don’t know how he managed to climb up there, but he must have gotten lost from the garden.”

“Is that even possible?”

“Don’t you believe me?”

“Well, to be honest…”

“If you don’t believe it, ask him directly to confirm.”



Gardin fell silent. He had never seen a hedgehog respond in such a way, a hedgehog that seemed to understand human speech.

‘What is this? Could it be a Phantom Beast?’

Suddenly, Gardin recalled the records of Phantom Beasts that were mentioned in the empire’s history. Phantom Beasts, mysterious creatures that were said to exist beyond reality. Occasionally, they would reveal themselves to the world. According to legends, they would choose humans and serve them faithfully for life.

Like the giant hamster that aided the genius architect Lloyd Frontera in the distant past, or the bubble snake that caused volcanic eruptions. Or the kangaroo of the legendary commander Charlotte, who developed the kingdom of Magentano into an empire. The hedgehog before him also seemed like a Phantom Beast.

‘But how? Did His Highness acquire a Phantom Beast?’

He couldn’t comprehend it.

It was truly puzzling. The Crown Prince had seemingly obtained a Phantom Beast overnight without any prior indications. And yet, the Crown Prince remained calm and acted as if it were normal. The Crown Prince had changed so much from before.

‘Is there something else I don’t know?’

Gardin discreetly hid his perplexed expression. Meanwhile, Raciel had gathered the gladiators in the infirmary.

“You must all be suffering from withdrawal symptoms. I understand the pain you’re going through. Today, we will attempt to alleviate those symptoms. Everyone, please sit on the beds and extend your legs.”

The gladiators complied.

Some stumbled. Some endured their sickness. Others managed to lie down or sit on the beds with Demian’s assistance.


Raciel took a deep breath and approached the first gladiator. It was Sergio, who had experienced a seizure the previous day while receiving acupuncture and nearly strangled Raciel. As soon as Sergio saw Raciel, he started trembling.

“Yesterday… I committed a grave sin, Your Highness.”

“Did you? Do you remember what happened yesterday?”

“Just… a little…”

“Don’t worry. It was because you were in pain. Let’s focus on the treatment now.”

Raciel retrieved the white spines he had prepared in advance the previous night. Sergio’s gaze dimmed upon seeing them.

“It seems… thicker than the needle yesterday…”

“You won’t die. If it hurts again, you can strangle me.”


Raciel held up the spine.

He aimed for the exact spot where he had punctured the day before. Swiftly, he inserted the needle 0.1 chi deep into the Yutai point.


A white spine found its place at the root of Sergio’s second toe. Raciel closely observed Sergio’s expression.


There was no reaction.

“You see? It doesn’t hurt?”


“I’ve pricked you, and you’re fine, aren’t you?”

“Did you… already prick me?”

“It seems you didn’t feel it. Good. Just keep relaxing.”

…Just as expected.

Raciel clenched his fist inwardly. He proceeded to puncture the points along the Jokyangmyeong-gyeong meridian swiftly.

Thud! Thud-Thud!

He targeted the Neiting (內庭穴), Xiangu (陷谷穴), Chongyang (衝陽穴), and Haegye (解谿穴) on the toes and instep.

Thud-Thud-Thud! Thud!

He moved to the Pungnyong (豊隆穴), Hageoheo (下巨虛穴), Jogu (條口穴), and Sanggeoheo (上巨虛穴) points on the calf. Finally, he punctured the top of the anterior tibialis muscle.


The Zusanli (足三里) point was reached.

From Yutai to Zusanli. These were the points where individuals with neuropathy, neurosis, and stomach neuralgia often experienced hardened lumps.

The gladiators were no exception. Therefore, Raciel focused on treating these points. Then, he waited for a while.


Sergio’s breathing became noticeably more relaxed.

His complexion also improved.

‘Good. It’s working.’

Raciel felt even more confident.

He proceeded to provide the same acupuncture treatment to the rest of the gladiators. As expected, everyone showed similar effects to Sergio. Their breathing became easier, their overly sensitive nerves relaxed, and the stomachaches and indigestion caused by neuropathy significantly subsided.

And that’s when it began.

For three days, Raciel repeated the same procedure. Each time, the gladiators’ withdrawal symptoms noticeably eased. They walked more comfortably, ate without burden, and their depleted vitality gradually recovered. Alongside their recovery, Raciel resumed the moxibustion treatment.

One day, two days, five days, ten days.

The clinic was filled with the scent of burning moxa sticks. In that time, the tattoos on the gladiators’ backs vanished. The curse that had been linked to the tattoos also faded away.

Finally, on the fifteenth day, as Raciel removed the last moxibustion stick from the gladiator’s back.

Ding Dong!

[You have successfully eliminated the chronic pain of 13 gladiators, including Demian Cayenne, through the appropriate use of acupuncture and moxibustion. The gladiators have been freed from their prolonged suffering and have escaped the risk of premature death due to the curse of the tattoos.]

[The Medical Billing (Lv. 1) skill has been activated.]

…The time for Raciel to charge for group treatment, which he had been eagerly waiting for, had arrived.

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