Crown Prince Sells Medicine

Chapter 32

It was painful.

Demian kept his eyes closed, feeling the burning mugwort rub against his back. Surprisingly, he found himself laughing. How could he not feel the pain when his back was being treated this way?

Yet, it was a strange sensation. This pain was not unwelcome. It felt different from anything he had ever experienced before.

Pain had been a constant part of his life. In his youth, he suffered from poverty. As he grew older, he endured the agony of loneliness. And as he gained a better understanding of the world, he faced the torment inflicted by others.

To escape from pain, he took up a sword and inflicted pain on others. During those moments, he could temporarily forget his own pain. No, he believed he had forgotten it.

But he hadn’t.

The pain, which he had mistaken for being postponed, always returned multiplied. Just like the indelible brand engraved on his back, the pain he had pushed aside came back every night, as if he were paying the price for residing in an illusion. It was a day when his soul was gnawed away.

Then, he met him.

Raciel Adria Magentano.

Demian didn’t know why the prince had sought him out. He couldn’t fathom why he had readily extended his hand to him.

The same thoughts crossed his mind at this moment.

‘To heal myself I’m testing the treatment method on you.’

When Demian had questioned why he was doing this, the answer the prince had given resurfaced in his mind.

He had definitely said it. It wasn’t for them; it was for himself. There was no such thing as free in this world. So, they shouldn’t feel burdened. The prince even told them not to thank him.

‘But Your Highness, you…’

Despite saying all that, he never once cared for himself. It had become evident over the past two weeks. The prince never paid attention to his own well-being.

All his focus was directed towards Demian and the other gladiators. He would check if their withdrawal symptoms worsened, if they slept well, if the moxa marks deteriorated, or if any signs of illness appeared. From dawn till bedtime, he would visit multiple times a day, meticulously checking on each one of them. And after confirming that everyone was fine, he would wear a satisfied smile.

A smile because his experiment was successful?


‘It was a smile of pure joy.’ 

Pure satisfaction and happiness.

It was akin to a farmer surveying their golden fields or a caregiver witnessing the recovery of a patient under their care. That kind of smile.

Demian wanted to ask the prince what pleased him so much about them.

But he couldn’t.

That smile, brimming with happiness. That laughter, savoring a great sense of accomplishment. Pure joy, despite no personal gain. Just by observing the prince in that state, Demian experienced an unfamiliar emotion.

♣ ♣ ♣ ♣ ♣ ♣

At the same time, Raciel himself was also engulfed by a peculiar feeling.

‘…It’s here!’

Could this be the satisfaction of a farmer gazing at golden fields swaying with the promise of a bountiful harvest? Or perhaps the sensation of witnessing stocks that were bought without any expectations now skyrocketing, piercing through the ceiling, and reaching the pinnacle of success in the universe?

He looked up, brimming with happiness and a sense of accomplishment. His gaze landed on the messages that conveyed the joy of a successful harvest.

Ding dong!

[You have successfully alleviated the chronic pain of Gladiator Demian Cayenne and 13 others through acupuncture and moxibustion. The gladiators are now free from the torment of their long-standing suffering and are no longer at risk of premature death due to the branded curse.]

[The ‘Medical Billing (Lv. 1)’ skill has been activated.]

‘This is it!’

His fist instinctively clenched as the messages continued to pour in, fueling his anticipation.

[Patient: Demian Cayenne has gained an extended lifespan of 71 years and 9 months through your treatment. You will be rewarded with a bonus lifespan equivalent to 1/2000 of 71 years and 9 months.]

But the messages didn’t stop there.

In fact, they were just beginning.

[Patient: Sergio has gained an extended lifespan of 27 years and 1 month through your treatment. Therefore, you…]

[Patient: Montero has gained an extended lifespan of 23 years and 4 months through your treatment…]

[Patient: Pedro has gained…]

[Patient: Julian…]

Ding dong! Ding dong! Ding ding dong dong!

The messages kept flooding in, and the calculation of bonus lifespan went into a frenzy.

The result was…

[A total of 79.875 days of bonus lifespan have been calculated from Demian Cayenne and 13 others.]

[The smallest unit of calculated lifespan is 1 day.]

[The calculated bonus lifespan is rounded.]

[A total of 80 days of bonus lifespan have been calculated.]

[Your projected lifespan: 171 days.]


This is insane.

Truly insane.

‘Phew. The results are impressive.’

His lifespan had increased by almost three months in one go. And there was an unexpected reward as well.

Ding dong!

[You have treated a certain number of patients and received a substantial amount of expected bonus lifespan.]

[Based on this experience, the ‘Medical Billing’ skill has improved.]

[The level of the ‘Medical Billing’ skill has increased.]

[Skill name: Medical Billing Lv.2]

[Automatically activated upon successful completion of a patient’s treatment. You can extend your lifespan by receiving a certain percentage of the increased lifespan achieved through your treatment. This settlement ratio increases with each level of the skill. (The settled lifespan is separate from the patient’s expected lifespan and is a bonus settlement.)]

[Current settlement ratio = 1950:1]

‘Great. Truly great.’

Raciel’s fist clenched once again.

He had received a generous bonus lifespan, and his ‘Medical Billing’ skill had levelled up. From now on, he could get lifespan at a ratio of 1/1950.

So, what now?

‘I’m done with the gladiators.’

Raciel surveyed the gladiators around him. He had lifted the curse of the branded mark, eliminating the threat of sudden death. He had even resolved their withdrawal symptoms. He had obtained everything he could from them. That was his conclusion.

‘Of course. How am I supposed to utilize these individuals? They may be skilled with swords, but I know nothing about who they truly are.’

He reflected on the contents of the Devil Sword Emperor novel. However, the gladiators didn’t play a significant role in it. If they did appear, it was only for a fleeting moment, mere extras whose names weren’t even mentioned.

Naturally, there was no description of their characters, personalities, or motivations in the novel. They were unknown entities, and Raciel couldn’t blindly trust them.

‘Of course, it would be nice to have these skilled fighters as my guards.’

But that was impossible.

It was absurd to entrust his life to individuals whose backgrounds were a mystery.

‘At least they have regained their health, and I have gained bonus lifespan. It would be ideal if we could both benefit up to this point and part ways. Except for Demian, of course.’

He couldn’t let go of Demian, unlike the others.

Demian was a swordsman with unparalleled potential. A man destined to rise to the highest ranks of the era. His talent could be compared to the legendary Javier Asrahan, known as the grand master in history. Demian was an extraordinary figure, combining the qualities of Guan Yu, Zhang Fei, and Zhuge Liang from the Romance of the Three Kingdoms.

‘I can’t let this guy slip away!’

He had to keep Demian by his side. Even if it meant allowing him to idle around, he couldn’t send him elsewhere. With this determination, Raciel steeled his mind. He called Demian to the garden for a private conversation. Casually, he asked,

“How do you feel after receiving all the moxibustion?”

“The areas where I received the moxibustion… still sting a bit.”

“But you’re accustomed to it now, aren’t you?”


“That’s good. It’s also a pity. Because you won’t need to receive moxibustion anymore.”


“The moxibustion is over. You no longer require it. You’re cured, the treatment has proven effective, and the experiment is concluded.”

“Are you serious?”

“Yes. Even though you were receiving moxibustion, you would still experience some neuralgia around midnight. You would wake up from sleep due to the pain, right?”


“But that’s over now too. It won’t hurt anymore. Congratulations.”

Demian stared at him with a peculiar gaze.

Was he about to express his gratitude?

Raciel swiftly took action before that could happen.

“Wait. Before you say thank you, listen to my proposal.”


“I’ll be direct. Your swordsmanship has captivated me. I don’t want to send you away just like that. I don’t want your talent to go to waste. So, I want to entrust you as my personal escort.”

He presented a straightforward offer, without any tricks or gimmicks. He believed this approach was the best.

In truth, there were many ways to win over Demian. Demian was on the verge of reaching the advanced level of a Sword Expert, and with that, he would soon experience Sword Master Syndrome.

A stage where all senses become overly sensitive, a stage where he would struggle to control his senses, leading to a torturous bout of insomnia.

Raciel could have proposed to help him overcome it, to treat his insomnia. He could have made a tempting offer. Honestly, that proposal might have been more effective. No, it definitely would have been.

‘Demian knows his own level well. He knows that he will soon reach the advanced level of a Sword Expert and experience Sword Master Syndrome.’

So, if he proposed a treatment for insomnia?

Most likely, Demian would choose the beneficial option. But… he didn’t make that proposal. The reason was simple.

‘If I appeal to his needs and ask him to stay, he will leave when he no longer needs me.’

In the worst-case scenario?

After overcoming Sword Master Syndrome, Demian might leave because he no longer requires treatment. That’s how people are. A relationship should not be based solely on needs. Otherwise, it will always be dependent on those needs.

“I’m not asking you to stay out of gratitude, friendship, loyalty, or any other creepy reasons. Let’s start with a practical give-and-take arrangement. I will compensate you well. Consider it a special position as my personal guard, separate from the royal guards. You will receive a higher salary and allowances compared to the royal guards, along with benefits like monthly and annual leave, and a generous pension plan.”


“Of course, I will provide you with an employment contract.”


“If you marry while employed, you will not only receive a house but also a birth bonus for each child. Oh, and I’ll guarantee parental leave as well.”


“And you will have the freedom to retire whenever you wish.”


“Well, those are the conditions. Take your time to think about it. See you.”

Raciel left Demian in silence and walked away first, giving him time to contemplate. Then he waited.

He hoped for a positive response from Demian. He hoped that the protagonist of the novel would choose to stay by his side. He hoped they could forge a relationship of equals.

After leaving so nonchalantly,

Raciel spent an anxious time alone. He tossed and turned throughout the night, unable to sleep.

And the next morning,

He was faced with an unexpected situation.

“Crown Prince! We want to protect you too!”

“Your Highness! I can protect you even better!”

“Your Highness! Please consider us as well!”

“You said we would receive better pay than the royal guards!”

“Are you going to exclude us from the generous welfare and pension benefits?”

“We can’t overlook the housing support, birth bonuses, and parental leave!”

“Please take care of us too!”

…In other words, the other gladiators, who had heard about the employment conditions through Demian, were rushing in, bombarding Raciel with pledges of loyalty.

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