Cultivation of Immortals Begins with Drilling Wood To Make Fire

Chapter 11

Chapter 11 – 【Guest Coming Down From The Cliff】

Chapter 11 [Guest coming down from the cliff]

After checking, he saw that the grate was completely dry, so Fang Chang dug a hole with gaps in the ground and put the grate on it. This is the ash chamber of the furnace, which can also be used to ventilate and increase the fire.

Then he goes to the side, using normal dirt and mud.

Put the reconciled mud around the edge of the furnace, build it up in a circle, and the body of the furnace gradually rises.

Fang Chang also brought firewood and firewood to make a fire bow, lit a fire in the furnace to speed up the drying of the furnace, and at the same time continued to add mud to the blast furnace body. It’s just that during this process, the stove is easy to crack after drying. What needs to be done is to keep filling it with mud to cover the cracks.

Pick up several dried bowls and jars, carefully put them into the kiln, fill them with firewood, and then ignite them.

While burning, add firewood carefully.

Dinner is settled next to the stove. The roasted chestnuts come off after peeling lightly. The color is golden, fragrant and soft. Eating chestnuts and peeling pine nuts, Fang Chang continued to take care of the kiln.

Until midnight.

Then he found that all the kiln vessels were broken.

No more burning, go back to sleep.

In the early morning, Fang Chang got up from the bed board on time. The bamboo bed board was much more comfortable than the previous firewood stack. Before the sun rose, he picked some tea leaves, then sat cross-legged on the big rock by the cliff, and began to practice breathing.

Two white mist sprayed out from the nostrils, like two little dragons. Unfortunately, Fang Chang couldn’t see this scene with his eyes closed, and the white-haired monkey didn’t come back.

He did not stand up until the sun completely jumped out of the horizon. As he installed the dojo here and practiced every day, the aura on the fairy cliff had a slight indescribable change.

Going to the kiln to check it, Fang Chang brought out the burnt vessel and put it aside for observation.

After thinking about it for a while, it should be that these pieces of pottery blanks were not completely dry, and they were put into the fire to be calcined by themselves, so they cracked.

Broken vessels will not go to waste.

Fang Chang walked to the stream, found two pebbles and came back. After a day of scouring, the stream water has become clearer, but there is still a little turbidity.

He came to his stone table, gently smashed the broken pottery shards with pebbles, ground them into powder, and carefully collected the pottery powder.

These can be mixed into the next wave of pottery, which is very helpful to the success rate. After mixing the clay with water and adding pottery powder, Fang Chang remade several cooking utensils, and continued to place them in a ventilated place to dry.

Nothing happened today.

After thinking about it, Fang Chang moved the bed board outside the house, laid it flat on the woodpile, and then lay down on it. Under the sky, on the cliff, he watched the clouds roll and the clouds calm down for a day.

Leisurely and free.

Lying quietly on the bamboo bed outside and doing nothing, Fang Chang felt that his cultivation had improved.

But he doesn’t care about these, practice is just practice, if you are too obsessed with this, it will violate the original intention of Taoism and nature.

The monkey did not appear until the next morning.

Seeing the monkey coming, Fang Chang stood up from the bed and smiled, “Fixed?”

At this time, the monkey could already speak human words, and its behavior became more similar to human beings. When it saw Fang Chang, it bowed and bowed: “Thank you, the god, for helping me get through this barrier!”

Fang Chang received the gift, and then said to the monkey:

“Everything is a predestination. It is your own opportunity to refine the bones in your mouth. I just pushed it at the right time. I hope you will not forget your heart in the future, and don’t do evil things.”

The monkey monster salutes again.

Fang Chang glanced at the location of the upper cliff next to him, frowned, and said to the monkey: “Next, how are you going to take the following cultivation path?”

“It is precisely for this reason that I came to ask the immortals for advice.”

Seeing that the monkey became respectful and no longer the same as before, Fang Chang thought for a while and said, “My surname is Fang and my name is Chang. You can call me Mr. Fang from now on.”

“We don’t have the fate of master and apprentice, so we can’t accept you as a disciple. As for your future practice path, if you don’t have a good idea, I have a suggestion.”

“Go down the mountain, go to the world, first find clothes, then learn from people’s etiquette, learn from people’s words, work to earn food and clothing, eat at night and stay at night, visit the Great Wall, visit small counties, watch the world, see how the world is mediocre for fame and fortune In a lifetime, no one is willing to turn back.”

“There are mysteries in it, if you understand it with your heart, you may return to the basics and achieve the great way.”

This is also a common choice for demons, but because of the breed, it will be sooner or later.

Tigers, leopards, deer, wolves, pythons and the like are huge and ferocious, and most of them will choose to change their forms later, otherwise they will be easily beaten to death. But cattle, sheep, cats, dogs, rabbits and foxes are small in size, or there are similar ones in the world, it will be earlier. The shape of apes is similar to that of humans, and it is very difficult to distinguish them after wearing clothes and hats, which can be regarded as unique.

The monkey knocked on the ground and said happily:

“I heard that it is better to hit the sun than to choose the day. Since Mr. Fang has shown the way, I will bid farewell and go down the mountain today, and roll into the world of mortals.”

“Since you’re going down the mountain, it’s not good if you don’t have a name. In this case, I’ll give you a name.” Without waiting for the monkey’s consent, he said to himself, “According to the old rules, your surname is Sun. Since you were born in Yunzhong Mountain, why don’t you give me a name?” Call Sun Yun.”

After listening to Fang Chang’s words, the monkey was overjoyed, and began to scratch his head again: “Hello, Sun Yun! Hello, Sun Yun! Now I have a name too!”

Fang Chang glanced at the location of the upper cliff next to him, and said to the monkeys: “Someone is coming, since you are willing to go down the mountain, then go and say goodbye to your monkey group, and then go down the mountain.”

The monkey kowtowed again, then turned and left.

Fang Chang stared at the location of the upper cliff next to him, when there was a sudden movement there.

The grass on the hillside was pushed away, and woodcutter Lin Hai hurried up from there. This was the first time a mountain dweller set foot on Xianqi Cliff. He stood with both feet and looked around the flat ground. When he found Fang Chang, he ran over quickly. .

Fang Chang stood up, with one hand behind his back, waiting for Lin Hai to come over.

Today is doomed to be eventful.

Lin Hai rushed over, not daring to get too close, and kowtowed to Fang Chang from a distance: “I beg Fang Chang to help!”

Holding him up with his fingers, Fang Chang asked: “What happened in your Linxi Village? I’m here to see the village down the mountain, and it seems to be in decline.”

Hearing that Fang Xianchang already knew that there was a disaster in Linxi Village, Lin Hai found that his tears were streaming down, he raised his forehead with his hands and bowed and said: “I shouldn’t bother you, but the village is about to have no food and clothing. Pity, it happened recently…”

Linxi Village is the only village in the middle of the mountain among the many villages at the foot of Yunzhong Mountain.

There are twenty or thirty families here.

The mountain village is backed by the rich Yunzhong Mountain, and operates several terraced fields at the foot of the mountain. It just happens that the world is peaceful, and the life of the mountain people can be regarded as a peaceful and happy life.

Emotions, anger, sorrow, and joy are commonplace in the world.

The only major event in the past two years was that Shen A Niu in the village was seriously ill. The villagers pooled together money, food and cloth, and found the only doctor in ten miles and eight towns for him.

As for not being able to get medicine, it is normal. People in all towns and villages are used to it. The villagers are doing their best to obey the destiny.

If Shen A Niu is unlucky, it is just that his luck is not good. Everyone has already weaved straw mats and prepared members.

(end of this chapter)

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