Cultivation of Immortals Begins with Drilling Wood To Make Fire

Chapter 12

Chapter 12 – 【Cut Off Water Source】

Chapter 12【Cut off water source】

Most people in the mountain village are not very optimistic about Shen Aniu’s continued survival. There is only one person who is still looking for a way out.

“Paoshan” is a rural slang term, which means to go to the mountains to seek life.

When Lin Hai is not farming, he always goes in with an axe, chops some firewood, and sells it in the town down the mountain.

The mountain village is remote and closed, and foreign exchanges mainly rely on pedestrians passing by on the official road not far away, who occasionally come to stay overnight, or the two shopkeepers who go from village to town.

Because of the places he has traveled and the people he has met, in the eyes of the villagers, Lin Hai has always been a very “knowledgeable” person.

He has never been reconciled to the illness of his friend Shen Aniu.

Knowing that medicinal materials are difficult to find, Lin Hai asked the doctor about the appearance and habits of various medicinal materials. After learning that there are all kinds of medicinal materials in Yunzhong Mountain, even the fields are a bit deserted, and he goes up the mountain to search all day long.

Everyone is still not optimistic about this behavior.

“The medicinal materials are so easy to find, besides, can A Niu survive until he finds the medicine, alas…” Whenever this matter is mentioned, the villagers always shake their heads and sigh.

Only Lin Hai spends his days tirelessly entering the mountains to search for it.

That day, in the eyes of the people working and chatting at the entrance of the village, Lin Hai almost came back floating.

“What’s the matter, Haizi, did you get rich? Or did you find a wife?” An elder with a flamboyant personality next to him asked with a smile:

“There is medicine! Ah Niu is saved!”

Lin Hai’s words caused everyone to be restless: “Have you found everything?”

“I don’t have time to go into details, I’ll send the medicine to Dr. Zhang first, and I’ll share it with you when I get back.” After he finished speaking, he led the yellow dog and walked down the mountain.

The place where Dr. Zhang practices medicine is quite far away. You need to go to the official road and pass through the small town at the foot of the mountain along the official road to get to Dr. Zhang in Lijia Village.

The doctor finished processing the medicinal materials, and asked Lin Hai to boil a few pieces for Shen A Niu. After A Niu started taking the medicine, his condition improved greatly, and it was only a matter of time before he cooperated with Jiang Yang to recover.

The extra medicinal materials were left to the doctor, which pleased Doctor Zhang who was always short of medicine.

And the process of Lin Hai obtaining medicinal materials gradually began to spread.

This lucky kid got a gift from a fairy!

At the same time, the saying that there are real immortals on the fairy cliff gradually began to become a rumor and a story in the mouth of the villagers.

As for the immortals themselves, the simple mountain people don’t care much. Everyone’s thoughts are as simple as the life in the mountain village: immortals are immortals, and it is a good thing to have immortals.

Lin Hai would often come to Shen Aniu’s house to take care of him. Seeing his friend’s complexion getting better day by day, he was really happy from the bottom of his heart, and at the same time, he was even more grateful to that “Fang Immortal”.

While Shen Aniu’s condition is getting better, the villagers who are relieved by this often come to visit.

One day, when Lin Hai was taking care of A Niu’s house, the little doll next door, Lin Ergou, came in:

“Brother A Niu, my mother asked me to bring you two eggs.”

Ergou’s name was obviously given by his family. Although it is not as nice as Lin Hai’s name, it is very practical, because it can be easily heard from it—he also has an older brother, Lin Gouzi.

A Niu was embarrassed to refuse on the couch, but Lin Hai stepped forward and took it directly: “Go back and thank my aunt on behalf of A Niu… Hey Er Gouzi, why are you leaving in such a hurry, are you in a hurry to go down the mountain to play?”

“No, Brother Haizi.” Lin Ergou stopped, “I guess you don’t know yet, something happened to Xiaoxi.”

“Huh? What’s wrong.”

“The flow is cut off.”

Hearing this, Lin Hai hurriedly put the eggs away properly, talked to A Niu, and took Er Gouzi to the stream outside the village.

The word Xi in Linxi Village comes from this stream.

The person who named Lin Hai in the village was a “learned person” in the eyes of the villagers. He once suspected that the real name of the village was “Linxi Village”, but when the ancestors registered in the county, they might have made a typo. , but this has long been untestable, which made that person always regret it.

Walking to the stream, Lin Hai saw that the stream had dried up, exposing patches of pebbles. Under the sunlight, the pebbles that had been soaked in water all year round gradually began to turn white.

“how so?”

Lin Hai asked Ergou next to him, and learned that the incident happened suddenly.

The people washing by the stream first realized something was wrong. The water level of the stream dropped, and then it became smelly, so they quickly took out their clothes.

Amazed and uncertain, the stream stopped flowing before everyone’s eyes.

For Linxi Village, this is bad news.

The stream outside the mountain village is the source of water for everyone’s daily life. They all point to it for cooking, drinking, washing, washing, and feeding livestock. But the most deadly thing is that the terraced fields at the foot of the mountain are also irrigated by this water.

People and animals have no water to use, and they can still walk several miles to the mountains and rivers to carry it. If there is no water in the fields, the seedlings will die and the harvest will not be a big disaster.

Worried about this phenomenon, the villagers spontaneously organized a few people to go upstream along the valley.

Go to the source above, but find that the spring water has dried up to the bottom, and there is no dripping water from the outlet, leaving a stone cave, which looks unfathomable. Facing this scene, the villagers are frowning.

The news brought back by several explorers made the village miserable.

When Lin Hai came here with Er Gou, most of the people in the village happened to gather here to discuss, and even everyone began to seriously consider whether to move or flee famine in the face of such a natural disaster.

With a heavy heart, he put down Ergou and returned to Shen A Niu’s residence.

Tell this matter to Ah Niu, Ah Niu also becomes silent, and the two are relatively speechless.

“I don’t want to, I’ll boil the medicine first. Doctor Zhang said before that after drinking the last medicine, you can go to the ground after a day of rest. The water in the tank is still full, there will always be a way.” Lin Hai sighed No matter what, life has to go on.

Shen A Niu who was behind suddenly called Lin Hai:

“Haizi, you got this medicine from a fairy. Tell me, the fairy…will there be a way?”

Hearing what his friend said, Lin Hai continued to remain silent. He started the stove, carefully took out the medicinal materials from the paper bag, put them into jars, and added water to boil.

The water in the jar is tumbling, and the dense mist carries the fragrance of medicine, permeating the small courtyard.

The fire light reflected on Lin Hai’s face.

Gritting his teeth, he made up his mind.

In the past, Shen Aniu could ask Immortal Fang for the life and death of Shen Aniu, but now it is the life and death of the whole village, so why not fight it out!

Walking to the bed with the medicine in hand, Lin Hai said to Shen A Niu: “I’ll go and ask the elder fairy. If the prayer fails, everyone can only move out or flee from famine.”

Shen Aniu heard the words, suddenly got up from the collapsed bed, and looked at Lin Hai. After a few breaths, Ah Niu realized that his appearance would not be of much help, so he sighed and lay down again, and said to his friend:

“be safe…”

When he climbed up the Xianqi Cliff from the side, Lin Hai was full of apprehension. He didn’t know whether he would offend Fang Xianchang if he came here rashly.

Seeing Fang Xianchang standing up and smiling towards this side, as if waiting for him to pass, Lin Hai felt relieved, and then he was overjoyed.

So he ran over quickly, not even noticing that the yellow dog that came up with him was riding down the mountain on a Mercedes-Benz by the monkey monster he had seen before.

After listening to Lin Hai’s story, Fang Chang helped him up and stood up straight, saying, “Follow me.” Then he glanced at the pottery blanks drying, and walked down the mountain with the woodcutter behind him.

Regarding the update: The old book is finished on Sunday, and then it will be accelerated here, I hope everyone will bear with me…

In addition, thank you for losing half of it, hello O_o world, Guiguiguiguiguizhi for the reward…

(end of this chapter)

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