Cultivation of Immortals Begins with Drilling Wood To Make Fire

Chapter 37

Chapter 37 – 【Magistrate Shengtang】

Chapter 37 [Magistrate’s promotion to the hall]

As an old official in the county, Qian Wenrui has lived a happy life these years.

As the saying goes, “Officials have no feudalism, but officials have feudalism.”

Many of these officials are family heirlooms and can be succeeded from generation to generation. They can control most of the local resources, and the officials also rely on these officials to do things.

Fortunately, officials hold the ultimate power in their hands and can form checks and balances with them.

This also makes these officials choose to deceive as much as possible.

With a lot of income, this old official Qian Wenrui has very high requirements on the quality of life, and the clothes and food can be described.

Qian Wenrui’s favorite thing is to lie on the couch in a satin nightgown and eat all kinds of preserved meat with the new tea from Mingqian. This is a unique hobby.

The maid next to him holds a white porcelain pot and keeps adding tea for him.

In the smog, Qian Wenrui remembered what happened during the day when he was dealing with official duties, and thought to himself: “Tomorrow, I will definitely let those two traveling businessmen from other places pay a little more money.”

Thinking about these chores, he gradually became a little drowsy, and then his eyelids couldn’t hold up, so he fell asleep on the couch.

The maids at the side hurriedly put down the teapot, etc., and came over to cover Qian Wenrui with a quilt, adjusted his sleeping position, and removed the tea bowl and dried meat. They were very familiar with their actions, because Mr. Qian fell asleep in this posture, but normal.

In a daze, Qian Wenrui felt himself flying lightly.


His consciousness is still clear, but he can’t wake up, and he can’t control himself in the dream.

Then, Qian Wenrui felt that he had passed through the roof, came to the top of the house, and landed lightly on the street.

During this process, the surrounding environment was vaguely visible. He could see the maids who were going away to prepare for a shift change, he could see the servants gathered in the courtyard chatting, and he could see the busy residents outside the courtyard.

Is it a dream? is true?

Two gongs sounded.

The sound seemed to explode in his ears, Qian Wenrui heard it clearly, but the people who were still active on the road were not affected at all.

Then a group of people came, holding axes, axes, spears, halberds, and marching under banners. Those who looked like clerks spread out the scrolls in their hands and nodded to the side, and then several green-faced and long-toothed guards stepped forward and took Qian Wenrui without saying a word. , put a chain around his neck and drag him away.

“Who are you, in broad daylight—”


With the sound of a whip, Qian Wenrui felt a burning pain in his back, and immediately shut up, daring not to speak, and obediently followed.

Turned a few streets and alleys, and came to a familiar place.

City God Temple?

Before the old official Qian Wenrui could think too much, the guard behind him stretched out his hand and pushed him. He stumbled and fell into the door, and then he was picked up and thrown into the lobby.

Hearing a gavel sound, Qian Wenrui immediately looked up to check, but saw a middle-aged man in a winged hat and brocade clothes, sitting behind the tall table, not angry and pretentious, shouting to himself:

“Who is under the hall!”

The sound shocked him, and he immediately lowered his head, and vaguely saw a plaque hanging on the hall, looking upright.

After thinking about it for a while, I feel that the people sitting in this hall are very similar to the statues of the City God that I saw when planning the Fucheng sacrifices over the years.

Was this captured by the City God?

I am dead?

He was inexplicably surprised.

Before he could think about it carefully, the person who looked like a clerk flashed over from the arresting team just next to him, and he came forward with a book and said: “Master Chenghuang, this is Qian Wenrui, the clerk of the government office in the city. We will learn about his wandering spirit.” Wandering in the street, I gathered all my hands to catch him here, and wait for the Lord Chenghuang to judge him.”

When Qian Wenrui heard this, he was terrified and speechless.

But I heard the City God ask in the hall: “How is this person’s conduct on weekdays? Does he have any good deeds?”

The clerk replied: “Evil is full of evil.”

In the hall, Qian Wenrui was terrified, trembling on the ground, wanting to ask for forgiveness but feeling unable to open his mouth.

The clerk next to him opened the book and recited the crimes committed by Qian Wenrui one by one. After hearing this, Qian Wenrui trembled even more when he saw that his usual actions were all on it.

Finally, I listened to the document praying: “Such a wicked person, according to the rules, will be reborn as a larvae and a carnivore, and he will not be born for a million years.”

The City God in the hall heard this, and said sternly: “Although what this person has done in this life, he has his own retribution and reincarnation to determine his responsibility, but he committed the crime in this house, and he was born and raised locally, so he should have the right to punish him. Sentence him a thousand years.” Staff, cut off fifty rounds!”

Seeing that the situation is not good, Qian Wenrui finally overcomes the fear in his body and begs for mercy:

“Master Chenghuang, spare me!”

“You have committed a lot of evil, and you should not be spared. Let’s move on.”


The two squads on the left and right held up big sticks and long knives, and they were about to drag Qian Wenrui down to execute the sentence. Suddenly, a squad officer said: “This person is getting heavier and heavier, he must not be a dead wandering soul.”

“Oh? Quickly check this person’s longevity.”

The document took out another volume from his bosom, flipped through it and said, “Qian Wenrui, a resident of Fucheng, if there is no accident, will live to be fifty-four years old, and he will have three years to live… In this way, he should be a soul wanderer, and his life span is not yet Exhausted.”

City God nodded: “Oh, then put it back first, lock it up within three years, and send it to reincarnation after execution!”

After finishing speaking, he waved his hands and asked everyone in the hall to send him back to the original place.

After being thrown back to the street outside the wall of his courtyard, Qian Wenrui felt in a daze and knew he was about to wake up, so he struggled desperately. Then I felt my body fly up again, pass through the room and enter the room, and return to the couch in an instant.

Qian Wenrui suddenly opened his eyes, gasped for breath, and felt that his whole body was dripping with sweat!

The second day.

Ninghe County Yazhong, Nazhi County is being promoted early in the morning to handle official duties. He has been very diligent in the past few years as an official after being a Jinshi.

After waiting for a while, I found that there was one missing person on both sides.

“Why didn’t the Qian scribe come here today?”

Hearing the county magistrate’s question, the staff in charge of attendance came out and worshiped with his hand: “This morning, Qian Shuli sent someone from the mansion to ask for leave, but he was sick and bedridden, so he couldn’t manage the affairs.”

“Well, I see.”

The magistrate nodded and said nothing.

This makes everyone in the hall a little strange, because since the county magistrate took office, he has used some means to control his kindness and power. When someone complains about illness on weekdays, he usually sends someone to express his condolences, instead of just expressing his knowledge as he does now. Say no more.

This unpredictable situation of Enwei made all the gentlemen feel more pressured and dared not speak up.

Boom boom boom—

“What’s going on outside?”

A messenger came out of the lobby to watch, and then came back quickly and said: “There are old men and young women, who are beating the drum of grievance.”

The county magistrate said: “Ascend to the hall, and bring people up.” After that, he straightened his official hat and robe, and sat on the hall.

The people who came were the father and wife of Liu Changqing from Nahuqiao Town. They came to the Fucheng smoothly after the Landlord entrusted them with a dream.

According to the past situation, Pang Yuanwai of Huqiao Town will send someone to notify Qian Shuli before the complainant.

After Qian Shuli received the news, he would have people intercept him and send the complainant back to Huqiao Town.

Pang Yuanwai still sent someone this time, but Qian Shuli was frightened and closed the door to thank the guests. Therefore, the messenger did not see Qian Wenrui, nor did he deliver the message.

(end of this chapter)

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