Cultivation of Immortals Begins with Drilling Wood To Make Fire

Chapter 38

Chapter 38 – 【Where To Go When The Truth Comes Out】

Chapter 38 [The truth is revealed, where to go]

Such things as complaining about grievances actually existed in ancient times.

At that time, it was used for admonishment.

Later, a certain generation of emperors decided to promote this model to the world, and ordered that this drum should be erected in front of every yamen. Working hours work.

This is a very humane move.

Especially in this era, the chief officials in various places are caught by the administrative judiciary, so setting up this drum is quite effective.

So when Pang Yuanwai of Nahuqiao Town colluded with Yuan Shan, the town officer, and ran amok with the money clerk behind him, one of the key points was to prevent the relevant people from approaching the grievance drum.

This time they finally missed.

The county magistrate slapped the gavel after the long case, and the officials on both sides shouted mighty.

In such a situation, the two plaintiffs, who had hardly traveled far, had their legs trembling and their urge to urinate welling up. Thinking of Liu Changqing, who hadn’t recovered from his suffering, they persisted in not lying down.

“What is the grievance of the people in the hall, why are you beating the grievance drum in front of the Yamen?”

Liu Changqing’s father stood under the hall, bent down to salute, and then cried:

“The county is honored, and the little old man is under the rule of Fucheng. The people in Huqiao Town to the north have made a living by farming for generations. I have a son Liu Changqing, and this is my daughter-in-law Du Xiangqin.”

“There is a good piece of land passed down from generation to generation in the family. If it doesn’t fit, Pang Yongnian, a member of Pang Yongnian from Huqiao Town, wants to buy it at 10% of the market price. , that Pang Yuanwai is so domineering, where is Kenyi at home!”

“But Pang Yuanwai colluded with Yuan Shan, the town officer, and charged my son with arrest and imprisonment. It is said that he will be sent to a distant place, and he took away the farmland and cattle at home.”

“It is said that Pang Yuanwai and Yuan Yuan are backed by people from the county government. Similar incidents have occurred before, and no one has successfully come to the county government to file a complaint.”

“The small family is already hopeless, but the Landlord of Huqiao Town entrusted my whole family to come here to make an appeal, so we took the risk to come here together, and I hope the county lord will uphold justice!”

Hearing the accusation below, the county official was silent for a while, and said angrily: “When did you come to the county to complain, and it turned out to be ‘adventure here’?!”

Then He Yan said to the two people in the hall: “I already know about this matter, and I will preside over justice.” Without waiting for the two to answer, the county magistrate took out two “Zhi” order signs and called out: “Where is the arrest? “

One of the two classes of yamen servants in the hall flashed out: “The subordinate is here!”

“You take this order and sign, and arrest Pang Yongnian, a member of the Huqiao Township, and Yuan Shan, an officer, and bring them to justice. By the way, propose Liu Changqing, and bring them together to the yamen, and bring more people.”

The head catcher was waiting to take orders, but he heard the magistrate continue to say: “Then, you personally bring people to the house of the scribe Qian, and arrest Qian Wenrui himself here!”

Hearing the order from the county magistrate, the arresters were taken aback for a moment, and after reconfirming that they had heard correctly, they arranged for the patrols to act quickly. The money clerk’s house arrested people.

Then, the county magistrate continued to arrange: “Order to invite these two people to the guest room of the Houya, and settle them down and protect them. After both parties are here, I will be promoted to the hall.”

The two complainants wanted to say something more, but they were asked to leave by the two civil servants behind them.

This operation puzzled everyone in the hall, especially the officials:

Why did you believe it just based on one side of the story without interrogation? Everyone could hear clearly that the county official used the term “catch and bring to justice”, which proved that the other party had been identified as a criminal.

And, well, why did you arrest Qian Shuli?

The public officials were puzzled and confused.

The county magistrate looked at everyone in the hall with a smile on his face. After the father and wife of Liu Changqing who came to sue were invited away and sent to the guest room of the Houya, he smiled and said:

“Last night, the City God entrusted this official with a dream, specifically entrusting this matter, and even listed the bad deeds of the money scribe one by one. This official remembers it clearly.”

“Besides, the City God also explained this matter to me in detail. This officer already knew about the incident, the people involved on both sides, and the fact that the victim will come to file a complaint today, so he acted like this.”

All the officials in the hall bowed down one after another, sincerely convinced.

At least superficially convinced.

Fang Chang took the yellow dog and walked towards the government office.

These two days, they stayed at Zhao Chenghuang’s mansion, and they were well received.

Chang Fang already knew everything that happened in the county government office, and he just waited for the arrested people from Huqiao Town to arrive at Fucheng to see the outcome.

When the hall was promoted, the people who got the news in advance had already surrounded the gate of the yamen, but two guards erected it with water and fire sticks to prevent them from getting any closer, so as not to disturb the county magistrate’s trial.


After years of practice, the shouting voices of the yamen servants have become quite shocking, and the magistrate of the hall is also more majestic.

Fang Chang and the yellow dog mingled among the people, looking at the situation inside.

The surrounding voices also entered his ears verbatim:

“…The magistrate of Yao County is a good official, and the market has calmed down a lot in recent years…”


“…I heard that the money scribe is going to be interrogated today? This is really…”

“…Happy people, happy people…”


The common people reacted quite melodramatically, and didn’t care too much about the grievances of Pang Yuanwai or Liu Changqing’s family inside. Instead, they were happy that the county clerk Qian Shu was arrested.

But it is also this person who has a long history of misbehavior. His bad deeds can be hidden from the county officials above, but they cannot be hidden from the people who are discerning.

Na Xianzun patted the gavel and said:

“Bring both parties to the court.”

The next situation did not satisfy the psychological needs of the people who eat melons.

There were no criminals denying in every possible way, there was no brilliant confrontation between the two sides, and there was no **** fight. The county magistrate just directly explained what happened, and then listed the various crimes of Qian Wenrui, who was carried on a stretcher, and lost his resistance. The three criminals bowed their heads and pleaded guilty, expressing that they obeyed the law.

This disappointed the people surrounding the county government gate.

But then, the magistrate announced the result of the trial, which made everyone excited and restless again.

The county venerable grabbed a few sticks and said:

“Pang Yongnian in Huqiao Town colluded with Yuan Shan, a servant, to run amok in the town and oppress good people. According to the law, these two people will serve as soldiers, sent five thousand miles away, and will never return. His family property will be confiscated, all illegal activities will be investigated, and he will be recalled People who have been framed will have to return their property.”

Hearing this, Pang Yuanwai and the guard Yuan Shan were ashamed.

Just listen to the county venerable continue to say: “Qian Wenrui, the clerk of the Ninghe prefecture, has done all kinds of bad things for many years, and he is full of evil. He should be executed.”

To this, Qian Wenrui on the stretcher just moved his head without much reaction.

Instead, the crowd outside applauded.

Fang Chang smiled, took the dog monster Liu Ahuang a little away, and asked: “The matter is over, Ahuang, what is your plan next?”

Second update

(end of this chapter)

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