Cultural Invasion In Different World (Cultural Invasion into Isekai)

Chapter 144 - Enable

The premiere of “This Devil Is Not Cold” continued until late at night, and the invited guests left the performance hall after listening to the final concert.

The dark elf who had just escaped from Qiao Xiu’s hand also wanted to join the crowd and leave the Falosi Mansion.

After leaving the Falosi mansion, the dark elf became a crow and flew into the sky, stopping at a relatively quiet roof in Nolan.

She has some eagerness to use the ‘magic’ that Joe Xiu gave her.

Although she has maintained the greatest restraint in front of Qiao Xiu, anyone who faces new things will either panic or get excited.

The dark elf belongs to the latter. She understands that if the ‘caster forum’ and Qiao Xiu say that they can exchange information in any situation and under any circumstances…

She has begun to try to use the crow’s gesture to personally operate the system. When the dark elf clicks on the icon of the ‘caster forum’ with the crow’s bird, the thing that pops up is not the interface she saw at the Flosi Mansion.

Only a string of ‘404’ words is shown above.

The dark elf, who became a crow’s gesture, looked at her head very vividly. She couldn’t understand what the string was, and then she tried it several times in a row. The results that were finally displayed were all without exception. 404.

This gave the dark elf a feeling of being cheated. In order to know that it would become such a reason, the dark elf in the crow state flew its wings and flew back to the Falosi Mansion.


After the premiere of the Foulsi Mansion, Qiao Xiu did not choose to return to the Hearthstone Tavern.

“Tylin shows me the seeds of your world tree.”

It is still the room that Mrs. Nishizawa arranged for Joe to be private. Even if Joe Xiu sleeps here tonight, it has nothing to do with it.

In addition to Qiao Xiu and Tai Lin in the room, there are Hiri and Ino.

After Pluker’s debut in the premiere, he returned to Squirrel Street with the gray cat and half dragon who he adopted.

Tylin sat on the only sofa in the fitting room, and everyone around her eyes fell on her.

What does the tree of the world mean? No one is more clear than Tylin.

This means that a new elves are born, and as long as she plants the seeds of this world tree, it will give all the elves in the entire elves a powerful force.

Therefore, Tylin should have chosen to keep the news of the germination secret, because she has heard that many casters regard the world tree as a ‘special quality casting material’.

Without the help of Qiao Xiu, the seeds of the tree of the world in her body may not be able to germinate in this life.

Tylin spread her hands and floated in the palm of her hand a tree of the world tree of the size and size of the apple. The surface of the seed had already appeared to be broken. The buds full of inscriptions grew from the cracked gap. Out.

When Tylin summoned the seeds of the World Tree, these shoots also swayed a few times against Qiao Xiu.

This is not the attacking act of the tree of the world. If it is replaced by human words, it may be similar to waving.

The Tree of the World, which is boarding in Tylin, seems to have its own consciousness, and when Qiao Xiu stored the written inscription code into the seed, it did not show a tendency to resist.

“It… is saying hello to you?”

Hiri also read the meaning of the tree of the world.

“It seems that it is not a potted plant that will be raised in the future. It may be another cat master.”

Qiao Xiu associates with the black cat he had met before.

Since the consciousness of the tree of the Blackwood Elf World is a black cat, the consciousness of the Tree of the Frost Elves has finally grown up and turned into a white cat.

Qiao Xiu came to the front of Tallin and prepared to reach out and touch the buds of the tree of the world, but at this moment Tallin’s hand shook a little, and the body also shrunk a little.

Even if this week is getting along, let Tallin believe that Qiao Xiu is completely different from the demons that the church preaches.

But when Qiao Xiu planned to touch the tree of the world, Tylin was still a little uneasy.

Qiao Xiu did not force the Frost Elves to surrender the seeds of the Tree of the World. After shesitated for a moment, Tylin closed her eyes and turned her head like a lie, and then extended her hand to Joe.

At this moment, the brave elf girl, in order to revive her own race, resolutely dedicated everything to the demon in front of her.

“Hili, will you be the magic of the barrier and enchantment?”

Qiao Xiu also touched the sprouts of the World Tree very smoothly. The root server inscriptions written on it were still there. The rest is that Qiao Xiu reactivated these inscriptions.

“Magic barrier? I used it before I caught the Timberwolves, oh… wait for me to write about the magic array.”

Hili began to write inscriptions around with his magic wand, and the magic barrier was the basis of a kind of magic. Any one of the casters would be more or less a little.

Although Qiao Xiu does not know how Hili used this to catch the Timberwolves.

It took Sieri three minutes to complete the layout of the magic barrier, centered on Joe, and the room was enveloped in a transparent magic network.

After the magic barrier barrier was completed, Qiao Xiu began the activation work.

The magic of the only order system in Joe’s body overflows from the fingers. When the magic touches the tree of the world in the hands of Tylin, the inscriptions of a large number of order systems surround the tree of the world.

These inscriptions disappeared gradually after a long time. When the Frost Elves opened their eyes again, what she saw at first sight was a window with windowsXP.

Qiao Xiu also summoned his own window interface, showing a satisfactory five-full signal in the lower right corner of the desktop.

“It’s finally out of the shackles of the LAN.”

Qiao Xiu directly entered the caster forum, and the network speed composed of magic is not fast, but it may also be the reason why the world tree is still in the seedling stage.

Now that Qiao Xiu wants to test the scope of coverage, Qiao Xiu directly clicked into my system, loaded an application called ‘chat window’, and sent a message to the dark elf that I met before. Miss.

When Joe’s message didn’t take long, he suddenly felt a slight vibration on the upstairs, accompanied by the cracking of the glass.

“I guess who should be an owl.” Shiri looked upstairs.

At present, Nolan’s casters communicate with each other through owls, so it is normal to have one or two owls hitting the window occasionally.

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