Cultural Invasion In Different World (Cultural Invasion into Isekai)

Chapter 145 - unemployment

The ability to become a crow is the ability of the Dark Elves before they join the heresy. Some special lucky ones in the Dark Elf can receive natural blessings and are given the ability to become beasts.

She was selected on that day, so she had the ability to change her form into a crow.

The posture of the crow can be said to be the most familiar gesture of her besides the human form.

Today, she flew back to the Falosi Mansion at the fastest speed. When she was about to reach the balcony outside the mansion, she suddenly popped a strange window in front of her eyes.

‘Return to the Flosi Mansion, I have a test that needs to be entrusted to you. ’

This line of text occupies all the scope of her vision, which instantly makes her lose the judgment of the distance from the target.

Because the text appeared too suddenly, she couldn’t even do the action of retracting the wings. The center of the heart directly smashed a window on the third floor of the Foulsi Mansion.


The dark elf in the crow form spit a glass of **** and took care of the glass **** inside his feathers.

This is the first time she has learned to become a crow. She hit the window of a human building for the first time. The main culprit is the line of words that popped up in front of her eyes.

Fortunately, this time she rushed into the Falosi Mansion and did not attract the attention of others.

The dark elf glanced at the room, which was full of various letters and a few owls that were sleeping.

She was standing on a long table top of the original spar filled with illuminating, and a large part of the letters piled up on the table were scattered on the ground.

‘newcomer? ’

‘How is this new arrival not black? ’

The owls were also awakened by the dark elf, and they made a sly greeting, asking where the dark elf was going and where to go.

She has the ability of the elf family to become a beast, and of course she knows the animal language. She glances at these owls.

For Nolan’s casters, or for people around the world, there are two kinds of birds that are indispensable. The first is a dove and the second is an owl.

They all bear the important responsibility of transporting letters and building communication networks in this world.

Nolan is dominated by owls, which should be owls raised by the Foulsi Mansion.

The Dark Elves faced the questions of the owls, only squinting their heads and then making a special crow of the crows, very harsh, then she flicked her wings and flew off the room.

Only a few owls face each other, because the dark elves just told the owls an unfortunate news.

‘You are going to be unemployed! ’


“Because the chat program has only one beta, it’s not what I want to see when I pop up.”

Qiao Xiu leaned against the window and looked at the crow standing on the window sill. He could still see some glass residue in the feathers on it.

It seems that the big move just made upstairs is that this crow has not ran.

Qiao Xiu reached out and tried to help the crow clean up the glass residue behind him. It quickly evaded Joe’s fingers and acted sensitively to the reaction and speed that a bird should not have.

At this time, Qiao Xiu recalled that its body is a dark elf girl, and it is estimated that no one wants to be touched by a stranger behind his own.

“What test.”

The crow did not open, but the voice of the dark elf was directly introduced into the ears of Joe.

“Test of the magic network connection range.”

Since the world’s network is centered on the world tree and spread by magic and spiritual power, Qiao Xiu decided to call it the devil.

Unfortunately, this magic net can’t release some dangerous spells like DND, it can only be used to brush up on the forum, and watch some videos and the like.


The crow squinted and passed all the people in the room, but soon she focused her attention on Tallinn.

Tylin didn’t know what Qiao Xiu was doing now, but the closeness of nature and animals made Tailin smile and waved to the crow.

“The boarder of the World Tree…”

The Dark Elves have been monitoring Joe for so long. This Frost Elves have been following Qiao Xiu since last week. Like the female caster, she has mastered the information of this Frost Elves.

Among them is the fact that this frost elf has the seeds of the world tree.

She and the Frost Elves are also considered to be sympathetic. The ethnic group belongs to the home of the last life of the abduction court. The home of the last life is swallowed up by the gray fog. The only difference is that she is the last dark elf in the world.

The Frost Elves, who inherited the seeds of the world tree, will have the opportunity to revive her ethnic group in the future.

“The guys in the heresy court will not allow her to live in this world.”

The dark elf suddenly lowered his voice and reminded Joe.

“the reason?”

The only reason Joe can think of is because the Frost Elves work in their Hearthstone Tavern.

If this is the case, it will be the killer of the church’s heresy trial. Qiao Xiu thinks that the work injury insurance hired by the Hearthstone Tavern should be mentioned a little.


The dark elf who became the crow’s posture faced a short silence for Joe’s question. Or was Qiao Xiu temporarily taking a look at the palm of his hand, she had to choose a frank.

“Because…the tree of the world of our family is as swallowed by the unknown fog as her.”

The Dark Elves lowered their voices and filled her with an explicit killing in her tone.

“I am sorry that I accidentally poked your pain…”

“Nothing, I have already been numb, tell me what the so-called range test is.”

Although the Dark Elves lived in this world with hatred, she deeply understood that she had to do more than revenge, including the loyalty and resignation of the Princess of the Royal Highness who had saved herself.

This special ‘magic’ and “this devil is not too cold” sample produced by Qiao Xiu is definitely the best gift that the dark elf can give to his benefactor.

“It’s very simple. Is the magic net signal in the lower right corner of your system desktop full?” Qiao Xiu asked.

The Dark Elves summoned the XP system that Qiao Xiu installed for himself. He looked at the lower right corner and found that there are indeed five white cubes inside.

“The next task is to hover around the entire Nolan. Tell me where you are when you lose one signal.”

This is the most direct way for Qiao Xiu to test the coverage of the magic net.

“Contact you with the magic called the chat window?”

The dark elf once again took care of the glass **** inside her feathers. She has already found a place to take a shower today.


In this system, Qiao Xiu edited a new input method, not intelligent ABC. Qiao Xiu just wrote a simulation of a computer keyboard.

The dark elf used the bird to open the culprit that had just let her eat a glass of glass. After confirming the ‘magic’ with the text input above, she squatted on the window sill and flew into the sky and disappeared. Nolan’s night inside.

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