Cultural Invasion In Different World (Cultural Invasion into Isekai)

Chapter 175 - employee

The riots caused by the rescue of ‘Stan Sister’ in the early hours of the morning still did not subside.

A user who claims to be the Nolan Law Enforcement Team has appeared on the Caster Forum asking ‘What happened last night? ’

However, it is a pity that the body of the church judge was solved neatly by Qiao Xiu. The law enforcement team could only find some blood except for some traces of destruction by magic.

There is no evidence without a body, and even if the church wants to find Nolan troubles because of the death of three judges, it is impossible.

In addition, the trial of the church’s judges rushing into Nolan itself is a very sensitive topic.

But there is a point that Qiao Xiu can be sure, that is, the magic net officially entered the horizon of Nolan’s high-level, but how the high-level view of the magic net has nothing to do with Qiao Xiu.

In the eyes of Nolan’s caster, the person who promotes the magic net is not the “unknown hotel owner” of Joe Xiu, but the gray-shirter of the Owl Penpal Association and the flower of the Farosi flower, Miss Carolly. .

The Caster Forum is on the right track, and Qiao Xiu is currently considering whether to recruit a broadcaster for ‘Nolan’s Voice’.

The voice of Nolan is now only one of the two programs that Tai Lin has picked up, the story of the afternoon and the sleep of the evening…

Although Miss Frost Elf has great enthusiasm for her work, Qiao Xiu still does not intend to let her stay in the silent hall all day to collect nutrients from the world tree.

“So what is the relationship between your planned TV station and the voice of Nolan?”

Hilary looked at Qiao Xiu on the desk of Qiao Xiu. She and Joe Xiu were tossing outside for one night last night. Even after returning to the hotel, she slept until noon. She still had some sleepiness.

“The voice of Nolan’s voice is the basis of the future audience of the TV station… The voice of Nolan is just a transition.”

Qiao Xiu picked up a candy made of milk and handed it to Shiri’s mouth. After Shiri swallowed his mouth and continued to squat on the table and slept.

Recently, the magician began to become more and more lax, but she is still very diligent in drawing the new expansion package of Hearthstone, “Gnomes vs. Gnomes.” Now the new expansion pack has been completed in half, and it is expected to be two weeks. It will be officially launched in the future.

The Hearthstone Tavern was also handed over to Madame Marina to take care of it. “This demon is not too cold” is currently in Nolan, and Joe is not in a hurry to plan the next movie.

What Josie is doing now is to develop the team of Nolan Voice and then set up a TV station in Nolan.

The caster forum is limited in its control of public opinion. As the most crucial way of cultural communication, it must be owned by TV stations.

When the people of Nolan were used to watching news programs such as ‘Nolan Headlines’ every morning, Qiao Xiucai really managed to keep the trend of Nolan’s paradox in his own hands.

And this is also to let the world tree grow as soon as possible, otherwise the current ‘capacity’ of the world tree, there is no way to host a video site, let alone live video.

As for the team used by Qiao Xiu’s plan to develop TV stations… of course, those members of the ‘black pigeons’.

An owl flew into the room of Qiao Xiu from the outside of the window. It fluttered its wings and fell to the side of Qiao Xiu. By the way, he ate some of the toffee that Joe had put on his hand.

For this owl’s stealing behavior, Qiao Xiu has long been used to… This owl is the exclusive messenger of Qiao Xiu. Although Joe Xiu did not raise it, it has been squatting near Nolan.

“Go to the hotel on Squirrel Street.”

Qiao Xiu handed the written envelope to the owl. These human birds quickly understood the words of Qiao Xiu and seized the letter and left the study of Qiao Xiu.

The invitation of Qiao Xiu was the manager of Black Pigeon Inn, Pluker. After playing “This Devil is not too cold”, he did not have the reputation of Carolly as the whole Nolan.

The fraudster still maintains a low-key identity, quietly operating the Black Pigeon Inn and raising the children of the Half Dragon and Gray Cat.

But maybe he is not famous as an actor, his hotel is very famous, for every fan who is “this devil is not too cold”.


Black Pigeon Inn.

The fraudster Pluck flipped through the bills in the nearest hotel, and the bill was always empty a few weeks ago, with occasional records of one or two stays.

But now almost every place where this bill can be written is filled.

“I’m afraid your appointment will be up to a month later, sir.”

Pluk barely squeezed a smile and said to the businessman who looked a little fat in front of him.

“No! I mean to buy this hotel…”

The businessman shouted and held a whole bag of gold coins in his hand.

“It has been shown on the wooden sign at the door that this hotel is not for sale. Please come next.”

This is the fourth time Pruk has refused to ask anyone to spend a lot of money to buy this hotel…

Here is the Squirrel Street, the entire Nooran residents are the most unacceptable, and the most dangerous street in their eyes.

This old and narrow hotel opened in this street, if it is not a penniless traveler, or a thief with a bad idea, it is impossible to stay here.

But from the day before yesterday, a large number of people came to visit the Black Pigeon Hotel.

They are all fans of “This devil is not too cold”, in order to witness the place where Matilda and Lyon live, and the place where the Matilda family lived.

This completely drove the economy of the entire squirrel street. The streets that were originally full of aliens began to emerge with many human figures…

Fortunately, Qiao Xiu has some foresight. Because Squirrel Street is not far from the place where the dwarves live, Qiao Xiu and Frost Axe reached an agreement to let him send a few young dwarves to see the scene.

But the order of the entire hotel is still difficult to maintain, like the one who wants to buy the entire hotel in front of him is one of the people who destroy the order.

“I will be satisfied with the price you have! You must promise…”

He didn’t give up, and he also had several guards beside him. One of them sat down in the downstairs hall and a dwarf came up, but the guards also took a step forward.

No matter who wins or loses in this conflict, it will cause damage to the hotel…

It is a good thing to start a business in the hotel, but no one wants to see the struggle.

When Pluker planned to patiently convince the businessman, he heard some faint liquid flowing sounds, which was very clear in the noisy hall.

“This hotel does not welcome you humans, so please take out those ignorant guys.”

When the sound started, the noisy sound in the hall disappeared.

Pluk saw a masked figure coming out of the crowd, and other people in the hotel lobby suddenly showed scarlet colors in their pupils.

Can… control the magic of the spirit!

The human beings who were staying in the hotel made a surprisingly unanimous movement to the outside of the hotel. The merchant also completely closed the hotel door and locked it.

The atmosphere in the entire hotel instantly dropped to the freezing point.

“See you again, the fraudster.”

The masked figure came to Prusk and took out a special coin and placed it on the counter.

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