Cultural Invasion In Different World (Cultural Invasion into Isekai)

Chapter 176 - Pestle

Inside the hall of the Black Pigeon Inn.

The young dwarf sent by the Frost Axe has fallen to the ground and fell asleep. The only thing in the hotel that can maintain a clear consciousness is Pluker and the half-dragon and grey cats he adopted, and A masked visitor.

One of the gray cat cubs curiously squatted on the second floor of the corridor railing and looked at the masked figure below.

But the other person just raised his head and used the mask after the scarlet pupil to glance at the gray cat cub, the cat’s instinct for danger perception, let the gray cat immediately ran back to his room. .

“Pest… I… I didn’t expect you to come back.”

The special coin that Pluker placed on the table, the coin was imprinted with the imprint of a dark pigeon.

In the underground information organization of Black Pigeon, only the members of the older generation know the meaning of this coin, that is, the founder of the ‘Black Pigeon’ and the absolute ruler.

It is a pity that the holder of this coin has disappeared a long time ago, which also caused the ‘black dove’ to begin to gradually split, until the emergence of the dark elf, the largest underground intelligence organization in Nolan. Reorganized once.

Pluker was one of the first members of the black dove. He certainly knew the coin and knew the person holding the coin.

“I am fed up with this city that was occupied by human beings. The life of the devil makes me more comfortable, and it is the greatest honour of my life to be with my Highness.”

The black pigeons were established at the beginning to consolidate the status of non-human organizations in Nolan. Unfortunately, the number of casters who came to Nolan from all directions was too large, and they were finally rushed to the corner of Nolan. Squirrel Street.

Pluk looked at the friend who had not known how many years had not seen her. The dress on her body had completely indicated her identity… the watcher.

“The watchers of the Devil King City come to the city…what are you going to do?”

“His Royal Highness ordered me to bring her brother back to the Devil.”

Pesce took out a slender glass container with a scarlet liquid. It was judged from the color of the liquid that it was someone’s blood.

“You know that our family can track the position of some people based on blood, but after coming to Nolan, they may have been disturbed by the Nolan enchantment. My ‘smell’ has failed.”

The content described by Pestel can be counted as the secret content of the monitor when performing the task. Anyone who dares to eavesdrop in the devil world, whether it is the revealer who reveals the secret, or the guy who overheard will be severely punishment.

And Pestel does not care about this, she is not worried that Pluker will reveal these secrets.

“I need your help, I don’t want to spend too much time in this city full of humanity.”

Between the words of Pestel, Pluker felt that some of the blood flow in his body began to be somewhat unsmooth.

“What is the target you are looking for?”

Even if the person in front of him has already held his life by controlling the blood, but Plucker’s face still maintains a blank expression.

The fraudster has already guessed why Petes will come to Nolan, but since it is a no-face-up, a race known as a fraudster, Pruk does not intend to be so quick.

“Qiao Xiu, Qiao Xiu Yanuo Luo De, the race is also a chaotic demon, do you know where he is hiding in the city?”

When Pestel spoke the name of the target, the scarlet pupil stared at the fraudster and judged whether he lied to himself based on the magnitude of his heartbeat.

“You have no reason to hesitate. If this mission is completed successfully, I can guarantee that you can return to the Devil World. Together with the cubs you adopted, I will find a safe place for you in the Devil World. It is definitely better than here. ”

Pesett made a promise that she thought Pluck could not refuse.

As one of the founders of the Black Pigeon, she clearly knows how difficult it is for some non-human races to live in Nolan’s Squirrel Street.

Today, her experience at the Black Pigeon Hotel has once again proved that if she did not arrive in time, the human businessman might expose the rude and ignorant nature of his race directly in the hotel.

“I am sorry, Pestel… I can’t answer your question.”

At first Pluk also hesitated to tell the monitor’s location to the monitor.

But after Perth made the promise of ‘having a place to live in the devil’, Pruk changed his mind in an instant.

The business of the Black Pigeon Inn has been the best since the establishment of this hotel!

Pluker does not need to worry about money at all, although sometimes there will be one or two guests who cause trouble, but most of the guests are still safe.

He had no reason to leave Nolan, and all this was given by Qiao Xiu.

Although Pruk’s race is a fraudster, he is not a villain.

This time the negotiations were completely deadlocked after Pluck’s sentence, but the stalemate was quickly broken by an owl that flew in the hotel window.

The owl caught their attention instantly.

The owl had just arrived at the hotel before it landed, and it suddenly fell from the second floor of the hotel, just in the hands of the watcher Pestel.

The owl in the hands of Pesce waved his wings as if the consciousness was still unclear.

She opened the letter that the owl carried and glanced at the contents of the letter. Most of the contents were not understood by her, but she knew that the final signature was ‘乔修’.

“It seems that Joshua Arnold is your employer. I understand the idea that you want to keep your employer secret, but now… take me to see him.”

After Pesce found the clues of Qiao Xiu, there was no mood to continue chatting with his old friend.

She didn’t like the city, so she was eager to complete the task and returned to the kingdom of the Devil with Joe.

The voice of the monitor’s lady could not hear any threat, but the blood in Pluk’s body began to solidify gradually. If he did not make a decision, he might die from a disease such as myocardial infarction.

Pluker began to regret turning his appearance into a troublesome creature for humans. If his body had no organ at all.

Pestel’s gaze looked upstairs, and this unimportant action broke the last line of defense in Prück’s heart.

On the upstairs are the cubs of the two half-dragon and gray cats.

“Follow me.” Pluk stood up and said to the watchman.

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