Cursed Explorer of the Arcana

Chapter 25 - Unnecessary Fuss

“Why can’t I just go alone?” I protest as the two adults drag me away through the forest. “I don’t want to go with some random hunters, they might be weirdos!”

With that said my current company isn’t that much better. The elf who treats everything like a game and gives a new meaning to arrogant or the old warrior with the personality of a dead moth… Actually, give me those hunters, I can’t stand these two anymore.

“Kid, just approach them, look lost and scared and beg for their help.” Bennett lays out the plan.

“Beg? Me?” I give him a flat look. “Yeah, fat chance.”

“It’s not that difficult, just look pretty and ask nicely. Offer them the pelt if they seem reluctant.” Wyat adds, fighting hard to keep a staring face. “Oh and smear some of that blood arou-”

“You don’t need to act like a child just because you’re speaking to one.” Bennett sighs but still makes sure I look as pitiful as possible. “We'll be around in case they try anything funny.” He reassures me.

“And if they do?” I raise an eyebrow.

“We’ll break a limb or two and look for another group.” Wyat shrugs as nonchalantly as ever.

“Or just wear that damn medallion and walk me to the gate?” I propose since that’s what the accessory is for in the first place.

“Amateur,” Wyat huffs. I can’t wait to be with those hunters by now. “the checkpoints are set up to look for items exactly like the jamming accessories. Just be a good girl and follow that road!” He points toward one of the trails branching off the main road. “And try to look as pitiful as you can.” He smears some of the blood from his hand onto my clothes.

“Any other brilliant advice?” I growl.

“Yes, try to be less… you.” Bennett adds and the two bolt away into the woods.

I’ll take that as a compliment. I don’t know what they’re so afraid of, who these Inquisitors are to go through all this hassle just to get me into the city. Where were those guys when the shadows attacked?

Eh, let’s just get this over with.

I run around a little aimlessly to look like I’ve been fleeing from something all day before following the small trail deeper into the forest. Looking desperate is… let’s try a mix of surprised, wary, and some fake tears with water magic. As a last trick, I smear the blood and dirt from the pelt all over my body and start sprinting like crazy while looking back from time to time.

I keep up the act for a good few minutes only to find an actual pursuer in the form of a wolf not much different from the ones I massacred not too long ago.

Perfect, just keep chasing and get your revenge.

I begin to contemplate making some desperate cries for help when an arrow finally flies past my head with a whistle and embeds itself in something unmistakable behind me.

“Are you okay there little one?” A shout comes from somewhere in the forest.

A few seconds later a huge man walks out of the treeline. Not just huge because I’m small, no, the walking mountain should be well above two meters tall, still a weird Earth-ish measurement, not a slender one either. Big brown, unkempt beard, barely any hair, as if all of it wandered down to his chin, and deep brown eyes. His attire looks similar to Dad’s so I guess he’s a hunter?

[Druid lvl ??]

“What the hell are you doing? Why did you even come out? You’ll scare the poor girl.” A woman walks up from behind him with a bow in hand, smacking his bald head. “Just look at yourself, like an orc wearing human skin.”

She’s normal-sized thank the Gods. Shoulder-long black hair, forest green eyes and a slender body. Almost too slender. Does she even eat anything or does the talking boulder take all her meals?

[Hunter lvl ??]

“It's okay darling, you’re no longer in danger, the wolf is gone.” The woman says with soothing hand gestures. “You were very brave to stand up to that big bad wolf but it's all over now, you can calm down.” She smiles.

I guess my acting skills are top-notch just like everything else.

[Congratulations, you’ve unlocked the general Skill [Acting lvl 1]. Would you like to replace any Skills with-

Nope, go away!

I still don’t drop the act and back away from the woman as if expecting her to attack me any moment. Nothing guarantees these two won't just rob me with no authorities around so I still my heartbeat and keep my eyes on them without any need for acting.

To my surprise, the woman just keeps walking closer, enveloping me in her arms and drawing me close to her chest. Despite my best efforts my guard drops… my hands act on their own, grabbing the woman’s shirt and clinging to her. This is too familiar, too painful, like hugging mom.

“Sssh, it’s okay sweetie,” She even calls me like Mom always did. “you’re safe, I won’t let anyone harm you.” She strokes my hair and my fake tears get mixed with real ones.

I just can’t fight it… I miss my parents too much, their absence has created a hole in me that no amount of danger or anger could ever plug. A piece of me has been taken but who is at fault? Is it Bennett for giving us an impossible decision? Or the shadows for destroying my peace? Should I hate the world for being so unjust?

“Calm down, goodness, it really must’ve been difficult on you here if you react like that.” The woman wipes the blood from my knife before handing it back.

“You could say that. This was the third time I almost died on my way here. I hate this forest, all the forests for that matter… should I just burn it down?” My inner thoughts found their way out, my dark inner thoughts.

“Please don’t, it’s where we earn our living and you’d be executed for destroying imperial property.” Says the surprisingly kind lady jokingly.

There’s no way I can burn all these trees down with my tiny mana pool. For now.

I take one last deep breath before trying to push away. “Thank you.” I sniff, finding myself truly speechless for the first time in a long while.

“Oh, my name is Darcy, this big oaf is Joseph. You’re welcome by the way, it would be just wrong to leave a kid like you alone in a forest, so naturally I helped.” She puts her hands on her hip proudly, done with her daily good deed. “Do you want to stay with us for the rest of the night?”

That’s a little too straightforward.

“I…” I’m hesitant here, Mom and Dad always told me to not be too trusting of strangers and not to accept anything that’s given too easily. “Yes, please.” My mouth makes the decision for me. Deep down I also yearn for some safety right now. “I’m Elyssia.” I add quietly.

“A pleasure to meet you Elyssia, you look like you’ve been through hell and back. You hungry?” She asks one of the most important questions in life and I nod. “Brilliant, wolf meat can be a bit chewy so how about a rabbit, I caught a few in the last hour, they’re much more tender, are you okay with those?” She gets to work before I can even answer.

She’s the energetic type for sure. Difficult people to deal with.

“How did you end up alone here in the forest Elyssia? And where are your parents?” Darcy initiates some small talk while working.

I light the stack of twigs to start the campfire after the two strangers do the brunt of the work which earns a nod from the silent giant and some more bunkum from the irritatingly talkative woman. Very much not like Mom.

The mention of my parents always manages to sour my mood and it hasn't even been a week since I left home. “I was heading for Granhall, to the Fist,” I answer after a short pause. “my parents are-” Then I remember the cover I’m supposed to operate under.

“Oh you poor thing, is your life so terrible that you travel here to join those sellswords?” She gets hung up on my pause right away. “Please don’t throw your life away like that, the job of a mercenary is harsh and deadly, you’re too young for that.”

Thank you, finally some common sense after a week of Bennett. Just listening to those two almost made me go insane and their training methods made me question their experience when it comes to learning things. Running headfirst into a wall is what they made me do every time it came to teaching and I’m fucking tired of it.

Although I have my own reasons, reasons I can’t share with these people. “Wanna be strong, it's my only choice.”

A half-truth, the best type of lie.

“And you tried to get through this forest alone without giving everything you own to some greedy merchants to tag along? The beasts sensed the young prey and flocked towards…” And her mouth keeps running as her colorful memory makes up my cover story for me.

I just look at the ground without giving any response, feining the embarrassed silent agreement when someone hits the nail on the head. She’s making it almost too easy on me…

I really hope Bennett and Wyat gave up on the limb-breaking business because they, or at least Darcy, is a kind person. Or I’m naive as fuck and they’re about to rob me the first thing when I go to sleep. Well, I refuse to go without any sleep so that part is up to the two idiots observing from the shadows.

“Granhall is only a few hours away down the main road but we still have a job to do and navigating through the woods at night can be a bit bothersome even here on the outskirts.” The hunter rips a rabbit leg off its body, skewers into on a twig, and hands it to me. Cute. “You could follow the road and risk it or spend the night with us and go together first thing in the morning, how does that sound?”

I’m here to do exactly that, use these two as a ticket through the checkpoint. I almost feel a little bad for using them…


The next morning or rather noon when I open my eyes, only Joseph is around, carving some weird figures out of a piece of wood. It looks somewhat like a rabbit…maybe? Practice makes perfect, for his sake. Darcy is nowhere to be seen. In her place, I see three wolf carcasses and two dead rabbits. I guess she was out hunting, after all, that’s her job and likely why she came into the forest in the first place.

“She’ll be back soon, an hour more maybe.” Joseph addresses me without looking up. “There’s some leftovers from yesterday if you’re hungry.”

That’s way more words than I got out of him before. Is he sick? Anyway, I won't say no to free food, but to eat that chewy unseasoned meat cold…

Since I already used fire in front of these kind strangers I rekindle the fire with the leftover twigs to have my meal warm at least if it already tastes so poorly.

Everything about me screams poor so maybe it’s not that big of a deal. I don’t have a single copper to my name, my clothes are closer to rags than something people wear and… damn, I’m dirt poor. That’s new.

Joseph’s estimate turns out to be quite precise as Darcy shows up a little bit after I made all the leftovers disappear with a few more dead animals pulled on a rope behind her.

"Oh, sweetheart, you're up. Did you sleep well? I see you’ve already eaten, just a few minutes and we can be on our way towards Granhall.” As cheery as ever, even while waving towards me with a trail of blood behind her. Ok maybe part cheery part loony, an acceptable mix.

Soon we’re back on the dirt road leading through the forest on the path towards Granhall, to my new home for the next few years. “What’s the city like?” I ask to combat my boredom.

“As the name suggests it’s a big city, home to tens of thousands of people. Enormous walls protect the residents, towering over the houses and blotting out the sun. The streets are bustling with life, merchants and travelers alike all conducting their business. The place is important both as a trade hub and military fortress so close to the border with Turan. The city is famous for its incredible pastries and leatherwork, but its most unique feature is the Fortress of Krieg. A massive stronghold built here in ancient times, providing home to one of the biggest mercenary companies in Eborden and serving as a strategic base. It stood there before the city was founded if the rumors are to be believed.” Darcy gushes proudly about her city. “There’s also the slums on the southern side, the commerce and culinary district and the namesake of the city, the giant governmental palace on the small hill in the central district.”

Why did I even ask? She just won’t stop talking now. I can’t tell what’s worse, walking in silence and being bored or… this.

During the next hour-long walk I learned not only about the city and its specialties. Now I know who lives next to the Golden Crow tavern and when the barmaid Yolana’s husband died. I know when half of the bakeries open and close and I know where to buy the best towels and many many more tidbits. I need to sort this out for actual, useful information.

At last, we can finally see the top of the walls, the mighty walls of Granhall.

Ok, I kinda underestimated her description when she said enormous. I can't even see anything inside from here because of the walls, well anything except the top of the governmental palace. I slow down considerably and gawk at the imposing sight.

“Yeah, I had a similar expression when I first arrived here.” Darcy says with a satisfied smirk and Joseph just nods, whatever that means.

We continue walking towards the also monstrous gates leading inside the city, with a likewise monstrous line waiting to get inside.

Yeah, far less cool. It's a merchant city so I don't know what I expected.

We join the line as is proper and wait, and wait. One of my least favorite activities.

While playing with my new pelt in boredom I hear some merchants talking. “The swarms at the Line should be pushed back by now and I also got news about the battalion of the Fist approaching the border. You better have the funds prepared for when the beast parts roll in. I smell great opportunities.”

Profit as always. I know what they mean though. The legends of the brave defenders of Turan holding back the horrors of the Elder forest is a common children’s tale. One of heroic bravery for all of humanity and many glorious battles. I might partake in that sometime in the future it seems like.

I eavesdrop on some other conversation. “Did you hear? The Republic and Agrait launched fleets to the east, they’re sailing towards Korellia, an expedition. After centuries of pleas and requests maybe is an effort being made?”

“Tell me about it, I heard that our Emperor, may he rule long, has issued the Imperial Navy to prepare, the Azure Shore is buzzing with activity. A land so rich and ripe for the taking... he’s been a staunch supporter of the status quo on the continent for centuries now, he’ll probably join the new colonial wave to keep things in check.”

Now that is some juicy news. The magical land of Korellia with sky-piercing mountains and dancing forests. I really wish to visit it one day. In the far, far future. The nations once powerful all fled the continent a thousand years ago or so I’ve learned. There’s no civilization there so I’ll just wait till a few cities pop up.

Some more interesting tidbits are discussed during our two-hour-long wait but at long last it's our turn.

“Documents!” The guard declares or asks? I can’t decide.

Joseph and Darcy hand over a badge with a stag trophy engraved into it. Hunter’s badge probably.

“And the girl?”

Yep, I always wondered how I’d get through here.

“Just look at her, what do you think? A kid her level and age found in the forest towards the city… The Fist, as usual.” Darcy answers with a hint of pity and anger in her voice.

Do I look that miserable? I really wanna wash myself right now. This just made me, even more, self-conscious about how lacking hygiene is in the forest and how much I love the city. I hope the forests burn down.

“Another one, eh? Where did you find her?”

“Out in the forest an hour's walk from here. She was about to get eaten by a wolf, so she’s one of the lucky few.” Wait? Lucky one?

The guard shakes his head and sighs. “In you go! Could you two guide her to the Fort? We don’t want any more beggars in here so make sure she goes where she belongs.” He waves us through and is already talking to the next in line.

Professional and lifeless attitude for a boring yet necessary task. Repeating the same phrases and schedules countless times a day can't be a lot of fun.

That was… easy. What did those two muscleheads sweat about so much anyway?

So, Granhall, my new home, huh?

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