Cursed Explorer of the Arcana

Chapter 26 - Granhall

“That’s it? Just how many kids my age travel here for the same thing?” I’m bamboozled.

I’m still clutching the silvery pelt to my chest because the hunters acted like they found a baby chick to defend while the guards treated me like a pet and allowed me through without any trouble… Why did no one ask for anything?

“Oh you wouldn't believe it,” Darcy shakes her head. “there are usually two kids a day arriving here with the same motives. Half of them don’t make the journey and the other half are turned away by the Fist after a few questions for being deemed unfit for the job. It’s a real hope-grinder. And even if you get accepted, the chances of properly finishing training to become a full-fledged member are pretty slim. Hahaha-” She quickly stops realizing who she’s talking with and halts the laughter. “Not that I’m saying your chances are bad. No, you’ll do great. Go and demolish them but… if you were to get rejected find us at the local Hunter’s Guild we’ll help all we can, right Joseph?”

“Do well Elyssia.” He nods in agreement.

I’d be really depressed by what Darcy said just now if it weren’t for the old bastard basically kidnapping me to force me into their ranks. Many people much stronger than me died in the past two weeks in the fight to secure… well, me so I highly doubt they’d just turn me away.

Our walk through the crowded streets gets us to the place I want to visit the least right now.

Why must the Gods torment me like this? Why do we have to walk through the dining district to get there? There are eight different zones and it had to be this exact one… The Fist better be giving out some generous pay because I’ll be trying all these places sooner or later. Mark my words, dining district, I'm coming for you.

The city is kinda like Darcy described it; tall buildings all around, well, at max four stories tall but that’s tall in my book. The main material used for their construction is unsurprisingly stone or bricks while some wooden pillars and decorations are also present. The streets are paved and kept clean, bustling with people. I can hear businesses made and deals struck all around, money changing hands without missing a beat.

This place must be at least four times the size of Meliorport both in size and population, fascinating how seamlessly so many people go about their day. The city's skyline is dominated by four buildings, two of course are the grand hall itself and the fort of The Fist. The others look like a huge tower and a massive building with at least six stories.

“What are those two large places?” I ask my guides.

“The imposing tower is the Mage Guild’s local headquarters and ducal library in one. The other is Merchants’ Emporium, a colossal marketplace for businesses. Both of them are worth visiting if you have the time and money.” Darcy’s eyes are basically shining as she looks at the edifice. Sure, once I have the money later, much later.

We pass by many bakeries, stalls and way too many banks. Even without the presence of the Fist the city looks nigh impenetrable so it's no surprise people choose to conduct business here. The residential areas are further out, or right at the center for the nobility and the super-rich. There are no inner walls in the city, probably to save on space, so I can see the mighty stronghold as we get ever closer, soon standing in its shadow.

The imposing sight is made out of gray stone, the style is rather plain but defensive structures don’t need to be pretty. The windows cut into the walls are bigger than it would seem logical, after all, windows break easier than stone. Duh. Said walls are already many stories tall, however the bastions go even further, their square shape reaching a good four meters above the walls. The emblem of the mercenary corps, the fist of the God of War striking two clashing swords, is plastered everywhere. Everything shouts order and wealth even the two guards in their corps’ colours of gray and red standing at the main gate.

“This is as far as we go, we have no business here.” Darcy ruffles my hair. “Good luck Elyssia, we hope you find here what you’re hoping for. If they reject you, search for us, we might be able to help you out.” She gives me one last hug.

“See you little one.” Says the gentle giant before waving goodbye.

They walk away, looking back sometimes to smile at me as they disappear into the crowd.

I got lucky with them. Good people, the rare kind. Even I would’ve taken at least the pelt as a reward for the help.

I turn towards the entrance gate, take a deep breath and march up to the guards. “Hello, I came to…”

“If you want to join then I advise you to turn back, kid. This isn’t a place for someone your age. I know you must’ve had a hard life, I’ve heard it a thousand times already and looking at you tells a million stories, but search elsewhere for your fortune.” Warns one of the guards out of pity.

First, rude. Second, he must be lying, everyone told me that kids my age come here by the day. I can decide for myself, thank you very much. I’m already nine.

“Look, I could wait here all day until somebody else comes around and lets me in anyways or just get this over with.” I put my hands on my hip like mom always did. “I know I’m not the only kid coming here to join, heck maybe not even the first today, so could you just stop blocking me or at least call Captain Bennett?”

The soldiers glance at each other with a knowing grin, before looking back at me. No, not at me but something behind-

“You’re late.” I hear the elderly male voice I really wasn’t looking forward to. Late for what exactly?

“Oh yeah?” I turn and look him in the eyes. “You’re old and ugly yet you don’t hear me yapping about it, do you??” I quip back. “Can I get some actual food now?”

The eyebrows on the old man quickly climb his forehead as I hear some choking noises from the two men standing guard behind me. So what is it gonna be now old man, will you take the insult or berate a young innocent girl out in public? Hehehe.

Bennett sighs while massaging his temples, and walks past me. “What did you say? Sorry, I’m getting old and my hearing is no longer the same.” Then he adds quietly. “Oh, and I’ll be the one responsible for your physical training in case I forgot to mention that before.”

Shit, the stakes have increased. He basically came up to me and whispered I dare you! while promising some hellish version of the morning exercises I got used to at home. You don’t know yet old man but playing truth or dare with me is pretty boring… I always dare.

“Sorry,” I mutter and Bennett’s mouth curves into a satisfied smile. “In that case, I’ll repeat it a bit louder. Move your old and ugly ass, I’m hungry!”

Man, I kinda regret saying that already…

Even some of the passersby stop in their tracks as I loudly repeat myself. By now the guards are leaning onto their spears like two drunkards, their faces turning red as they try to hold back their laughter to seem professional. Poor dudes. They were rude so I don’t actually pity them.

I see Bennett’s eye twitch while his fists clench and unclench… Prideful old man, and what did that pride get you? Not a wife or children that's for sure…

Saying that out loud would be a low blow. I… don’t exactly hate the old fart because he did save me and my parents and did teach me pretty useful things in his own dumbass way but I sure as hell don’t like him for understandable reasons.

I know I might’ve signed my death warrant today but my pride didn’t allow me to back down when faced with a dare. Would I jump into a well if someone challenged me? … shit, I might, depends on how deep the well is and how clean my clothes are.

I follow him inside, past the incapacitated guards and through the massive iron gate into a tasteful entrance hall with… are those receptionist desks, really? I expected this place to be a lot more cold and militaristic instead it feels like… like a cozy tavern.

As we leave the warm and welcoming guest area behind the stronghold… does not change one bit. Stone is still everywhere but trophies, carpets seemingly picked without any architectural taste, paintings of great glory or… memories. These hallways are not a display of splendor but an exhibition of memories. Not even just the glorious ones or the most profitable journeys, these are just like the pocketwatch Mom gave me.

“A great adventure and a story for the ages is what earns your squad and thus your trinket a spot in Fort Karon, it’s worth more than you could imagine. How could you say you lived if you have no story to tell…” Bennett explains without anyone asking. It’s still interesting.

Then we turn right, then straight, another right a lot more straight, up one flight of stairs, a lot more straight and… yeah. We’re walking.

This maze is supposed to be where I’ll live?

“This will be your new home for the coming years along with the other orphans.” Except I’m not an orphan. “You’ll be trained and educated here, you’ll meet friends and comrades, mentors and officers maybe even love.” He chuckles. I highly doubt that. “I’ll lead you to your room now.”

That speech might’ve been inspirational but it completely passed over me. I’ll do what I have to, then I’ll be out of here. The fort might not even be bad or anything, I just hate it because I’m forced to be here. I could be a little more open-minded, except I’m not…

“I know you don’t like it and I know I can’t force you to be happy here. Having said that, at least give it a try, you won't lose anything and still be here whether you hate it or not. Time flies faster when you enjoy what you’re doing. That’s common knowledge.” This one was a bit late on the mind reader side… still not convinced.

He does have a fair point though. If I’m done being difficult I might as well give it an honest try.

“How many kids are here?” I’m a little curious about my future company.

I pray for them to be fun and unruly. Actually no, reverse that, whenever I prayed for something up until now the reverse always happened.

“Twenty kids your age, sixty ten-year-olds, around forty kids aged eleven and the older ones are already out and about doing some light work. You’ll be among the youngest obviously and at the bottom level-wise but I don’t think it’ll stay that way for long judging by your personality. The older kids can be a bit mean sometimes and we don’t want you or anyone to come crying to us because of a lost tooth or a scratch on the knee.” Duh, that’s just the rule of nature, basic among kids. “I think you’ll do just fine on that front.”

Looks like he at least got to know me a little in the last two weeks. Damn straight I’ll stand up for myself and if they go after my teeth… I’ll let all hell loose. Oh, while we’re at it.

General Skills:

Savant lvl 15

Identify lvl 16

Running lvl 14

Dodging lvl 15

Pain Tolerance lvl 3

Reflexes lvl 13

Stamina lvl 11

Quick Witted lvl 16

Inner Peace lvl 8

I. Class: Inept Magus - Arcane lvl 18

Arcane Mastery lvl 15

Mana Bolt lvl 6

Mana Shield lvl 3

Investigate Anomaly lvl 3

I gained basically nothing for my professional play in the forest, what a shame.

Yeah, those Skills need quite some work before I’ll judge myself ready for that sweet sweet class up. I should have a few levels saved up since I maxed out all the way back when we got ambushed near the ribcage inn. And maybe I shouldn’t have refused all the Skills I got offered until now, the list is a little empty.

“Hey, old man-” I start.

“Captain. You will call me captain here.” He stops and looks at me from the corner of his eyes then sighs again. A developing habit maybe. “Please just this once, I’ll punish you properly for the rest of all your mischief but if the other kids pick up on your habits…”

Uh, that sounds tough. For him, that is. I’m not here to ruin his image and self-esteem, I just want to annoy him to the grave.

“Fine, can you help me with rounding out my skills? I’m really close to maxing things out and I can’t wait to class up.” Of course, I’ll comply right now, I want something. I’m basically bouncing with anticipation.

Equal exchange. And a threat hidden behind the friendly facade. I know your weakness.

“That’s the whole point of you being here. Maximizing your potential and teaching you everything necessary. We help you with your skills and class decisions, while also rooting out the mistakes you made. We’ll take only the best version of you both for our and your sake.”


The hallways, rooms, the walls, everything here is decorated either with something historical or expensive looking. This wing is different, it looks… ordinary. It's still the same stone everywhere, with similar chandeliers and carpet but the grandeur is lacking.

“This here will be your room.” We stop in front of a totally normal door. “The entire wing is designated for cadets and the instructors so you can have your friends and helpers close in case of an emergency.”

Without friends and with helpers like you I feel like I’d much rather try and solve my problem than start crying for help let’s be real.

“The other children are currently in the courtyard, having physical training. You’ll get to know them after lunch, so better make yourself presentable if you don’t wanna make a poor first impression.”

I really don't like the sound of that. There was zero mention of free time or how long this so-called training takes. Let’s just hope my new home at least has some furniture.

I push the door open, and it complies with a slight creak. Inside the quite spacious room are two beds to the left and right against the walls, both with its own nightstand. Direct opposite to the door is a small window allowing for some sunlight, and lastly a wardrobe immediately to the right of the door.

“Sooo, I’ll have a roommate?” That’s my first thought after seeing my new place.

It’ll do, sparsely furnished except this isn’t a tavern for guests but a military stronghold. The dust blanketing every possible surface will be a pain in the ass to clean. For anyone without magic to command the winds and water that is, hehehe.

“No, this room stood unoccupied for months now which makes it perfect for you. Considering your special circumstances and young age… It’s probably for the best if we don’t assign anyone else here for now.” Bennett walks into the room, dragging a finger across the windowsill and inspecting the ridiculous amount of dust.

“Preferential treatment? I can live with that. BUT, more importantly, can I get some new clothes and where is the bath?” I demand more so than ask.

Why are we not there yet? I’m itchy all over the place.

He just blinks at my priorities before massaging his nose bridge. “I already feel myself aging just being near you, seriously… Throw your things inside and follow.”



We don’t have to go too far, just two corners and I can already feel the increased humidity and smell of herbs.

Warm water, a blessing from the Gods.

“Male to the left, female to the right.” Bennett opens a cabinet and throws me some clothes. Are they too big for me? Yes. Are they clean? Also yes, so I don’t care about the rest.

I bolt into the bath, throw off my rags and set my sight on the pool. This is it.

“Hold it right there young lady!” An elderly voice calls out to me.

I slide to a stop and eye around for the source of the voice. It’s not too difficult to find the older lady sitting on a bench near the water. “Clean yourself before you dive headfirst into the bath, please. It cleanses itself but the stench remains.” She adds. “I’m not trying to be rude darling, it's just how things work here. Come closer.”

The woman looks similar in age to Bennett, easily a hundred. Her level probably kept her younger, like a not-that-old grandmother. Her hair is fairly gray but I can still see some brown. It helps that there are barely any wrinkles on her face and she’s wearing a bathrobe right now.

[Mage lvl ???]

[The general Skill [Identify] has reached lvl 17 ->18.]

Another Bennett huh?

I comply and walk over. She inspects me properly looking at my hair which resembles a bird's nest after a storm and my few shades darker skin, courtesy of all the dirt.

“I haven’t seen you here before, so you must be Elyssia, the new girl Bennett brought in.” I nod. “Come, I’ll help with your hair, dirt is a persistent enemy.” She nudges me towards a separate stool, brush and a barrel of water. “Oh my, I almost forgot my manners. My name is Martha. I’m the theoretical instructor here, I hope we’ll get along well, young Mage.” Her smile at the end wasn’t reassuring or grandmotherly at all, it was somehow scary.

She doesn’t fiddle around, pushes my butt onto the stool, dumps some water on me and starts brushing quite aggressively.

Come to think of it, I've never met my grandparents. Mom said her family lives on the other side of Eborden and Dad’s parents went missing a few decades ago. Tough luck I guess.

After a good minute of furious scrubbing, I’m finally free. ”There, rinse yourself once more and you’re free to go.” She says with a satisfied smirk.

I stand up and look at myself in the mirror across the wall. My hair is back to its light blond color and almost reaches the small of my back. My skin got slightly darker. Likely a side effect of spending days in the sunlight but it's still on the lighter side.

I nod at the sight, satisfied with my looks, and set my sight on the large surface of the water once again. Pulling some water from the barrel with magic I wash myself off mid-run. To finish it off I perform a less than elegant dive into the pool and… Pure bliss. I could probably melt in here right now.

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