Cursed Explorer of the Arcana

Chapter 85 - The Obscured One

“I will kill you for this.”

“Eye for an eye.” Valka sticks her tongue out childishly.

She had to go bald, otherwise it’d only take minutes for the guards to catch the glaring similarity to her wanted poster. It was a tactical decision, even if an uncomfortable one.

But why did my hair have to go? Okay, I laughed a little as she pleaded for mercy and even helped the absolute unit of a barber restrain her but that didn’t mean she had to be as petty as me. Who could’ve guessed she’d pounce on me once the deed was done and threaten the poor man’s family just to deplume me all the same…

At least my hair is no longer itchy and a greasy mess but I liked my golden locks I inherited from Dad. Val probably feels the same but I’m not the one with a bounty on my head and it was only a small snicker, I wasn’t even laughing that hard.

“What now?” She asks as if all is well and all grudges are settled.

“Now we gather information and find a place to stay.” As much as I’d like to avoid getting scammed once again we have no other choice. “I don’t want to test this Hector’s information network right away. He might look like a fool but sometimes those people are the most dangerous. But first…”

I glance back at the trail of destruction we left in our wake. I’m not one to selflessly help those in need but tidying up after myself is a question of basic decency.

Mom would definitely reprimand me if she saw this…


It took us about half an hour to backtrack and plug the holes we made even if our pursuers were just as much at fault. The sight of families covering at our sight and their cold gazes was uncomfortable at best but we did our job anyway. I’d say we even improved things but I expected no words of gratitude.

We’re now back amongst the normal folk, still treading carefully to avoid the eyes of the law but moving with purpose to avoid suspicion. Finding a tavern is an easy task, finding a good one is a little harder but to sniff out which one is good should be considered a form of art.

“This one?” Valka asks sarcastically. “We walked past like ten already and at least half of them looked much nicer.”

“Oh shut it, what do you even know about taverns?” Despite saying that this is also my first time sleeping anywhere that isn’t home, Fort Karon, or somewhere outside. Or underground but those are the worst. “Let’s check the price first.”

And thus we enter the Duck’s Nest, full of scrutiny and caution… Only for it all to turn into thin air once the mouthwatering scents reaching even the entrance begin to dance with our noses.

We haven’t eaten in almost a day and Willpower simply falters at the promise of a feast.

“Welcome to the Duck’s Nest how may I-”

“Food for two!” I interrupt the poor beastkin clerk. The rabbit girl, can’t be older than us, but the fact someone of her species is working here only raises my expectations for the place.

She looks us up and down, her eyes showing no fear despite our considerable combat prowess and instead observing us with the gaze of a merchant.

“You need to pay upfront.” She finally declares and I can’t fault her for the doubts about our finances.

Our looks and clothing put us only a step above beggars and trustworthiness seems to be a rare commodity in this city, more than any other place I visited. Without much thought, I slap four silver on the counter just to make sure it covers all our expenses before following my nose to the dining area.

Despite the inviting smell, the place is half-empty and the poor condition of the city is the most glaring issue to blame. Rampant corruption and crime mean fewer travelers and also fewer people to milk for their money.

We take our seats in a corner and within minutes our table is filled with meals so beautiful I have to fight back my tears. For weeks I had to eat whatever I could find and although the hypno fruits tasted heavenly the rest was incomparable to what I was used to.

“We deserve this.” I mutter as I watch Valka brutalizing the contents of her plate already.


After the meal we paid for a place to stay, obviously. There was no room for any arguments against picking this place, not after feeding us this well. Looking back now I admit it wasn’t that hard to convince either of us with food, simply due to our previous diet. The prices seem reasonable and I have something more important to do than to count our coin.

“Can I trust you with this?” I ask Valka as I entrust her with my safety.

“After what you did for me, this is the bare minimum.” She nods, her gaze showing determination to complete her task without any hiccups.


Age: 12

Celestial Elf

Mana: 4220/4220

Free Points: 0


Might: 7

Intelligence: 462

Mana: 422

Speed: 101

Focus: 530(+78)

Willpower: 460

Endurance: 80

Dexterity: 30

Fortitude: 80

General Skills:

Savant lvl 53

Identify lvl 56

Dodging lvl 60

Pain Tolerance lvl 30

Premonition lvl 65

Survival lvl 42

Maintained Magic lvl 45

Serne Spellcrafting lvl 56

Martial Instinct lvl 12

I. Class: Mystical Daredevil - Arcane lvl 72

Arcane Mastery lvl 72

Armory of the Arcane lvl 72

Mana Perception lvl 72

Elemental Burst lvl 55

Arcane Focus lvl 72

Chaotic Touch lvl 47

II. Class: *Locked*

III. Class: *Locked*

Those numbers won’t look much better than this and I don’t have the luxury nor the patience to max out every single Skill in my arsenal.

A Class advancement can take hours, and it is Valka’s task to protect my vulnerable body until I open my eyes. Safe isn’t exactly the word I’d use for our current residence but I doubt we’ll find anything better and I need power now more than ever.

“Then I’ll see you in a few hours.” I lay down comfortably in the only bed we have in our little room.

[Your class [Mystical Daredevil - Arcane] has reached lvl 72. Class advancement is now available, would you like to start the class up?]


Do it!


To my regret, it isn’t the beach that welcomes me when I open my eyes, nor the grandiose mess hall of Fort Karon. But the Sanctuary isn’t that bad either. The only place I truly felt safe ever since nearly dying for the first time in the past weeks. I think I should be around eight by now.

Back then it was peaceful around the Fluffs and the biggest headache I had was finding dinner every day… Staying here for a while would be just what my weathered soul needs to heal.

But I can’t keep Valka waiting forever.

Looking for colorful stuff is usually the way to figure out what shape the Class up objects take and I think even colorblind people wouldn’t have any problem. This is inside one’s soul after all.

Maybe to spite me, because that’s just how I am and this is inside my head, the items turn out to be flowers floating on the magical rivulets dancing in the air and all around the clearing. Now this is all pretty and all that but chasing after every single one of them feels like an absolute chore.

“Just come here!” I growl and like tame pets the streams of water answer. “Good, now show me, my glorious new Class!”

[Teacher’s Favorite - Wind], [Guest of the Sanctuary - Life], [Explorer of Old and Forgotten - Arcane], [Field Cook - Fire], [Nature’s Partner in the Dance - Arcane], [Flameclad Bane of Goblins - Fire], [Courted by Death - Dark], [Liberator of Spirits - Arcane], [Mother of the Northern Inferno - Fire], [Charismatic Negotiator- Life], [Molemaiden - Earth], [Close Combat Sorceress - Arcane], [Meatgrinder - Metal],

Quite the list… I mean I worked hard for every single one of these offerings and went through enough hardships to deserve them all. Stingy Guide really could’ve given me at least a single purple one.

I already disregarded most of the flowers floating on the water because I have standards and little time. Despite having a clear picture of what I want from this soulscape visit I still go through the options presented to me. The chance of a hidden gem appearing is low but not completely negligible.

[Teacher’s Favorite - Wind]

This one I felt here only to prove that I really was Martha’s favorite and best student. The System never lies so it must be true.

[Guest of the Sanctuary - Life]

The first flower to actually catch my attention. Its petals and pistils are enveloped in a cradle of gentle thorns shielding it from the outside world.

Requirement: The Sanctuary provides shelter for those the forest finds worthy to call friends. Earning the Sentinel’s favor. 420 Mana, 450 Focus

Not the longest list but considering how powerful Big Fluff is the task of helping him out is of an appropriate difficulty. Not that I did it out of the kindness of my heart.

Life is one of the elements I simply can not comprehend no matter how many times I watched a healer patch me up. The ability to heal myself, just like a certain brute who’s currently guarding my sleep would be of insane value. But I’d lose all the other cool stuff. Maybe as a second or third Class…

[Explorer of Old and Forgotten - Arcane]

Requirement: Search the remnants of a bygone era, relying on only yourself, your magic, and your curiosity. Arcane Mastery lvl 72, Mana Perception lvl 72, 60 Endurance, 420 Mana, 360 Focus

Uh, okay, this must be like a benevolent grave robber Class. Let’s see… discover traps, unveil the truth, comprehend stuff… Yup, it wouldn’t help me win a fight whatsoever. Sure some minimal self-defense and a barrier are included but if I had this when we fought the goblins I’m pretty sure we would’ve lost.

[Field Cook - Fire]

A cute proposition, nothing else. Sure it’d be nice to have our meals be a little tastier and make cooking a little less of a hassle but this is more of a joke than anything.

[Nature’s Partner in the Dance - Arcane]

The flower is dancing. Like, it’s literally twirling and hopping on the surface of the water like a performer in its translucent dress and rainbows on its tail.

Requirement: Dance elegantly dressed in the magic you wield on the battlefield as your stage. Arcane Mastery lvl 72, Armory of the Arcane lvl 60, Elemental Burst lvl 45, Arcane Focus lvl 60, 450 Intelligence, 600 Focus

Goodness, that’s steep.

Dance to the hum of the mana, spin with the maelstrom of water, twirl with the passion of fire, spring with the grace of the wind, and stand with the firmness of earth. The waltz of nature is elegant, ever-changing, and deadly just like the music and tempo dedicated by you alone. Dance to your heart’s content as you are the lead of the performance, make the world your stage.

So is this like a Wardancer but mage-style? Mobility and control are clearly in the focus but I just can’t see myself doing a pirouette while Valka’s pummeling something into the ground…

[ +3 Free Points, +8 Speed, +4 Endurance, +15 Intelligence, +16 Focus, +2 Dexterity, +14 Mana, +16 Willpower, +2 Fortitude per level]

Damn, the numbers are spot on though, definitely a top candidate.

[Flameclad Bane of Goblins - Fire]

Good, they deserved it and I’d do it again. I don’t care what this one has to offer because goblins are just not worth my time. Next!

[Courted by Death - Dark]

The color is meh but the name did catch my interest, especially since the bloom is almost completely invisible, only its vague aura and the way it disturbs the water betraying its presence.

Requirement: Experience enough close-death situations to feel the breath of Malor on your neck when the end is nigh.

Okay, creepy but true.

Malor’s gaze follows everyone everywhere, however you in particular seem to have gained his attention. There’s no fighting it, no point in relying on a sharp sword or impenetrable shield but disappearing from sight might work. Cloak your existence and pray He forgets.

Lame. I’m a bit too old for hide and seek now and there’s no point playing if the ‘it’ is death himself.

The next floret is ethereal, just like the spirits floating above the water and humming quietly, singing the hymn of mana.

[Liberator of Spirits - Arcane]

Requirement: Long have the chains fallen off the benevolent elements yet some remained prisoners, until you came that is. Arcane Mastery lvl 72, Arcane Focus lvl 66, 450 Intelligence, 450 Focus, 420 Mana, 420 Willpower

Not often was it that the race forced into servitude was graced with kindness and gifted with their freedom. They grew distrustful, scared, and in the end secluded themselves never to suffer the same fate again. Spirits don’t answer anymore but your pleas for help they might listen to. You are a glimmer of hope for the lost race too sacred to stare back into the dark.

[ +6 Free Points, +2 Speed, +4 Endurance, +14 Intelligence, +2 Focus, +2 Dexterity, +22 Mana, +16 Willpower, +4 Fortitude per level]

That’s… wow. This is more than I’ve ever heard about spirits be that fairytales or history books back in Granhall. ‘They might listen’ So can I call them to help, just like Kayla does with her animal friends, but there’s a maybe in the equation? This is rough, I can’t decide.

[Mother of the Northern Inferno - Fire]

The petals are literally on fire, burning with hungry flames and boiling the water around them. Sweet.

This is mostly just here because it’s cool. Even without reading through the entire thing, I’m sure it’s the most destructive of them all without a doubt. Objectively speaking it’s a great Class but fire is one of the elements I’d never give up arcane for.

[Charismatic Negotiator- Life]

A flower as flowery as the words of one well-versed in the art of parley.

Even I don’t think I deserve this Class. Especially since none of my negotiations really turned out the way I wanted and got resolved through force or intimidation. My silver tongue needs no Skills or Classes to get me out of trouble. If that fails I can always just rely on violence of course.

[Molemaiden - Earth]

… Next!

[Close Combat Sorceress - Arcane]

Finally, something powerful and straightforward.

Requirement: Defy the established order and bring the fight to the enemy wielding magic instead of crude weapons. Arcane Mastery lvl 72, Armory of the Arcane lvl 72, 90 Speed, 60 Endurance, 600 Focus, 450 Willpower,

Mages rain destruction from afar while Warriors swing their weapon in the thick of the enemy. It is an arrangement as natural as day follows the night. At the same time, there’s nothing stopping a wielder of the great mana from employing their wondrous craft head-to-head. Being an embodiment of ruination right where combat is the most heated, that is what you are born for.

[ +2 Free Points, +8 Speed, +10 Endurance, +10 Intelligence, +14 Focus, +4 Dexterity, +10 Mana, +10 Willpower, +6 Fortitude per level]

Those attributes would round out my stats so nicely… The numbers and description, even the general feeling vibrating from the sturdy glassy flower telling, everything points to this being the true Battlemage Class.

A difficult assortment this one… But something has been bothering me for a while now, namely the purple flickering light hiding behind the small waterfall I don’t remember seeing around the Sanctuary.

“Show yourself!” I command, as my words are rules inside my soul yet the anomaly does not even budge. “Fine,” I huff, as curious as frustrated. “Then we do it the hard way.”

Although my steps toward the water curtain are confident I’m anything but. I’ve never heard or read about anything like this happening during Class selection, although Librea herself was also quite weird but more importantly… I recognize that color. It’s the same purple gleam that touched my forehead when the hand of whatever that being was repaid our kindness.

It’s nerve-wracking.

Once I reach the water I take a deep breath and plunge my hand through the violent wall of water. Or at least I try to. The element pushes back, forcing my fingers away despite my commands, and keeps the secret hidden even after I struggle with all my might.

“Why won’t you give it to me?!” I yell like a child throwing a tantrum in the end after the sixth failed attempt. “I worked for it, I deserve it, why am I not allowed to know…” Then reality, or more accurately a hunch points out something obvious. “I don’t even know what it is.”

I’ve been given something, by someone, that does… Yeah, I don’t understand anything about it. All I know is that it’s purple and somehow related to magic but it’s obviously so much more. What I received wasn’t an answer to “To quench your curiosity” but a clue…

“This better be worth it.” I mutter before returning to the rest of my offerings.

I’m not disappointed, or frustrated, or even angry. Okay, I’m a bit pissed, but eager is the word to describe my state the best. This is a challenge, a puzzle only for me to solve. Something beyond the knowledge of Savant, gifted to me by the most powerful being I’ve ever met.

Somehow I can’t be as enthusiastic about my remaining flowers anymore…

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