Cursed Explorer of the Arcana

Chapter 86 - The Leap

I didn’t accept being barred of my choice easily. I yelled at the waterfall, begged, and tried fabled words of magic to make it part and let me through. Hell, I even dropkicked the damn water curtain but it just refused to budge.

Then I thought about recalling that feeling, that burst of power I felt when the finger touched my forehead. It was power, mana, energizing, and vast… But I couldn’t really put a finger on it.

So I was left with the normal offerings.

[Liberator of Spirits - Arcane], [Nature’s Partner in the Dance - Arcane], [Close Combat Sorceress - Arcane]

These three are the only actual contenders. The rest are still great by the average person’s measure but I’m quite a bit above average.

Liberator focuses on mana mostly, likely to summon the spirits and feed them mana which then they can use to do my bidding.

Dancer is the most mage-like of the three if we look at the stats alone. It incorporates movements with magic and relies on mana to crush any danger while staying in motion to avoid danger.

Combat Sorceress is a well-rounded pick that boosts my poor physical attributes while making me a real menace and near untouchable up close. Like fire if fire could spit and run around and would be immune to water and most other things…

None of them is bad per se. To start off, I can’t dance, not one bit. Dodging some strikes and adding unnecessary moves while flinging spells is all I did and Martha would definitely tear my ear off if she saw any of that.

With that said the first to go has to be the spirit mage. I don’t like the uncertainty factor and I don’t like fighting alongside people I care about. They will get hurt and that’s really something I’d rather avoid. I will never understand how Kayla copes with it.

Combat Sorceress is solid, it does exactly what I need and diversifies my arsenal even further, makes me even more of a jack of all trades. That sounds good in theory, making sure I have no weaknesses and can stand my ground in every situation.

But it also sucks. I already lack firepower and my mana is only so-so compared to conventional mages. Being okay at everything means I’m good at nothing.

That leaves dancing…

“Honestly, I can’t even care all that much after that purple thing…”


When I open my eyes the messages are the least of my concerns. My arm feels like it’s about to fall off, I barely have any space on the bed and I’m starving. Oh and most importantly my body feels like it’s about to explode with energy.

The culprit behind two of those issues is Valka, sleeping curled up next to me and taking up most of the bed. She was supposed to guard me…

“You were supposed to guard me!” I yell and slap her shoulder a few times just for good measure.

I’ve never seen someone wake up as fast as she does. Scrambling out of bed, getting jumbled in the blanket, and hitting the ground head first. Her furious groan makes me rethink my actions but it’s already too late.

I watch her with growing fear as she gathers her thoughts and gets back on her feet.

“And you were supposed to take a quick nap not go into a fucking coma!” I raise my arms to protect my face as she pounces at me. A foolish mistake.

The tickling I receive definitely deserves a section in the great book of tortures. No amount of begging and zapping deters her and by the time she’s satisfied, I feel like I’m about to pass out.

“I waited until noon, noon for the love of Gods and you went to sleep early last night.” She rubs her eyes adorned with dark circles. “You can’t imagine how bored I was, and hungry, and anxious, and bored!”

Damn, she makes it sound like it’s my fault. And she’s really convincing.

But I know just the thing that will appease her.

“So… should we go down and-”

“Yes!” She reads my mind. “And you’re not off the hook yet!”


I did feel guilty during dinner, yes dinner, but that wasn’t the only reason I kept my mouth shut. I needed the check on the goodies.

[Congratulations, you’ve changed your Class to [Nature’s Partner in the Dance - Arcane] lvl 73 -> 87, +3 Free Points, +8 Speed, +4 Endurance, +15 Intelligence, +16 Focus, +2 Dexterity, +14 Mana, +16 Willpower, +2 Fortitude.]

And that felt incredible. It was no surprise I was energized to a stupid degree, like any support Skill that ever affected me taking bunched together and multiplied by three. I never understood why druggies need anything when the rush of an attribute bomb tops everything.

It slowly faded minute by minute of course and I’m pretty sure I’m addicted now but most importantly… I’m now stronger than Val on paper.

[Your Class Skill [Chaotic Touch lvl 47] has been forfeited during Class advancement.]

It was a useful Skill but not an irreplaceable one. Definitely would’ve been the first on the chopping block if something brilliant presented itself.

[Your Class Skill [Armory of the Arcane lvl 72], has evolved into the Class Skill [Action for Reaction lvl 72].]

Action for Reaction: Let the mana flow through you and be its guide in the dance. Revel in the complete harmony of the performance as it entrances the crowd and the surroundings alike. Be the guide to mana as direction, force or purpose are all yours to decide. Movements and intent accentuate mana output.

-54 mana/hour (-1 mana/level)

Now that almost made me tear down the entire tavern the moment it popped up. I worked hard for the armory, and it was one of my core Skills but this advancement simply took it without permission.

The replacement was good though, really fucking good actually, so no property damage occurred.

[Congratulations, you’ve unlocked the Class Skill [Focus of Attention lvl 1]. Would you like to assign the skill to an empty slot?]

A Skill to literally make enemies more likely to attack me… Something along the lines of a subtle mental suggestion. Might as well be gravity magic for danger.

[Congratulations, you’ve unlocked the Class Skill [Soothing Water lvl 1]. Would you like to assign the skill to an empty slot?]

[Congratulations, you’ve unlocked the Class Skill [Seething Fire lvl 1]. Would you like to assign the skill to an empty slot?]

[Congratulations, you’ve unlocked the Class Skill [Graceful Wind lvl 1]. Would you like to assign the skill to an empty slot?]

[Congratulations, you’ve unlocked the Class Skill [Stalwart Earth lvl 1]. Would you like to assign the skill to an empty slot?]

This was an interesting quartet. All four of them ‘attached’ an element to me and boosted their effects like a third hand or a gentle push and all of them were passive Skills.

If Martha saw them she’d be drooling over the possibilities of a merge at the next Class-up. She wouldn’t recommend it because I’d have to dump almost all my other Skills and achieve nothing remarkable while slowly and painfully raising my level until the milestone of 144. It’d be beyond stupid.

Thankfully there was more.

[Congratulations, you’ve unlocked the Class Skill [Ethereal Stage lvl 1]. Would you like to assign the skill to an empty slot?]

Harness the entire stage during your performance without any restrictions. Mana will stand at your beck and call, serving at its absolute best under the spotlight.

-24 mana/hour (-2 mana/level)

I instantly took this one. Putting one’s mana control zone aside, when forming spells or just generally playing around with mana, the closer it is the more obedient it behaves. This simple Skill changes that whole dynamic. It’s brilliant, best passive ever.

I knew this one and Action for Reaction would most definitely be a huge drain on my mana regen but I’d take the combat potential over mana regen any day. Almost every passive has a drawback, be that mana expenditure or in the Action for Reaction the necessity of movements to accentuate my magic.

They’re worth it though.

I’ve also heard about some harsh ones taking your sense of smell or requiring words to empower spells but I think those are a little too much.

[Congratulations, you’ve unlocked the Class Skill [Rhythmic Strides lvl 1]. Would you like to assign the skill to an empty slot?]

Let mana enhance your every step, pulsing to your footfalls and creating an alluring rhythm. Gentle or destructive, quiet or earth-shattering, it does not matter. The performance must go on and the dancer will pave the road to the finale for the audience to follow.

Now this one was questionable. From what I understand it’s an adjustable Skill. Do I want to run faster, quieter, obscure my presence, or cause explosions around me with every step? I must admit my excitement over the previous jackpot got the better of me and I instantly discarded Elemental Burst in favor of this newcomer.

The moment the old Skill left my Status I almost threw up as the vile headache struck me but I pushed through. It was all just too worth it.

That was a lot, and I mean a lot of Skills. Some of them were likely unlocked by the Class advancement, while one or two the results of leveling up thirteen fucking times! Nice.

Oh, and I also received this thing.

[Congratulations, you have acquired a new Class [Hopeful Wanderer - Wind lvl 1] +1 Free Points.]

Needless to say, I was antsy to go for a test run, to demolish things, and maybe even go out for a short slaughter. But normal people don’t do that in a city, maniacs and mass murderers do however I have not fallen that deep yet.

“Is it even necessary?” It’s clear Valka’d rather stay back in the room for a short nap but I don’t like the idea of splitting up.

I can also read her well enough to know she’s not all too happy now that I’m stronger than her, on paper. My Class quality is superb, my Skills outstanding, and my stats likely just a tad bit higher, meaning I should be able to take her to the ground or win any tickling match.

“I still have nothing to identify myself with. Either this or the church and I don’t feel like lying in the house of the Gods.” We finally arrive at the local hunter’s guild where I’ll try to lie myself through screening and maybe secure the first step toward leaving this shithole.

From the outside, the place looks poorly maintained, mostly wooden and only a single story tall. I know Granhall shouldn’t be considered a standard since it’s a fairly large city but this is still pathetic.

And the inside isn’t much better.

“How can I help you?” The bored and lifeless welcome by the clerk doesn’t come as much of a surprise either.

Traffic seems to be minimal, despite our relatively short distance to the forest we escaped from and the conditions inside are not much better than the outer facade.

“I was attacked and lost my belongings. Can we please-”

A long sigh breaks my carefully planned explanation. “Another one.” Without any other words, the man pulls out a piece of paper, and a pen and starts scribbling something faster than I can cast spells. “Do you have any form of identification on you?” I shake my head. “Parents?” That would be nice. “Employer or other relative?”

“We just stopped here to restock and visit a healer.” Again, not a word I said was a lie.

“I hate this job so much.” The man mutters just barely loud enough for me to hear. “We’ll need you to answer a few of our questions and then pay a small fee. Is that agreeable?”

“Sure.” I confidently declare.

I’m not confident.

“Wait here a few minutes, I’ll be back shortly.” And with that, he leaves us standing there.

“Can I go back now?” Valka really is doing her best to get on my nerves.

“Sure, a lone young girl who’s clearly a slave, and again alone, wandering the streets and looking like shit. Yeah, go ahead.”

Gods I hate that I sound like my parents or Martha when dealing with me. I’m not even this unreasonable.

A few minutes really turns out to be just a few minutes, after which the same guy returns and leads us to a small backroom with another robed figure already waiting for us. It looks bad and all but Identify scatters all my worries.

[Priest lvl ???]

A woman, not exactly old but not definitely not young either.

“I’ll ask you some simple questions and I need you to answer truthfully.” The employee sits down at the table in the middle of the room, indicating for me to do the same.

The white, blue, and silver colors of the priest’s robe reveal which God she follows instantly and shine some light on the reason she’s present for this little questioning.

Alethea, Goddess of Justice and Truth.

“To start off, is she yours?” The man nods toward Valka.

And so it begins, my desperate struggle to tell the truth without digging the hole we’re in any deeper.

“I don’t like thinking of her as my property but her contract is mine, yes.” I answer and catch a glimpse of the woman’s lips curling up as I answer. “I didn’t want us to split up and thus brought her with me.”

“That’s fine. Name, age, and occupation.”

“Elyssia, twelve and I don’t really have a job. I’m a Mage on my way home from my travels.” I answer, already dreading the question about to come.

“Is that so?” The man checks on the woman who only nods, confirming my answers. “Why visit us and not the authorities?”

“My father is a hunter or was one for decades. He told me all I need to join is a clear history and the ability to take down the prey.” This is an answer I’m confident about.

“Well see about that in a moment.” The man chuckles. “Any criminal record?”

“Never killed anyone, never robbed…” Then I stop myself. “Okay, back when I was young," Which was about two years ago. "we did beat up a few thugs who tried to mug us and took everything they had but didn’t get in trouble for that. I’m really not looking for trouble.”

Everything else I have on my I looted from the dead. That’s not stealing in my book, I think. Except maybe grave robbery…

The woman this time looks a little uncertain, almost as if sensing the truth but feeling like something’s missing. In the end, she still nods but her eyes now look a little more interested.

“Did you ever hurt anybody on purpose?” Comes the next question and it almost makes me laugh.

“Sir, I’m a combatant and pretty strong for my age if I do say so myself. It is my profession to get into trouble and solve it through violence, so yes, if anyone tries to mess with me I’m defending myself and leaving them hurting for weeks.” I declare confidently.

Self-defense is not a crime, although attacking that officer when I nabbed Valka definitely was.

“How reassuring. And you still got robbed?” The questions seem to be coming to an end.

“They were stronger, more numerous, and caught us by surprise.” I’m talking about the ambush on our way to Sereban of course. “My servant got badly injured so we stopped by to get her healed and the only healer…” I leave the story open.

“Oh goodness, you visited that thief.” The man massages his temples. “I’m sorry you had to experience the worst of this place. Marie, anything else?” He turns to the priestess.

After a few moments, the woman finally speaks up, leaning forward and looking deep into my eyes. “Her stories weren’t made up and she truly has no ill intentions. However, I can feel she’s trying to keep secrets, avoiding the bigger picture.”

I’ve been trying to keep calm until now, my throat tightening whenever the woman's face showed even the slightest change but I’m reaching my limit. This is nerve-wracking.

“Then let’s be straight.” The man sighs. “Are you here to hurt anyone or commit any crimes in the city?”


“Are you a wanted criminal?” He asks straightforwardly this time.

“No.” Because they had never seen my face when I stabbed that officer.

“Do you have anything illegal on you?” This question makes me think for a few seconds to take a stock of my belongings.

“I don’t.” I answer in the end because I don’t consider Valka to be mine.

“Are we done?” The man takes one last glance at the priestess who reluctantly nods before before standing up and leaving the room. “Then follow me.”

I’d rather fight Big Fluff than go through this again.


It took them about half an hour and a drop of my blood, quite literally to complete my brand-new hunter’s badge. The pretty thing cost me ten silver and needs to be renewed every year but it’ll still serve its purpose for now.

“Hey Val?” I ask on our way back as Solaire begins to disappear behind the horizon.


“How long have those three been following us?” I only noticed them when we exited the guild.

“Oh, they’ve been watching us since last night. It was really hard to fall asleep, feeling their gazes on the back of my neck and everything.” She glances behind us, looking exactly where one of them is hiding on a rooftop. “They’re with Hector I think.”

There’s no doubt about that. The moment we try making an escape they’d act and get us exposed. But something doesn’t add up.

Even I could do a better job when it comes to trailing someone which means they are letting us know about their presence. They want something.

“To the left.” I whisper nodding toward a narrow alley. “Let’s see what they want.”

We walk around a little venturing into the parts of the city no sane person would visit until one of them finally meets us.

“Visiting the hunter’s guild are we? Don’t plan your escape just yet princesses, we have a task for you.” He snickers.

Intimidation would probably work against most people but not this time.

[Warrior lvl 112]

And not with his level. I doubt any of these thugs have ever seen a blue, much less a cyan option during their Class advancements. Quantity matters but so does quality.

“A test, huh?” Valka huffs, leaning against the wall and showing no signs of worry.

“Sharp.” The man nods.

“No killing, maiming or robbing.” I declare before he can get down to business.

“Stealing from criminals isn’t a crime.” Says the criminal but I can’t really argue with that one. “Some people owe us some money but they took some of our guys we sent there hostage.” Oh, I can already guess where this is going. “Your faces are new and nobody would suspect us to send brats to do the dirty work.” Because it’s a scummy thing to do. “I’ll brief you on the way, follow me.”

I hate being told what to do. With that said this could end up beneficial… The enemy of my enemy is my friend after all.

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