Custom monster system

An unexpected guest

"WHEW" The head smith wiped away the sweat on his forehead and whistled in appreciation "that's some seriously high heat you've got there lad." he said honestly. The man walked past Alex to peer into the forge more closely now that the temperature had lowered to "normal" levels. "Damn near melted a hole through the the furnace and the roof of it too." he said with a slight hint of irritation. 'A split second of those flames took almost all of my fire energy , I'd be kinda disappointed if they DIDN'T do something to it.' Alex said while taking deep breaths to recover.

He felt like he had just run a marathon as he just couldn't seem to catch his breath and his whole body felt weak from the the literal lack of energy. 'So this is what happens when a monster exhaust their energy pool , glad I found this out now and not when I was in a fight.' Alex thought seriously. "Ah , we'll need to turn off the forge for a few hours to fix this mess before it causes problems latter." The head smith said with a sigh before shooing Alex out of the smithy to get to work.

Alex didn't mind however as even if it was for a split second he recognized the flames that came out of his mouth. 'The fire of lunastra , no not exactly , but very close.' He thought with a frown. There are in fact two elder dragons that while having two different names actually belong to the same species but was named differently based on the gender of the member. Teostra for male and lunastra for female , this species was most famous for their incredible affinity for fire energy and was thus titled the rulers of flame.

Teostra was a large monster that most resembled a lion except that it had wings on its back and hard scales as well as horns on it body in addition to it's red fur. It wielded powerful but normal colored flames that also inflicted blast blight to those unlucky enough to be hit by them. Lunastra on the other hand shared a similar appearance to teostra except it had soft blue fur and it's flames were a much more powerful blue color that burnt even after no longer being fueled by energy , like napalm. like most elder dragons the female of the species was without a doubt the more dangerous of the two however they were also much more rare.

'It might just be a coincidence.' Alex thought as he compared the fire he created to that of what he knew of a lunastra's. Alex started to walk up to the canteen when he noticed a large shadow passing by from overhead and froze. The shape of the shadow was very similar to a manta ray in appearance with a long wide flat tail behind it and a small head at the front. Alex realized immediately that the unknown elder dragon had seemed to have known about him living in astera.

This realization didn't surprise him all that much since it made sense for a high altitude predator to have very good eyesight and to go unnoticed most of the time. Alex himself wouldn't have realized that the thing was overhead had his own sharp eyesight not caught the slightly darker shadow hidden in the clouds shadow. Clouds naturally let more sunlight pass through than an extremely solid object like an elder dragon so if ones eyesight was good enough they would notice the extra shadow in the clouds shadow.

Alex didn't panic but rather calmly leapt off the side of the railing and opened his wings to glide down to the area the commander was in. 'We have an unexpected guest flying overhead , likely curious at my interactions with what it may consider prey.' Alex said as he landed near the commander carefully to avoid kicking up wind. "It's curiosity is not unfounded since even to us you are an anomaly so it is understandable that a fellow elder dragon would be highly confused. Do you think it may attack as a test?" the commander asked seriously. Alex shook his head 'It's territory is clearly in the sky and astera can be seen as my own , so it is very hard to imagine it will needlessly provoke me by doing so.' He said honestly.


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