Custom monster system

Kirin crash

"Just in case start spreading the word of the elder's presence so we can react in a timely manner should it prove aggressive." The commander said seriously. Alex nodded before closing his eyes and pushing his telepathy to it's limits to inform as many people as possible in an instant. "Not exactly what I had in mind but I won't complain at results." the man said while rubbing his temple thanks to the psychic yell Alex just did giving him a headache. Word quickly spread through astera about the cloud dragon and besides the scholars who were eagerly trying to spot it everyone grew vigilant.

Nothing happened of course since much like Alex had said the elder was likely just curious about the situation and was merely observing. Alex used it's shadow to pinpoint where in the sky it was but he had to admit that it's natural camouflage was definitely just as strong as his own. Even despite knowing where it was Alex simply couldn't make out it's shape at all when it didn't move drastically. A couple hours later the elder seemed to grow bored of watching and flew off letting Alex give the all clear much to the high-strung peoples relief.

A week passed after that and everyday the elder would show up to watch astera but Alex stopped telling people on the third day since it was clear that the thing meant no harm. Alex didn't even think about hunting the thing since it was quite rare to find a peaceful elder dragon and there were plenty of violent ones he could go after instead. A good example of this was the kirin that had finally showed up in the coral highlands and had been harassing the people there.

Alex left the not so little wyvern who had grown in size again in astera before heading to the highlands to hunt this kirin. Alex wasn't surprised to see that as he approached the highlands the sky went from calm to filled with black thunderclouds. A thunderstorm several miles wide sat on top of the area with the center of it moving ever so slightly with the elder who summoned it. It wasn't hard at all to see the pale blue dragon unicorn leisurely strolling about the highlands from high in the air. Alex swooped down in an attempt to sneak attack the kirin but it did something surprising when it felt the danger , it teleported.

That's what appeared to happen anyways but the bright flash of electricity told Alex that in actuality the elder simply accelerated to stupid levels to move out of the way. 'This may be harder than I anticipated.' Alex thought seriously as the now angry elder glared at him from nearby. Alex's eyes widened but before he could move a bright flash lit up the surrounding as a bolt of lightning struck him from the sky. Alex roared in pain as the electricity shattered his scales and burnt his flesh in that split second before vanishing again.

'It wasn't glaring at me it was targeting me!' Alex realized and deployed his new favorite technique , hidden mist approach. In an instant the kirin was startled as dense fog burst out of Alex obscuring it's vision of it's surroundings. What Alex didn't know was that this move had basically stopped any precision based action of the kirin including it's lightning movement since it needed line of sight to work. Meanwhile Alex was downing a couple of max potions to scab over the wound he just got before slowly stalking around the kirin that was being quite loud about it's discomfort.

Alex may also be blinded by his fog but thanks to his other senses he can still roughly figure out where he needed to attack. "CRACK! NIEGH!" Alex lashed out with his tail successfully striking the kirin and making it scream in pain. Unlike most elder dragons a kirins body was it's weak point as it lacked the dense protective scales and muscles that the rest usually had. In exchange for this disadvantage kirins had the most powerful thunder elemental attacks in the world making them even more dangerous at range.


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