Custom monster system


Needless to say Zain had a blast during the fight and was satisfied after it was finally over and he stood victorious. Alex didn't need to wait very long at all after that for the reports of deviljhos showing up in all of the new world , usually to make a hunt so much harder for hunters. Alex wasted no time at all going out of astera and into the wildspire waste next to try and find himself an unfortunate pickle to hunt. He did not find his target but rather the other irritating monster that liked to butt into hunts in the game , bazelgeuse.-

Alex never understood by the game developers made this particular monster the only one to intentionally interfere in the hunts in the game. What he did understand though was that it's constant interjection made him develop a deep seeded hatred for the species. So when the thing showed up he totally forgot about deviljho and zeroed in on it exclusively with a near fanatical desire to violently end it , so he did. Much like most monsters the bazelgeuse also had the bad habit of not watching the skies.-

Alex capitalized on this by crash landing on it's head making the blast scales under it's throat detonate. Normally the monster would be nearly unaffected by it's scales going off near it but in most situations the force of those blast had somewhere to go beside into it. Needless to say the bazelgeuse's throat was totally ruined and in taters as blood poured out in vast quantities. Death came swiftly however as Alex sent his tail through it's eye ending it instantly. 'Not exactly what I wanted but no point in wasting the meat and traits.' he thought with a shrug and grabbed the still warm corpse and took to the air.-

Alex thought it was funny how many hunters glared at the corpse back in astera , likely because of their own hunts being interrupted by a member of the species. Despite how hateful the species was no one would deny that they were super useful since nearly every part of them was useful for something , even their talons! The talons were a key ingredient in making armor and attack charms that worked to boost a hunters abilities through some sort of weird aura manipulation thing. 'This world may not have outright magic like Geralt's but sometimes it seems to get uncomfortably close.' he thought with a sigh.-

In no time at all the corpse was stripped of every useful part and the meat butchered into nice neat steaks. Alex casually lifted the massive pile of meat much to most peoples jealousy and made his way towards to canteen for his favorite part of the hunt , the feast. By this point in time the head chef had gotten into the habit of preheating the dragon kitchen the moment he saw Alex return from his hunts. Alex found it odd that only the head chef seemed to ever use the dragon kitchen but didn't say anything about it lest the dude make him a funky tasting dish as retaliation.-

A lesson Alex learned when he was human was that you never annoy the person cooking for you since they could ruin the food on purpose or even worse , make it completely edible but odd flavored. An example from his past was were a friend of his didn't realize that his was screwing the chefs wife of a restaurant they went to but the chef did. Alex's friend ordered a well done steak and mashed potatoes and he got it only with a twist.-

The steak had been seasoned with mint leaves , honey and lemon juice while the mashed potatoes were made with sweet potatoes that had diced jalapenos in it. The meal was totally edible but the weirdness of the flavors made Alex's friend nauseous. What was worse was when they tried to complain about it the chef came out and confronted Alex's friend about what he had done. Alex swore to never make a similar mistake because he valued his taste buds too much for it to be worth it.


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