Custom monster system

Lessor dragon body

The scholars complained about the rough shape that the corpse was in amongst themselves but none had the poor idea of confronting Alex about it. They had all seen the injuries covering his body and assumed that if any of them made such a comment that person would likely get roasted alive. They weren't far off either since the only reason Alex had won that fight was because even in his rage he was smart enough to relentlessly keep his opponent at a disadvantage , so getting told he should have tried harder to preserve the body might have made him snap.-

To quote a wise and insane clown "all it takes is one bad day" and Alex did not have a good day so far. For the rest of the day though he was put on bed rest by the stern faced medics even though most of his wounds had closed and scarred over. While his healing factor wasn't dead pool and wolverine levels of broken it was still a seriously unfair advantage on his part. For a normal monster it would take almost two weeks to heal from injuries like this but Alex only needed a good nights sleep at most.-

Before he went to sleep in his nest for the rest of the day though Alex made sure to stop by the smithy to shed off his damaged set of scales so he could get a new one. The next few days were spent with Alex sticking to the fully explored areas of the new world for his daily hunts since he didn't want to risk running into another hostile elder coincidentally. The cloud colored elder was named gianret by the guild during this time , not that the elder cared when Alex told it during his run in with it on his most recent hunt.-

Finally the scholars were finished with their study of the unknown elder and could only look at Alex in horror when he came to collect the meat from the corpse. The reason for that was because during their study they determined what the cause of death was. They tested the bones strength which showed them exactly how much power Alex used to cause the gaping hole in the corpse's rib cage. While everyone knew Alex was physically powerful seeing that powers aftermath in person was a totally different thing. -

None of the hunters were bothered when the scholars reported this since every hunter was aware of how powerful monsters were thanks to their hunts so Alex's strength was merely to be expected. The chef didn't even cook the meat when he got it but instead directly turned it into jerky since it was no longer fresh. Alex didn't mind as he ate it either way and gained two entirely new traits , [double circulation] and [reinforced skin]. Both traits were rare ranked letting Alex unlock them instantly , but due to their nature as body reinforcement type traits they were fused into the [ greater flawed dragon body] transforming it directly into [lesser dragon body].-

This wasn't a small shift by any means as it was very much qualitative in nature which all but knocked Alex out the moment it happened. He had barely managed to get to his nest before unconsciousness took him and his body began to change dramatically. Appearance wise very little changed but internally all of Alex's bodily functions were improved drastically on a genetic level. The biggest change had to come in the form of his lifespan however as it was instantly multiplied by five times making him capable of living up to fifteen hundred years.-

Before Alex's body was a mass of imperfectly operated enhancements that were only surface level which is why the trait had been listed as flawed , but now they were a fundamental part of his being that even if the system were to be suddenly removed from him would be unaffected. In the systems eyes this was the bare minimum to be considered to have a true draconic body and it showed with how grand the change was. An additional bonus of this new body was that Alex's energy pool grew much denser and wider.


NAME: Alex/Obsidian

TITLE: Evolving dragon

AGE: 10 months , 1 weeks

Generated traits: variant electrosis (T3) , elder dragon 5/10 , elemental flow , focused horns , dense horns , elemental discharge , ambidextrous , weaponized horns , -

Unlocked traits: Herbivore level 1 , Enhanced scales level 8 , Water breathing level max , Heat resistance level 5(max) ,Compact stomach level 3 , Swimming muscles level 8 , Amphibious eyes level 2 , Bone eater level 2 , poison eater level 2 , poison resistance level 5 , Additional limbs: wings level 9(MAX) , Fire resistance level 9 , armored scales level 8 , Paralysis resistance level 4 , Thick skin level 7 , enhanced ears level 4 , accelerated healing level 2 ,venomous claws level 5, metal eater level 1 , stone eater level 1 , tempered bones level 5 , telescopic sight level 2 , crushing muscles level 8 , earth resistance level 6 , dense muscles level 8 , toxirosys T6 , enhanced life span T1 , enhanced heart level 5 , metallic claws level 2 , venomous tail level 3 , hydrosis T5 , shock absorption level 5 , hardened bones level 6 , smooth scales level 3 , enhanced smell level 3 , hard horns level 3 , enhanced lungs level 3 , telepathy level 1 , tranquilizing poison level 4 , enhanced vision level 2 , water resistance level 3 , layered horns level 3 , light resistance level 4 , acid resistance level 2 , paralyzing poison level 2 , effluvia resistance level 1 , insulated scales level 3 , variant pyrosis T7 , mistosis T5 , scale regrowth level 1 , slick scales level 3 , ice resistance level 2 , lithe figure (MAX) , bloodletting claws level 2 , sharp instincts level 1 , explosive poison level 1 , earthen camouflage level(max) , lunging muscles level 6 , lingering flame level 1 , double circulation level 1 , reinforced skin level 1-

Fused traits: Omnivore level 2 , lesser dragon body , Apex muscles T6 , hunter senses level 2 , eagle vision level 2 , incomplete adaptive camouflage(max) ,-

Discovered traits: Carnivore level 1 , Ridged feet level max , Weaponized tail level 2 , night vision level 1 , Sharp claws level 7 , Enhanced brain , Shadow camouflaging , two horns , tail regrowth


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