Custom monster system

Titanic clash

Alex had absolutely no problem figuring out that this particular monster had no intention of playing nice since it was glaring at him with an impressive amount of bloodlust. Using his mistosis Alex began to cover the area in thick grey fog that surprisingly enough had little flecks of red in it that popped constantly. 'How did I not know about this sooner? This is amazing!' he thought pleasantly surprised to learn that the [lingering flames] trait also applied to his mist since it used his fire energy as well as his water energy.-

The explosions weren't strong at all , but they were loud and distracting which meant that Alex suddenly became much harder to find in his mist than before. This proved to only irritate the elder however as it roared and much to Alex's surprise fling stones everywhere. 'It seems that this thing relies on it's physique mostly to attack.' he thought seriously until the elder seemed to grow even more incensed and spat out a thick gout of fire from it's mouth that almost struck him. 'I guess not.' he corrected himself. 'Still let's see if he likes water energy attacks.' Alex thought with a plan in mind. -

The elder seemed to think that it had Alex on the ropes with it's barrage of attacks but it could only change it's mind when pain rocked it's body as a dense laser jet of water cut through it's thick hide from it's shoulder to it's tail leaving a shallow but long gash behind. "ROAR!" It screamed in pain as it flinched from the sudden shift in situation. Alex immediately capitalized on this momentary pause and shoulder checked the elder as hard as he could making it stagger. "THWAP!" Alex's tail slashed through the elders left eye while it was staggered blinding it on that side but also snapping it back into focus.-

Alex didn't panic when he felt the elder suddenly start pressing against him with it's own power in a contest of strength that displaced the sand under both of them. The elder didn't have sharp claws which proved detrimental in this case as not only did Alex barely manage to match the thing power but he also started to rake his VERY sharp claws through it's side. Blood spilt from these wounds like a fountain but the elder refused to accept that it was losing this fight and resolutely bit Alex's left claw cracking the scales and just barely making him bleed.

Alex fought to control his anger but lost for a moment and flooded the elders mouth with water like a geyser erupting. This was a massive waste of a lot of energy but it worked as the elder recoiled in pain and panic. Alex directly punched the brute in the face as hard as he could creating a small shockwave as well as snapping some of it's teeth loose. He was pissed and it showed as all that cold efficiency was gone and in it's place was cruelty and brutal force.-

Punch , claw , bite , punch Alex brutally assaulted the elder angrily and forced it back in fear as it could tell that it was outmatched. It couldn't flee however as whenever it tried Alex would grab it and pull it back towards him viciously. Backed into a corner the elder stopped trying to defend itself and went all out attacking Alex causing injuries to pile up on both of the until Alex finally broke through the elders ribcage and crush it's heart with a violent punch just behind the elder right front limb.-

"HEH , HEH , HEH" Alex panted loudly after the elder finally dropped dead as steam rose out of his mouth and body as his water energy tried to cool him off. All over his body there were various patches without scales or gouges from the elders teeth sinking into him. 'Stronger than nergigante but not quite master rank.' He though after finally feeling the rage fade away and reason took over. Alex grabbed the corpse of his fallen opponent and winced slightly at the pain coming from all over his body before taking off into the air to head back home.


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