Cyberpunk: Asuka Vektor

Chapter 11

As they zipped through the streets of Night City, Jackie’s eyes narrowed when he realized where they were headed. The familiar streets of Heywood came into view, and with a sinking feeling, he finally asked, “Asuka, what are you doing?”

Asuka didn’t look back, but her grin was practically audible. “We’re going to show this ride to Mama Wells.”

Jackie let out a groan, his head dropping back in exasperation. “*Chica...* You know the whole neighborhood’s gonna see me on this thing, right? All the Valentinos?”

Asuka laughed, clearly enjoying his discomfort. “Oh, come on, Jack. What’s the matter? You’re always talking about how much you love to make a statement. Consider this one hell of a statement.”

Jackie sighed in defeat, shaking his head but with a small, reluctant smile creeping onto his face. “Yeah, yeah… fine. Let’s just get this over with. But if the Valentinos start callin’ me the guy who rides a pink bike, I’m blaming you.”

Asuka revved the engine again, speeding up as they neared Heywood. “Don’t worry, Jack. You’ll be the talk of the town. And I’ll be there to remind everyone it’s *my* bike.”

As they rode closer to Mama Wells’ place, Jackie could already picture it: all his buddies, his old friends, the tough Valentinos leaning against their rides, staring as he pulled up on a bright pink *Yaiba Kusanagi* with Asuka at the helm. He let out a long breath, resigning himself to his fate.

But even though he was mentally preparing for the teasing, there was a part of him that couldn’t help but admire the ride. The bike was fast, sleek, and even in pink, it was a machine to be respected. He might get a lot of flak, but riding with Asuka had its own perks—she always knew how to keep things interesting.

“Alright, chica,” Jackie muttered with a half-smirk, holding on a little tighter as they zoomed through the streets. “Let’s go show off your damn bike.”

Asuka pulled up to El Coyote Cojo with a dramatic flourish, the bright pink Yaiba Kusanagi roaring as they came to a stop in front of the bar. She couldn’t help but chuckle as she felt Jackie’s resigned sigh behind her.

Without missing a beat, Asuka called out, “Mama Welles! Come outside, you’ve got to see this!”

It didn’t take long before Mama Welles emerged from the bar, her face lighting up with a warm, welcoming smile as she stepped out into the sun. But that smile quickly turned into a wide grin when she saw Asuka perched proudly on the bike—and Jackie, looking thoroughly embarrassed, sitting behind her.

Mama Welles’ eyes sparkled with amusement. “Ay Dios mío, Jackie, what have you gotten yourself into?”

Before Jackie could even respond, Mama Welles activated her Kiroshi optics, snapping a photo of the scene without hesitation. Asuka grinned, striking a playful pose while Jackie, looking like he wanted to melt into the bike, muttered under his breath.

“This,” Mama Welles said with a laugh, “is going on the wall inside the bar, no question.”

Jackie groaned, putting his face in his hand. “Come on, Mama... You can’t do me like that.”

But Mama Welles just winked at Asuka, completely ignoring Jackie’s protests. “You two look perfect together, like siblings. How could I not immortalize this moment? Besides, the boys in the bar could use a good laugh.”

Asuka hopped off the bike, still beaming. “Told you this was gonna be fun, Jack. Now you’re part of El Coyote history.”

Jackie sighed dramatically, but there was a smirk tugging at the corner of his lips. “Yeah, yeah. I’m never gonna live this down, am I?”

Mama Welles patted Jackie on the shoulder. “Don’t worry, mijo. You’ll get over it. But this picture? This one’s forever.”

Asuka smiled at Mama Welles' offer. "Thanks, Mama, but I gotta pass on the drink this time. I still need to show this preem ride to my dad. He’s gotta see it in action."

Mama Welles nodded with understanding, though her eyes still gleamed with pride and amusement. “Of course, mija. Vik’s gonna love it. But don’t forget, next time you stop by, I’m expecting you to stay for a drink. And Jackie, too. We’ll have something special waiting.”

Jackie, who had finally gotten off the bike and was now standing next to it, let out a small sigh of relief. “You know I’m always down for a drink, Mama,” he said, before giving Asuka a sideways glance. “You’re lucky Vik’s probably gonna love that thing—gets you off the hook for leaving me on a pink rocket in front of *all* the Valentinos.”

Asuka just grinned. “Hey, you survived, right? You’ll be fine. You might even get yourself an ARCH Nazaré soon enough. Maybe I’ll help you pick a color.”

Jackie groaned at the thought, but his smile showed he wasn’t too bothered. “Don’t even joke about that, chica.”

With a wave and a wink to Mama Welles, Asuka swung back onto her bike. “See you later, Mama! And don’t go spreading that photo too far, yeah?” she called out playfully.

“I make no promises, mija,” Mama Welles teased, waving her off. “Ride safe.”

Asuka revved the *Yaiba’s* engine, feeling the rush of power beneath her again. Jackie gave her a pat on the shoulder as he started heading toward his place. “Catch you later, Asuka. Tell Vik I said hey.”

With a final nod, Asuka sped off, the wind whipping through her hair as she made her way through the streets of Night City. The pink blur of the Yaiba darted through traffic effortlessly, and soon enough, she was making her way back to Vik’s clinic.

Asuka pulled up to Viktor's clinic, her Yaiba Kusanagi coming to a smooth stop right in front of the entrance. The sight that greeted her was unexpected—a truck parked outside, with a couple of people unloading furniture and boxes. They were carefully setting up what looked like a shop, right in front of Vik’s basement clinic.

Curious, Asuka swung her leg over the bike and approached. Standing nearby were two familiar faces: her dad, Vik, and Misty, both watching the activity unfold.

Raising an eyebrow, Asuka called out, “What’s going on here? And Misty, why are you here?”

Vik glanced over at her, a small smirk forming on his face. “Well, you showed up just in time. Misty here is opening up her own shop—Misty’s Esoterica. All this furniture and stuff? It’s for her place. She’s setting up right above the clinic.”

Asuka blinked, glancing between them both, then at the front of the shop. “Wait, so Misty’s taking over the front space?”

Misty smiled softly, her usual calm demeanor radiating as she nodded. “Yeah, figured it’s time I opened my own place. Been working on it for a while, and this spot was perfect. Plus, I’m the landlord for the basement clinic, so Vik’s renting from me.”

Asuka’s jaw dropped slightly, looking at her dad in mock surprise. “Wait, you’re telling me Misty owns the place you’re renting?”

Vik shrugged, rubbing the back of his neck with a sheepish grin. “Hey, good deals are hard to find in Night City. Misty’s been good to me—gave me a decent rate, and I don’t mind the company.”

Misty chuckled softly, adding, “I’ve been saving up for a while, and it’s the perfect location. Plus, it’s good energy down here.” She looked at Asuka, her eyes twinkling. “I think you’ll like it when it’s all set up. Stop by when you need to recharge your soul and also to get your body patched up.”

Asuka looked at the furniture being moved inside and then back at her dad. “Well, guess this place is getting a facelift, huh? Pretty cool, actually.”

Vik grinned, then gave Asuka a once-over, finally noticing the bright pink Yaiba she’d just arrived on. “But what’s cooler is that ride of yours. You finally got it, huh?”

Asuka grinned back, her excitement flooding back. “Yup! Yaiba Kusanagi CT-3X—in custom pink, of course. I’ve been waiting forever for this, and it’s finally mine.”

Vik chuckled. “Well, it sure stands out. I gotta admit, I’m impressed, kid. Just take care of it—and yourself, alright? You’ve got the flash, but keep your head in the game.”

Asuka nodded, her smile wide as she glanced between her dad and Misty. “Don’t worry, Dad. I got this. And hey, I guess now I’ve got two reasons to visit—my ride and Misty’s new place.”

Misty nodded, smiling warmly. “You’re always welcome, Asuka. We’ll have the shop open in no time.”

As the workers busied themselves with unloading furniture and setting up Misty’s new shop, *Misty’s Esoterica*, Asuka found herself drawn into a conversation with Misty. It wasn’t often that Asuka got to slow down and just talk—especially in a city like Night City, where everything moved at a breakneck pace. But Misty had this calm, almost serene energy about her that made Asuka curious.

“So, what’s the deal with your shop?” Asuka asked, leaning against her bike as she watched the workers haul in furniture. “What kind of stuff are you selling?”

Misty smiled softly, her hazel eyes sparkling with warmth. “It’s a little bit of everything for the spirit, really. Tarot readings, crystals, charms. Things to help people find a bit of peace in this chaotic city. It might seem small, but I believe people need a place where they can connect with something bigger, something that helps them feel grounded.”

Asuka tilted her head, intrigued. “Yeah, can’t say I’ve met too many people who are into that kind of stuff in Night City. Most folks are more about chrome and eddies than… peace.”

Misty chuckled, brushing a strand of hair behind her ear. “You’d be surprised. Even in a place like this, people are searching for meaning. They might not say it, but they’re looking for something—something that makes sense of the madness.”

Asuka crossed her arms, nodding slowly. “I get that. I mean, we all have our ways of dealing with the insanity. For me, it’s the thrill—the jobs, the rides, the danger and the rewards after. Keeps me moving, keeps me sharp. But your way… I don’t know, it’s kinda refreshing. Like a different side of things.”

Misty looked at her thoughtfully, her smile never fading. “You strike me as someone with a lot of energy, Asuka. But even people like you need a break from the chaos sometimes. It’s okay to slow down, take a breath.”

Asuka couldn’t help but like Misty. She was different from almost anyone she’d met in the city—a rare kind soul in a place where kindness was hard to come by.

“I gotta admit,” Asuka said with a grin, “you’re not what I expected when I first saw you hanging around the clinic. But you’re alright, Misty. This place is lucky to have someone like you.”

Misty smiled softly, her eyes kind. “Thanks, Asuka. That means a lot. And you know, you’re always welcome here. Whether you’re looking for advice, a reading, or just a quiet place to think.”

Asuka nodded, genuinely feeling a sense of comfort in Misty’s presence. “Yeah, I might take you up on that sometime. It’s not often you meet someone in Night City who’s not looking to screw you over.”

Misty’s smile deepened. “I try to be a little different.”

The conversation between them flowed easily, and Asuka found herself feeling a strange sense of peace—something rare in her world. Misty was good people, and that was something worth appreciating in a city like this.

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