Cyberpunk: Asuka Vektor

Chapter 10

The next morning, Asuka stirred from her sleep, the soft glow of her HUD flickering in the corner of her vision. A notification caught her eye: 30,000 eddies added to your balance. She grinned to herself, stretching lazily in her bed. Corpo rats pay really well when you do their dirty work.

Rolling out of bed, she tossed on her usual casual gear—something comfy but still stylish—and made her way to the kitchen. As she entered, her father, Viktor Vektor, was already sitting at the table with his usual cup of coffee. He glanced up as she sauntered in, and his brow furrowed slightly when he saw the unmistakable spring in her step.

"Morning, kid," Vik greeted, his tone neutral, but there was a hint of curiosity in his eyes. "You look way too happy for this early. What’s got you in such a good mood?"

Asuka grabbed a drink from the fridge, leaning against the counter with a wide, playful grin. She took a long sip before responding, savoring the moment. “You’re looking at your daughter who’s now 30,000 eddies richer.”

Viktor raised an eyebrow, setting his data-shard down. “Thirty thousand? And I’m supposed to believe you made that kind of cash overnight by doing something legal?”

Asuka chuckled, shaking her head. “You know me better than that, Dad. It was a gig. A big one.” She spun her drink in her hand before leaning forward with a mischievous glint in her eyes. “Jackie and I took care of a corpo for a client. No mess, no noise, just a clean job. Easy eddies.”

Vik’s expression remained neutral, but there was a flicker of concern in his eyes. “Taking out corpos now, huh? Dangerous business, Asuka. You gotta be careful. Those types don’t forget easily, even if you do it clean.”

Asuka shrugged, still grinning. “Hey, we got in and out without anyone noticing until it was too late. Even the guards were offed by the client afterward. It’s all tied up nice and neat. No loose ends.” She could see her father’s worry, but she couldn’t help the excitement bubbling up inside her. The thrill of the gig still had her riding high.

Vik took a long sip of his coffee, his eyes narrowing as he studied her. “Just don’t let that excitement get you reckless, kid. It’s not always the big jobs that’ll get you. Sometimes it’s the quiet aftermath that bites back.”

Asuka flashed him a confident grin. “Don’t worry, old man. I’ve got it under control. Besides, with 30,000 eddies in my account, I can afford a little caution.”

Viktor shook his head with a sigh, a small smile breaking through his usually stoic expression. “Just remember, those eddies won’t mean much if you’re not around to spend ‘em.”

Asuka laughed, her mood still light as she took another swig of her drink. “Got it. Stay alive, spend the eddies. Sounds like a plan.”

Though Viktor remained serious, he knew better than to try to rein her in. She was too much like her mother—once she got a taste of the action, there was no turning back. But even with the eddies flowing in, he’d keep an eye on her. It’s what a father does, after all.

Vik leaned back in his chair, crossing his arms as he looked Asuka over. "Alright, 30 thousand eddies. Not bad. So, what’re you planning to do with all that cash?" he asked, a curious eyebrow raised.

Asuka’s face lit up as she leaned against the counter, excitement flashing in her eyes. “Oh, I’ve been saving up for this one, Dad. I’m finally going to get my hands on a Yaiba Kusanagi CT-3X.” She practically buzzed with excitement at the thought of riding one of the fastest bikes in Night City. “I've been saving for a while, and with this gig, I’ve finally hit around 70 thousand. Time to make the dream come true.”

Vik’s brow furrowed a little, the hint of a smile tugging at the corner of his mouth, but he wasn’t about to let her off easy. “A Yaiba, huh? Not exactly cheap, kid. But what about the rest? Your maintenance? Cyberware upkeep isn’t exactly free. You just gonna blow it all on a bike and hope nothing breaks?”

Asuka waved him off with a dismissive chuckle, walking over to ruffle his hair like a cheeky kid. “Come on, Dad, are you serious? Why would I worry about that when the best ripperdoc in all of Night City happens to be my father?” She grinned at him, playfully nudging his arm. “I don’t need to save a dime on maintenance. You’ve got my back, right?”

Vik shook his head, but there was a smile on his face now, despite himself. “You really think that’s how this works, huh? You think I’m just gonna patch you up for free every time you come in here banged up or with your cyberware on the fritz?”

Asuka winked. “Of course. Family discount, right? Besides, you’d miss me if I didn’t stop by to visit and let you fix up my chrome.”

He let out a sigh, but there was no hiding the fondness in his voice. “Yeah, yeah. But you better hope you don’t total that shiny new bike of yours on the first ride. I’m not rebuilding you and the Kusanagi.”

Asuka laughed, hopping onto the counter and swinging her legs. “Don’t worry. I’ll take care of it, just like I take care of myself. But damn, I can’t wait to get that bike. Speed, style, and all the thrill I can handle—it’s going to be perfect.”

Vik shook his head again, muttering under his breath, “You’re going to give me gray hair, kid.”

Asuka grinned. “Too late, old man.”

Asuka hopped off the counter, her grin still wide with excitement. "Hey, Dad, you know El Capitán, right?" she asked casually, but there was a glint of curiosity in her eyes.

Vik glanced up from his coffee, giving her a knowing look. "Yeah, I know him. We’re old friends. Why, what are you getting at?"

Asuka folded her arms and leaned against the counter, her expression turning a little more serious. “Well, I figured he’s one of the best fixers for anything with wheels in this city. Think you could reach out to him, see if he has a Yaiba Kusanagi CT-3X or knows where I can get one?”

Vik chuckled softly, shaking his head. “Ah, I see where this is going. Yeah, El Capitán can get his hands on a lot of things. Bikes, cars, you name it. I’m sure if anyone knows where to find a Yaiba, it’s him.”

Asuka’s grin widened. “Perfect! Think you could give him a call for me? Put in a good word? I bet he’ll have something.”

Vik set his coffee down and looked at her for a moment, his expression softening. “Alright, kid, I’ll reach out. I’ll tell him you’re looking, and he’ll hook you up with whatever he’s got.”

“Thanks, Dad!” Asuka said, practically bouncing on her heels. “You’re the best.”

Vik shook his head with a smirk. “Yeah, yeah. Just don’t go wrecking that bike as soon as you get it.”

Asuka winked. “No promises, but I’ll try my best.”

Vik sent El Capitán a quick message. “There. I’ll let you know when I hear back from him. But don’t rush him—El Capitán moves at his own pace.”

Asuka nodded, feeling the thrill of anticipation build. Soon enough, she’d be riding through the streets of Night City on her very own Yaiba Kusanagi.

As Asuka lounged on the couch, lazily flipping through channels on the TV, her HUD lit up with a notification in the corner of her eye—an incoming call from El Capitán. Her pulse quickened with excitement as she accepted the call, the familiar face of Santo Domingo’s top fixer appearing on the screen. Muamar Reyes, or El Capitán, had a reputation in Night City, and it wasn’t hard to see why. Ruthless, connected, and always one step ahead, he was the guy you went to when you needed something done—or when you needed something fast.

"Ah, you must be Vik’s girl," El Capitán’s voice was smooth, a hint of amusement in his tone. "He told me you’re lookin’ for a Yaiba Kusanagi. Well, you’re in luck. I’ve got one for you—a real beauty, black, fast as hell. 56 thousand eddies. Special discount for being the daughter of Vik."

Asuka grinned, sitting up straighter, the excitement of the deal already bubbling up inside her. “56 thousand, huh? Not bad at all,” she said, her tone playful. “But… I have one small request.”

El Capitán raised an eyebrow, clearly intrigued. “Oh? And what might that be?”

“I want it painted pink and silver outlines,” Asuka replied, her voice steady and serious, despite the sparkle of humor in her eyes.

El Capitán blinked, then chuckled, shaking his head. “Really? A pink Yaiba? You want me to turn one of the meanest bikes in Night City into... that?”

Asuka shrugged, flashing him a confident smirk. “Why not? Gotta ride in style, right?”

El Capitán laughed, rubbing his chin thoughtfully. “Alright, kid. Pink it is. I’ll have my guy handle the paint job. Never thought I’d see the day, but if it’s what you want, I’ll make it happen.”

“Appreciate it, Capitan,” Asuka said, her grin widening. “It’s gonna be perfect.”

“You’ll have it by tomorrow,” he said with a nod. “But remember, kid, I’m doin’ this as a favor to Vik. Don’t get any crazy ideas about wrecking that thing the moment you take it out.”

Asuka chuckled. “No worries. I’ll take care of it... most of the time.”

El Capitán smirked. “Good. I’ll send you the details for the pickup once it’s ready.”

With the deal made, Asuka leaned back into the couch, her mind already racing with the thought of cruising through Night City on her new pink Yaiba.

The next day, Asuka received the details for the pickup, and the excitement was almost too much to contain. She immediately called Jackie, her voice bubbling with enthusiasm. "Hey, Jack! You free? Come with me to pick up my new ride!"

On the way to the pickup spot, they hopped on the metro, the city buzzing around them as usual. Jackie was just as pumped, leaning against the train railing with a grin plastered across his face. "You know, chica, I’ve been thinkin’ about getting something for myself too. Got my eyes on an ARCH Nazaré. That thing’s a beast, just like me."

Asuka chuckled, nodding along as the train swayed through the bustling streets of Night City. “Oh yeah? You gotta get it soon then, so we can race. Let’s see who’s faster.”

Jackie’s grin widened. “You think that new ride of yours is gonna keep up with an ARCH? We’ll see about that.”

When they arrived at the pickup spot, tucked away in an industrial lot on the outskirts of Santo Domingo, Jackie was still chatting away about the Nazaré. But as soon as they turned the corner and spotted her bike, his words died in his throat.

There, gleaming under the morning sun, was Asuka’s new Yaiba Kusanagi CT-3X—but not just any Yaiba. It was painted in a bright, bold pink, with accents that popped against the sleek lines of the bike. The machine looked simultaneously fierce and flashy, just like Asuka herself.

Jackie’s jaw dropped, eyes wide as he took in the sight. He stood there for a solid few seconds, staring in disbelief before breaking into a laugh. “I should’ve known! A pink Yaiba? Only you, chica, only you.”

Asuka grinned, running her hand along the bike’s sleek frame. "What can I say? Gotta ride in style." She swung one leg over the bike and settled into the seat, looking right at home. With a playful look, she motioned for Jackie. “Come on, Jack. Hop on.”

Jackie scratched the back of his head, still shaking his head in disbelief. “You really want me to get on this thing? I dunno, pink’s not really my color.”

“Stop being such a baby,” Asuka teased. “You know it’s a beast underneath all the pink. Now get on before I leave you behind.”

With a sigh, but a grin still tugging at his lips, Jackie hesitated for a moment longer before finally giving in. “Alright, alright. But if anyone sees me, I’m blamin’ you.” He swung his leg over and settled in behind her, his broad frame making the bike feel a little more cramped.

Asuka revved the engine, and the Yaiba roared to life, the power beneath them sending a thrill through her veins. She turned back to give Jackie a mischievous look. “Hold on tight, big guy. You’re in for one hell of a ride.”

With that, she took off, the bike tearing down the road, leaving a trail of neon lights and dust in their wake as they sped through Night City. Jackie’s laughter echoed behind her, the two of them cutting through the streets like they owned them

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