Cyberpunk: Asuka Vektor

Chapter 9

Asuka stood at the far end of the shooting range, her pink cybernetic arms steady as she took aim at the target downrange. The weight of her revolver felt natural in her hand, an extension of her body after countless hours of practice. She squeezed the trigger, each shot cracking through the air with precise, measured rhythm.

The target flickered on the screen in front of her, a digital silhouette riddled with glowing bullet holes. Satisfied with her accuracy, Asuka paused, letting the echo of the gunfire fade. She wiped a bead of sweat from her brow, her body alive with adrenaline. She needed this—needed to blow off steam after the craziness of the past few days.

Just as she was about to reload, a call appeared in the corner of her vision. Jackie. A faint smirk tugged at her lips.

"Yo, Jackie. What's up?"

"Hey, chica," Jackie’s deep voice came through, casual but carrying an undercurrent of excitement. "Got a job you might be interested in."

Asuka holstered her revolver, raising an eyebrow. “Oh yeah? Sounds like you’re about to throw me into something fun. What's the gig?”

She could say she almost hears Jackie’s grin through the line if she was not seeing it. “Heh, let’s just say there’s a big payout. Some corpo wants a job done on the down-low. Not the cleanest work, but the eddies are real good. Thought of you right away.”

Asuka rolled her eyes, smirking as she packed up her gear. “You always think of me when there’s a dirty job. What’s the catch?”

“No catch,” Jackie said, then after a pause, added, “Well, except for maybe a few heavily armed guards. But nothing we can’t handle.”

The excitement in his voice was infectious. Asuka leaned against the stall wall, tilting her head back with a chuckle. “You know I can’t say no when you pitch it like that. Fine, I’m in. Meet at the usual spot?”

“Yeah, same place. See you soon, chica.”

Two weeks had flown by since that gig in the scav den. Asuka had kept herself busy—balancing her life between minor gigs with Jackie and working alongside her father, Viktor Vektor, in his ripperdoc clinic.

When she wasn’t pulling gigs with Jackie, she found herself assisting her old man with serious surgeries, handling delicate cyberware installations, or patching up some street punk who’d bitten off more than they could chew. Despite her playful and impulsive nature, she took her work as a ripperdoc seriously—especially when she was elbow-deep in someone’s insides, installing high-end chrome or saving lives. Viktor handled the more complex procedures, but Asuka was picking up new skills fast. She’d started doing some of the smaller procedures on her own—implant adjustments, neuroware calibration, things like that.

Still, even with the clinic work and minor gigs, Asuka had plenty of energy to burn. When she wasn’t working, she was training—either at the shooting range, running combat drills, or learning some hacking skills.

But it wasn’t all work. Jackie made sure of that. Whenever there was downtime, he’d drag her out to party. Lizzie’s Bar or some underground rave—wherever the night took them. She could always count on Jackie to make sure they had a good time, whether they were downing drinks, dancing in the pulsing neon lights, or having good times with girls, more her with the girls because Camilla would kill him.

Asuka arrived at Joe's, the usual spot where she and Jackie met up before jobs. The dingy little dive bar sat nestled between two massive skyscrapers, looking almost out of place with its peeling paint and flickering neon sign. Inside, the vibe was just as grimy—a few locals hunched over their drinks, the low hum of conversation mixing with the tinny music coming from an old jukebox in the corner. It wasn’t the fanciest place in Night City, but it was comfortable. Familiar.

Asuka slid into the booth, her pink cybernetic fingers drumming lightly on the table as she waited for Jackie. It didn’t take long before he strolled in, his big frame filling the doorway before he made his way over to her, the usual grin plastered across his face.

"Yo, chica," Jackie greeted as he sat down across from her, tossing a quick wave at the bartender. “You ready for this?”

Asuka leaned back in her seat, her arms crossed. "I dunno, depends. What’s the gig this time? You got me all curious, Jack.”

Jackie cracked his knuckles, then leaned in a bit, his voice dropping just enough to give their conversation some privacy. “Alright, so here’s the deal. Some corpo wants another corpo dead. Corpo gigs—you know how it goes.”

Asuka raised an eyebrow. “Lemme guess. Climbing the corporate ladder by stepping over the competition?”

Jackie nodded, his grin widening. “Exactly. But here’s the kicker—this corpo called up Padre to handle it. Padre thought about us and he threw it our way. Figured we could use the eddies.”

“So, who is our target?”

Jackie tapped his fingers against the table. “Our target? Big fan of underground fights. Goes to them all the time—makes for easy access, since his security’s slim whenever he’s watching the bloodsport. From what we know, his guards tend to step back. That's when we move in, take him out clean.”

Asuka thought for a moment, her mind already working through the details. “Okay, so we catch him when he’s distracted, enjoying a good fight, and when his muscle’s relaxed. That’s our window.”

Jackie nodded, his expression turning serious for a moment. “Yup. It’s a tight window, but we’ve pulled off worse.”

Asuka tilted her head she gave him a thoughtful look. “What’s the payout looking like?”

Jackie leaned back, crossing his arms with a grin. “Enough to make it worth our time. Corpo's willing to pay top eddies to make sure his promotion’s all but guaranteed.”

Asuka let out a slow whistle. “Alright. High stakes, decent payout. Sounds like a typical night in Night City. You already got eyes on the fights?”

“Yeah,” Jackie said, pulling out a holo and projecting a map on the table. “He’s gonna be at one tomorrow night. Small venue, out in Santo Domingo. Real underground stuff—bare-knuckle, no-holds-barred kind of fights. His kind of scene.”

Asuka leaned over the map, scanning it carefully. She could feel the adrenaline starting to kick in already. It wasn’t a simple smash-and-grab, but that’s what made it interesting. The fact that it was a corpo made it even more appealing—messing with the upper echelon was always a special kind of satisfaction.

“Alright, I’m in,” Asuka said, grinning as she met Jackie’s eyes. “Let’s make this corpo regret his taste in entertainment.”

Jackie gave her a nod, the familiar spark of excitement in his eyes. “That’s the spirit. I’ll take care of the details, and tomorrow night, we’ll hit ‘em hard and fast.”

Asuka picked up her drink, clinking it against Jackie’s. “Here’s to another night of chaos.”

The night descended over Night City, Asuka and Jackie made their way toward the underground fight club in Santo Domingo. The air was thick with the scent of the city—hot chrome, oil, and the occasional waft of burning trash from the alleyways. The venue wasn’t anything fancy—just another forgotten corner of the city where blood sport thrived. The excitement in the air was almost tangible, and Asuka could feel the familiar buzz of adrenaline kicking in as they approached.

At the entrance, two bulky guards loomed over the door, eyeing the crowd with cold gazes. As Asuka and Jackie stepped up, one of the guards raised a hand.

"Leave the iron at the door," he said gruffly, holding out a hand expectantly. His voice carried the unmistakable tone of someone who’d done this a thousand times.

Jackie, ever the professional, didn’t argue. With a smirk, he reached into his jacket, pulling out his guns and placing them into a nearby lockbox. Asuka followed suit, casually handing over her holstered revolver and a smaller piece she’d stashed in her jacket.

"Smart move," the guard grunted, scanning them both briefly. He barely spared Asuka a second glance, his eyes dismissing her almost instantly.

With her pink revealing clothes, and confident, almost playful attitude, Asuka knew exactly what he was thinking. “Probably figures I’m just another joytoy”, she mused to herself, hiding her grin. What he didn’t know was that her true weapons weren’t visible. Her cybernetic arms and legs were more than just for show. And tucked away inside those sleek pink limbs? Mantis blades—lethal and sharp.

"You’re good," he muttered, waving them through.

Asuka exchanged a quick look with Jackie as they walked past the checkpoint. He gave her a subtle nod, clearly amused. Neither of them was worried—this wasn’t the first time they’d walked into a fight club unarmed, and it wouldn’t be the last. Besides, Asuka’s hidden blades would more than even the playing field if things went sideways.

The interior of the club was loud and chaotic, filled with the scent of sweat, blood, and stale alcohol. The crowd was packed tight, the roar of voices and the thud of fists hitting flesh echoing from the underground fighting pit at the center. The atmosphere was electric, pulsing with the raw energy of violence and money being exchanged behind every shadowy corner.

Asuka scanned the room, her eyes sharp despite the flickering lights and overwhelming sensory noise. Somewhere in here, their target—some corpo slimeball looking to get ahead by any means necessary—was enjoying the show, unaware that tonight would be his last.

Jackie leaned in close, his voice low but audible over the din. “He’s here, somewhere near the VIP boths. Probably gettin’ cozy watching the blood flow.”

Asuka’s lips curled into a mischievous smirk. “Good. Let him get comfortable. He won’t see us coming.” She flicked her gaze toward the crowd, scanning for the telltale signs of corporate security lurking in the shadows. For now, all seemed quiet.

“Let’s grab a drink, blend in,” she suggested, nodding toward the bar. They still had time to make their move, but patience was key. In a place like this, rushing things would only draw unnecessary attention.

Asuka watched with careful, calculating eyes as one of the corpo’s guards approached her, his gaze sweeping over her with an air of smug arrogance. She already knew what was coming.

“My boss likes you,” the guard said, not even trying to hide the slimy grin on his face. “Wants to dock with you. You in?”

The offer hung in the air like a bad joke, but Asuka saw the opportunity instantly. Perfect. She flashed the guard a sultry smile, tilting her head just so, the playful, seductive mask sliding into place effortlessly. “Sure,” she purred, acting the part of a joytoy, knowing this was her way in.

The guard seemed pleased as he led her through the crowded fight club. The deeper they went, the more isolated the area became. Eventually, they reached a private booth, its walls made of opaque glass and soundproof—designed to keep prying eyes and ears away. Two more guards flanked the entrance, barely acknowledging her as they opened the door.

“Go ahead,” the guard said, motioning for her to step inside.

Asuka entered the booth, the door sliding shut behind her with a soft hiss. The air inside was cool, a stark contrast to the heat of the crowd outside. There, lounging on a couch, was the corpo—dressed in sleek, expensive clothing, the epitome of wealth and power. His eyes lit up when he saw her, his smirk confident, already thinking he’d won.

Asuka didn’t hesitate. She let her hips sway seductively as she walked toward him, her every movement designed to draw his gaze. The corpo watched her approach with hungry eyes, completely oblivious to what was about to happen. When she reached him, she settled onto his lap, her cybernetic arms draping over his shoulders as she leaned in close.

Her hands rested on his chest, feeling the steady thrum of his heartbeat under her palms. He leaned forward, his lips just inches from hers, but Asuka’s smirk turned cold.

In one swift motion, her mantis blades ejected from her arms with a sharp, metallic click, piercing through the man’s skull with deadly precision. The corpo didn’t even have time to scream—his body went limp, blood seeping from the fatal wound as his eyes rolled back.

Asuka pulled her blades free, retracting them as quickly as they had appeared. The job was done.

Taking a deep breath, she adjusted her clothes, making herself look disheveled and messy, like someone who had just been through a sexual encounter. She tousled her hair, letting it fall slightly out of place, and smeared a bit of lipstick for added effect. Got to make it look convincing. She checked her reflection in the glass, satisfied with the illusion of post-sex exhaustion.

She waited a few minutes to let time pass. Once she was sure enough time had gone by, Asuka calmly exited the booth, the guards outside none the wiser. They barely glanced her way as she strolled past, too accustomed to their boss’s indulgences to question anything.

The crowd swallowed her up as she moved through the club, scanning the room for Jackie. When she spotted him near the bar, she quickly made her way over, her demeanor calm but her voice urgent.

“It’s done,” she whispered, tugging on his sleeve. “Let’s get out of here. Fast.”

Jackie’s eyes widened for a second, realizing what she’d just pulled off. Without wasting any time, he nodded, setting his drink down. “Let’s bounce, chica.”

Together, they slipped out of the fight club, blending into the chaos of Night City once more. The job had gone smoother than they’d planned, but they both knew it was only a matter of time before the body was found. By then, though, they’d be long gone, eddies in hand and another corpo wiped off the board.

After leaving the underground club, Asuka and Jackie made their way through the winding alleys and neon-lit streets of Night City, putting as much distance as possible between themselves and the scene of the hit. They moved quickly but kept a low profile, blending into the crowds of late-night revelers and street punks. Once they were far enough away, Jackie called Padre and also connecting Asuka to the call.

The call connected, and Padre’s familiar voice filled the line. “Well, well, well. If it isn’t my two favorite mercs. I assume things went smoothly?”

Asuka couldn’t help but grin “Smooth as chrome, Padre. Corpo’s dead, no one even noticed ‘til we were long gone.”

There was a brief pause, and then Padre let out a low chuckle. “Impressive. Very impressive. I expected good work from you two, but to handle it so quietly… I’m genuinely impressed. You did God’s work tonight, my children.”

Asuka raised an eyebrow at Jackie, who shrugged with a grin. Praise from Padre was always a little dramatic, but coming from him, it felt like gold.

Jackie laughed. “Hey, you know how it is. Quick in, quick out—no mess, no fuss.”

“You’ll have your eddies by morning,” Padre continued, sounding pleased. “But you’ll be happy to know, the client’s already handled the aftermath. The guards didn’t even realize what happened until after you were gone. By the time they figured it out, well… let’s just say they won’t be a problem anymore.”

Asuka’s smirk widened. “The guards got flatlined?”

“Indeed,” Padre confirmed, his tone almost casual. “The client blamed them for the death of their boss. Perfect cover. They didn’t stand a chance. A pretext, of course, but it keeps things neat, wouldn’t you say?”

Asuka nodded to herself, satisfied. The job had gone down perfectly. No loose ends, no suspicion. The corpo world was ruthless like that—everyone was expendable.

“Glad to hear it,” Jackie said, leaning back against the wall of a nearby building. “Means we’re clear, right?”

“As clear as the morning sky,” Padre replied. “You’ve done your part. Now, enjoy your well-earned rest.”

Asuka stretched her arms, feeling the weight of the night lift from her shoulders. “We’re just that good, Jack.”

He laughed, throwing an arm around her shoulders. “Yeah, we are.”

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