Cyberpunk: Asuka Vektor

Chapter 8

Lizzie’s Bar was in full swing. The air inside was thick with neon light, the pulse of electronic beats reverberating through the floor. Every surface seemed to hum in sync with the rhythm of Night City’s nocturnal heartbeat, the crowd thriving on its energy. Asuka leaned against the bar, the cool glass of her drink resting in her hand, eyes lazily sweeping across the chaos. The place was alive—neon lights bouncing off slick chrome and synth-leather as the club-goers, both regulars and nomads, lost themselves in the night.

Nearby, Jackie Welles knocked back a shot, the sound of his deep laugh cutting through the thumping bass. He slapped a friend on the shoulder, someone Asuka vaguely recognized as one of the regulars from around the block. She caught his eye for a moment, and Jackie winked in his usual way, his grin wide and infectious. Asuka smiled back, though her mind was already drifting elsewhere.

Judy Alvarez.

The thought floated to the front of her mind, uninvited but persistent. She found herself scanning the room again, her eyes narrowing as they darted through the swaying bodies and neon glow. Somewhere in the crowd, surely, she’d spot her. That unmistakable short hair, tattooed sleeves, and that ever-present aura that screamed Judy.

But no matter how hard she searched, Judy wasn’t there.

Then it hit her—like a bucket of cold ice water dumped on her head.

Her smirk faded, replaced by a slow, sinking realization. Her pulse quickened as her mind scrambled to catch up. “Wait, what year is it?”

Asuka blinked, her brain locking onto the timeline.


“Shit,” she muttered, a self-deprecating laugh bubbling up. She leaned back against the bar, the weight of the realization finally settling in. “Judy’s, like, what… fifteen right now?”

She shook her head at her own stupidity, groaning softly as the absurdity hit her full force. Of course Judy wasn’t here. Not yet, anyway. Right now, somewhere in the city, she was just a kid.

And speaking of things being fresh—the incident from last year, Lizzie Borden’s death, still hung over the place like a ghost.

But Asuka wasn’t here for that. Tonight was about the thrill, the noise, the rush of losing yourself in the neon jungle. Even if her brain sometimes betrayed her with flashes of a future not quite here yet.

With a sigh, she pushed the thought of Judy aside, for now. The night was still young.

Just as Asuka was trying to shake off the thought of Judy and the future, a soft voice purred next to her, pulling her back into the moment.

"Hey, pink doll," the woman said, her voice honeyed, smooth, and laced with that trademark Mox confidence. Asuka turned her head to see a beautiful working girl standing close, bathed in the neon lights of the bar. She had bright, chrome-touched makeup that caught the light just right and a teasing smile on her lips. Her outfit was an enticing mix of synthetic fabric and strategic cut-outs, all designed to catch eyes, and it certainly did.

"Interested in a BD?" the girl asked, her eyes locking onto Asuka’s cybernetic limbs, the pink glinting under the lights.

Asuka let out a soft chuckle, running her thumb across the rim of her glass before placing it down on the bar. She didn’t mind BDs—sometimes they were a good time—but tonight? Tonight she wanted something more visceral. She glanced back at the woman, her lips pulling into a playful smirk.

“Tempting, but not tonight," Asuka said, leaning in slightly as her sky-blue eyes met the woman’s. "I want the real thing."

The girl's smile widened, not missing a beat. “Lucky for you there are still a few of us who prefer to keep things... authentic.”

Asuka’s grin deepened. She appreciated that. The Mox had evolved over the year after 2067, slowly transitioning more into the braindance trade, but not everyone was riding the full wave of tech till 2077. The balance between digital fantasy and raw, physical connection was still there—at least for now.

The girl took a step closer, her fingers gently brushing against Asuka’s cybernetic arm, sending a small jolt through her sensors. “So, you looking for a good time, pink doll? I promise I’m the real thing.”

Asuka felt a spark of excitement flash through her, the pulse of the bar’s music syncing with the rising tension. She leaned in just a bit more, her voice low and teasing. “Prove it.”

The woman’s eyes gleamed under the neon lights, and without another word, she took Asuka’s hand, guiding her away from the noise and into the shadows, where the promise of something more than a BD awaited.

Tonight was going to be interesting.

Asuka stepped out of the booth, a satisfied smirk playing across her lips, adjusting her clothes as the dim glow of the club's lights washed over her once more. The thrum of Lizzie’s Bar welcomed her back, but for a moment, it was muted, distant—her mind still lingering on the last hour.

Behind her, the girl followed, looking equally pleased, a soft, knowing smile on her face as she ran a hand through her hair. The chemistry between them had been electric, leaving both of them basking in the aftermath.

Asuka glanced over her shoulder, eyes glinting in the neon. "You’re worth it," she said, her voice a low purr, the compliment genuine as she transferred her eddies.

The girl looked at the transfer notice flash in the corner of her vision before laughing softly, shaking her head. “If I wasn’t on the clock,” she said, meeting Asuka’s gaze, “I would’ve done it for free.”

With a playful wink, she slid closer, pressing something into Asuka’s hand. A small card—old-fashioned, but with a personalized holo-embossed number glowing faintly across its surface. “Call me. The next times, are all free.”

Asuka’s eyes flicked down to the card, then back up to the girl, an amused smirk tugging at the corner of her lips. “I might just take you up on that.”

The girl winked one last time before turning and melting back into the crowd, leaving Asuka standing by the bar, the buzz of the night gradually pulling her back into its embrace. She slipped the number into her pants pocket with a chuckle.

As Asuka was still savoring the moment, sliding the card into her pocket, she suddenly felt a heavy hand clap her back, jolting her slightly forward. She didn’t even have to turn around to know who it was.

"While I was drinking, you were docking with a Mox joytoy?" came Jackie’s booming voice, his laughter loud enough to compete with the thumping bass of the bar.

Asuka groaned dramatically, but a grin spread across her face. Jackie always had a way of showing up at just the right (or wrong) time. She turned to face him, rolling her eyes with a playful smirk.

“Jealous, Jackie?” she shot back, nudging him in the side with her elbow. “You were too busy downing shots with the regulars and you already have an output. Besides, not everyone’s into getting wasted all night.”

Jackie laughed again, shaking his head. “Jealous? Pfft. Nah, chica. But I gotta say, you move fast! The night’s barely started, and you’re already on the scoreboard.”

“Well, gotta stay sharp in this city, right?” Asuka teased, leaning back against the bar, raising her empty glass in a mock toast. “You never know what’s gonna happen next.”

Jackie grinned, nudging her back. “You’ve got that right. But hey, next round’s on me. Just... don’t ditch me for another Mox joytoy, okay?”

Asuka chuckled, slinging her arm around Jackie’s shoulder. “Only if you can keep up with me, big guy.”

As Asuka and Jackie returned at the bar, about to grab another round, a young woman sauntered up to Jackie with a sultry smile, eyeing him like he was her next conquest.

"Hey there, big guy. You interested?" she purred, leaning in slightly, her fingers brushing the edge of his sleeve.

Before Jackie could even think to respond, Asuka quickly interjected, stepping forward with a playful grin. "How about me? He’s already got an output." Her tone was teasing, confident as ever. She thought she was being smooth.

But the girl’s eyes flicked over Asuka, taking in her tight pink booty shorts, her skimpy white top hugging her impressive bust, and her pink metallic limbs glinting under the neon lights. For a moment, she hesitated, then her face twisted in disdain. "Nah," she said flatly. "I’m not interested in another joytoy."

The words hit Asuka like a gut punch.

Her grin faltered, and for the first time in a long while, she found herself speechless. “A joytoy?” She hadn’t expected that—definitely not here, where everyone dressed to make a statement. She blinked, momentarily stunned, trying to process the insult.

But before she could fire back, Jackie burst out laughing, his deep, booming laughter echoing through the bar. He clutched his stomach, practically doubling over, tears in his eyes from how hard he was laughing.

“You—she—called you—” Jackie could barely get the words out between fits of laughter. “A joytoy called you a joytoy! Oh, man, that’s rich!”

Asuka’s shock quickly melted into annoyance, her expression tightening as she shot Jackie a withering glare. “Oh, yeah, real funny, Jack. Laugh it up,” she muttered, crossing her arms over her chest.

Jackie wiped away a tear, still chuckling. “Sorry, chica, but that was too good! I’ve never seen someone shut you down someone like that.”

Asuka sighed, her ego bruised but her pride refusing to let it show too much. She shook her head, forcing a laugh of her own. “Alright, alright, get it out of your system. Just remember who’s got your back when you screw up next.”

Jackie clapped her on the shoulder, still grinning like a madman. “Don’t worry, I got you. But damn, that was gold.”

Asuka stood there, arms crossed and eyes narrowing as Jackie’s laughter continued to echo in her ears. She couldn’t help but feel her pride sting a little—okay, maybe more than a little. “How could someone reject her?” She wasn’t just some random girl in the crowd. She was Asuka Vektor: cute, beautiful, with curves that could stop traffic, wide hips, and a bust that turned heads wherever she went. Her mind kept replaying the rejection, and it gnawed at her.

The more she thought about it, the more annoyed she became. She grabbed her drink and downed it in one swift motion, the burn of the alcohol doing little to calm her nerves. A second drink followed, and then a third, each one dulling her frustration but fueling a new kind of fire—a sulking, bitter one.

Jackie, noticing the shift in her mood, raised an eyebrow. “Easy there, chica, you’re gonna hit the floor if you keep that up.”

But Asuka waved him off, her usual playful demeanor gone, replaced by a sulky pout. "I’m fine, Jackie. Just don’t get how someone could turn down all of this," she muttered, gesturing vaguely to herself. “I mean, look at me! Beautiful Face, wide hips, big boobs, sexy body—what’s not to like?”

Jackie chuckled but then caught the serious look in her eyes. He sighed, shaking his head. “Come on, Asuka. You know how it is in this city. Some people are just... dumb.” He shrugged, trying to defuse the situation, but Asuka was already well into her downward spiral.

As the drinks kept flowing, her frustration started to morph into a tipsy haze, and before long, Asuka’s movements became more exaggerated, her voice louder as she complained to anyone nearby who would listen. Jackie, seeing the scene she was starting to make, stepped in quickly.

“Alright, that’s enough for tonight,” he said, grabbing her by the shoulders and steering her away from the bar. “We’re getting out of here before you give everyone a free show.”

Asuka, wobbling slightly on her feet, protested weakly. “I’m fine, Jack! I just—ugh—?” she grumbled, her voice slurring as she allowed herself to be guided toward the exit.

Once outside, the cool night air hit Asuka’s flushed face, and she leaned against the wall, taking a deep breath. Jackie stood beside her, making sure she didn’t keel over.

“See? Feels better, doesn’t it?” Jackie asked with a grin.

Asuka groaned. “Yeah, yeah... I guess. But still, screw that girl.” She pouted, the alcohol still swirling through her system, making her mood flip between indignation and self-pity.

Jackie patted her shoulder. “Hey, don’t sweat it. You’re the baddest chica in Night City. One rejection isn’t gonna change that.”

Asuka, her face still flushed but her sulking starting to fade, gave him a half-smile. “Thanks, Jack.”

“No problem. Now, let’s get you home before you embarrass yourself more,” he teased, nudging her lightly.

With a reluctant laugh, Asuka nodded. 

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