Cyberpunk: Asuka Vektor

Chapter 15

The night air was filled with shouts and the echo of gunfire as Asuka and Jackie sprinted out of the megabuilding, their footsteps pounding against the cracked pavement. They had stirred up one hell of a hornet’s nest, and now the Tiger Claws were on their tails. As they reached her Yaiba Kusanagi, Jackie hesitated for just a split second, eyeing the bright pink bike.

“Asuka, I swear—” he started, but Asuka cut him off, already throwing her leg over the bike.

“Not the time, Jack! Suck it up and get on!” she barked, her voice carrying that edge of urgency. They could hear the shouting from inside the building getting closer, the roar of engines revving somewhere in the distance.

Jackie shook his head, muttering a quick curse under his breath as he climbed on behind her, his arms wrapping around her waist. “You know I hate riding on this thing, chica.”

“Yeah, well, you hate getting shot even more, right?” Asuka shot back, twisting the throttle and kicking the bike into gear. The Yaiba roared to life beneath them, the pink glow reflecting off the nearby walls as they tore out of the parking area, speeding into the bustling streets of Westbrook.

The traffic was heavy, neon lights blurring into streaks of color as they weaved through the lanes, cutting between cars and trucks at breakneck speed. Asuka’s eyes were sharp, focused, her body leaning into every turn with precision. Jackie held on tight, his eyes glancing back as they shot down a narrow street.

“Drek, Asuka, we’ve got company!” he called over the roar of the engine, his voice tense.

Asuka glanced and caught sight of them—three Tiger Claws on motorcycles, weaving through the traffic, engines roaring as they pursued. Their neon tattoos and flashy chrome glinted under the streetlights, and Asuka didn’t need a second look to know they were armed and ready to turn her and Jackie into scrap.

“Hold on, Jack. We’re losing them,” she said, her voice calm but determined. She twisted the throttle harder, the bike accelerating sharply as they sped between cars, dodging bumpers and leaving a trail of screeching tires behind them.

Jackie glanced back, his face set with focus. One of the Tiger Claws was getting closer, a pistol raised, aiming at them. “They’re getting close! Chica, we gotta lose them fast.”

Asuka gritted her teeth, her mind racing as fast as the bike. She spotted an opening—a gap between two trucks, just wide enough for her Yaiba to slip through. Without hesitation, she leaned the bike hard to the right, veering into the gap and cutting between the trucks at a dangerously sharp angle. The pink glow of her bike flashed between the vehicles, the roar of the engine echoing off the metal frames.

The first Tiger Claw tried to follow, but his reaction was too slow. He clipped the back of one of the trucks, the bike spinning out in a shower of sparks before crashing against the divider. Jackie looked back, grinning. “One down!”

The other two Tiger Claws weren’t deterred. They pressed on, swerving through traffic, their bikes roaring as they tried to close the gap. Asuka knew she had to take another risk. She spotted an on-ramp leading to the elevated expressway—an open stretch of road with fewer cars but a lot of speed.

“Hang on, Jack!” she shouted, leaning forward as she aimed for the ramp. The Yaiba shot up the incline, the pink glow leaving a bright trail as they ascended onto the expressway. The road opened up before them, the city sprawling out in neon flashes and skyscrapers.

The Tiger Claws followed, their bikes roaring up the ramp behind them. One of them pulled out a katana, the blade catching the light as he moved closer, clearly intending to slice at them. Asuka swerved hard, zigzagging across the lanes, making it nearly impossible for him to get a steady aim.

Jackie, holding on tight, looked back, his eyes narrowing. “Chica, give me a shot at these gangoons.”

Asuka nodded, keeping her eyes forward. “Make it count, Jack!”

Jackie pulled out his own pistol, leaning back just enough to aim. The wind whipped past them, the roar of the engines almost deafening. He squeezed the trigger, the shot echoing out over the expressway. One of the Tiger Claws jerked, his bike veering off course before skidding across the asphalt, sparks flying as it slid.

“Two down!” Jackie yelled, his grin wide.

The last Tiger Claw was relentless, his bike roaring as he closed in. Asuka spotted an exit ramp ahead—if she could just take it fast enough, she might be able to shake him. She twisted the throttle, pushing the Yaiba to its limit, her body leaning low against the bike.

The exit came up fast, and she took it, the tires screeching as they shot down the ramp. The Tiger Claw tried to follow, but his speed was too high. He overshot the turn, his bike skidding out and crashing into the barriers.

Asuka let out a breath she didn’t realize she was holding, the tension easing just a bit. They were in Heywood now, the streets familiar and, more importantly, safer.

Jackie laughed, the adrenaline still pumping through his veins. “Damn, chica, that was some next-level riding. Remind me to keep my mouth shut next time I complain about this bike.”

Asuka smirked, slowing the bike down to a more reasonable speed. “Told you, Jack. Yaiba’s got it where it counts. And besides, I like having you around in one piece.”

Jackie nodded, his grin still plastered across his face. “Yeah, yeah. Just make sure you don’t get us killed before I get my ARCH Nazaré, alright?”

Asuka laughed, her heart still racing, but the thrill of the escape and the familiar banter making everything feel right. “No promises, Jack. You know how it is.”

As they finally rolled up to El Coyote Cojo, the familiar sight of the bar brought a sense of relief to both of them. Asuka parked her Yaiba Kusanagi, its engine rumbling down before she kicked the stand down. She glanced at Jackie as he swung his leg off the bike, clearly more battered than he wanted to let on. His knuckles were bruised, a couple of cuts lined his cheek, and he moved with the stiffness of someone who’d taken more hits than his body was comfortable with.

Jackie tried to mask it with his usual grin, but Asuka could see right through it. She gave him a pointed look, her brows furrowed as she looked him up and down. “Jack, you look like you just wrestled a cyberpsycho bare-handed. You sure you’re good?”

Jackie waved her off, shrugging. “Just a few bumps, chica. You know me—I can take it.”

Asuka crossed her arms, her expression skeptical. “Yeah, but one of these days, it’s gonna be more than just bumps and bruises. Look, I know you’ve got your heart set on that ARCH Nazaré, but maybe it’s time we put that dream on hold, just for a bit. Get you some proper cyberware—something to keep you from getting wrecked every time we pull a gig like that.”

Jackie raised an eyebrow, a grin tugging at his lips despite the soreness in his muscles. “Oh yeah? And what exactly are you suggesting, chica? You think I need to chrome up more?”

Asuka nodded firmly, pointing at his chest. “Yeah, Jack. I mean, look at you. You’re tough, but flesh and bone only get you so far. I’m talking subdermal armor to take those hits a little easier, maybe Epimorphic Skeleton to speed up healing, or even titanium bones like mine. I just think it’d be a smart move—you know, for next time things get dicey.”

Jackie rubbed the back of his neck, looking thoughtful for a moment. He couldn’t deny that things had been getting more intense lately. Every gig seemed to up the stakes, and the close call they just had made him realize how close he was to being a liability rather than an asset to Asuka.

“Subdermal armor, huh?” he mused, rolling his shoulders as if trying to gauge how much he really needed it. “And those titanium bones... You think Vik can hook me up with something good?”

Asuka smirked, her eyes softening a bit. “I know he can. He’s the best in Night City, and you know he’d do it for you. Look, I just don’t want to end up scraping you off the pavement one day, Jack. We’re a team, and I need you in one piece, okay?”

Jackie let out a sigh, nodding, his grin fading into something more sincere. “Yeah, alright, chica. You’ve got a point. Guess I’ve been putting this off for long enough. It’s just... y’know, never thought I’d go full chrome. But if it means keeping up with you and staying alive, then it’s worth it.”

Asuka patted his shoulder, her smile returning. “That’s what I like to hear. Plus, think about it—how much cooler are you gonna look when you’ve got some actual chrome under all that muscle? You’ll be unstoppable.”

Jackie chuckled, shaking his head. “Yeah, yeah. Unstoppable and shiny. Alright, let’s talk to Vik soon, get me sorted out.”

Asuka nodded, the two of them finally turning toward the entrance of El Coyote Cojo. The familiar sounds of laughter, music, and clinking glasses welcomed them, and Asuka gave Jackie a playful nudge as they walked in.

“First things first, though,” she said. “A drink. We’ve earned it.”

Jackie grinned, the tension easing off his face as he held the door open for her. “You read my mind, chica. Let’s drink to surviving another day in Night City.”

After spending the evening at El Coyote Cojo, unwinding with Jackie and enjoying the familiar warmth of Mama Welles' place, Asuka made her way back home to Viktor's clinic. The streets of Night City had cooled a bit, the neon glow reflecting off the wet pavement, but the energy of the city was as vibrant as ever.

Pushing open the door to the clinic, she was greeted by the the sight of her father, Viktor, working on some equipment at his usual station and watching the same boxing match. He looked up as she entered, raising an eyebrow at her.

“Back already? Thought you’d be out a bit longer tonight,” Vik said, a small smile tugging at the corner of his lips.

Asuka walked over to him, her expression a mix of tiredness and purpose. “Yeah, well, things got interesting today, and I started thinking about some upgrades.”

Vik turned his chair to face her fully, his curiosity piqued. “Upgrades, huh? What are we talking about, kid?”

She leaned against the counter, her eyes meeting her father's. “Jackie almost got torn apart today. He’s gonna need some new chrome—subdermal armor, maybe even titanium bones like mine. But I figured I might as well get in on it too, y’know? I was thinking if you have some good subdermal armor, I’d take it. And I need better lungs, Dad. I’m talking high-end cyberlungs. Something that’ll keep me going no matter what air I’m breathing.”

Vik nodded, a thoughtful look crossing his face. “Subdermal armor and titanium bones, huh? I’ve got a couple of good connections for that kind of gear. It’ll take some eddies, of course, but nothing I can’t source if you’re willing to wait a little. As for the lungs...” He paused, rubbing his chin. “Yeah, most folks around here already have some form of cyberlungs. The pollution in this city is brutal. But I can get my hands on something top-notch for you. Something that'll help with bad air quality and boost your stamina, sure. You’ve got the eddies for it?”

Asuka grinned, nodding eagerly. “You know it. I’ve been saving up, and I figure this is a good way to spend it. Plus, I can always earn more. But here’s the catch—you’d do the install, right? You know, family discount and all that,” she added with a wink.

Vik sighed, shaking his head but smiling fondly. “Yeah, yeah, kid. I’ve got you covered. You buy the parts, I’ll do the install. For free, of course. Just like always.”

Asuka’s grin widened, and before Vik could say another word, she launched herself forward, wrapping her arms around him in a tight hug. He stiffened for a second, clearly not expecting it, then let out a soft laugh, patting her back.

“You’re the best, Dad,” she said, her voice muffled slightly as she hugged him. “Seriously, I mean it.”

Vik smiled, a warmth in his eyes as he gently pushed her back, giving her a good look. “Just don’t make me regret it, alright? You’re always getting yourself into trouble, kid. This chrome will help, but you’ve still gotta keep your head on straight out there.”

Asuka nodded, stepping back and crossing her arms, her smile softening. “I know, I know. I’ll be careful. But with you backing me up, I feel like I can take on anything.”

Vik turned back to his workstation, shaking his head but unable to hide his smile. “Alright then. I’ll put out some feelers and let you know when the parts come in. Just promise me you’ll try not to get into any more firefights until then, alright?”

Asuka laughed, heading toward the back of the clinic to crash for the night. “No promises, Dad. You know Night City never sleeps.”

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