Cyberpunk: Asuka Vektor

Chapter 16

A few days later, Asuka found herself in the clinic again, but this time she wasn’t the one getting the chrome. Jackie had finally agreed to go through with the upgrades after their close call at the megabuilding.

Jackie lay on the chair, clearly trying to hide his nervousness beneath his usual bravado. Asuka could tell by the way he kept fidgeting, his eyes darting around the basement clinic. She stood next to her dad, Vik, who was getting his tools prepped for the procedure, the soft hum of the equipment creating a steady rhythm in the background.

“Jack, you gotta relax,” Asuka said, looking at her friend and smirking. “You’re acting like Vik’s about to rip out your spine.”

Jackie let out a chuckle, though it sounded a bit forced. “Hey, chica, I’m chill. Just... not used to this, y’know?” He glanced at Vik, who was adjusting the instruments, and added, “No offense, Vik, but I like my flesh the way it is.”

Vik shook his head, smiling reassuringly. “You’ll be fine, Jack. Just think of it as an upgrade, not a replacement. This stuff is gonna make you tougher than ever. You’ll thank Asuka later for talking you into it.”

Asuka patted Jackie’s shoulder, leaning over to give him a wink. “Come on, big guy, think of it like getting a tune-up. You’re about to go from standard to heavy-duty.”

Jackie sighed, finally letting himself relax a bit. “Yeah, yeah. I guess. Just be gentle with me, alright, Vik?”

Vik laughed. “Promise. Alright, let’s get started.”

Asuka stood close by, assisting her father by handing him tools as the procedure began. She knew the process well—she’d seen Vik perform countless surgeries and cyberware installations. As Vik worked, Asuka kept talking to Jackie, keeping his mind off what was happening.

“Just think, Jack,” Asuka said, her voice light, “next time we run into a bunch of Tiger Claws, you won’t have to worry about their cheap blades. You’ll be slicing through them like butter.”

Jackie grinned, though his eyes were closed as he tried to stay calm. “Yeah, guess I won’t need to play dodgeball with their katanas anymore, huh?”

“Exactly,” Asuka nodded, handing Vik a surgical retractor. She glanced over at Jackie, her tone softening a bit. “And more importantly, this means I don’t have to worry about you getting torn up every time we do a job. You’re gonna be around for the long haul, Jack.”

Jackie opened one eye, smiling despite the haze of the sedatives that were kicking in. “I appreciate that, chica. But don’t think I won’t still be the one saving your ass when things get dicey.”

Vik worked methodically, his hands steady as he installed the titanium reinforcements along Jackie’s bones. He fused the titanium rods seamlessly into place, ensuring Jackie’s body would be able to handle a lot more than it could before. The subdermal armor came next—a process that involved layering beneath the skin, toughening his outer defenses without changing his natural look too much.

Asuka watched her dad work, always impressed by how calm and confident he was, even during complex procedures like this. Jackie was out by the time the titanium was fully installed, a light snore escaping him. Asuka chuckled softly, nudging her dad.

“Think he’s dreaming about that ARCH Nazaré right now?” she joked, her voice kept low so as not to wake Jackie.

Vik smiled as he closed up the last incision. “He’s probably dreaming of whatever crazy gig you’ve got planned next. You two never take a break, do you?”

Asuka shrugged, her smile turning into something a bit softer, a bit more serious. “Breaks are for when you feel safe, Dad. And we both know that’s not exactly a luxury in Night City.”

Vik gave her a knowing nod, his expression turning serious as he finished the last steps of Jackie’s procedure. “That’s true enough. Just promise me you’ll keep each other out of too much trouble.”

Asuka looked at her unconscious friend, then back to Vik. “Always, Dad. That’s what we do.”

With the last of the chrome installed, Vik stepped back, nodding in satisfaction. “Alright, he’s done. He’ll need some time to rest and recover, but once he’s up, he’s going to feel like a whole new man.”

Asuka smiled, looking at Jackie, who was still sleeping peacefully on the operating table. “Thanks, Dad. He’s gonna be thrilled when he wakes up.”

Vik began cleaning up, giving her a gentle pat on the shoulder as he passed. “You’re welcome, kid. Now let him rest, and maybe, just maybe, you can take a break yourself.”

Asuka chuckled, giving her dad a wink. “No promises. But I’ll take it easy on him, at least for today.”

Jackie groaned as he blinked his eyes open, the light of the clinic harsh against his groggy senses. Asuka leaned over him, her usual mischievous grin plastered across her face. “Look who’s awake. How’re you feeling, Chrome Dome?”

Jackie rubbed his face, blinking the sleep away as he tried to sit up. His body felt different—stronger, more solid. He looked down at his arms, testing his movement, flexing his fingers and feeling the weight of the new titanium beneath his skin. “Man, this... this feels weird, chica,” he said, his voice still a bit raspy. “Like I’m all... reinforced.”

Asuka laughed, stepping forward to help him to his feet. “That’s ‘cause you are, Jack. You’re walking outta here a lot tougher than when you came in. Vik did a great job, and you’re not even creaky like some of those older chromed-up punks.”

Jackie gave her a lopsided grin, pushing himself up with a bit of Asuka’s help. He could feel the strength in his bones, the reinforced metal giving him stability and power that he hadn’t felt before. “Guess I’m ready for anything now, huh?”

“You bet,” Asuka said, patting him on the back gently. “Come on, let’s get you out of here. Mama Welles would be worried sick if she knew you were getting this kind of upgrade without telling her. Let’s head to El Coyote so you can rest up properly.”

Jackie nodded, still shaking off the fog of sleep but managing a smile. “Yeah, alright, chica. But I ain’t letting you speed too much. These new bones gotta settle before we go on another rollercoaster ride.”

“Fine, fine,” Asuka said with a mock sigh, though her grin said otherwise. “Come on, let’s get you on my pink beast.”

She helped Jackie outside, where the bright pink Yaiba Kusanagi was parked, the glow from its neon reflecting off the pavement. Jackie eyed the bike with a mixture of fondness and exasperation. “One of these days, I’ll be riding alongside you instead of clinging on for dear life.”

Asuka gave him a playful wink. “Yeah, when you get that ARCH Nazaré. But until then, just suck it up and hold on tight.”

With a groan, Jackie climbed onto the back of the bike, still getting used to the weight and feel of his new upgrades. Asuka got on in front of him, revving the engine to life. “Hold on, big guy.”

Jackie wrapped his arms around her, and with a burst of power, Asuka pulled away from the clinic, the Yaiba roaring as they sped down the streets of Watson. She kept the ride smooth, making sure to dodge through the light traffic without putting too much strain on Jackie. The night was cool, the air thick with the smell of street food and the occasional metallic tang of Night City’s underbelly.

It didn’t take long for them to reach El Coyote Cojo, the bar glowing warmly in the dark streets of Heywood. Asuka slowed to a stop, her pink metal legs hitting the ground as she steadied the bike. Jackie slid off carefully, still feeling the residual haze from the procedure but managing a grin nonetheless.

“Thanks, chica,” he said, giving her a light fist bump.

After dropping off Jackie at El Coyote Cojo, Asuka decided it was time for a well-deserved break. The night had been intense, and she could feel the adrenaline finally starting to fade, leaving her both exhausted and restless. She knew just the place to relax—Misty’s new shop, Misty’s Esoterica, just outside her father's clinic.

Rolling up on her pink Yaiba Kusanagi, Asuka parked the bike and made her way inside. The smell of incense immediately greeted her, the soft glow of warm lights contrasting with the sharp neon of the street outside. Misty looked up from behind her counter, her face lighting up when she saw Asuka.

“Asuka! Come in, you look like you could use a little peace,” Misty said, her voice soft but welcoming.

Asuka let out a sigh, a smile tugging at her lips. “You have no idea. Had a wild runs ... I need to chill. Figured there’s no better place for that than here.”

Misty smiled knowingly. “You came to the right place. How about a little meditation? Maybe even some yoga? It’ll help you ground yourself.”

Asuka raised an eyebrow, clearly a bit skeptical. “Yoga, huh? Like that weird bendy stuff you were doing last time? I dunno, Misty, I’m not exactly a bendy person.”

Misty chuckled softly. “It’s not about being flexible, Asuka. It’s about finding balance and letting go of all the chaos, even if just for a little while. Come on, I promise it’ll help.”

Seeing the earnestness in Misty’s eyes, Asuka relented. “Alright, alright, lead the way. Just don’t laugh if I fall over or something.”

Misty led her to a quieter corner of the shop where a small mat was laid out. She handed Asuka a mat as well, and together they began a series of slow stretches and poses. Misty guided Asuka through the positions, moving at a pace that was gentle and focused, her calming voice narrating each movement. Asuka, though hesitant at first, started to relax, allowing herself to focus on her breathing and the gentle motions.

After a while, they shifted into a meditation session, sitting cross-legged with their eyes closed, focusing on the sound of their breath. The stress of the day began to melt away, the constant tension of Night City’s brutal reality fading into the background. For once, there was no noise, no flashing lights, no imminent danger. Just stillness.

Asuka wasn’t sure how long they stayed like that, but by the time they were finished, she felt lighter, as if some invisible weight had lifted off her shoulders. She opened her eyes, looking at Misty, who gave her a warm smile.

“See? Not so bad, right?” Misty said.

Asuka laughed, shaking her head. “Yeah, alright, I admit it. That was... actually kinda nice.” She paused, then added, “You know, Misty, I don’t say this enough, but you’re the best. My new bestie, actually. No one else in this city could get me to do this kind of weird meditation stuff and actually enjoy it.”

Misty’s eyes softened, her smile broadening. “I’m glad, Asuka. You know, you don’t always have to be out there fighting and running. Sometimes, you need to take care of your spirit too.”

Asuka nodded, a genuine smile on her face. “Yeah, I think I get that now. Thanks, Misty. Seriously. I’d probably lose my mind without someone like you around.”

Misty gave her a gentle pat on the arm. “Anytime, Asuka. You’re always welcome here.”

As the session wound down, Misty leaned back, her eyes still carrying that gentle glow of peace that always seemed to linger around her. She looked at Asuka thoughtfully for a moment, as if considering her next words carefully.

“Hey, Asuka,” Misty began, her voice quiet but filled with a bit of hopeful excitement, “there’s, uh, actually something I wanted to ask you. There’s this concert coming up in a few days... kind of an indie scene thing. I was wondering if you’d wanna come with me?”

Asuka tilted her head, a grin spreading across her face. “A concert? With you?” she asked, a spark of interest in her eyes.

Misty nodded, her expression a mix of excitement and nervousness. “Yeah, I know it’s not your usual kind of scene—no chrome, no guns blazing, just music and some good people. But honestly, I could also use a little extra protection. You know how Night City can be, especially in those crowded venues. And besides... I think it’d be fun, just the two of us.”

Asuka’s grin widened immediately. There was no hesitation in her mind. Spending time with Misty, helping her out, and catching some live music? It sounded like the perfect kind of break from the chaos of her usual life. “Are you kidding me? Hell yeah, I’m in! I mean, a concert sounds awesome, and having an excuse to kick some gangoons’ asses if they cause trouble? Even better.”

Misty laughed, her eyes lighting up at Asuka’s enthusiasm. “I knew I could count on you. Just remember, it’s more about the music and less about the kicking asses part.”

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